Celtics head coach Ime Udoka facing team discipline for 'improper' relationship

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Report: Celtics head coach Ime Udoka facing team discipline for alleged 'improper' consensual relationship with female staff member


Another story, another day, another affair, hardly news. The crazy part about this story is Ime Udoka has apparently been with Nia Long since 2010. NIA LONG!!!! I totally forgot about her but Googled her and now I remember what a total babe she has always been. Even more crazy Nia Long is 50 now!!!!! Ime is 45. Nia still looks amazing at 50.


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avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
You’d think the Celtics would be relieved , it seems to be a normal m-f relationship nothing weird or abnormal about it.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Nothing until he breaks up with her and the Celtics get sued for sexual harassment. No big deal. When I started college my dad's advice was you don't shit where you eat so don't date women who live on your floor.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
There are so many scandals these days - an NBA coach having an improper affair with an adult woman doesn’t seem to be newsworthy.

But, on a positive note Nia Long looks great! That guy should be enjoying Nia and avoiding sniffing around the Celtics offices!
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Company relationships are fine. Until they’re not.

They break up and the staffer is passed over for promotion that she thinks she’s earned. Or she gets a promotion and someone else thinks she got it because she is or was sleeping with the boss and sues the team saying it should have gone to the man or woman not sleeping with the boss. That’s just the beginning.

When in the office, keep it in your pants. If you want to take the chance, you’re placing your career in the hands of your relationship. Ok with that? Then also consider that you’re placing your career in the hands of what your colleagues and rivals and your partner’s colleagues and rivals, think of the decisions you make about personnel. All of those decisions. Promotions, comp, etc. No thanks.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Damn, they're talking about a full season ban. That seems excessive.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
100% Ime's fault. What a stupid asshole.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
From reading the article it appears he's in trouble she's not, why is that, do any of y'all get that or am I missing something ?
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
I didn’t read the article but it always (rightfully) falls on the superviser. The ‘relationship’ isn’t improper. It’s the risk to the club that comes from the risk to the lower ranked employee.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I understand that point @Jimmy, but the rules don't say having a consensual relationship with a non-supervisory co-worker is allowed, she should also be subject to some discipline, maybe he, has more fault than her, butv she's not an innocent teenager being taken advantage of, she's a grown woman subject to the same rules as everybody else.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
^25 sexual harassment case law recognizes that the power disparity is so large that it's the supervisor's fault 100% of the time.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
That makes sense ski,

shut the fuck up shrub, pay your gambling debts like a man you stupid faggity weasel
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I am also informed that the clause is in Ime's contract, so once again the little head wins....
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
25, think about how that would work. Disciplining an underling for an improper relationship? No, the fault lies with the superviser, as it should. It’s a power dynamic.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Looks like he's getting suspended for a year and plans on resigning in response.
avatar for traveler2019
2 years ago
In the 1940's a owner of a business dated his secretary who was seven years younger and ultimately got married. Five years later, they had a son. I call them mom and dad, They were married over 25 years until my dad died. There should be nothing wrong for a boss to date his secretary if it is consentual.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
The only way something can truly be consensual in the workplace is if both are on equal footing in the company in every single way. Further, a private employer is free to set the terms of employment, including no dating relationships with co-workers at all, ever. Thats the rule for the Celtics in this shitty METOO world and that was part of the contract Ime agreed to. He agreed not to date, broke the agreement and is being punished. We have a rule in our office: no visible tats, piercings or clothing with any political statement. The receptionist came in a few months ago with a "Let's go Brandon" T-Shirt. My partner, a Liz Warren fan, was appalled. I agree with the sentiment, but I was the one who sent her home without pay, suspended her for three (3) days and gave her her final warning. Way to go Ime you stupid entitled fuck.
avatar for theeastcoast757
2 years ago
Worst part it was a downgrade from his wife.
avatar for theeastcoast757
2 years ago
Worst part it was a downgrade from his wife.
avatar for theeastcoast757
2 years ago
My bad on the double post guess it makes it extra true.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
I am waiting for the cries of "racism" from the press, which will come when he justifies quitting because he was suspended for a year. Ruined the Celtic's season before it started.
avatar for crosscheck
2 years ago
^ Stephen A. Smith already did yesterday morning...
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Of course, Stephen Smith, the ignorant, racist, bigot did lol. Ime signed a contract. Put his name on an agreement not to fuck the staff, but of course it's' racist to require people to honor their commitments. What a totally fucked up culture.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Update: Sports radio reporting now that it "started out consensual". Then it went to harassment. Ime fucked up his career for sex. Damn.
avatar for LVclubber
2 years ago
Never get your honey where you get your money.
avatar for Studme53
2 years ago
I worked at a crazy old-school office where the guys in charge were mostly fairly well-paid, 30s and 40s year old married alpha male types and most of the female clerical staff were either lower economic, single (and looking for a man) divorced, single mom, etc - it was like the land of misfit toys. The women we’re looking to hook up at least as much as the men.

There were so many affairs the trope of the angry wife coming into the office looking to tear apart the hussy secretary had a code name - “A Jeanie” - after a wife who pummeled one of the girls in the parking lot.
I was tempted, believe me. One really hot you’ll secretary I’d flirt with actually gave me a “Fuck Buddy” agreement to fill out - kind of as a joke but not really. The risk wasn’t worth it for me. It never ended well. You don’t shit where you eat.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
The saddest thing is he worked so fucking hard to get to be a head coach; does great at it; is being talked about as the next great coach; has a team expected to be in it for the championship again...oh and is engaged to a movie star, yet not only has to have an affair .. at work .. in violation of the rules .. in violation of his contract .. but when it ends and no one knows, does he go whew and do the right thing? Nope, he has to be a dick and make rude fucking comments and then she goes to the bosses. Hoe fucking stupid and childish. Oh, and Ime? Up yours for not letting the shit hit the fan before I bet your fucking team in the futures book.....
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
I’m a big sports fan, but not much of an NBA fan, at least not since the days of MJ, Bird, and Reggie Miller

To be honest I had no idea who the Celtics coach was since Brad Stevens changed roles. Never even heard this name til yesterday
avatar for motorhead
2 years ago
…but one year seems pretty harsh
avatar for BitCoinHodler
2 years ago
I'm a die hard celtics fan, I waited for more information to come before making a judgment. It turns out the relationship soured and Ime was making inappropriate comments to her during work and this is when the org stepped in. They've known since July but are acting now due to the unwanted comments from Ime to the staffer.

Ime's camp leaked the story to emphasize it was consensual in the beginning in an attempt to get ahead of it. I do not expect nor do I want Ime back with the Celtics.
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