OnTopic: Biden Cancels Student Debt

avatar for Daddillac
This is going to fuck up pricing in the club. For years we have been paying their tuition....


last comment
This will make pussy cheaper than water Damn That Joe Biden
Maybe you don't understand supply and demand.... Before they needed us to pay those bills and they were willing to work for it. Now Joe has paid their bills and asked for nothing in return, this is going to drive the cost of pussy up dramatically. Remember after the stimulus checks came in....
That's a novel approach to attacking Ole Joe, Vote for the MAGA group the libs are going to raise the price of pussy.
Still LOL good point's to you buddy.
If by "tuition" you mean money for their bills, dependents (including loser SOs) and drug habits, then sure, we can call that "tuition" if you would like. But if you're actually referring to money paid to an accredited college towards a degree program, I somehow suspect that loan forgiveness is not going to seriously compete much with our club spending. 😉
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
The three hundred-billion-dollar cost for this is just part of the overspending by the government. Like the rest of the overspending, the government will probably just print the money up to pay for it and that will lead to more inflation and rising prices.

As prices continue to rise, guys will spend more and more of their income just on necessities. Strippers will then be struggling because, for most men, lap dances are a luxury and they will stop showing up at strip clubs. It's really only a free-market economy that generates enough excess wealth that luxuries like strip clubs can be afforded by large numbers of men. An intelligent stripper would not be voting for socialists who pass out free stuff to everyone because her career success depends on a healthy economy and men having lots of extra money to spend.

Despite all the histrionics, it’s not ‘free college’ or wiping out all of student debt. It’s $10k and $300 billion, a fraction of what it costs to go to school and rent/living expenses while in school, and the $300B is a fraction of the US economy. Debate the policy merits all you want (and the other thread has, to ridiculous degree) but this decision if it even holds up to legal challenge will barely be felt by either the borrowers or those who are ‘paying for it.’
I just know how many of them are in school for something and are stripping their way through (according to them) LOL
As for attacking Joe... That was not my intent, I was merely trying to relate current events to strip clubs, which is what we are supposed to be discussing
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Personally never encountered a stripper stripping to pay student debt. Either they are avoiding the choice between a near minimum wage job and school. Or in school and minimizing debt.
I never bought the "stripping my way through college" let alone med school or law school. Maybe it's true, but I figure anything they tell me is designed to thin out my wallet, and college is better than "I'm stripping for weed money" or "I'm stripping because the alternative is $11.25 an hour."

Long term this is going to increase tuition and debt, as colleges know they can jack it up with impunity and students know they'll get bailed out. It's called "moral hazard."

Strippers, being money-oriented, should know what majors are going to pay off.
Shrub, I bet not only am I in better shape than you, I'm smarter than you on my worst day, and have more friends here, than you have anywhere. Unlike you I have met many here including nice spice, whom you owe 10 Gs to and she's been nice about it, if you owed me I'd tack on vig and squeeze the money out of your hide, you cowardly welsher, any time you think you're man enough LMK, and I'll stick your power pointer 3050 up your ass and give you exactly what you deserve .
Shrubby Turd, Just be sure to LMK when, and I will take your power pointer and shove it so far up your ass they'll need the James Webb Telescope to find it.
Faggit Welcher
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
People often say an individual spending program is not a large amount of money compared to total government spending. If you let them all go through on that basis, though, added together they cost a lot. Senator Everett Dirksen once supposedly said "a billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money". He may or may not have actually said it, but it was such a good quip it has been repeated many times.
I think we can debate the student loan giveaway program somewhere else.... this thread is supposed to be about what will the program do to the cost of pussy. I think it will drive the cost up lol
I'm just gonna post about stripping...

I'm just gonna post about stripping....

Ok, now that I'm in the zone, this is not gonna help us. I have no doubt that there are ladies who strip as a side hustle to paybdown student loan debt. It's certainly a minority percentage. I would bet there are more girls on SB websites looking to pay down student loan debt then on stage. The majority on stage are more the ones without any degree.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
"I think we can debate the student loan giveaway program somewhere else.... this thread is supposed to be about what will the program do to the cost of pussy. I think it will drive the cost up lol"

The cost of pussy is not just based on the student debt cancellation program possibly decreasing supply. Price is based on both supply and demand. That's Econ 101. The cost of pussy also depends on the overall health of the economy and the ability of men to pay for pussy. Poor economy, less money. Less money, less demand. So, it is appropriate to discuss the overall effect of the student debt cancellation rather than just narrowly focusing on whether strippers not needing to pay student loans will lead them to be less likely to do extras.
The more likely way it would impact strip club economics would be a spike in demand. As Spice's other thread indicated, old guys don't have the lock on spending in strip clubs. If recent grads see their debt drop by 10-20k, they may spend more in the clubs.

