Do you wear one? Thoughts on them?
I personally think they are some of the most handsome (no homo) upgrades a guy can make. Especially for me, if I'm a 6, I'm telling you the mustache makes me 7 easily. The thing is your guy friends tend to think awesome but the girls it's sort of mixed, I feel like today's young women do not like them at all. Maybe I'm just talking to the wrong girls, but that's not their cup of tea IME.
Think about all the great ones, Dennis Eckersley, Sam Elliot, Jeff Foxworthy, Dale Earnhardt, Tom Selleck, Dennis Farina, Keith Hernandez, Don Mattingly, Burt Reynolds, Mike Ditka, Hulk Hoagan, Kirk Gibson and if your feeling really frisky going all Rollie Fingers, Al Hrabosky, Ted Turner or Lanny Macdonald. The list goes on and on. They do seem to be fading, it was probably more of a baby boomer thing only a lot of young guys wear maybe in an ironic way. (most guys now try to look like that faggot Drake) But lets start bringing these back, and come back to an era where men look like men. Hell I'm doing it now.
I personally think they are some of the most handsome (no homo) upgrades a guy can make. Especially for me, if I'm a 6, I'm telling you the mustache makes me 7 easily. The thing is your guy friends tend to think awesome but the girls it's sort of mixed, I feel like today's young women do not like them at all. Maybe I'm just talking to the wrong girls, but that's not their cup of tea IME.
Think about all the great ones, Dennis Eckersley, Sam Elliot, Jeff Foxworthy, Dale Earnhardt, Tom Selleck, Dennis Farina, Keith Hernandez, Don Mattingly, Burt Reynolds, Mike Ditka, Hulk Hoagan, Kirk Gibson and if your feeling really frisky going all Rollie Fingers, Al Hrabosky, Ted Turner or Lanny Macdonald. The list goes on and on. They do seem to be fading, it was probably more of a baby boomer thing only a lot of young guys wear maybe in an ironic way. (most guys now try to look like that faggot Drake) But lets start bringing these back, and come back to an era where men look like men. Hell I'm doing it now.
Not a comment on any of their musical talents. I just don’t think any of them in their prime really looked “masculine” at all.
Heck I associate any era where males are actively doing their part to be conscious of their “looks” and change fashion as one that has narrower gender roles. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, just what it is.
I have gone with a goatee or full beard a few times but I usually go back to just the mustache after a few months.
A: They want to look like their mothers.
Sorry, but this had to happen once this thread existed.
I don't wear facial hair. I just let people ask me if they want to know what I had for lunch. I would have grown some if a woman I wanted to get busy with had said she was into it. But, it never happened.
Seems like it's the norm now for millennials and Gen-Zer to shave or at least stubblize all body hair below the neck. So would be weird for them to have facial hair. But they embrace weird.
From what I see currently, guys are more prone to beards, than mustaches. There are generally older guys who have always had mustaches, and who keep them, but they might be the exception.…
That said, there's nothing better than going down on a nice smooth hairless pussy after meticulously shaving my face (with a fresh blade, no bullshit electric razor). It's like a Slip 'N Slide for your face.
It does seem like mustaches are not as popular as pre-1990s – and even body-hair seems to also be something that is more common to remove these days – I would say beards w/ mustaches is more common than just mustaches but even that may be less-common than decades past – there are some guys that may actually look better w/ a (well kept) beard and there may be some women that prefer guys w/ beards, but it seems the trend over the last 2-decades+ has been towards clean-cut look both face and body-wise – and in general it seems guys that shave off their mustache/beard do often tend to look younger; but a full beard w/ mustache may give some guys a more masculine look that works well for them.