
Alternative safe places to do lapdances

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This is strictly lapdances like you receive in the club, with potential extras. Not OTC

a big concern on both the client and dancers side is going to someone’s house and getting robbed

Whats a good place to do lapdances privately. Can they be done in a larger car like an SUV or van.

Mall fitting rooms are an option, but they’re risky and can’t play music

Hotels defeat the point of not paying club fees


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Avatar for bluejacketsguy

I really don't know why you would want to do just a lapdance outside of a club. I mean the robbery concern is an issue for the other stuff regardless and I seriously doubt a stripper would be interested in the kind of money they would get from someone for "just" a lapdance. I mean if the theory is to save money which is the only legit reason I could see an outside of club lapdance(and I mean lapdance with no more than two way contact), I don't see it as worth it to the girl especially from a safety standpoint.

Avatar for MackTruck

I get da $5 lapperz in da sleeper of da shit truck. Is dat a save place?

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Ohioguy the point is for instance if the club charges $400 you could pay her $200. It could possibly be done in the clubs parking lot. It should be relatively safe, if done in a public parking lot. Safer than a house or even hotel. You could do two way but bend more rules with it.

Avatar for Omega_Entertainment

Ah so the point is you are a cheap bastard looking for a lapdance, best plan for you is stay home with your wife and let her do them for free.

Something Ive noticed in many of these posts, is everyone is trying to circumvent paying for things inside the club, so let me enlighten you all who think this way. Where would you go when all the clubs shut down because you didnt want to pay inside the club?

You would all have to stay home and actually have sex with your wives or girlfriends since your cheap asses made it impossible for a club to pay its bills to provide a place to go and drink and be around girls that are not your families.

If you cannot afford the club prices, you dont belong in the club. Just like if you go to a nice restaurant and dont see the value menu, which makes you sweat, leave.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Omega, the concept is the same as paying for a personal trainer directly through a gym or paying for a private one.

When you pay at the club the dancer only gets half that money. So, even if you don’t want to be cheap, you can pay the dancer directly and everything goes to her.

Clubs are a nice safe place to meet the dancers. But people should have the right to meet up OTC as they please, even if its just for lapdances.

OTC for lapdances is often a hassle especially if you’re doing a hotel. But if you’re able to do it right in the Club’s parking lot or nearby parking lot, it is much more worth the inconvenience for both you and the dancer.

Lets say the club charges $400, dancer keeps $200. You could offer $250 or $300 for the same thing outside the club and it’s a win for everyone besides the club itself.

Avatar for 623

Bigeye I think you need more lessons on how the dancer/club relationship works. Most places the club gets a stage fee and a VIP room fee and the dancer keeps all the lap dance money she can make.

Avatar for FLAP3000

Hey, @LittleTurdEye I hear the lapdances at the male chippendale club are pretty safe. Why don’t you go check them out.

Avatar for bluejacketsguy

Bigthirdeye:" Ohioguy the point is for instance if the club charges $400 you could pay her $200. It could possibly be done in the clubs parking lot. It should be relatively safe, if done in a public parking lot. Safer than a house or even hotel. You could do two way but bend more rules with it."

But see thats my point the "rule bending" is more than a lapdance really. I mean don't get me wrong stuff happens in club and not all clubs can the girls/will the girls take the chance of anything crazy in the club. Since you're clearly wanting more than a regular lapdance(which at most has a bit of two way contact, if you're lucky) I'm just saying that its not worth her time for a lapdance only as I'm assuming you're not shelling out for just a grind. Yes I'm sure you could do a lapdance for cheaper out of the club but once the stripper is out of the club I'd assume at least you may want a bit more than a lapdance? I mean hj and on from there? Management probably would catch on to your proposed parking lot thing btw.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

623 what about scenarios where the dancer only keeps half of what you pay for VIP cuz the club keeps half.

