
Music choice and stages 🧚🏼‍♀️

>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Saturday, January 15, 2022 10:37 PM
Lol this topic gets discussed ad nauseam. I sometimes pick out music to fuck with people or troll. 😁 I have not found that dancing to old white guy music helps with tips or getting dances. And it pisses me off because I hate listening to most of that shit anyway. I think you guys care more if the girl looks appealing to you, and for some reason you people want them to be friendly on stage 🤮 I don't think this type of crowd tips well for any sort of athleticism or skill on stage. So there is no reason to bust ass for nothing or bullshit moneys. Y'all just wanna molest or be physically molested by girls stageside while halfass feeding a dollar or a few at a time. Am I getting anything wrong here? 😸


  • boomer79
    3 years ago
    I’m not that interested in the stage except to see who is working and as an opportunity to approach a girl without stepping in. I’ll tip decently if that’s what I want but otherwise tipplng is a polite formality if I’m sitting near a stage or if it’s a girl I’m friendly with. I do spend plenty of money on girls but not really at the stage and I don’t expect much. As to music it doesn’t matter too much as long as it’s not rap musicZ I prefer rock but it’s not a deal breaker. I avoid places that have a hip hop feel.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Play this they'll think you're trolling and still tip your stage show if you do this right [view link]
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    "I think you guys care more if the girl looks appealing to you, and for some reason you people want them to be friendly on stage 🤮" Yeah, whether she looks appealing is the one and only thing that determines if I am going to tip. If she looks hot, I'll tip. Don't care if she puts on a big act or not. Friendly? Doesn't matter that much. I don't want her to be hostile, but I'm not expecting her to act like she's falling in love over a tip. A smile and a thank you would be nice, same as you get when you tip anyone.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    That pretty much sums it up. You play whatever you want to dance to. If you feel sexy and comfortable with the music, we really don't really care what it is. We care what you look like and what you are doing. Not the music. But sorry you don't like old white guy music though.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    You can’t throw blanket statements out there for everyone. If a girl is hot and good music is playing with high level contact, that little attention to detail goes a long way in making a lasting impression to go ahead and book her for another time in the future. It’s how repeat business gets started, so you got that going for ya.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Haha, my favorite time was when the DJ was playing Situations by Escape the Fate [view link] And a couple of dancers got really excited and was singing along to the lyrics at the top of their lungs. The customers were looking at them both with the biggest WTF facial expressions. It was glorious and I wanted to sing along with them but alas I was sitting with a reg 😭
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Idk I see the consistent decent or good stage tipping going to the most ratchet looking girls who do the most stageside contact. Then you see the best lookers not making shit/ chump change. Just mind boggling.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Then I feel like the sporadic rain money goes to girls who a) are known or know someone b) some of the hottest But that is less consistent I feel like.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Locally during dayshift the only reason to do pole tricks is if you enjoy doing them. Occasionally you'll get the blue collar dudes who come in, get the free lunch and sit on the rail and stage tip generously without buying dances. On the weekend nights sometimes cool tricks get rewarded with cash. I agree you should just pick music you like
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Blahblah I agree 100%
  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    I have a little different perspective about stage dancing...because I only work the day shift, I don't expect a lot in the way of tipping (low expectations means I'm never disappointed!) but instead I treat every time I'm up as an opportunity to get some exercise and do one of my favorite things- dance! Sometimes I play music for the patrons, and sometimes it's more for me. Other times, I'll ask a gentleman I'm sitting with if there's anything he'd like to hear. I don't do pole work (unless you count falling gracefully while holding onto the pole) but I have so much fun when I'm up there that it shows and often gets attention, whether it comes in the form of tips or private dance requests. I'm grateful that I find so much enjoyment in doing the very thing we're there to do...entertain! (Not sure I could have done the job all these years if that wasn't the case.) 🔆💋😘
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    "Y'all just wanna molest or be physically molested by girls stageside while halfass feeding a dollar or a few at a time." This is something that really pisses me off--not the molesting part, but guys who want to stand stage side for the girl's whole stage set doling out a dollar at a time. I'm not going to go up a tip while a guy's doing this, so I miss out on tipping a hot dancer, and she misses out on my tip. For Christ's sake, just tip what you are going to tip and then sit the fuck down.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I agree with doctor evil 100%^
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The majority of guys come into a club wanting their dollar to go as far as possible. It's a chumps game lulz
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    blahblah friendly = you go home with no stab wounds. I just throw tip on the stage. I tip every dancer at least $2, $5+ for my favs. It does in a way look kinda sweet when you see some twenty-something guy who looks like he works at Taco Bell, get his 20 seconds of motorboating for a $1. But, being a different financial situation, I'd feel like too much of a cheap asshole interrupting a dancer on stage to give her a few bucks. We'll go to VIP when you get off. Generally does seem to work best to let the dancer pick the songs. If us old guys want her to dance so some song older than she is, we could just try tipping her to dance to it. If you want to be catered to cause you claim to be the best money, then put your money where your mouth is.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @nice you'd have to learn to act naughty around me if you wanted to keep me as regular.
