
Ever been asked to wait for VIP?

Atlanta suburb
I recently did. I met her a week ago on her second day at the club. Then yesterday floor dances were exceeding expectations so I asked about VIP. She said it depends on what you want. I graphically told her what I wanted. She said she would do that for a price I was agreeable to. So I said "OK let's do it". She replied that she wanted to wait awhile before going to VIP. WTF? "OK I said let me know when you are ready". She went off to work the floor for more dances. I sat there for 30 minutes, got a couple of really good dances from another dancer and then got up and went home. My analysis is that she really didn't want to do the VIP but didn't know how to say NO for fear of losing a customer. I think she did!


  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I've had girls who've asked me to wait, but they've always sat with me and hung out while we waited. One girl did it a few times, so I asked her why and she replied that one of her BF's friends was a regular customer and she had promised her BF she wasn't doing rooms and didn't want him to see. It's happened a few times with other girls, I doubt it was the same exact reason but maybe variations.

    I've never seen a girl asking me to wait for something and then going off to see other customers. More often its the other way around, they'll drop customers interested in only dances for customers who do rooms.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Sounds like you are probably correct in you assessment Shadow.

  • PinkSugarDoll
    2 years ago
    In this situation there is probably no win for her.

    “Do you want to do [the thing I want] in the back?”
    “No.” —customer stops dancing with you. Lose.

    “Do you want to do [the thing I want] in the back?”
    “Yes”—but actually no. Does VIP but doesn’t do The Thing. Customer is disappointed/upset/mad and stops dancing with you. Lose.

    “Do you want to do [the thing I want] in the back?”
    “Yes, but let’s wait”—bc actually no. Customer waits and she doesn’t come back. Customer is disappointed/upset/mad and stops dancing with you. Lose.

    “Do you want to do [the thing I want] in the back?”
    “Yes”—but not actually. Does The Thing. Is disappointed/upset/mad at herself. Really fucks her up so she avoids that customer or even stops going to work. Customers must stop dancing with her. Lose.

    The only win is if she wanted to do The Thing and strippers like money for doing Things. If she did not go back to get your money, it seems very easy to figure out why.

    You will say, “well she shouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t want to do The Thing.” Some girls do not want to disappoint/upset/make you mad, so they don’t say no. It could be she didn’t have the courage, or didn’t feel like dealing with it and played the passive aggressive stripper “I’ll be right back” card.

    Whatever the reason, I don’t think you don’t need to overthink it. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Generosity, Charm, make it happen with her, FRMOS. Solves all problems right off.

  • wallanon
    2 years ago
    The other night I was asked to wait on a VIP room because another customer wanted to do a shorter set of dances with the girl and it was almost closing time. That other dude got his dances and I got to see a whole lot of stuff after the other customers were gone that I was fine not knowing about lol.

    Shadowcat probably made the right call because he's been clubbing longer than a lot of us have been alive, including me. But it was a yes or no question so that's the most recent yes. Usually when I've been asked to wait it's because the dancer is trying to max out her dollars. If it means getting sloppy seconds that I'm aware of that's a little different, but other than that delaying gratification if I have time and she'll be more relaxed then no problem.
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    Shadow, you said it was her second day. Could be she was not necessary opposed to what you wanted but was nervous because she was new and used a delaying tactic. I wouldn’t write her off just because of this. I’ve had this happen, and the girl later gets over her nerves and gives a great VIP.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @PinkSugarDoll: "You will say, 'well she shouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t want to do The Thing.' Some girls do not want to disappoint/upset/make you mad, so they don’t say no. It could be she didn’t have the courage, or didn’t feel like dealing with it and played the passive aggressive stripper 'I’ll be right back' card."

    Given the number of customers I've seen, and the number of posters here, who've avoided giving a dancer a direct "no", but instead put a dancer off with some ambiguous "not right now", "I'll think about it", or "maybe later", it's not hard to imagine that some dancers, especially a new one, are gonna be reluctant to give a <em>customer</em> an ambiguous one.

    Yes, it would be better if everyone just said "yes" or "no", whichever one they actually mean. Not gonna happen any time soon.
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    once a stripper leaves i never expect it back, and switch targets with no emotion. just another lying/malfunctioning sex-doll.
    fortunately this was an inexpensive red flag lesson for the 'fake apology' future encounter with it.
  • Jimmybigtits
    2 years ago
    Yeah I think she wanted you in reserve in case she couldn't make the money easier. Say if you were gonna pay $300 to fuck her in the ass but she'd rather find a fella who would give $300 for a blow job with condom so perhaps she was looking for a better deal. That's ok. Not everyone wants to get fucked in the ass
  • Elitis
    2 years ago
    I had a dancer do essentially the same thing a few weeks back. I asked about VIP during a regular dance. She sounded excited about it so we went to talk the manager (prepaid VIP dances). While waiting for the manager, she says something along the lines of "oh I have to give this other guy a dance. I'll be right back". I thought that was super weird, but figured maybe the guy was a regular and would maybe only go for a couple dances at most, so I take a seat and give her a chance. I played around on my phone for a bit and pretended not to notice her passing me with the guy on their way back. Wrote her off after that for being a time waster.

