
Do you care about a dancer or escorts morals?

Thursday, August 25, 2022 4:07 AM
If they admit to you that they steal or scam other clients or people in general is that a dealbreaker for you? If you buy otc or a dance you’re basically helping to support immorality. And if they’re scamming in general chances are they would scam you too if they could get away with it or if you didn’t find out it was them etc.


  • IRman
    2 years ago
    Yes, definitely a deal breaker for me. But I rarely get to know them that well.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I have a slight preference for strippers who are stripping to feed their kids or pay for school over someone who is stripping to support an alcohol or drug addiction. I don't like feeling like I'm helping to enable self-destructive behavior. As for strippers engaged in criminal activities, they don't usually tell me about those activities and I can't tell from their behavior in the club that they are involved in that. It's easier to spot a drug addict than a criminal. It's been my observation that most strippers don't care about the moral standards of the customers. If some guy researching a cure for cancer and another guy who deals drugs are visiting a club as regulars the strippers will just pay more attention to whichever one spends more. In a strip club, men are largely viewed by women in terms of their willingness to spend money. There is nothing really wrong with that. The guys there largely just view the women in terms of sexual attractiveness and what they will do sexually and don't think much about anything else.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    First off, why would a girl ever admit to this to another customer? But OK, playing along with this, a firm yes to outright thievery. A thief is always a thief. If she cares so little that she's not fazed by telling you, she's probably not going to worry about how you react if (or more likely when) she steals from you. As far as "scam" we need a lot more specificity on exactly what that means. These girls run a variety of hustles all the time, including romance hustles, pity hustles, etc., etc. Tbh I don't care how they hustle other guys because it won't work on me anyway. My ATF and the runner up to that title both had no problem fleecing guys foolish enough to get emotional and cough up more than they really could afford to spend, yet I enjoyed each of them immensely. If you behave like prey in a strip club, it won't be long before you become a meal for some predator.
  • RTP
    2 years ago
    I get dances from a dancer I have known for over 10 years. She has offered OTC many times. I do know that she has a few arrests, including assault and one for shooting her baby daddy in the leg. I am very attracted to her, but so far my big head has told me that getting further involved with her would not be a smart thing.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago
    Public Service Announcement (PSA) BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads. But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself. If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it. Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions. ~ [view link].Ishmael ~ April 29, 2022 “In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers." ~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick one dancer told me the first day I met her that she was getting locked up next week for all kinds of theft fraud charges. It seemed like it could be as you said a pity hustle thing. She did actually get locked up though for a day or more. I think she was hoping people would feel pity or something. Cause she was saying shit like ill be locked up unless someone pays my bail. Additionally one dancer admitted to me that she would finesse my former friend if he came there. She was bragging about getting some drunk guy to spend $1000 on her but I’m not sure what she did for that 1k. Rick by scam I mean like if the dancer is a ROB with other clients like promising stuff in dances then not delivering when money is given. Even if she didnt rob or scam you, doing it to other people still shows evil of some sort. And it also means she probably would rob you if she knew she could get away with it. RTP shooting her baby daddy in the leg? Wtf? How insane can people get. That is laughable. This is what I meant in another thread some of these girls or guys may be small, short and weak but then can pull stuff like that. So far it’s about 2/15 strippers engaged in scammer behavior in my experience in one club. One was more of a ROB who wouldnt deliver promised things. One would say nonsense like tipping is required and it has to be 50% of the dance price. The whole dance she was asking me if im gonna tip her. There was 1 out of 10 dancers who went absolutely insane when i didnt tip. There were no extras besides OTP stick shifting for maybe 15 seconds at the end of dance. Most dancers didn’t even ask for a tip or asked for it once in a polite way.