  • Chili Palmer
    3 years ago
    One of my main clubs right now plays only Mexican/Latino music. Never heard of 99% of the artists groups, don't understand a word they sing, and, frankly, it's terrible (though most videos shown feature hot babes). But, this club is filled with dancers who are fully vested in 2-way contact for a reasonable price. Yeah, I'm here every week. You're not incorrect in your assertion.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Now I get rain money and cant sell dances for shit. I am done with portland I think. I miss the type of customers I can up to like "hey motherfuckers! Let's party" then pick them off 1 by 1 🔪🔪🔪🔪 these people are too politically correct and sensitive for me
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    I don't tip a lot on stage. I'm not interested in molesting or being molested stageside. I'm also not interested in looking like a balla. Did I use that right? Anyway, mostly I tip dancers on stage mostly to indicate that I'm interested in getting dances and maybe having a conversation. My ideal situation is when I come up with my money, the dancer comes over and takes it gives me an opportunity to say "Hi, I'm Dolfan if you're free please come over when you're done" or something like that, then takes my money and goes back to her thing. I don't want to her to bend over and shake her ass, or get on the floor and spread her legs, or push my face in her tits. That shit mostly annoys me, I just want her to take my $3-5-20 bucks and say "thanks, yeah I'm gonna go freshen up and then I'll come over" or "sorry, I'm with a customer already but I'll look for you when I'm free." Most of the time I just toss two bucks on the stage and walk away when they do that. Sometimes, I'll sit there and dole out a dollar or two at a time trying to get her to present her face to me so I can talk. Don't mistake this for me wanting to do that though. I'm sure a lot of dudes do want it, I'm just not one of them. I'd agree that for me at least, there is no reason to bust ass and display skill and athleticism on stage. Occasionally, I'll tip a dancer on stage for an entertaining show, but it won't be an amount that justifies the effort. For the most part, I just want enough effort to not indicate a high likelihood of a bad attitude. A "tip to strip" girl will have to be really hot to get anything out of me. At the same time, a girl who really takes in pride in dancing and does lots of pole tricks isn't going to get tons either. Those girls often tend to be more my type though, because those same girls often have the athletic body type I prefer. An outside observer might conclude I tip those girls more, but it's got nothing to do with dancing. When it comes to music I'd rather you play what you like than what I like. I didn't go to the strip club to hear good music. If that was my goal, I'd have given up strip clubs long ago. A couple of times, I've gone up and tipped a girl I otherwise wouldn't have, just because her music was different than typical at the club and in line with my tastes. The few bucks I give those girls is in no way worth adjusting their music though. I presume any club that has a crowd that's there for the DJ or music doesn't let the girls pick. This is all dayshift though, the rules change somewhat at night for most clubs.
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    “Then you see the best lookers not making shit/ chump change. Just mind boggling.” Because they are usually at work to socialize instead of make money, I’ll take the cool “ratchet” chick that has time for customers any day.
