
r/stripper topic made me think of someone here

Adventures of Assjobman
Icee, what do you think of this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/stripper/commen…


  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Bump. I'd like to see if we get a response on this thread.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    I take it that this is no Paul Drake's forum. It must be something more like Stripper Web.

  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    "we call that a stripper fucker"

    Duh. How clever.

    "there’s nothing more to the relationship other than you’re a stripper he wants to fuck (abuse)"

  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    "there’s nothing more to the relationship other than you’re a stripper he wants to fuck (abuse)"

    Sounds like more than a bit of projection going on there.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's not one dimensional.

    Guys who are into club scenes and only date club rats or strippers because of the image and stereotype attract shallow girls who fit that stereotype. These are the girls who are attracted to cars designer shit jewelry . Basically girls who like fuck boys and then act surprised when he acts like a fuck boy. It's not about being strippers It's about the lifestyle they live and are attracted to.

    Squares who only date strippers tend to be very toxic and abusive. Much like many on here. They prey on them thinking they're not accepted in society and try to use that to abuse and dominate them.

    I think the question women never ask or address is why they're attracted to abusive men.

    My intro to dating strippers was accidental. A lot of girls from high school became strippers. Then it's like once you date a girl other girls at the club want you and it becomes a pattern. You date them coz they want you coz they know of you. Then it becomes a comfort zone. Many of these girls really crave comfort and realness coz they're in a fake toxic world so much.

  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ spin, spin, spin,
    Dougie’s like a spinning top, nonstop excuses for everything
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Starting your daily trollathon a little late. But let's see how bat shit crazy you get with the troll posts today
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ You claim not to be Dougster yet you claim I’m trolling you
    Which is correct ?
    You should change your screen name to “Easy Triggered”
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    It’s gonna be so much fun if founder gives us something similar to the two way block it’ll drive Iceefag/Dougster crazy, because he not only won’t able to post on any thread he’s blocked from, we won’t have to hear from that misogynistic rapist. If that happens I’ll never hear from you again Dougie LULZ
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You can ignore me now. Won't see my posts. But then you won't be able to troll me. Coz trolling is all you do here. I'm not dougster and you are trolling me. Now let's see how many troll posts you make today.

  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Trolling is not what I do, at all, I'm just defending myself. and you call it trolling.
    I'm so sad little bitch Dougster won't ignore me wah wah wah.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I'm defending myself from your trolling. You started it on this thread now you're acting like a cross between sld theosu and skibum. Same rehashed trolling.

    But go on. I'll come back tonight and see how you ruined threads and trolled today
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Ignore me. But you won't just like you wouldn't 2 way block me. Your posting history shows you're only here to troll me
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ my history, HAHAHA lol what a dysfunctional weirdo, my history indeed, LOLOLOL
    I get your attraction to SJG, you are both discombobulated weirdo losers.
    How stupid are you anyway, they must have fed you lead chips when you were a child.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "r/stripper topic made me think of someone here"

    This made me think of a few stripper SOs I've heard about in real life, but didn't make me think of anyone on here. I don't believe almost anything Icee has posted on here except: (1) he really supports public libraries; and (2) he almost killed himself.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Dating a stripper is really like dating Amy other girl. Her work doesn't figure in the relationship anymore than anyone else's work does. You get privy to them venting. Work drama just normal stuff.

    When you meet her at the club and she really likes you it's like any other girl. They get a little shy. Blush a lot. Flirt in a playful way. Lots of laughing. They don't ask for money. They ask you for advice on everything ask you what to do. There's chemistry.

    I think customers like the idea that their sos are abusive or losers because it makes them feel better. But then the only reason she's around them is they're a customer. They see customers who catch feelings as men who think they're entitled to them just coz they spend money.

    Remember with any woman it comes down to how you make them feel.