That provides a lot of wiggle room to where it would be worth doing regular lapdances but otc. For instance if the club charges $400 for 30 minutes and the dancer only keeps half of it, then you could pay the dancer $200-$300 for 30 minutes. Or pay her $400 for 45-60 minutes

Ohioguy the rule bending is a side thing. That is like if tje club requires pasties and thongs, in a private otc dance those could be remvoed. But even without bending the rules it would simply be better bang for the buck to do the lapdance otc in some situations. If the club is keeping half of the VIP dance fees, theres a lot of wiggle room

Avatar for bluejacketsguy

Well thats a given you're going to pay her at least something more than her normal cut, if not she has no real incentive to consider it because she might as well stay in the club and make the same. I mean you have an incentive like what you say about being able to be full nude with a girl who works in a non full nude type joint(that enforces it), which I guess I can concede. Having a full nude lapdance in a public parking area though might be a bit tricky lol.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Yeah mate i mean if club charges $200 for 15 minutes and she keeps half, you could pay jer something like $200 for 20 minutes and it’s worth it for both of you

Avatar for Omega_Entertainment

@BTE you have fallen for the oldest dancer trick in the business. No club that keeps dancers working, takes half of the dance money. I can tell you exactly how its done, We have been doing it for 26 years. Those 25 dollar dances, the house gets 5, we do 100 for 10 minutes and its a 75/25 split, then we have a 10 minute vip for 200 thats a 150/50 split. Then you have real VIP not for the pair for the bargain hunters. They start at 500 and go up to 20k and the dancers always are getting the larger end of the split.

Any of them who tell you otherwise, are lying their asses off just to make you feel sorry for them.

Avatar for Omega_Entertainment

oh and if you think the clubs want to have pasties and thongs or bikinis, its not by choice its by the law they have to follow.

Just FYI, we have caught guys who found a girl to visit the parking lot in the past, the girl gets fired and charged for solicitation, as does the fool who paid her plus he gets a sexual predator tag when he loses in court, and they always lose.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I thought I’d read one of these odd discussions and see what’s going on here. As I thought, this isn’t a reasonable idea.

First off, no club is going to allow a dancer to take a break and grind one out on a customer in the parking lot. That eliminates their cut of the money - and facility fee.

As soon as a stripper leaves her club, there are a number of security issues posed by customers in cars in a parking lot. One of the worst ideas is getting into a car with a guy you don’t know - or a guy who wants to fuck you outside of the club.

The parking lot isn’t safe for a variety of reasons. What dancer is going to accompany a customer to their white windowless van for dances? Maybe she can grind against you as you sit on a bag of lime - next to a shovel and blood stained tarp.

It’s likely illegal too.

If you want to fuck a stripper in your car - it’s not a comfortable place to fuck - and to pay to fuck there is miserable.

If you want to add being a sex criminal to your resume - then fucking a stripper in a mall dressing room is a great idea. You likely have no idea who is in the next dressing room - and they could be minors - so that’s just not smart.

This seems like a stupid idea - and it’s horribly stupid if it’s just to avoid paying the money to get a hotel room.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "Something Ive noticed in many of these posts, is everyone is trying to circumvent paying for things inside the club, so let me enlighten you all who think this way. Where would you go when all the clubs shut down because you didnt want to pay inside the club?"

I was going to steer clear of this thread altogether given its goofy underlying concept, but Omega's point is an interesting one. Conceptually I'm very much on board with this line of thinking. If we don't continue to support our local clubs, they won't continue to be there for us to meet these girls and to arrange our good times.

The only time I'm less charitable is when the owners become pigs. Give me a square deal (by strip club standards) on the alcohol and let the dancers keep most of what I give them and I'm a happy camper. Bend me over the bar for my drinks and make the girls less pleasant by squeezing them on fees and confiscatory cuts and I start to care much less about whether the club lives or dies.

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "No club that keeps dancers working, takes half of the dance money. "

Omega, there are definitely clubs out there that take up to half of official rate for VIP/CR room sales. Granted they may not be that common but they do exist. I guess that some clubs can get away with it if the money is still otherwise good enough or if they're the only game in town.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Omega, each club varies. Some clubs do keep half of all fees paid for VIP

Omega, you’re saying if a guy willingly gets in a car with a willing stripper, for a lapdance, he can be charged as a sexual predator? How, how does this law work? That doesnt make sense.

