How to spot a ROB part 2 via Reddit

avatar for TFP
Adventures of Assjobman

I don't expect that any of us customers here would ever go for this shit. But in case you are, recognize what's happening and cut ties with any dancer shitty enough to do these things.

It was refreshing however to see that most responses discouraged these types of actions and actually recommended doing the opposite for regular retention. And TUSCL even got a mention in the comments, although the dancer called us "misogynistic assholes". Can't we all just get along?


last comment
avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

great topic tfp. new guests/members should know some of the ungrateful, scheming cunts they're dealing with before paying them anything.

that's the ho-crastination rob. never pay an unknown stripper in advance. pre-choreograph all LDs/VIPs.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Her dancer name is Ricky.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

more free tuscl publicity. woot.

they all agree. they're just pulling their punches. the real men shit show is at their private r/cunt-cave.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

Wow, some of that shit is shockingly bad. Go to the bathroom now & again, as in more than once? Go introduce yourself to a NEW customer? While I'm fucking paying for a dance or room? She better hope she got paid up front if she's gonna pull that shit. If a dancer stops to introduce herself to a new customer while I'm paying for a timed room, I'm getting up and walking about without paying her shit.

Most of the other things are just going to kill any chance she had at getting a tip on top of what we agreed upon and zero out her chances of me spending another nickel on her. A few of them are kinda harmless though, like taking off her shoes or even checking herself out in the mirror, unless of course it's done in a way that makes it obvious she's just wasting time.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

On the plus side, nobody from here has crossposted/commented about the thread talking about trying to work when you have a runny nose, and discreetly wiping snot on the customer’s shoulder. 🤗

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

@Nicespice I saw that one also. Once again, most of the comments expressed shock at the dancer doing that. She really did say "slime that mf from shoulder to collar, and end it with a nibble on ear and kiss to the neck". I guess that's her version of LDKing lol.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

I will be laughing in the near future at dancers who practice this shit, because while people think they are experiencing financial pain now, just wait 6 months. Inflation is going to be with us for a long time and discretionary spending has yet to really feel it's' impact.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

"trying to work when you have a runny nose (tee hee)"

this is the same diversionary bullshit the bottom feeders use- right before they steal and max-out your credit cards (and laugh as they're doing it). don't fall for it.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Damn what did it say? It’s deleted now

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

@Muddy it was a dancer telling all the ways she purposely wastes time while in VIP to do less work. A bunch of ROB shit like go to the bathroom multiple times, have the customer give her a foot massage, say she has to step out for a couple minutes to freshen up but in reality she's talking to customers out on the floor trying to get more business, set her timer for less time than the actual VIP so that when it goes off she can say 'times up!'. There was more but you get the idea.

She's the kind of shit dancer that we never want to experience.

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Ok yeah this why I’m weary of diving into VIPs blind

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

"trying to work when you have a runny nose (tee hee)"

this same bitch was part of the deleted rob thread. don't let them play you anymore here than at the clubs.

avatar for 8TM
2 yrs ago

When these girls buy into the mindset that every customer is either a broke loser or a pathetic simp, it’s a self fulfilling prophecy that drives the normal guys out of the clubs

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

I was pleased to see a number of other apparent dancers who were arguing against doing that sort of thing unless the guy is being a jerk.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

forcing the ungrateful cunts to delete whole threads from their forum in embarrassment is even more satisfying. still a long way to go.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I didn't get a chance to read the original post - but as I've posted in the past, strip-clubs are places of vice - combining sex; lots of fast $$$; alcohol; drugs; people that may not be employable anywhere else; shady owners perhaps linked to organized crime; etc; one is gonna run into their fair-share of shitty people from dancers to staff to custies - of course some clubs are worse than others; but it's a shady business often operating in the shadows per se and/or on the boundary b/w legal and illegal - i.e. it should come as no surprise that the avg PL will come into shady-people at a club with more-frequency than in their regular-lives - i.e. depending on who one interacts with in the club, one is always at the risk of getting ripped-off - which is not the case for the avg guy in the other aspects of his daily-life.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

more avoiding ROBs tips for new SC guests.

*never bring anything you can't afford to lose into a stripclub. strippers are thieves, some known to drug guests and steal/max-out their credit cards.

*never pay an unknown stripper in advance. once paid, they have no motivation to satisfy guests. start with single dances, but imply there will be more if satisfied.

*pre-choreograph and confirm specific mileage before all dances/VIPs

*always count and confirm each lap dance song. bring phone or set watch to track time in VIPs.

*guests are never obligated to tip. avoid any stripper that asks for a tip. say 'no thank you' and contact the staff if further harrassed. better-managed clubs fine/send mouthy strippers home for disrespectful behavior.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

what lil b do bout deez kunts.

"She talking bout child support She gon' need life support"

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

It's important not to generalize about dancers or guys. But dancers should not be so shocked when they hear stories of guys trying to rip them off because of stories like this. I try to call guys out who are rip off artists so strippers should police their peers and call them out as well.