    My next trip to that club, she comes up to me being friendly asking if I remember her and if I want a dance. I declined. And now that I think about it, it probably would have been smarter if she pretended not to remember me. Not only did she waste my time and potentially lose out on VIP money (for her sake I hope that guy she was with was tipping her more than she would have made off me), but didn't even apologize or seem remorseful. Not that I expect that, but you know.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    People welch on promises all the time. Where's the surprise? Maybe what you wanted is hard for her, so she wanted to see if she could get her $ goal for the night more easily. Maybe she felt like you should understand she picked stripping as sex work job cause she's not down for rando penises. She got torqued, so she jerked you around.

    Strippers will fuck themselves up mentally if they don't realize that they have to take a pass sometimes, even on good $. But in a case like this, before getting cheesed off, they ought to look at the big picture. The real problem is laws against sex work. That's what really creates situations where customers are asking for things that skeev out some sex workers.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    I have had the same very attractive psycho ask me to take her to VIP and then ditch me. Twice.

    "Thanks for tipping me on stage. Do you want some dances over in the corner? Or we could just go right to VIP. I like to go back there and do The Thing"
    "Sure, let's go"
    "Just give me like two minutes. I'll be right back"
    Scampers to dressing room. Never comes back.
    30 minutes later I see her across the club sitting with some guy who is buying her drinks.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Maybe she was afraid “the thing” was going to be so good for you it would give you a heart attack and she didn’t want to have a customer die on her on only her second day on the job.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Maybe she suddenly figured out what BBATM means.
  • NJBalla
    2 years ago
    playing devils advocate before you left you could have asked her how long the wait was going to be. I have had to wait a bit because a dancer wanted to work the floor a bit, had some regulars they wanted to get quick dances with, or they wanted to wait for the VIP area to quiet down before heading back. The latter happens many times. Nothing beats having a girl who knows the right time to go to the LD room or VIP room when its provides a more intimate setting.

    Unfortunately I have done the leave the club because she was lackadaiscal many times. The only person it really hurts is yourself. Its not like shes using the money to pay for rent. It just means she wil have to dance a few more hours for the vacation of luxury bag. If you have a good connection with a girl just be straightforward with her. Use her or she will use you.
  • goldmongerATL
    2 years ago
    I once had a dancer tell me she had a 2.5 hour wait for VIP because there were four guys ahead of me on her dance card. I did NOT wait around but I want to find her some day when she is less busy! I appreciated her setting an expectation.

    This was also a girl that had FUCK tattooed on her thigh. When I asked what her VIP was like she simply pointed to the tattoo. Classy lady.
  • From978
    2 years ago
    Here's a complete guess. Imagine you're selling your old car, and you have no idea what it's worth. You offer it to the first buyer at $2500, and he says, "Yippy! You got a deal!".

    At that point it's obvious that you got the price point wrong. You should walk away and ask the next buyer for $4500.

    She's been on the job for two days. The price for what you wanted was probably not explained in the HR orientation briefing, and she guessed wrong.
  • jmiddle30234
    2 years ago
    The Russian girl at follies would do that, she would also make you wash your hands. She would come back after awhile though
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Whenever a dancer asks you to wait, it really means either not now, or never, so just let her know right up front that you're on a time limit, so you hope she comes back soon. Now it's up to you, not her. You "wait" while continuing to seek. If she comes back, great. If you find another, great. If you find no one, it means try another day. Had this happen once lifetime in Desires. Sat with the dancer, went to the stage, we planned on a room, she gets off stage, off with one of the tippers. She comes out of the C.R.; comes back and off she goes with another tipper from the stage. Done with him, she is now gone for a long time, then comes out in a new outfit, all primped up and comes over to me with a: "are you ready for me". Now it's a tough call because she looks great and I now know she figured neither stage tipper would wait, but I would. If she had come to me first and asked/told me what she had planned, I'd have waited, but I decided to respond with: "I was ready 30 minutes ago, next time." She then got pissed and told me I was missing out on the "best experience ever and that this would be my only chance."
    My response was: "I fuck things up all the time, so this is familiar territory for me. Be well". She gives me the finger and walks off. Two weeks later she sits next to me and says: "Hi is this your first time here?" Still laughing.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @gold yup been there. Most of the shittiness of life is due to rando revenge. You get revenge on rando men because of what one or a few men did. Or a few women. Or a few black people. Or because you heard dubious claims about what some black people did.

