
Re-reading my own Reviews

Anywhere there are Titties.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 3:30 AM
I like to occasionally go thru my own Reviews and re-read them. Two reasons. 1) I read them and re-live the visit. Remembering a great VIP visit or a beautiful dancer. But also 2) many people will read your Reviews weeks and even months after you wrote it, then make comments. I get a real kick out of seeing if people liked my story. A third reason is that it will get me motivated to go back to a place I haven't been to in a while. Do you ever read your old Reviews ?


  • Longball300
    2 years ago
    Yep, for mostly the same reasons and to make sure when I am writing a review for a club the second or third time to put a different spin on it and not be repetitive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Hardly ever - I've done it a time or two more out-of-curiosity to see how I have "evolved" as a PL - when I read my first few TUSCL reviews I kinda LOL at how easily I was satisfied back-then when I wasn't aware of what the entire strip-club scene had to offer. Being a variety-PL also means that I'm constantly looking forward to a new adventure/dancer vs sticking w/ the same-old same-old (and why I don't stick to fave-dancers nor usually look-forward to repeating w/ the same dancers except maybe if I haven't been w/ them for a while; and thus why "reliving" old visits doesn't do that much for me) - also; after so many visits over-the-years and so-many-dancers; these days I find it hard to even remember how those dancers looked even if at the time I really enjoyed being w/ them - sometimes reading one of my old-reviews will lubricate-my-memory but still as a variety-PL I'm always more interested on what I haven't experienced vs what I have already-experienced.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    The only time I look back is to retrieve information about a club and or review that I need to know now.
  • EastCoaster
    2 years ago
    Yes, once in a while I'll re-read an old review I've written. I travel a lot and have visited a whole bunch of clubs -- more than 250 -- and with many of them, it's been only once, maybe in a location I'm just driving through on my way to another state. Sometimes I'll read a current TUSCL review of a club in a distant city and wonder if that's one I may have visited, once, a number of years ago. In that case, I'll find and re-read my review, which instantly brings back the details of my visit and helps me compare my impressions with that of a more recent reviewer. As others have said about why they like to write reviews, it's nice to have a place I can go to relive some of the highlights of my adventures -- and misadventures -- in this hobby. Thanks, founder, for providing me a fun repository for that.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I will do it once in a blue moon, sometimes I'll forget and certain details will jog my memory. And I agree with eastcoaster I don't really take pictures or write anything down outside of on here. Everything I have just what's in my head. Sometimes I feel maybe I'll regret that but I don't want to take my head out of the moment to do that stuff either a lot of times.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I'll go back and look at old reviews. I've been accused of my reviews being too much like a strip club diary and I plead guilty to that. I try to make my reviews useful to others but that is not the only reason I write them.
  • Electronman
    2 years ago
    I do enjoy reading comments and questions on my club reviews, and I will often answer questions about the club. I'm a light weight compared to Muddy (500+ reviews) and a few other prolific club reviewers, but with over 200 reviews, it is a major investment of time to do very frequent re reads. On rare occasion, I will re read a review if I'm considering a private dance with a dancer who I've previously written about. While I fully agree with the TUSCL guideline to NOT link dancer names to specific reports of sexual activity and fees, I sometimes wish that I had a more detailed record of my private dance adventure and costs.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    I'll do it once in a while, along with others' reviews since my last. Mostly so I can make sure I affirm or correct information I might have previously posted.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Same as others, I don’t have notifications for this site, so I’ll occasionally circle back to see if anyone commented or asked a question in one of my reviews. I sometimes also need to go back and check details against a new review I’m writing or someone else wrote. I’ll also occasionally read for nostalgia about a club, visit or review I thought I wrote well.
  • NJBalla
    2 years ago
    I do it often. I dont go to different places anymore because many NJ clubs have closed or were taken over by bad management. However, its good to reflect on which clubs were fun years ago.
  • gSteph
    2 years ago
    Sure I do. Much of the reason for writing them is to solidify the fun memories 😀 Rereading them helps keep the memories.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Do you dildos know how to spell? It’s RAVIEWS
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I don't re-read my reviews often, but as mentioned I don't read the notifications about comments or anything so I'll take a look and try to respond back in there. I do sometimes re-read them out of curiosity, they're kinda funny when clubs or my preferences change over time.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    sometimes I will take a look. reread, relive, remember...
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