I'm really worried about Tom Brady
Will he be now seen as "damaged goods" now to women? Will he live the rest of his life in solitude? Does he cry at night during the quieter times? I'm not sure if he'll ever find love again, ever. Let's all say a prayer tonight for Tom Brady and all those less fortunate than us.
I think Ishmael provides the best advice. That is something Brady must do before he begins dating.
I mean, there's no shortage of users here who could spend their time better [raises hand], but he's providing the master class on "never getting that time back".
God, what a lucky SOB. Rich, talented, good looking and an insatiable Super Model Wife
Scrub ape, it is great that you admire Brady ape since he is one of the most remarkable hairless apes on the planet, but he really wouldn’t appreciate your defense of his honor. Muddy ape told a mild joke and you reacted like you bought 10 double shot lattes from Starbucks, then said fuck it, dumped ‘em out, and just mainlined all the meth in a hundred trailer parks.
This rick’s advice - rickvice, if you will - is to mellow. Brady ape, honorary rick that his is, will be fine even if Muddy ape says something stupid about him on the interwebz. Just take a deep breath and don’t roar…