Club rage

Detroit, Michigan
Are we witnessing the beginning of club rage, where customers feel justified in angry and violent responses to bad service, lame dances and ROB, all features of Tycoons' environment? I hope not. If this had happened during business hours, people could have been injured or killed.
last commentWell why not right? It happens everyday in other businesses! (I am not condoning that type of behavior). We were already headed that way, then COVID hit and people have lost their minds pushing many way way past their breaking point.
Social media - people thinking that can’t live without certain items or experiences they didn’t even know existed before they saw it on social media
The smart phone turning many people into a 24 hour access employee to their jobs
IMO these two things have helped push people over the edge. I have no idea how to bring anything back to normal!? Maybe this is the new normal.
this guy was over the edge to begin with obviously.
If people hate being 24 hour employees due to their phones the answer is simple, go back to work in the offices and keep regular hours again.
I've been to Tycoons. It's not that bad.
so many thoughts
That's a dinky little Liberty. I'm actually surprised it held together for three tries, and the last one being successful. Obviously, just brick and morter, no rebar.
They are offering a reward greater than the damages? That's throwing good money after bad.
The isolation and frustration -all continuing- of COVID has really disconnected people from what is tolerable in society and what is not. add to it a justice system that prioritizes partisan ideology over law enforecment, and people have greater motivation and license to behave poorly without fear of measurable punishment
the 24-hour cell phone leash was a problem before COVID and remote work. One of the reasons I quit the last job I had where I was employed by someone else was because of a new 24-hour 7/day week on-call availability with increasing disciplinary measures for not answering. I work to live, I do not live to work. I believe very strongly in a work-life balance. I understand the realities of being in a publicly traded company and having to keep the Street happy; but burning out your top performers is not the right idea. Unfortunately, it is very hard to find leadership which agrees unless you are lucky enough to have the skills, talent, and desire to work for yourself.
Civil society is disintegrating. I think it will get worse. Its the end stages of yhe American empire. Our standard of living is falling like crazy and people can't cope. Instead of a revolution we're getting crime waves and acts of random violence .
Seems like people are too quick to see trends in individual incidents. Like how people think violent crime has been steadily increasing for many years. Truth is, it's been decreasing, except for a big jump that correlates with the COVID lockdowns.
America faces a lot of uncertainties. But we are not losing our shit the way many people think. 90+% the Jan 6 protesters and 90+% of the people protesting George Floyd's murder by police were law abiding. But MSM like MSNBC, CNN and Fox News make money from making us think we are threatened by eath other, rather than Russia, China and Saudi Arabia.
These aren't isolated incidents.
But the January 6 coup people had the right idea although they were on the wrong side of the political spectrum. Channel rage and dejection into political revolutionary acts. Attack landlords. Corporate headquarters. City halls etc. The forces oppressing us. Don't rob people. Rob businesses.
Bring the fascist system to its knees.
Killing each other and robbing each other. Etc is pointless. We're all in the same sinking boat
I'll be more concerned if we see more incidents like this. For now, I'd say this is the work of a lone, angry idiot.
China Russia Saudi Arabia don't threatem us. Our government and its capitalist masters do
^ Quisling
Icey are you serious if youre not trolling that has to be laughable stuff to suggest. Youre asking people to go out and attack landlords and rob businesses and corporate buildings? Why. Those people arent as evil as you make them out to be, even if you look at google or the major corporations maybe 3 or 4 people in those corps are actually evil
Superdude does ROB mean a dancer who claims she’ll give you something in the dance but doesnt follow through
A $10k reward for $7k in damages? Sounds like someone wants to make a point by breaking some kneecaps.
Any evidence to support it's a customer who was upset about something? Why couldn't it have been a religious nut who wanted to stop the sinning? Or a boyfriend you didn't realize dancing really meant fucking?
I'll buy into the general premise that people feel justified in having outrageous responses to things that they don't like, but I'm not ready to assume this was a customer upset about a shitty lap dance or whatever. Not saying it isn't, but I'd guess other motives are at least equally as plausible.
Two incidences of Little League umpires being physically attached in the news today. One was a woman,vid:_ujlEW-ORiQ,st:0
If this strip club rage becomes common, it will destroy the civility necessary for strip clubs to operate.
Two incidences of Little League umpires being physically attached in the news today. One was a woman,vid:_ujlEW-ORiQ,st:0
Not good, people are loosing it.
During the COVID hysteria I think it was worse.
My initial guess was that it was the kind of thing that might happen in Tony Soprano's Bada Bing club. Except in that scenario, people generally know who did what to whom.