
Bit of a weird experience at SC - Wondering why?

Avatar for noobboob1

Okay, I am mostly just curious about the motivation behind why a stripper would tell another stripper I was gay. What's her game here?

I've visited this stripper several time now over the last few months. Maybe 3-4 private shows in that time. She charges a bit more than the others, but has always been worth it. We will call her S.

A couple weeks ago, I went into the club and got a private show from another girl, call her E. It's my second one with her, doesn't charge nearly as much for the private room, but still does a great job. After my 45 min. with E, I then did 30 min. with S and then called it a night.

A few hours later, E was talking with the front office lady and was saying how she had a good time with me when S walks up and said "oh, are you talking about NoobBoob, you know he's gay, right?".

I got a text from E a few days laters telling me what she said and asking if I really am gay, because I "definately didn't seem it". Anyway, I am just wondering why S would have said it? Was it jealousy over possibly loosing money? Did she confuse me with someone else? I doubt she would think I am actually gay, so not exactly sure what is going on here!

Just a side note, I don't think E would be lying about this, I think S really did say it, but let me know your thoughts why!


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Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

If S actually said that, then she's probably being territorial about her money.

If E is lying about S saying that, then she's likely trying to steal you from S as a customer.

Or, one or both of them love creating random drama.

My recommendation is to not care either way.

Avatar for drewcareypnw

High level: this is Stripper Shit. There is some complex interplay at work, and it focuses on your money, and possible their interpersonal drama. Almost certainly, neither gives a shit as to whether or not you are gay. You are a paying customer and they want your money, whatever your orientation is.

To delve into the hypothetical, there could be several reasons:

  1. S is mad that you gave money and time to another dancer instead of her, and is lashing out by saying a thing that men get hurt by: "you are gay". Which is absurd, considering what you are doing with both of them.

  2. E is making this up, because she thinks she can drive a wedge between you and S, and take over as your CF.

  3. E is not making this up, but is cheerfully reporting the information with the same intention as #2.

  4. S thinks that E would care about you being gay, and is trying to scare her away from you in order to protect future revenue.

  5. Otherwise Unspecified Drama.

With regard to you side note: yes, she is lying to you. About many things, and probably about this as well.

Perhaps the more interesting question is: what are you doing with or saying to these dancers to give them the impression that this information would generate a response from you?

Avatar for RockAllNight

You've only been on tuscl a month, if you stay, you will learn that stripper shit is stripper shit, just disregard

Avatar for Warrior15

I think the only thing to do is to fuck them both in a 3some. Might not prove anything but it would still be fun.

Avatar for whodey

Either S really thinks you are gay or she is trying to push E away so she can get all of your money. Possibly both.

Either way, Warrior's suggestion is the only appropriate way to resolve the issue.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Why would you care what S or E thinks about your sexual orientation?

A private show? Wtf? If you get a private room and sit there watching her - that might be why she thinks you are gay? Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

You pay strippers for good filthy dances, and you don’t worry about stripper gossip. It’s as easy as that.

Avatar for noobboob1

I am new on here and so maybe my terminology is a bit off. By private show, I didn't mean just sitting there watching her. Both are good filthy dances where it is very very clear that I was turned on.

I don't so much care what they think of me, more curious why she would say it. Just a territorial/money thing or something else. For my little time reading on here, it seems like most the motivation behind what strippers do is to get more momey, which is fine with me. Was just wondering how that would get her more money if that's what she was doing.

Warrior, that sounds like the right answer to just about any question that could be asked. Thanks.

Drew, if I had to guess, I think its explanation numbers 1 and 3, but again, just curious about the situation.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

It sounds like bs from another cacaplop account.

Strippers tend to love hanging out with gay guys so I'm calling bs on cacaplops bs

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Well, if S and E don't work out, there's always X...

Avatar for rickdugan

There are two equally valid answers to your questions, both also questions:

Answer 1: Who the fuck knows?

Answer 2: Who the fuck cares?

Be above it. These are two girls who clearly want your money. Don't hand away your natural power advantage by getting sucked into silly girly drama, which will diminish you in their eyes. If I were you I would never mention it again to either of them. If E brings it up the next time, just casually brush if off as if you couldn't care less, maybe with a self-deprecating smile and a shrug.

Potential OTC Addendum

Let me preface the rest of what I'm about to say by pointing out that I'm always on the lookout for the potential to convert a fun ITC partner into an even more fun OTC adventure. If that's not your cup of tea, just stop with what I said above and focus on the girl who gives you the best overall experience for your dollar.

When I say "Who the fuck cares?" in this context I mean about the comment itself. Do pay attention to the potential ulterior motives. Whether S actually said it or not, the fact that E bothered to report it to you at all tells you that she is highly motivated, which is further supported by her willingness to undercut S' VIP price. IMO she may be ripe for a decent OTC offer.