Cashman, there were no code words i mean literally getting a lapdance. It would be in the strippers car not the clients car. No sex, just an actual lapdance but for cheaper. Why would it be unsafe? A parking lot is safe especially in a public type area. Its safer than going into a clients creepy van or a house or even hotel. You can easily run away or call the cops

Cashman that doesnt make sense i dont think fucking a striper in a mall dressing room will be so legally risky. Especially if youre just getting a lapdance. Plenty of dressing rooms have nude adults, if kids peek in them the adults aren’t responsible

Cashman its a secret. Of course clubs dont want dancers doong this.

In want to see proof that lapdances are illegal in parking lots. Against club rules sure, but illegal is different

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "Just FYI, we have caught guys who found a girl to visit the parking lot in the past, the girl gets fired and charged for solicitation, as does the fool who paid her plus he gets a sexual predator tag when he loses in court, and they always lose."

Interesting. You actually call the cops when this happens? I see that as both a twat move and short-sighted. Not only should no club want a rep for calling the cops on its customers for something like that, but it increases the amount of police incidents hung around the club's neck if it ever runs into licensing issues down the road.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman this isn’t about dancers facing risks from creepy customers in parking lots. This is a scenario where dancer and client trust each other and are willing to meet in one or the other’s cars.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Rick i want to know how those guys are getting charged for sexual predators. Even guys seeint actual prostitutes dont get sexual predator charges they get solitocation. I jave never heard of someone being charged as a sex offender, for having sex with a whore

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

If I'm going to see a dancer OTC, it's going to be at hotel or decent motel. If I'm setting up a hotel to see a dancer, then it's not going to be just for vanilla lap dances.

So, if I want vanilla lap dances (or vanilla+), then I'm going to spend my money in a place that's optimally set up for them, which is a strip club. Incidentally, a place where I can also buy drinks, meet and spend money on more than one dancer, and then go home.

I'm not going to try to entice strippers into a windowless white van with a Salvation Army lounge chair bolted to the floor and a transistor radio taped to ceiling, because that's a great way to wind up on a list that restricts how close you can live to a school.

If you're rummaging around your sofa cushions for lapdance money, then you need a better job or a cheaper hobby.

But, then again, I still believe that the OP is a troll. Look at his posting history and make your own choices.

Avatar for twentyfive


That is a very important point, these clubs generally try to minimize calls to LEO for that exact reason @ Omega I had asked you a question on a different thread did you see it if so would you respond please.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman you and Ishmael are turning the thread into something else with the jokes about white creepy vans, that is a non factor if you meet in the dancers car, and a non factor if the client and dancer trust each other.

The club parking lot is right next to the club, and in many cases there should be other large shopping centers nearby where you could park if you want to be off of the clubs parking lot.

No matter how rich you are, its still worth saving money especially if the dancer gets the same and you pay less.

Im still wondering, how would willingly meeting a stripper in your car, get you on a sex offender list? Is it becsuse its done in a parking lot which is considered public? What if the cars windows are tinted? Or people can’t see you from outside etc

And you can always use it to get around strict club rules. Like pasties or thongs

Avatar for EndlessSummer

So, I actually work at a club that keeps half of the dance fees. And I've repeated many times over the years that I don't begrudge them this fee at all. They provide a safe, inviting environment for me to conduct business in. There's a fully stocked bar, great food, music, and other eye candy around for ambience or even variety if desired. The staff are all friendly and are there for me if I need anything at all.

Also, they accept the payment up front for me and I don't have to worry about negotiating or competitive pricing within the club.

I just get to show up and do what I do best...entertain! And yes, it's been said time and time again- this entertainment isn't cheap (nor should it be). It's not a flea market, swap meet, yard sale, or anywhere else you might find a great deal. In fact, maybe you ought to be hitting up those kinds of places in the interest of saving money elsewhere so you can afford a club visit. 🤷🏼‍♀️

And, I think this goes without saying...absolutely ANY attempt to get me to do a dance in parking lot, store dressing room, etc would be considered beyond CREEPY! Frankly, I can't even believe I'm responding to this thread, but I wanted to give my perspective on the 50/50 club fees. 🙄

