Clubbing in rough weather

avatar for NJBalla
I think I posed this question some years back, but the "snowstorm" we have in the northeast made me smirk. 3-5 inches during a pandemic makes everyone run for shelter. However, I do remember when I was young and stupid going to club in the middle of a snowstorm. I followed a line of snowplows going 35 mph to a club. I arrived and it was me and. another customer with 8 girls to ourselves. Turned out to be an all time kind of night. Met a new dancer called "mermaid". She made the LD trip worthwhile, and I still regret not taking her number.

Anyone club in a blizzard, hurricane, natural disaster?


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avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Yes one weekend my friends and I were on a road trip in upstate NY. Got pounded with snow, similar situation, there were us (3) and probably 3 other customers and about 12 dancers. My one friend doesn’t drink so my other friend and I got trashed bought a ton of 20 lapdances.

Another time I was in a snowstorm in Detroit, luckily my hotel wasn’t far from flight club and I took at taxi there and took the flight club car service back.
avatar for busta_nut
3 years ago
In Baltimore at my home club the weather turned much worse than expected. As it got later in the evening the snow and ice came quicker and heavier than predicted. Most people bailed but about 4 of us and 8 dancers got trapped due to road closures and conditions. The club closed, doors locked and private party began. The booze and food flowed, clothes came off and that is all I can say.. We all spent the night and were able to leave mid morning.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^ I like your user name, it’s kinda like BUSTA RHYMES, just more romantic.
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
On nights like tonight I don’t fuck with it with this northeast blizzard. You might get stuck enroute. Most strip club visits aren’t great but a great club it wouldn’t be the worst thing to get stranded at, if the girls even showed up.
avatar for tin man
tin man
3 years ago
Onyx Philadelphia once, it was actually pretty cool. The roads were closed so everyone just ate, free lappers and all around a good time
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I've done it during a heat wave...during day shift when the power went out and the club stayed open.

A few times during huge rain storms.
avatar for VanessaM
3 years ago
This is good info. I always wondered should I go into work when there is a weather advisory
I think it’s hit or miss. I heard some dancers make money and some do not
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
It's a gamble. I've heard of guys braving shitty conditions and they get to a club and it's them with the pick of 15 dancers. I've also heard of guys doing the exact same thing, and when they get to the club it's them, a manager, a bouncer, and a single desperate, past-her-prime dancer.

I'm pretty sure all of the clubs in RI today are closed for the day shift at least.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Twice, once on CT and another time in WI. The problem in each case is that a lot of the dancers didn't come in, which made for a quiet visit. In one instance they didn't even bother running the stage. And of course OTC was out of the question because no dancer wanted to risk getting stranded making a detour on her way home.

So nowadays I like to wait until the day after the bad weather, when a lot of girls return hungry from the missed shift.
avatar for Dan3635
3 years ago
What if storm clubbing made you develop a Pavlovian response to the snowstorm? Popping a boner if it even sleets.
avatar for ATACdawg
3 years ago
A bit out of topic, but I was at a management training course one time. One of the guys in our group had been on assignment in Charleston when Hurricane Hugo hit, shutting the airport down for three days. He was finally able to fly out to his next assignment. He arrived in San Francisco just in time for the World Series earthquake!
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
I"m in Houston years ago. Went to the VIP area in the back at Centerfolds. We noticed that there weren't any others up there at this time so we took full advantage of the privacy. We were up there for about 3 hours both of us almost completely naked. Waitress never bothered us which at the moment was kind of nice. We didn't want to be interrupted . After we were finished, we went downstairs and saw the lights all on and the staff frantically cleaning up. They were about to lock the doors. The City Mayor had issued an evacuation order with an approaching hurricane.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
Not my car. I'll peruse the city streets but I'm not getting stuck in the club
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’ve clubbed a few times in winter snow storms.

Once I went in a club, and it was chilly outside, but no snow. The forecast was for a storm to hit much earlier, so I thought the storm had moved in a different direction. The club had no windows, and when I left, the roads were covered with a few inches of snow. I had wondered why there were few customers coming in, and the snow was the reason.

Another time I was driving to meet up with a few guys at a nearby club. As I drove, I got a call from one guy asking if I was going, as he was sliding a bit while driving. I wasn’t having any issues, so I wasn’t stopping. The club was quiet, but all the dancers were there. Only the customers were in short supply. It was a decent night.
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