When do men stop caring about their looks?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
After seeing some recent pictures of Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, David Letterman, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger, there must be a point when old white men just say, “what the fuck, I’m rich, I don’t care what I look like”
I only bring this up because the majority of TUSCL may be approaching that state
I only bring this up because the majority of TUSCL may be approaching that state
The guys mentioned by the OP are in the public eye, and are in their 70’s, and they likely still care about their looks.
They are likely showing their age. Some of them may have lived hard lives, and that’s possibly one explanation.
Since I’ve been working from home, over the past 2.5 years, I’ve been less concerned about dressing nicely. I’m in my late 50’s, and I know that I’m showing my age. If I was still in the office 5 days a week, I would likely dress better.
Saw a pic of Springsteen recently where he looked like Woody Allen. He definitely could do better
Health and disease play a larger role, because people focus less on being looking good when more of their mental bandwidth is consumed by a diagnosis of a long-term illness. Or, when an illness or disability makes it much harder to do do the basics of self care.
And, as we age those diagnoses occur more often and pile up.
Caring less about your looks because you have wealth may be a contributing factor, though. In my case, at the age of 66 I just have a general feeling of being slightly tired all the time and that makes it harder to push myself into exercising and keeping my weight down and cooking healthy food. My weight is still normal but every year it becomes harder to keep it there. When I go on a 3-mile hike at a nearby state park I see almost no one else as old as me. I can understand why they are not there because of declining energy with age.
yet neil young still managed to get hitched up with daryl hannah, who used to date jfk jr. and that guy was considered one of the sexiest men alive.
btw, she looks really for good at 61 years old.
It’s not all the same but to me it appears most men give up somewhere in their mid to late 40s. I know once I hit 40 my metabolism took a major hit and it is very hard for me to lose weight compared to my 30s when it was very easy. It takes me effort to maintain my weight and I’d imagine most guys are like “fuck it I’ll just be fat.”
Simone de Beauvoir wrote that the expectation for women to dress to please men does not let up until they are too old.
I think for an older man, some will appreciate him, but it is based on a lot more than looks.
<img src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S31badf407dd3…">
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But the unhealthy habits from those days don't have their old appeal either.
I'm no longer a student; I'm working FT with a side hustle (but thankfully on things I'm passionate about).
My friends I drank 10 Ketel Ones on the rocks in a sitting with are married and most have kids (though I am back to Deutschland shortly and sneaking in an FKK trip).
I don't eat the giant meals I used to; I'd rather have smaller quantities of higher quality food.
The only vice I participate in more than then is (surprise) strip clubs, and that's because I have the cash to now.
And there are things that start to change after age 50 that are harder to offset.
An older man is offering more than just physicality, and more than just money though.
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