Avatar for EndlessSummer

For the record, I agree with CMI on his assessment of the OP

Avatar for rickmacrodong

The example mentioend was $400 for half an hour VIP where the dancer keeps half. So you could pay the dancer $300 for 30 minutes in her car and you both profit. You could even pay her $220 and you would both profit. Or you could for instance pay her $400 for an hour in her car, something you’d need to pay the club $800 for and the dancer would only keep $400 of it anyway. It would be best if its somewhere nearby the club, since that means minimal additional driving time needed. If the club bouncers are the concern yoi could go to a nearby shopping center. But i am not sure of the legal aspects, but even those should be minimal if it’s tinted windows or curtains in the car

Avatar for rickmacrodong

A club keeping half of the fees is ripping dancers and customers off, possibly not getting much sales volume.

EndlessSummer, are you saying the attempt to get yoi to dance in a store dressing room or parking lot is creepy, or do you feel its creepy to actually do a dance in those places?

Avatar for twentyfive

My own opinion is if the dancer meets you in a car in the parking lot, she’s an idiot, doesn’t matter what you think of the clubs charges, if you owned an establishment selling anything and you were solicited to or solicited some one to bypass the business you’re a jackass and I’m sure there’s plenty of things that you could be charged with legally starting with theft and interfering with a legally operating business, and I’m sure there are plenty of legal charges that can be filed, but if you did that you’d actually be risking a trespassing arrest and I’m sure some places would be happy to throw you a beating for good measure.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Doing anything OTC with a dancer requires an element of trust on the client and dancers side. Some of the comments are akin to posting “Dancers dont meet people OTC, its too dangerous!” on a thread regarding otc. Meeting in the dancers car is safer than at a hotel or house

Avatar for twentyfive

^ You aren’t talking about OTC you’re talking about meeting at the parking lot belonging to the club

A legitimate OTC doesn’t require you to meet on club property or during the dancer’s working hours, you are proposing a conspiracy to steal the clubs money.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Twentyfive then do yoi think simply asking a dancer to meet OTC carries all those legal risks and club banishment too? Or its only a risk if you want to meet OTC for an actual lapdance but not a risk to meet OTC for sex?

I dont think you can br charged with theft but you could be kicked out and charged with trespassing for future club visits.

OTC is in itself bypassing the club rules and etc. once you start meeting a dancer otc youre giving her all the money and tje club loses out. Its just the same as if you go to golds gym get a personal trainer then work out a deal to get private training from the trainer. It happens all the time in that industry. Cuz the gym overvalues and charges like $120 an hour for a personal trainer that they only pay $20 an hour. if clients are being charged $100 an hour and trainers are being paid $20 an hour it creates a situation where both client and trainer are motivated to set something outside the gym that’s mutually beneficial.

There are even car mechanics who work on cars at half the dealership rate or their own pricing setup

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Twentyfive so if you meet at a parking lot half a mile away from the club, and once the club is closed, thats all fine and dandy?

And does OTC need to be outside the clubs operating hours then? In order to not be stealing the clubs money?

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

The type of “dancer” to meet you in your car is going to end with you getting beat up and all your money stollen. But please, you don’t have to take my word for it. 👍🏼

Avatar for twentyfive

It depends on the contract these people have with the contractor, one thing I can assure you if you’re looking to bypass the main contractor you’re going to be uninsured, working in an unlicensed environment and so forth, if you exchange phone numbers with a dancer and make arrangements to meet that’s your business but if you try to interfere in the operation of a business that is something you’d want to avoid there will unquestionably be legal consequences

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Sugardoll what about meeting a dancer in her car? And if that’s the case arent the same risks present if meeting a dancer at a hotel or her house? Any scenario can involve a robbing

Twentyfive so if you arrange to personally meet a dancer OTC tjere should be no issues mostly as long as you don’t involve the club property?

Avatar for PinkSugarDoll

Sorry I had more thoughts on this—

First: The position of bodies in lap dancing is somewhat similar to having sex and cars are like not great spaces for that due to volume limitations of the cabin lol. So, ok, awkward.

