What's it like for the non-rain man in a "make it rain" club?

avatar for Tiburon
I'm not the guy to throw my money up in the air to "make it rain". I'm not there to impress the boys. I like to tip a girl in her hand and let her know I want to "get to know her". But damn if some of these "make it rain" strip clubs don't have some of the most attractive women of the type I'm into.

I'm making plans to bring a large stack of cash to one of these clubs soon but for anyone who has frequented these sorts of strip clubs, how does one who doesn't "make it rain" get treated or find their time in a "make it rain" club?

I hate wasting money on something that's not entertaining.


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IME, if you are in a make it rain club, you had better be in bottle service. The hottest girls go straight from there to the stage and back. If you make it rain on them while they are on stage, but you are not in the bottle service area, you will get $0.00 return on your investment.
I always liked Barry Sanders' TD celebration. He simply handed the ball off. He was never fancy. I'm like that. I don't throw the 100 1s in the air. I slip the 20s in the garter in a celebration of my pending orgasm.
nine of ten times those MIR are pimps/shills using the dancer's own dollars to coerce others to overtip. it's a precursor ROB tactic. don't fall for it, or leave the stage.

but if must have her attention offer her a vip while ur at the stage provided she comes to you immediately after her set. that usually trumps all but her most valued regulars.

The make-it-rain I see is usually stage-side; or sometimes on the floor where both the dancer and custy are standing next to each other – I also see the tipping-$1s thing which is sorta like making-it-rain but basically the girl is dancing in front of the PL and he’s just dropping $1s at her feet vs throwing the $$$ at-her or up-in-the-air – either way I rarely see the PL getting much if any contact.

It’s possible to still get dances in those clubs but you gotta dot-your-i's and cross-your-t’s – best to know the dance-rate going in or just tell her you want some contact-dances and ask her the price or tell her how much you are willing to pay per song – no guarantee she will wanna do contact-dances and no guarantee they are allowed or a thing in the club; but it’s not undoable if one is proactive.
If you make-it-rain likely you'll get attention but likely all you'll get is a girl air-dancing in front of you just shaking-her-ass.
The last time I've seen it rain a club was at my favorite dive bar with a leaky ceiling
I just don't get it. I see it as just throwing money away.
avatar for Rod84
3 years ago
Half the make-it-rain (MIR) guys seem pissed and aren't even looking at the girl. They toss the money while passing the stage or when their backs are turned, and talking to their bros. I sometimes wonder whether there's some weird misogynistic kick these guys experience while watching the girl grovel around picking up the dollars?

On the flip side, Even when coming up behind a MIR guy, I've found my $2 in the garter still gets a smile and some individualized attention. Why waste that just to watch dollars float to the floor?
I've been in small-dives where the MIRer indiscriminately throws the $$$ everywhere and have had bills land on my head and on my shoulders/lap.
A lot of it is smoke and mirrors. A group of like 8 guys will get a $500 section. Then each get $200 in ones and they'll take turns taking pics with the stack and sparingly throw money at dancers. I once saw a guy with a stack of 15k and he spent it all. No one thought he was a baller. People including dancers were laughing at him for being a clown. He ended up kicked out for asking the girls for some of his money back.

Guys who make it rain jn packs are posers. And most go there to flex on each other and for the gram.

Realistically between $200 and $500 in one's should give you a good time throwing money around.

Air dances only in today's environment. A good sign to leave
I guess it depends on how much it's raining on her. IME, a girl who is pulling 2 to 3 Benjies every time she gets on stage usually isn't going to show much interest in rubbing on some guy's hard-on for a few 20s, especially if she's doing a fair number of sets per shift. Anyone who tells you otherwise is kidding himself. If she spends time with anyone between sets, it's inevitably the guys throwing large sums of money at her on stage. If you're not one of them, don't hold your breath.

When I run across these situations, I just chalk it up to a booze and eye candy stop. There are other clubs and other nights. I have no desire to burn cash on a low probability chase which, even if I get her attention for a bit, will almost inevitably have a low ROI outcome.

I remember a time about 3 years ago, I went up to Bare Assets upon Pasco. I sit at the bar and see a Cubana that I had been with before. She recognizes me, runs up to me and gives me a hug and a kiss. She says she has to go on stage but will come see me when she gets off. As she gets on stage, a group of about 5 young men sit near the stage. During her 3 song set, these guys throw probably $200 in ones at her. Don't really say anything, just throw the money out there.

After her 3 songs, she and the bouncer scrape up the bills and he takes the money to the back. She grabs her dress, walks right by these guys without saying a word to them and comes right over to me. I almost burst out laughing . Probably would have except a couple of these guys were a lot bigger than me. I spent a little more than $200 on her, but I intimately got to spend about 30 minutes with her. Somehow I think I got the better deal.
avatar for idletraveler
3 years ago
Most ridiculous version of make-ot-rain I've ever seen was at Cheetah Pompano one afternoon (definitely not a make-it-rain club in the afternoon). Some guy walked up to the stage and dropped $1,000 in bank-bundled of $1s in a nice neat pile on the stage. Seemed considerate and tidy. But, then when the same dancer was on another stage later he threw what must've been 1,000 $1 bills all over her and the stage. She was sitting with him in a VIP section but it was way too over the top to be normal SC activity. My guess was some kind of obnoxious Sugar Baby payment plan display.
avatar for From978
3 years ago
When I see a guy doing that I assume (1) He's never been there before (2) He's not coming back any time soon, and (3) He thinks $100 is a lot of money. Any dancer will score that as three strikes.
@rickdugun ...I believe you. And I cannot blame her. More money for less work beats less money for more work.

Noow I'm really nervous because usually these sorts of club have the type of women I'm looking for yet I might be a blip in the crowd if since I am now a money thrower. Yet the big ol' bootylicious are all in these sorts of spots.
Daily_Grind this is one of those times where I got to disagree heavily with you. Most MIRers are actually just patrons trying to flex like they're Drake.
Every club’s culture is different, every girl is different and on a particular night it can be different still. Approach the girls you like. Don’t be intimidated by others making it rain. “Value” just means what it’s worth to you to get her attention. Tip her or otherwise talk to her and take your shot. If it works great, if it doesn’t, move on to another girl or another club. Other people making it rain has no bearing on whether I approach a girl in whom I’m interested.
Tiburon. Don't be intimidated. The girls aren't stupid. Very rarely does a guy come in by himself and make it rain racks. It's almost always a group coming for an occasion and trying to flex.

Go on slower nights and make yourself a club regular.
Yeah, my interest has always been to get to a specific girl, not to make grand gestures. Making it rain, but more by standing up and letting it dribble down on her, rather than throwing it up into the air.


Telephone Line - School of Rock
Have you regularly frequented a MIR club 2Icee? LDK82?
I've only been to 2 in the last year and they were because they were the 2 closest clubs to my house. I generally just sit back and watch the rain makers make fools of themselves. I have found that the dancers don't rule me out for not "tipping" them on stage and still come around for dance money.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
I try to not find out
@muddy your in NYC baby. You had to have visited Starlets at least once?
Tiburon. I frequent those types of clubs in Los Angeles. The girls come over and sit with you and everything. And they'll be all over you. It's just that the main dancing is them twerking and you tip by throwing money like you would at the stage.

I don't get tge animosity toward them on here
Get your girl off stage, on your lap, FRMOS, then back room, then you own bed.

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