  • TFP
    2 years ago
    @Icee so you disagree with what the strippers are saying in that thread? They state that guys who target and date only strippers are guys who fetishize strippers. Or guys who are trying to take advantage of them. I have to admit, when they listed those reasons it made me think of your posts from when you first showed up to the site. You know, the ones SLD quotes a lot to remind us?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Ftp. I know you made this thread to troll me. Sld takes quotes out of context just to troll. Men who fetishize women because of their race jobs body size whatever are all the same. The men on here who fetishize spinners or black girls etc are no different from the men they describe. And its something I don't do
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee spending money on any woman can get her to like you. It makes you appear to be a good provider. But it youre giving money for free you shouldn’t expect shit in return.
  • TFP
    2 years ago
    I didn't make this thread to troll you. Like I said, I saw the topic on reddit and it reminded me of you because you've openly admitted that you like to date dancers. When I read the reasons the dancers themselves believe guys go after only strippers I wanted to see how you felt about it.

    And it's kind of weird that you say you don't fetishize women because of their jobs. But then say you like to date strippers. Isn't that.....fetishizing strippers?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Youre being passive aggressive.

    I don't seek them out because they're strippers. It's just what I'm around and used to.

    They like me. And when one girl goes out with you then other girls on the club want you. And it just works out like that.

    Fetishizing would be seeing them as objects. And deriving satisfaction from that. Like guys who only like spinners and don't care about who she is or know anything about her but just want to fuck coz she's a spinner. That's toxic
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ That’s a humongous amount of delusional thinking, but you go ahead, like I said earlier just spin it any way you feel comfortable Dougster
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's not always the best when they like you. I'll see guys with girls acting extra slutty for the $$$ meanwhile I get girls who blush and act all shy. Giggle. But then like fondling me when they're drunk or high enough lulz.

  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee strippers are not like other women. Theyre mucj more likely to have daddy or mommy issues. They might like the same traits in men. Strippers have lower standards than other women when it comes to guys they date
  • psycho_trick
    2 years ago
    If they'll date/OTC me, they definitely have lower standards.
    God bless 'em.
  • TFP
    2 years ago
    @Icee you say you don't seek out strippers to date. But you've admitted you go to strip clubs.....to connect with dancers and date them outside the club. Do you not see how ridiculous it sounds to say you don't seek them out?

    Anyhow, you say I'm being passive aggressive so I'll just clearly state my issue with you so there's no question. When you first got to this site you made all kinds of crazy statements about why you like dating strippers and how you handle them.

    Also, your earlier posts that made you sound like a current or aspiring pimp. I think pimps are some of the worst types of guys in the world. You haven't made posts like that in a while but it's still unforgettable.

    All that to say that I question your motives for only going after strippers.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I don't fetishize them. I dont only date strippers. I talk about strippers here coz it's a strippers club aite. I also like to pick up girls in grocery stores. Doesn't mean I fetishuze women who buy groceries. See how ridiculous that sounds.

    There's nothing crazy about dating strippers. It's more normal than begging them to fuck for money or preying on desperate hookers.

    The pimp and hoe dynamic is complex. But interesting.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee if you’re dating them for pay its often a transactional thing. If you’re dating them seriously then it means you don’t have much other options or are relying on them to provide for you
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Or you're dating them coz you have an attraction and things jn common. Like any girl
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's sick to look down on women who you know are only around coz you pay. If they're so bad and would never see you as more than a customer. That must make you a lot worse than you think
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee according to you strippers can in fact like their customers.
    And its not as simple as dating them cause you have an attraction, theres only a specific category of guys who would be okay with seriously dating strippers, escorts, pornstars, and even massage therapists.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Tfp why do you say pimps are the worst kind of guys? Do you mean abusive pimps
  • chessmaster
    2 years ago
    "Men who only date strippers are looking for “easy targets” to abuse"

    "We call that a stripper fucker. There’s nothing more to the relationship other than you’re a stripper he wants to fuck (abuse)."

    "He sounds toxic sorry this happened to you."

    "I only read red flags…"

    "That’s not a bf that’s a trick 😂"
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee calls women whores (In idiot low-life thug vernacular) then comes here like s skivvy little bitch and whines about others insulting dancers. You are the perfect example of why we need post birth abortion Icee cunt.
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