And second: if a guy asked me to meet him and wouldn’t even pay for a hotel I would not take him seriously, I would think he was a total cheapskate and I would feel suspicious and avoid the whole situation.

But yeah again killer idea 👍🏼

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Theres a dancer who doesnt do full service otc, but breaks other rules like pasties, pussy rubbing and is willing to do a full nude dance otc. It cant be done fully nude itc. I am going crazy thinking of that fully nude dance otc

Avatar for Cashman1234

As much as the OP says he’s not a troll, his comments prove otherwise.

I think dancers have no desire to allow customers in their cars. This would be a very bad idea.

If the OP will take a minute and think. No - take a full minute there OP. Think about it. Keep trying to see a dancer’s perspective.

Does a dancer getting $200 additional dollars from a customer outweigh the possible negative consequences of having a customer in her car?

She could be kidnapped by the cheap creep.

They could both be arrested.

She could be fired.

The cheap creep could have drugs or a gun - and that would not be good if a cop came by.

The cheap creep could rob her!

Avatar for rickdugan

Idk 25. I'll let the legal beagles on here opine but I think it's a stretch to imagine that there is some cause for legal action in a girl who decides to sell her services to him elsewhere.

With that said, I agree with your other comments regarding the stupidity of doing any deed in the club parking lot, or anywhere else in the car for that matter. Also his notion that it is somehow safer for the dancer is goofy - there are very things less safe than being trapped with someone in a confined space.

But more than anything I'd love to be a fly on the wall if a guy actually tried to convince a dancer that all he really wanted in the car was lapdances. I'll give him credit for entertainment value as I've chuckled more than a few times just imagining that conversation, including the disbelieving and/or creeped out look on her face as he tried to sell it. He'd probably have an easier time finding a girl who would agree to blow him out there, lol.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Pinksugardoll a hotel is fine for OTC but seems unnecessary for lapdances and nude dances. Some dancers have an issue with the vibe of a hotel compared to a club. In a car you can play music and replicate a similar environment

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Guys, I know this is a long shot, but I suspect that the OP's next post will be some combination of goofy arguments and/or inane questions...

... because the OP is a troll.

Avatar for twentyfive


I was referring to his comments about a personal trainer or a mechanic I don’t think making arrangements with a dancer for otc will cause a problem sorry I maybe should have articulated that a bit more clearly.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Rick you underestimate me, remember there are some dancers who only do private dances OTC, not full service.

And there are some dancers who do fully nude private dances outside the club, which the club wouldn’t allow.

Not everything is motivated by sex, remember this otc lapdances value would be in getting a steep discount on the clubs prices, as well as getting a higher value lapdance (fully nude instead of a thong). So even without any sex involved, even without more mileage involved it would still be worth it.

Its not something you can likely ask a random dancer. But obviously a dancer willing to meet you OTC likely wouldnt have an issue doing it

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Ishmael you are wrong i didnt troll, but you and cashman attempted to with those nonsense white van comments, which is akin to me going on one of your threads discussing OTC and being like “dancers dont meet people otc its too dangerous what are you talking about brah!”

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Rick the safety aspect shoildnt be relevant, the risk of being robbed or beat also exists with hotels and houses

Its not about how likely it is for a dancer to be willing to meet otc or in a car

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Well, BTE, you've made your argument. I guess now it's up to you to go out there and prove the doubters wrong.

We wish you luck on your quest to perfectly replicate a strip club atmosphere in a Toyota Rav4.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman, its not a random dancer situation

Those things you mention are all big risks for anything OTC

I don’t understand how you can say meeting a dancer at a house, or apartment, or hotel is safe, but suddenly meeting in a car carries all these risks of robberies or guns or assault... those risks are present with anything otc including hotel or house

And the risks of being fired shouldnt be relevant as long as you aren’t meeting on a clubs parking lot!

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Ishmael you have to explain

If the concerns are being robbed or assaulted, then how is any OTC safe! Those risks arent unique to meeting dancers in cars!

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

BTE said "Ishmael you have to explain"

No, I really don't.

Avatar for Cashman1234

How many dancers has the OP asked to do lap dances in their cars?