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    “ I'm not going to go up a tip while a guy's doing this, so I miss out on tipping a hot dancer, and she misses out on my tip.” This logic makes no sense if I want to tip I’ll tip regardless of who else is sitting there.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    That isnt true about socializing. Just maybe the hot chicks dont wanna either a) talk for ages to secure the sale b) do extras or c)both. Sometimes every customer in the building is like that especially fucking portland I'm over it. It is pretty easy to sell to those dudes but I dont like to promise shit I wont do or put up with and then they might attempt it in private. No thanks
  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    @blah I'd say that the general tone of your recent posts definitely suggests it might be time for a change of scenery! I hope you're able to do that... I'd suggest West Virginia if you can swing it...we're super laid back and there's plenty of money to be made here! 🔆
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    " This logic makes no sense if I want to tip I’ll tip regardless of who else is sitting there." I'm not talking about guys sitting stage side. Read my post. I'm talking about guys STANDING stage side for the whole set slowly feeding out a dollar at a time.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    ^yeah and sometimes if it is busy/and or a lot of customers wanna tip these bs tippers are taking up valuable real estate and cockblocking a girl's tips. @summer I don't know too much about wv clubs, truthfully never really thought of heading out there.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    At a lot of clubs I've been to. Staff will ask guys to move if they're at the stage and not.tipping
  • FishHawk
    3 years ago
    For a large part of my Strip club journey stage shows we’re all that was available. I did enjoy it when table dances came into being but I still like it when a dancer can put on a good show on stage with or without a pole. A good mix of music is good from fast hard beat songs and then some slow and sensual songs. I do tip dancers on stage. I tip more if they provide a good show.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Well dancer dancing to top 40 stuff is not gonna stand out at all. If she’s out there dancing to like alt rock I’m thinking 🤔 💭 to myself “damn this girl might just be a freak in VIP”
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I rip. Sometimes it's a pity tip lol but I'm not gonna sit at the stage being cheap. As far as music goes I like girls who dance to ghetto shit or old skool rnb. Sometimes I'll ask a dancer if she'd mind me requesting a song for her to dance to sometimes I just do it
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’m an old guy, but my tastes in music and stage shows are a bit eclectic. Here is one suggestion from an old guy. You can use this for a single or multiple song set. A single song might be enough to get us old guys very aroused. Use the song below. Wear a nun outfit (not a slutty nun costume - that’s for amateurs). Wear some clear platforms - a push up bra and no panties. Bring a bottle of cheap red wine with you on stage. Strut out without regard for the music - and pop your tits out as soon as you reach the end of the stage. Then start moving slowly along the pole - to the slow but steady tempo of the song. Take a swig of wine and let some drip down on you vestments - and between your tits. Grind slow and hard on the pole. [view link] As you remove your top take another swig of wine - and the look down on the guys and mouth fuck you to the ones watching your show. Remove your dress and squat at the end of the stage to give guys a view of your pussy that has a crucifix stuffed inside. Let the crucifix slowly slip out and hit the stage - smile and look down at the guys - pick it up and reinsert it - and fuck yourself with it a bit - and moan “Oh Lord, my love for you is real!” If a guy tips you - come to the side of the stage - and bless him. As him - have you been baptized? Shout at him “Repent! You heathen! REPENT!” and then piss on him - and bless him again. As the song ends - lay on the stage and open your legs as you fuck yourself with the crucifix - and continue to moan “Oh Lord! My love for you is real!” The second song is Amazing Grace (you can choose the version - possibly Josh Grobman?) and since you are now naked - you can do some great pole work! I tried to keep it family friendly - but sometimes I go too far…
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    I mostly don't care what <em>kind</em> of music is playing. Banshee loud shit will annoy me, but not to the point where I leave or anything. If I like a girl, I'll tip a couple of bucks or more each song she's on stage. I seldom sit at the stage, just walk up, tip, sit down, repeat.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I think music in the club should be current. If it's not then the club will feel dated. And that ruins the vibe.
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