Dancers with long memories

avatar for goldmongerATL
Ever have a dancer remember you from like 20-25 years ago? I was at a club and the female bartender was talking to a dancer across the bar. The dancer laughed and looked over at me. A few minutes later she came to talk with me. Her line:

"She said she used to dance for you like 20 years ago and if I go to VIP with you you'll let me ride your cock until I cum."

I should have told her I charge extra for that!


last comment
avatar for jmiddle30234
3 years ago
I’ve been clubbing since 98 I have trouble remembering last months vip lol. I have had a few over the years say they remember me when most times I can not place them.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
People tend to remember me a lot. I like it.
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
Same here. Far more remember me than the other way around. Part of it is my look has not changed in 25 years. Dancers make major changes to their looks quite often. I sometimes don't recognize a dancer that I took to VIP twice in the previous 3 months.
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
I had a dancer remember that she slid on one of my greasy oil patches. She tried billing me for laundry and leaving early.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Go away, Cacaplop
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Gotta take it with a grain of salt, sometimes it's one of the "make you feel special" techniques.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
They say women generally have better memories – it’s likely true – studies/brain-images have shown women’s brains are physically wired differently than men’s so it stands to reason there are differences including memory.

As a pastor was once telling a joke on a sermon about marriage – the joke was that the couple went to therapy and the man kept complaining that when his wife got upset she would turn historical – the therapist said “you mean hysterical” – the main said no “historical”; she starts spouting out every little thing I’ve done in our 20-year relationship – LOL
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
As others; it’s usually the dancer remembering me than the other way around – I assume that may be in part b/c for us it’s just entertainment but for them it’s business and perhaps they have a higher incentive to remember custies that have spent on them or they've seen spending in the club? Not to mention we custies in the club are usually thinking w/ our smaller-head while most dancers are in business-mode using their big-head, per se.

For me liking variety (both dancers and clubs) I don’t get to continuously interact w/ the same dancers so less of a chance to remember them especially since I’m often getting with multiple dancers on a particular visit – also the dives I tend to hit seem to have a good amount of turnover where not that unusual for dancers to disappear and sometimes reappear months or years later at the same or different nearby club

I also mostly care about the bod and rarely make a decision on a dancer b/c of how her face looks (either good or bad) – thus I don’t focus on the face much and makes it harder to remember them – I’ve had dancers claim to remember me but I couldn’t remember them; then they started giving me dances and got nude then all of a sudden I did remember them b/d of how their bod looked.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Lol good one goldmonger. You beat me on the record by far but one time I went into a club and I hadn’t been there for 9 years. I remembered having a great time with a dancer those 9 years ago assuming she still wouldn’t be there. Sure enough she was, immediately came over talking to me like it was yesterday. At first I thought she was just acting like she remembered me then she remembered specific things about me that I had told her from before.

Amazing. She was an amazing dancer, you don’t meet one’s like that very often.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
There are not any dancers I've run into at a club from more than seven years in the past. Both times it was a situation where they left stripping and then came back several years later. Both times they didn't stay very long their second time around. All of my regulars from the past I would have kept seeing because I like having long term regulars, but I have never had one
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
I've had some say that remember me from a long time ago. Some of them are real, but sometimes it's SS designed to get me to feel comfortable with them.
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