If this is only a hypothetical - based on the OP’s minimal understanding of logic - and minimal understanding of women - then he can go on and on about how things shouldn’t matter.

There is a large gap between what you think - and reality.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Rick, the dancers whom are willing to meet otc are already trusting you. And i dont know if a hotel or house is safer than a car.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman I will report on it soon

But Cashman, are yoi saying dancers would be willing to meet OTC at their house, your house, a hotel, but then suddenly draw the line at their car or your car? That doesnt make sense!

If they’re willing to do OTC, they likely dont have an issue with cars

If theyre willing to do OTC, it means there is some level of trust already established

If theure unwilling to do OTC, they wont meet OTC

And look, i would be willing to do a hotel for it too. But im not sure if theres any point, if a nice spacious luxury car is available.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman and Rick, you think dancers willing to meet you OTC, would draw the line at their car or your car? I doubt it!

Avatar for rickmacrodong

If a dancer gets creeped out by an invitation for car lap dances, she would likely also be creeped out by any OTC offers! On the other hand if she’s comfortable enough to do OTC at a house or hotel with you, I doubt she would draw the line at her or your car!

And a car lapdance or full service is still OTC just with a different location. Its all still OTC

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Does a dancer getting $200 additional dollars from a customer outweigh the possible negative consequences of having a customer in her car?

She could be kidnapped by the cheap creep.

They could both be arrested.

The cheap creep could have drugs or a gun - and that would not be good if a cop came by.

The cheap creep could rob her! “”

Those are all general OTC risks, not car specific risks! Almost everyone posting here has engaged in OTC , but those are all OTC risks!

Theres plenty of creeps who try to set up meetings at hotels, or houses, or elsewhere with dancers.

Avatar for twentyfive

^This is how we know you are trolling, mainly you keep getting wilder and wilder with your suppositions, and when there are no takers you keep upping the ante.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Twenty five, the above was me quoting what cashman said. And under it is my response

Twentyfive nobody has explained, how a dancer would be willing to meet otc at a house or hotel but then suddenly draw the line at a car. It doesnt seem feasible

Avatar for twentyfive

I don't think anyone is interested in a car date, so why should they opine on something they have no knowledge about, that is reserved for trolls like Iceefag or SJG you are rapidly approaching that status, if you don't like the label start by being a more responsible poster.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

I am responsible. And there’s advantages and disadvantages to car dates just like there is with hotels, or house/apartments.

Anyway my point is proven despite all the back and forth. The fact is more often than not, dancers/clients willing to meet each other at apartments or hotels likely wont have much issue with cars. Cars aren’t suitable for full service but may be suitable for lapdances and some extras

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Perhaps not helpful, but for me, this hasn't been an issue. My favs seem to quickly realize that I appreciate them greatly, and want every happiness for them, and I'm not trying to get over on them in any way. So we do OTC at her place or mine, as long as her understanding with he SO permits it. It isn't a issue of finding some other place to meet where we'd both be safe.

But anyway, I think the OP might be able to get venture capital for a new box truck rental company called U-HOE.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Ilba good post

Understanding with the SO... does her SO know what you and her are doing?

Avatar for Omega_Entertainment

This came up in another thread as well, with yet another troll is my guess so i will say it here too, as others have.

The properties I own with my partner consist of the building and the surrounding five acres of land for each one. Our Parking lot is for venue guests only. We also have separate parking for dancers who drive to work, that is gated away from the customers lot.

If you are caught on my property engaging in sex in a car be it yours or hers, of which we circumvent using the gated lot, she will be fired if she works for us, she will be charged for solicitation and turned over the police. You being the instigator owning the car or truck on my property are charged with solicitation and cooercion, which carries a sex offender tag upon conviction of which always is added due to no dancer is going to say in court she got into your car or truck on her own idea.

We have a zero tolerance policy for those who would take advantage of our entertainers and our parking areas in order to save a buck. My licenses are worth more than you having OTC, just like they are worth more than an idiot with a weed vape pen.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Omega I doubt you can convict people engaging in prostitution of being sex offenders. And thats not how court works. A dancer refusing to admit that she had sex for money doesnt mean she can claim she was raped. I dont know which state you’re in and it’s possible its a very corrupt state.