    For various reasons, strippers prefer to get rando revenge on PLs in passive aggressive ways such as this. when they find PLs who stays thirsty for them regardless, they've found the ones they can more easily squeeze money out off. So, it can work for them, sacrificing some $ for more $ later.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    I've only had a dancer ask me to wait for a vip room once and she stayed with me for about 25 minutes before we went to the back. When I asked her why she wanted to wait she said it was because it was almost time for the day manager to leave and the night manager to take over. She said the night manager was much more laid back and while they both let the girls do whatever they wanted the day manager liked to watch it on the monitors and that creeped her out.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    In a couple of our local clubs years back I had girls delay having a drink with me for so long that it seemed like they didn't want to. I think sometimes girls will avoid such drinks because that is when guys ask for OTC, or because they might feel that they should get a nice tip for that, and feel that the guy is not doing that.

    Oh well. Most of the time they are already right there when such drinks are discussed. Usually better not to talk abut the drink, and instead just hand her money while talking to her about what ever you want to.

  • bubba267
    2 years ago
    Yep, while she finished up a set of floor dances for another of her regulars buy she certainly made it up to me. Agree with Doc's comment about her being a new girl and not writing her off.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    It could be what you said but it could be something else. Its not a big deal or something personal. A lot of times the other guy is spending more money. If I’m already at the club i have a few hours to blow, so i can wait and be on my phone. For instance i was only gonna spend $200 or so, and she was with a guy who was spending $800 so of course she would have me wait. Even if she likes you more as a person it doesn’t make sense to have the bigger spender wait. Bigger spender should get priority. And I prefer waiting if I just got to the club cause I wanna see the other dancers.

    I usually want to talk to the dancer for some time before doing VIP. And i want to spend some time in the club seeing which other dancers are there. So waiting around is normal and preferable to me.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    probably nine years ago i waited almost three hours for a specific girl for vip... she was very fit, and hot, AND a sure thing and reasonable in tip expectations. definitely a epic bj allways and energetic sex. and quite popular. only problem was some whales kept her out in the showroom just talking and drinking for long periods. finally got my turn. “now serving number eight” and my number was thirteen. can’t help but reminisce... wonder how’s she doing? “over one million served”...
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    You can't expect the smell of money to make these girls jump to your beck and call.


    "Jane" by Jefferson Starship METAL COVER Feat. Type O Negative + Lucifer + The Hellacopters and More
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    I’m not an extras-or-nothing PL thus I’m ok w/ just getting dances from a dancer if she’s my type and she gives good-dances.

    It seems this dancer is not yet ready to “go over to the (extras) dark side” – since I’m not an “extras or nothing” type PL, I don’t hold-it-against-a-dancer/blacklist-a-dancer if she doesn’t do extras as long as I still enjoy her dances. As was posted previously, a lot of dancers don’t like flat-out saying-no to custies b/c they feel the custy will take it the wrong-way and they will lose-out on any biz from that custy even-just-dances; and this may be more problematic in a club where extras are common and/or somewhat expected.

    “Some” dancers do come-around once they have more-experience and/or get more comfortable w/ certain-custies.

    It can often be frustrating as a custy when a dancer blows-you-off (in the not-good-way) – but with time I’ve learned to take what dancers do/say w/ a grain-of-salt and don’t hold too-much-against-them as long as they are not trying to rip-me-off (if they are trying to be cute and put-one-over-on-me trying to take my $$$ then they usually get black-listed).

    From not having personally-interacted with this particular-dancer hard to say exactly what the issue was; but it comes across as if she may not yet be ready to pull-the-VIP-trigger which is ok for me personally as long as I still o/w enjoy interacting w/ her (good-dances; etc) – if she comes around to extras, great; if it’s not her thing then I don’t-hold-it-against-her; and sometimes w/ time they get comfortable enough w/ a particular custy to pull the VIP/extras plug.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I have once and I think it was just her putting me in the deck for later as I’m not one of the whales
  • WiseToo
    2 years ago
    Just the other day, I was at a club when it just opened for the day. There was a total of about four customers and at least 12 dancers. To my surprise the nicest dancer there came over sat next to me and immediately was very friendly or should I say handsy. She asked if I wanted to do a VIP which are nude. I said that I'll do a regular LD after she dances. We talked some more then she left to pick out her music.

    While on stage she's monopolized by a tipper. So screw it, I'm not going to compete with another tipper for her attention and I did tell her I would do a LD. After she finished dancing she ignores me and goes over to the bar and begins talking with the tipper.

    I figured I'll give it another minute or two and leave so I don't waste any more time. As I leaving, I reminded her about the LD and she said that didn't come over because she didn't want to be pushy. Really? Anyway, we went to the LD area which was empty. As she danced she amped up the friendliness, began grinding and moved her g-string to side so I could get a full view.

    It was the best LD I ever had. So at first what appeared to be failure was actually turned into victory.
  • Garfield84
    2 years ago
    I’m reading these comments and these U.S. hoez be bullshiting .. come with me to colombia and TJ and boycott these places
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pick the one you want and go after her. What will come of this? You'll find out soon.

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