What SC perks / quirks / staples have disappeared?

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In my area, I miss the SC that would still be open until 5am on the weekends. Now they close around here at 3am


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Buffets. I also miss the clubs where girls wore gowns or lingerie. I miss peep shows.
I don’t miss the free buffets, but they seem to be gone.

There is a Paterson club that had free chicken fingers - Sunrise. I’m not sure if they still offer them.
Food and drink specials generally have gotten more expensive or disappeared. Millstream, a local club that I frequented on multiple days did away with their buffet on Friday happy hours. The buffet was good, but the real loss is the free oysters. For a few bucks in tips to the shucker you could get a dozen good oysters every Friday throughout the year. Miss those. They also used to have $1 or $2 tacos on tuesdays. Gone. Finally, it used to be $11 for a bucket of 5 beers on some nights. Now, it’s $15 for four.

On the improvement side they also did away with their single song $30 air dances and replaced it by adding a $100 ten minute semi private dance when the cheapest option was $180 for 15 minutes. In the old days, you’d either spend $30 total or $225. Nothing in between and hopefully you picked the right girl. The ten minute option was a huge plus to be able to do a little diligence with a new girl.
Free popcorn! They helped tye watered down drinks go faster.
This one spot out here would often take a quick break around midnight to suddenly introduce all the girls at once. It tried to be quick and painless, just say their names and as their name is called maybe the dancer would do a splits or something. It was cheesy and the girls acted like it was annoying and they were too cool hor it. But I loved it because it was so annoying to them. I loved their too-cool-for-school reactions. Like, c'mon ladies, it's harmless. These aren't your real names. Few of them took advantage to be cute, creative or exotic with it. Like do the robot when your name is called. Take a bow. Kick your heels. Moonwalk. You got 4 seconds while your stagename is called and the whole club is looking at you and all you do is roll your eyes or sheepishly wave. I loved introductions. Meanwhile you could tell the DJ had fun with it too switching up songs every 3 to 4 dancers, playing really bouncy or hype music meanwhile the dancer drags her feet to a spotlight rolls her eyes puts a hand up like 'present' and slides back into line. It's only done once a night and girls acted like it was torture lol. Miss that.
avatar for 8TM
North America
3 years ago
The midnight roll call is still pretty common everywhere. A lot of girls just ignore it though
Buffets seem gone for sure. I don't miss them at all. A few places have replaced them with free or really cheap plated food too.

Free admission during the day seems to be mostly a thing of the past here too. Once they added in door people to check temperatures they all seem to have kept them around.

One club used to have a $10 dance day, that's gone now.

Day shift specials in general seem to be gone. Discounted rooms, drinks, dances, etc. Not completely gone, but seemingly reduced.
Clubs used to give free drink tickets with cover charges

Dance specials like $10 happy hour.

avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
There has been a curtailing or elimination of day shifts here in Indianapolis and I miss those. When they had those, it created more options because each club had two separate groups of girls you could pick from. You had a day group and a night group. I would sometimes stop by a club on the way home from work or on a day I was off work. Now, with some clubs not opening until the late afternoon, that is less possible. I am also seeing, even when the clubs open, girls don't show up until seven or eight at night.

Causes of this would include fewer overall customers so clubs now only open during traditional peak customer evening hours, more telecommuting so guys are not driving by clubs on the way home from work, guys moving out
of the city further away from clubs, older customers who frequented the day shift staying away for fear of Covid and higher wages giving girls better options than stripping.

Around here Happy Hour has become much stingier. It's not really worth making the effort to arrive in time for drink discounts anymore.
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