Omega the good thing is anybody looking for OTC, even in a parking lot in a car, can literally just go to the Walmart parking lot where they will apparently be treated more like human beings than your parking lot.

I would love to see an example of you successfully convicting someone of rape just for banging an escort or stripper OTC. It rarely happens, if it does happen, it would be due to doing it in public where someone saw it, not for the act itself.

Omega, nobody is “taking advantage of your entertainers”’ its more like the entertainers and clients are joining forces and taking advantage of your venue. When you charge dancers a fee for their dances, or keep some of their VIP fees which customers pay, you automatically create an incentive for clients and dancers to arrange something OTC. It happens in strip clubs, it happens with escort agencies, it happens with gyms/trainers and it happens with car dealerships. And people rarely get caught, only when someone messes up or intentionally leaks it.

Also, they dont need to use your parking areas, they can drive a half mile away to mcdonalds or walmart. If they’re doing OTC which includes extras beyond lapdances, they’ll likely arrange a hotel or meet at each others places.

You can’t really fire dancers cause you need them for your income especially if they’re hot.

And thats the purpose of the club. Clubs are for new customers to strip clubs. A regular has no reason to continue using the club and paying extra price for something they can get much cheaper outside.

Omega, no smart man is gonna pay $800 for something that can be attained for $400. Nobody likes overpaying or getting ripped off. The thing is, a customer may have spent thousands on a dancer before arranging OTC. So the club got their finders fees and that dancer will still continue dancing at your club.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

It's always hard for a PL to be sure what's really going on. But it always seems to me that Zanzibar and The Rail in Toronto have much more of a "volume business. low overhead" business model. As I remember, the dancers pay no house fee or any cut for each dance. The PL pays $20 per visit for access to the lapdance couches. I don't know how tipout is. Drinks (even just a molson) are typically $10 (as in any Canadian bar), but I'm told the bar doesn't get the extra, it goes to the gubment. And downtown Yonge St. rent I'm sure is high af.

Point being, I'm skeptical that US strip clubs NEED to take such a big cut of the PL dollar to survive. Ironically, Toronto dancers are the quickest I've seen to ask about meeting up when their shift ends. But the fact that the violent crime rate is so much lower in Canada is a big factor with that.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

And i have no idea why pro OTC people are liking Omegas posts, dude basically admitted he would love trying to charge people with rape for engaging in anything OTC.

Avatar for san_jose_guy

BTE, buying dances is a chump's game. Find a girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with.


Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

BTE ... you've made your point. Now go out there into the real world and prove everyone here wrong.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Except you won't because you're a troll and getting actual useful information isn't your goal.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Lol at all the dupes that think the OP and this thread are legit!

Avatar for rickdugan

===> "If you are caught on my property engaging in sex in a car be it yours or hers, of which we circumvent using the gated lot, she will be fired if she works for us, she will be charged for solicitation and turned over the police. You being the instigator owning the car or truck on my property are charged with solicitation and cooercion..."

We understood you the first time. It honestly didn't sound any less stupid when you said it a second time. If you really cared about your licenses you wouldn't be racking up police calls to your club for solicitation. If you really think that the local city or town council will take into account the fact that you made the calls then you're kidding yourself - they'll still use it as evidence that the club is a problem in the community.

Btw, what do you mean you turn the girl over? Are you actually claiming that you take custody of the girl before the police arrive, like a citizens arrest? For a misdemeanor solicitation charge? Do you do the same with the guys?

Also what evidence do you hand over to the police so that they can prosecute? Normally police must have direct evidence of the transfer of cash for sex in order to prosecute. Do you follow them to the car and record the event, maybe keeping a copy for yourself for later? 🙈 And what happens if you interrupt them before he's paid her (some of us only pay when the deed is done). A BJ is not, in and of itself, illegal.

Man the character development really needs work around here, lol.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Rick, omega said apparently the guys get charged with solicitation and sex offender status because “no stripper will admit to sex for money in court”. If that’s all it takes to be convicted of sex offender status than any guy who has consensual sex with anyone can be convicted of sex offended status.

