Clubbing in rough weather
New York
I think I posed this question some years back, but the "snowstorm" we have in the northeast made me smirk. 3-5 inches during a pandemic makes everyone run for shelter. However, I do remember when I was young and stupid going to club in the middle of a snowstorm. I followed a line of snowplows going 35 mph to a club. I arrived and it was me and. another customer with 8 girls to ourselves. Turned out to be an all time kind of night. Met a new dancer called "mermaid". She made the LD trip worthwhile, and I still regret not taking her number.
Anyone club in a blizzard, hurricane, natural disaster?
Anyone club in a blizzard, hurricane, natural disaster?
Another time I was in a snowstorm in Detroit, luckily my hotel wasn’t far from flight club and I took at taxi there and took the flight club car service back.
A few times during huge rain storms.
I think it’s hit or miss. I heard some dancers make money and some do not
I'm pretty sure all of the clubs in RI today are closed for the day shift at least.
So nowadays I like to wait until the day after the bad weather, when a lot of girls return hungry from the missed shift.
Once I went in a club, and it was chilly outside, but no snow. The forecast was for a storm to hit much earlier, so I thought the storm had moved in a different direction. The club had no windows, and when I left, the roads were covered with a few inches of snow. I had wondered why there were few customers coming in, and the snow was the reason.
Another time I was driving to meet up with a few guys at a nearby club. As I drove, I got a call from one guy asking if I was going, as he was sliding a bit while driving. I wasn’t having any issues, so I wasn’t stopping. The club was quiet, but all the dancers were there. Only the customers were in short supply. It was a decent night.