  • how
    2 years ago
    The stripper interaction is about illusion, isn't it? I seek the illusion of (expected-to-be) temporary intimacy. Harsh realities, like "I am a thief," would tend to shatter that illusion for me.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    RTP if she has charges i imagine none of those were self defense? What rate was she offering OTC for
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    BTE you're all over the place. I also happen to believe that you're trolling, but since this topic could actually be useful for newer club hounds, I'm playing along. If you're looking for seeking nobility in a strip club, you're looking in the wrong place brother. They are where lust and greed feed on each other. Don't expect a bunch of church choir girls in the place where women remove their clothes and rub on guys in order to earn more than they can anyplace else. IME almost all of them have the potential of becoming "scammers" under the right circumstances. A fool and his money are easily parted, in a strip club even more so than almost anywhere else. I'm not any stripper's hall monitor nor is it my job to safeguard the wallets of others. And yes, there are plenty of strippers who have criminal records. Why would that surprise anyone? Being ICs allows them to work in clubs without undergoing background checks, except of course in the handful of areas with licensing requirements. If that's a serious cause for concern for anyone, you may want to rethink whether these girls are the ones you want to be paying for xyz. Now sure it may be possible to try to weed out girls with certain issues, but why bother? First some of them will just lie anyway so that you don't think badly of them. More than that though, if you take this approach you'll end up disqualifying a lot of girls who could be a heck of a lot of fun. I don't pay large sums of money upfront, I don't keep girls around who give me a bad vibe and, when I take a girl OTC, I control the space we use. Beyond that, I just keep my eyes open. Nothing is foolproof, but I've never had a serious safety problem despite all of the ridiculous shit I've done over the years.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Yes, I care about their morals. I hate when they have too much of them.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    "If they admit to you that they steal or scam other clients or people in general is that a dealbreaker for you?" no. that's a given. she'd be rejected for talking about stupid shit instead of flirting/seducing me.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick they can be greedy and lustful and all that, those aren’t inherently immoral things to be those are just socially unacceptable and against some religious views. But stealing and scamming are on a whole other level of immorality. Most dancers I’ve came across aren’t scammers on the level of offering xyz in a dance and not following through. Most havent pulled the tip scam either (saying things like 50% of dance price is required as a tip). Most havent even demanded tips or gotten angry over not being tipped. Even if the dancer isnt directly robbing or scamming you, if you’re aware she’s a ROBer or finesser and still continue to see her and give her money, you’re helping to finance a thief and financing evil. And yes I wouldn’t want to get dances or otc with someone who I suspect would want to rob my watch or cash if she found me fallen asleep somewhere. I wouldn’t assume her simply being an escort or stripper means that she would be willing to do that. There’s clues that can give it away. Like if she admits to having shoplifting charges or brags about finessing other clients. Some of these people are engaging in legalized theft. If they promise someone a BJ or any other extra for buying a dance and don’t follow through, they know the clients obviously can’t go around complaining they didn’t get the promised illegal services. Its just like buying or selling drugs off the street, you’re basically out of luck if you get screwed or have to go after the person on your own. Of course if you’re doing OTC or ITC and youre paying after then you can easily ensure things go smoothly.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    For a long term relationship with me they will have to be drug free. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    ^ Mate72, head so far up his rectum that is is turning himself inside out. SJG
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    How do you know its mate sjg?
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Even if the dancer isnt directly robbing or scamming you, if you’re aware she’s a ROBer or finesser and still continue to see her and give her money, you’re helping to finance a thief and financing evil." Right. Better to finance the ones who are smart enough not to tell you about it than those who aren't. 😉 When I spend my money on a girl, the only thing I'm financing is my own entertainment. What she does to some jackass who is too dumb to know better is not my problem.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Comon man. I have to give the benefit of the doubt and assume innocent until proven guilty.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    FRMOS, and she will be tamed, eating our of you hand. SJG
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Pay what she asks and forget about her coz she'll forget about you. Sjg and Rick just pay for gfes
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Cacaplop is just trolling. Trying to bait the bargain pussy collective
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Being generous with those women who dress and paint up in a manner I like, and making it happen with them right away. And generosity is not needed right off in every situations. But paying for them? The whole idea is to get beyond that narrow kind of relationship right away, like within the first 60 seconds of conversation. SJG
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Generosity for you means paying them. Giving them money in exchange for sex. Stop acting like you're so clever when everyone knows what you're saying
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    "For a long term relationship with me they will have to be drug free." In unrelated news, sales of marijuana, cocaine, and ketamine have quadrupled following this announcement.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    I'm not the one who invented the idea of handing women money. That's the reason money was invented. And Tetra, I am sorry to hear that. In the Organization I am building these things will not exist. SJG
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee, i don’t understand how you can read the OP and all the comments then come up with an answer like “pay what she asks”. Also Icee SJG is talking about a relationship of sorts not simply paying for a gfe. You know how if you have a wife or girlfriend who’s living with you and you’re paying her bills? And she’s having sex with you? You can interpret it as paying a long term hooker but it can also be interpreted as you both like each other so you do those things. You don’t have to pay the bills but you choose to. She doesnt have to have sex with you but chooses to. It’s different than paying directly for a gfe or escort or otc for each sexual encounter. That’s what sjg is referring to. A mistress, not an escort or otc stripper where you pay for each session. The money is given separate from the sexual encounter. It’s too hard to manage for me and limits variety. But it’s doable.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Women are usually looking to guys for material, financial, and social benefit, they try to fuck upwards. SJG
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