In the grand scheme of things, do I think it changes anything in the strip club? Nope. I'm pretty sure next to none of the Cuban strippers in the Pompano clubs are getting any student loan forgiveness. And very few of the customers are either. Either they're too old, not the college types, spending daddies money anyway, had no intention of ever paying it off anyway, or something else. If I asked every person in every club in Pompano for a week I'd be shocked if I found 5 people who are impacted, dancer, customer, or employee. But I'm sure I'd get a whole lot of bitching about it.
People have been getting rich off of the Reagan tax cuts, and this is wrong.

That money should be used for things like sending people to college.

So this change is good.

Those COVID bail out payments were idiotic. This is what is causing our currency to devalue. All the money did was prop up rentiers and mortgage lenders. The way we get it back is with upper income and large portfolio taxation. No one would have to pay this is they relinquished their income or liquidated their portfolios.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Wow 25 you destroyed him! Left him scrambling
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
"The more likely way it would impact strip club economics would be a spike in demand."

It will almost certainly decrease demand. Some young and old guys with canceled debt will be better off but young and old guys with no debt will be worse off. Two thirds of student debt is held by females so the overall effect of canceling debt will be a shifting of wealth from men to women. Strip club demand would increase if women used the increase in wealth to go to strip clubs, but most strip club visitors are men and men as a group will have less wealth after this.

Whether stripper females benefit from this depends on whether they are more likely to hold student debt than non-stripper females. I'm just guessing, based on my interactions with strippers, but I think strippers are less likely to go to college than the average female. So, this will end up hurting strippers. Their male customers will have less money to spend, and that money will have gone more to non-stripper females rather than to them.
avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
tusclers have completely lost their sense of humor.
^ not all of them
^ If a joke flops you don't blame the audience, you blame the comedian.
The number of people who took this as a serious post speaks volumes lol
We don't want people to go to college and then end up crushed with debt. We want people to go to college.

"We want people to go to college."
No, only you do.
Productive members of society want fewer, more productive college grads.
We need more broadly and widely educated people and college grads.

More productive by the supply side logic is insanity.

More productive in thinking critically suggests more emphasis on Gender Studies and Racial Grievances and these are very important.


Emily Williams-I Say a Little Prayer For You
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I'm aware the original poster was trying to make a joke, but I wanted to discuss this. No one had brought it up as a serious subject, so I went ahead and discussed it here. I'm a little puzzled why I have to explain this to the original poster. This didn't occur to you as a possibility on your own?
LOL @docsavage.... I just have not tried to determine all the ramifications of the program. It will have little effect on my clubbing and I usually stay awy from the women living on a string and a prayer. My guess is those that spend a lot of time trying to figure this out have too much time and too little money, I'm a little puzzled that I have to explain that to you
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
"My guess is those that spend a lot of time trying to figure this out have too much time and too little money, I'm a little puzzled that I have to explain that to you."

Where did I say I spent a lot of time trying to figure it out? I figured it out after a few seconds thought. If I were you, I wouldn't make any plans to try and make a living as a stand-up comedian.
===> "The number of people who took this as a serious post speaks volumes lol"

Absolutely. It says that a lot of people thought you were actually stupid enough to believe that many of these girls were stripping to pay for college. 😉

Next time you might consider posting with a little more dramatic flair, which might tip people off that you are simply being humorous rather than moronic. As I said before, when a joke flops, it's usually the fault of the comedian, not the audience.
I got it as a yuck right off but some of the folks who don’t really know the OP, might not get his sense of humor, still some of you fellas just need to lighten up a bit.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
I think this particular free stuff giveaway won't have much effect on strip clubs but if you add up all the free stuff giveaways the politicians are coming up with the cost will end up collapsing the economy. When the economy collapses the strip club industry will collapse too.

My father told me once that when he was a child during the Great Depression people would knock on the door of his house and ask for food. My grandmother was a kind woman and would fix them a sandwich. I'm afraid we will have people going hungry again in the near future. People won't have money to buy lap dances, so I worry about my stripper regulars a little bit. I hope they do ok.
LOL... Im really not concerned whether anybody else thought it was funny or not... just a little surprised at the collective dumbassery.

Just thought a little light hearted post about a serious topic may be fun, I guess not

It's times like these that I question why I spend time here at all, and honestly I'm spending less and less these days
Sometimes deadpan humor doesn't translate well in a written format. Just own that you blew it and move on.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
"It's times like these that I question why I spend time here at all, and honestly I'm spending less and less these days."

Maybe if you weren't laughing at people you think are too dumb to get that you are joking you would come across a little better. That's a bit condescending.

When I want someone to laugh at my jokes, I go to a strip club. The strippers always laugh at my jokes as long as I'm buying lap dances. In a strip club I'm the funniest man on the planet.
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