Omega when you say “take advantage of our entertainers” it’s a very odd way to word things. It reminds me of this very creepy guy i knew who, whilst being in vegas made sure to not go to any shows with women, not see any hookers and not go to any casinos where the servers were showing cleavage, so basically all the casinos. He thought all the servers and hookers were poor abused women who were forced to do that job, forced to dress skimpy, and beaten by pimps daily. i was only 17 at the time, but thanks to watching porn often, I had researched, and found that pornstars, strippers , hookers actually made a lot of money! Much more than a schoolteacher, sometimes even more than doctors!

So to the young teenager me, that guys claims seemed like straight up nonsense. The fact is some women are willing to do sex work, and many times it pays much better than many mainstream careers.

Avatar for bluejacketsguy

Walk up to a guy and a stripper now just chilling in the parking lot or car no obvious sex going on. Did you pay x for sex, did you receive money from y for sex? No officer we’re just hanging out. Officer has no proof of said activity occurring, maybe he abuses his reasonable suspicion or probable cause to search the girl /car and find money, sir I got that working in the club. Officer is nearly certain something went down and either walks away in defeat or decides to book her and maybe you. Lawyer worth his salt says anything you did not witness directly and have no proof of is just hearsay. Unless you have a willing witness that is unimpeachable or video evidence of the money exchange you’re not absolutely proving soliciting/ prostitution. You may get indecent exposure or some such I guess.

@Omega I have to say like others have stated calling the cops to your club for non emergency reasons is just asking for trouble. Certainly you can tell the girl her services are no longer required and certainly you can ban the guy, but the cops may just start snooping around your joint. You may start to get surprise inspections from people to confirm you’re in compliance with liquor laws, health inspections, code violations and on and on. All because your club is a “known brothel” now and your business is no longer wanted in the area.

Avatar for Cashman1234

This is off topic. The more the OP posts, the more his trolling becomes obvious. Saying you aren’t a troll doesn’t make you seem like less of a troll. Your posts show the true troll.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman you still dodged the question

Any girl willing to meet you OTC will likely be fine with a car. People even meet tinder dates in cars

Ohioguy, I doubt Omega would be willing to fire the girl especially if she brings them a lot of money. Clubs are almost completely reliant on their girls

Avatar for Cashman1234

I am not dodging the question. I will play along one more time.

There is an element of danger when meeting a guy in a hotel OTC, I agree. However, a dancer can provide her location information to another person who she trusts, and who can notify police or security if anything gets out of hand.

When a dancer gets into an unknown guy’s car, it would be very easy for the guy to lock the doors and lock the windows too, and speed off with her in the car. Now she’s in a creepy guy’s car - headed somewhere she doesn’t know. Sure a friend can track her location - but she’s already in a car - and nobody knows where the creep is going.

When you are in a creepy guy’s car - for a date - the guy has more control. It’s his car, he can start the engine, he can lock the doors, the woman is seated - so it’s not easy to get away.

The list is longer - than what I’ve mentioned above - as there are many more reasons to avoid getting into a car with an unknown creep.

If you are starting your pitch to a dancer, asking her to grind on you in your Yaris, so she can take more money home, it’s just a stupid idea.

An extra $200 to a dancer, who may have a family, is a decent amount of money, but it’s not a reasonable trade off when thinking about what might occur.

Think about it from a non troll adult perspective. Consider the dancer/female perspective and the dangers faced.

Avatar for rickmacrodong

Cashman, good post

Yes, there may be some risks. She can also contact police/security from the car. If it’s her car, she can retain even more safety and control the keys.

There are many tinder dates who meet in cars.

Cashman, I have a luxury sports car. Many people who attend strip clubs may also have nicer cars. The idea of the yaris or white creepy van is just nonsense. Anyway, if its the dancers car it doesn’t matter.

Meeting OTC at hotels or even houses involved much more time commitment. Time is everything to a dancer or escort. Meeting in a car makes it much more convenient. It can be done right before or after their shift, thus saving massive amounts of time compared to meeting in a hotel. But, a car date would only be feasible if you wanted an extras lapdance that couldn’t be done ITC. For full service, you would likely need a hotel or apartment

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