S is a bit more of a crap shoot. She's already used to you making her fat and happy ITC. It's probable that she did make that comment, but far from certain, but either way you've already set a baseline expectation that needs to be overcome.

On the next trip or two, you might want to consider continuing to split your money the way you did on the last one and observe how S reacts. Once she stops assuming that she'll be the automatic default choice for your spending, other opportunities may open up with her as well. Or they may not, but either way you still had ITC fun with both girls, so you didn't lose anything.

Good luck.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Strip-clubs are bizarro-world – trying to apply “real world logic” to them is usually a fool’s-errand - i.e. one should take w/ a grain-of-salt what people in a strip-club say whether it’s a dancer; a custy; or staff-member - at the end of the day it’s a busine$$-transaction; the dancer(s) is happy if she gets her $$$, and the custy is happy if he gets good-service – and that is pretty-much the gist of it w/ rare-exceptions.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Any chance S is a transsexual who took hormones and got implants, but kept her candy, which she knows how to tuck really well?

Avatar for wallanon

Lol. I'll read the thread later, but lol at the question if this actually happened.

Avatar for 3131

STOP trying to understand strippers. Even if you take away their substance abuse a d lack of sleep.... they are about as predictable as stray cats.

Avatar for noobboob1


I like your advice and I think you are on to something about OTC experiences. E has already offered several times meeting OTC letting me know when she is available. I am new to the SC scene and have never done anything OTC before, so I haven't taken her up on the offer, but would like to. So my question is, how do you bring it up with the girl, like on a serious level. How do you set clear expectations on what will happen? How often do they flake out? etc..??

Along the same lines, when talking to a girl about a VIP room, how do you (anyone) find out what they are or are not willing to do and for how much? I've noticed some are vague and not good, others are vague but really good. How do you filter? (sorry, getting off subject, but I think my initial question has been answered to death).

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

noob said "I am new to the SC scene and have never done anything OTC before, so I haven't taken her up on the offer, but would like to."

Right. Well, there's your opportunity. Go for it.

"So my question is, how do you bring it up with the girl, like on a serious level."

If you've already had some ITC fun, then say something like "Would you be interested in us doing more of this outside the club?"

If you've not had ITC fun, then buy her a drink and chat for a short while to get a sense of her personality/openness. If there are no red flags, then ask if she'd be willing to get together for a fun time outside the club. She's going to know what you're asking for, and she's either going to start negotiating or say no. Getting OTC from a dancer that doesn't know you at all is going to be harder than getting OTC from a dancer who has a bit of club experience with you.

"How do you set clear expectations on what will happen?"

In either of the scenarios above, say to her: "This is what I'm looking for." Meaning, just say it.

"How often do they flake out? etc..??"

If it's a dancer you've known for a while, then less often than dancers who don't know you at all. Beyond that, it's a gamble. Be prepared for them to flake, or be some degree of fashionably to unfashionably late.

"Along the same lines, when talking to a girl about a VIP room, how do you (anyone) find out what they are or are not willing to do and for how much?"

Say something like, "I'm interested in VIP, but I like to have extra fun in there. Can we talk about that first?" She's either going to tell you what she offers or ask you what you want. Tell her. Don't be vague (but do be polite). And once that's settled, ask what it's going to cost.

"I've noticed some are vague and not good, others are vague but really good. How do you filter?"

Usually, if I've been honest and straightforward about what I want, and the dancer is still using a lot of vague language, then I don't go to VIP with that dancer. Occasionally, I'll throw caution to the wind and give it a shot, but usually not. There are also times when I'll take a dancer to VIP without any sort of chat about what to expect. It's sometimes fun to take a shot in the dark and see what happens.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "I am new to the SC scene and have never done anything OTC before, so I haven't taken her up on the offer, but would like to. So my question is, how do you bring it up with the girl, like on a serious level. How do you set clear expectations on what will happen? How often do they flake out? etc..??"

Look, you've already spent money on her ITC and gotten to know her a bit. She's also already offered it before. So the next time you see her, simply ask her if she'd still like to meet up with you and, if so, what she would need for it. No need to discuss specific expectations. Only on this silly site is that even a serious question. But if she poses the question (which can be a bad sign btw), simply tell her that you'd like to take her out for a drink and then a side stop elsewhere before she heads home, or you'd be happy getting straight to the point if she would prefer.

Don't overcomplicate simple.

Avatar for rickdugan

As far as the question about if they flake, the answer is sometimes. Just don't plan anything elaborate on the first meetup beyond a stop to the hotel room and maybe a few drinks. The first time it's best not to even pay for the hotel until she shows if you can work it that way. If things go well and you have a little history with her, then you might be able to advance plan a bit more.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Noob if you dont know the dancer well they could suspect you’re a cop and not want to discuss any specifics. You might have to use some indirect wording. For OTC i wouldnt pay the money up front, you could pay like $100 up front, $100 every 20 minutes etc.

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