Once a dancer in a club is a ROB with me I let it be known. I talk to guys in clubs too for fun and encounter newbies who ask me questions. I always point out the ROBs. But if a guy makes comments I think are really threatening toward dancers I will let my favorites I talk to know as well.

There have to be rules for us to thrive, have fun, get laid, etc. If I can help reinforce those rules I will. And I hate those that rip off others. HATE!

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

we can definitely generalize about strippers- coercing guests out of their money is the job description. the fraud/theft is just a matter of degree.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

I don't see all dancers as ROBs at all

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

that's cool jimmy. i just appreciate the thread bump. lulz.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Your welcome lol

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

the apostle liwet writes 'if she walks away smiling, you spent too much'.

dg (patron saint of baby-pls)

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

chumpagne room ROB avoidance pregame

*how much contact is she giving you on the floor *how much of the pre-agreed contact is she giving you with single dances *how much are you willing to gamble on the possibility of an air dance without regretting it

never pay an unknown stripper in advance. start with single dances to test mileage. pre-choreograph all ld/vips.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

Daisy Dooks (Davenport, IA)

[reprinted from Tuscl review submission]

"Stay The Fuck Away

Paid for 1 hour $300. Dancer promised all sorts of stuff in VIP. She danced 10 mini then said she didn’t want to dance anymore. Manager said she was an independent contractor and he couldn’t do anything about it. Would not refund my money even though danvcer ended dance after 10 minutes."

ashamed that this is one of my home clubs. but i know all these hot robs and that's what's up.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

There are probably hundreds of PLs out there with a shirt that they never wash, in a plastic protector, with a crusty patch of nicespice snot on the shoulder.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

the only reasonable charge is the $3 pussy.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

great rob article from muddy

Fuckibg troll

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ Frenulum

avatar for Tiburon
2 yrs ago

I guess the amount of negative comment she got May the person delete their comments

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

tib, they move all rob threads and tuscl/SC guest bashing to their private cunt-cave once they see us warning guests here. i'll cut n paste them from now on.

avatar for Tiburon
2 yrs ago

@Daily_Grind so we have a mole in our mists eh? lets smoke em out Jimmy!

There's nothing there to make them robs. But then your definition of rob is a girl who doesn't fuck you just coz you got vip

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

several mole-cunts here trolling for likes/compliments, then running back to bash tuscl and sc guests.

good practice not falling for it here anymore than at a club.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

i do like icee and the other trolls here though. they're good for bumping rob threads.

Cacaplop you're a misogynistic weirdo.

By far the creepiest troll here

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

lol. thanks for the thread bumps bruh. you're doin great.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

the rob i let slide

took petite but busty dubbledeez back for her ld auditions. she grinded herself on me to a shuddering orgasm then said 'fuck it', and put my cock inside her. i jabbed/punched her uterus for about 30 seconds before she tapped-out and raw grinded me to the end of the next song. 50 bucks well-spent (and she passed her audition).

oh yeah, the rob. after our pre-game mutual seduction she went on stage and i grabbed a smoke. she'd been eyeing a $2 taco bell burrito at my table i hadn't had time to eat yet and swiped it while i was outside. she confessed and i said she could make it up to me. she did, and then some. am i not merciful?

Am I Not Merciful??

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

advocating theft to baby strippers

(rob comments from recent r/cunts thread)

"Try to get them to pay for like 3 or 4 songs up front. and then stop the dance 1 song early. 99% of the time they don’t notice...get the money up front, that way you can stop the dance midway and walk away...Always ask for tips! Only time I don’t ask for tips is if I’m already charging a 100% markup on my dance."

*check dance options/prices online or ask the admissions staff or bartender. then confirm with the stripper. *never pay an unknown stripper in advance. *walk away if asked for tips beforehand. *count and confirm each song.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

i'll also be collecting SC rob links and experiences at a new caveat emptor subreddit as well.

(trolls welcome for the initial publicity and to practice my modding)

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

@daily grind thanks for posting that. Honestly I rarely get upset with dancers but reading those really pissed me off. Maybe I should go to the dark side and become more of a manipulative bastard. They fall for the romance Hustle just as much as we do if you find the right one. No I won't do this.

But my guard and bullshit meter is pretty good already. But no more Mr Nice guy.

avatar for Jimmybigtits
2 yrs ago

Damn that really pisses me off lol

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

it's good practice to hear 'your money' instead of 'you' from strippers. 'oh your money is so sweet' 'oh it's so good to see your money'

avatar for Jascoi
2 yrs ago

maybe seven years ago the hottest dancer shorted me the prepaid vip time… i got 17 minutes of the 30 i had to prepay the club… management gave me ten passes after i complained to the boss…

avatar for Tiburon
2 yrs ago

HEY HEY @Daily_Grind one of my posts was featured on the last reddit link you posted. I feel famous.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

or infamous. lol. i'll take either.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

"Strippers are like lawyers in one way. If they're talking they're lying." - jabthehut (2011)

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

more rip-off bitch stories:

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