Letting yourself get poached

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At my local club there’s a girl who comes right up and gives me the “wanna dance?” while I’m sitting at the bar having a conversation with another girl. I’ve said yes at least once.

A long time ago in a club far away I was sitting with a tall blonde I haven’t seen there before. We were about to go to VIP when a shorter skinny blonde barged in and said “hey, I was looking at him first.” To my confusion the first girl was OK with this and the short girl was soon dragging me back to the VIP. After we were done, she informed me she and the first girl were sisters.


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Most of the clubs I've gone to have had at least an unofficial policy against poaching, almost certainly because of the fights and drama that result.

But it still happens on occasion. A dancer tried to lure me away while a dancer I was chatting with took her turn on stage before our VIP. The dancer got off stage in the middle of her set and pulled the poacher away. I didn't hear everything that passed between them, but the phrase "... cut your tits off..." figured prominently.

The poached stomped off to the dressing room, my dancer finished her set, and we had a great VIP.
I don’t let myself be poached – mainly to sorta be fair to the dancer that had first dibs – i.e. if a dancer spent time “working me/the-sale” per se but she needed to step away for w/e reason (stage-set; etc); I’ll likely stay put and follow thru on the dances I was planning on getting w/ her (sometimes I may go w/ another dancer if I’m certain I will get back w/ the original girl).

I also think that in certain clubs, perhaps the more divey-ones, that some girls may try to intimidate other girls and try to move in on their action/custies; thus I try to not let a girl barge in especially if I’m w/ another dancer which I’ve had happen b/f although it’s not common.

Dancers gotta toe a bit of a fine-line b/w not being too pushy nor claiming custies although many don’t have an issue w/ it – in a way I try to “work w/ dancers” per se in trying to make sure there aren’t misunderstandings in whom I wanna get with – I wouldn’t want a dancer to miss out on my biz which she might have earned b/c she was being too-polite or not wanna cause drama w/ another dancer that was trying to “poach me” – I feel it’s sometimes up to the custy to make sure the right girl is getting his biz.

Having said this – I feel it’s ok for a dancer to approach a custy sitting by himself and it’s up to the custy to say yay or nay – I don’t necessarily believe in regulars being completely off limits to every other dancer in the club – it’s up to the custy do decide who he wants to spend time w/ and if he only wants to be w/ his fave then it’s up to him to state that.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Hasn't ever happened to me. This in part may be because, when talking to dancers, within 30 seconds, I will wanna dance them or start dropping hints they should move on. So this would probably only happen to me if the first dancer was being too persistent. If I wanted a dance with the second dancer, I'd politely take my leave from the first dancer, and sally forth. It's a free country, so they can debate about their delusions of owning me all they want in the dressing room, but none of them do. I'll take a pass on dances from dancers who are voluntary participants in parking lot knife fights over who owns which PL.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I was waiting on a regular to show up in a club tonight and something happened that has never happened to me before. While I was waiting, another girl came over to me and asked me to buy her a drink. I politely declined. She then told me if I bought her a drink she would go away and leave me alone. I've never had a stripper threaten to stay and not leave unless I bought her a drink. I told her I was waiting for another girl and she grudgingly left.
Well, I can't be "poached" because nobody has a guaranteed claim on me to begin with. But with that said, I never reward a girl who interrupts me when I'm with someone else. If I'm talking with someone there is a reason for it.

Now can another girl entice me to make a switch, maybe by whispering a thing or two to me while my momentary friend is in the bathroom or DR? Sure. But I decide the manner and timing of the switch, not her. I usually wrap things up with the first girl and send her off with a thank you before exploring the next one.
It happens but girls have always been upset coz it's their money. Only times they weren't is if they're friends trying to hustle together.
A long time ago I was sitting and taking with a stripper at Follies. Another dancer that I knew approached us and said "He's my husband", gave my cock a hand shake and walked off. The dancer sitting with me asked "Why did she say that"? I replied that I didn't know. Was that a poaching attempt?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I definitely think a naked stripper could convince me to stay in a hot tub with her for WAY too long.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
There was one time I inadvertently poached, and I felt really bad about it. Because that dancer is a sweetheart. There were occasional times something like that happened to me before.

Honestly, I don’t like dealing with customers like this. Even if something works in my favor. Because they either:

A) Don’t have the balls to tell dancers they aren’t interested. I guess there’s the silver lining with these types that they might be easier to hard sell. But also wonder what they are going to be like once they drink too much and they feel more confident and aggressive and want to overcompensate. :/
B) They deliberately like drama and want to create situations so they can either feel like they are being fought over or will actually be fought over.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I suspect that nicespice has literally poached many humans on days when Tlaloc was not in the mood for rawbar.
OK. The little devil in me just got an idea. Sit at the bar with a girl but constantly be making eye contact with other girls coming by. Try to get poached, inciting a big "cat fight". I may just try that. :-)
avatar for 8TM
North America
3 years ago
I don’t think I seek it out. In the first case the girl who approached was a regular and the conversation with the other girl was fizzling out, so I thought what the hell, why not.

In the second case I don’t believe 100% they were sisters, but if she was lying I don’t know why she waited so long to bring it up.
Select the girl you want, demonstrate charm and generosity and get a Front Room Feel Up And Make Out Session going.

I've never allowed myself to be poached like that. If I'm literally sitting there talking to a girl and another one comes up with a "wanna dance" there is zero chance I'm gonna say yes. Now, if she interjects to introduce herself I may indicate my interest and check her out later, but there is no way I'm just walking away from the girl I'm currently talking to.

I don't really get "locked down" either though, if the dancer I've been talking to for a while steps away and takes too long to get back I might very well find something else to occupy me. But I'm not gonna bail on her cause she had a stage rotation or had to pee. If that was my intent, I'd have sent her packing already. If we're talking, it's cause I want to be talking to her and I'm almost certainly interested in more later.
avatar for 8TM
North America
3 years ago
I should have used a different thread title, I was more looking for stories of hilariously aggressive dancers instead of recommending some kind of clubbing strategy.

Anyway, I used to be self conscious about “not being a time waster” but not anymore. The girls seem to be happier if they wait 20 minutes to pop the question and get told no than if I try to cut them off and save both our time.
Are the wanna dance girls ever any good?
^^^^ They do it by dissociation. Always need to brush them off.


Karlheinz Stockhausen, Gruppen - Ensemble intercontemporain, for acoustic orchestra, 3 of them
My day's working security in a SC. I have seen a lot of this and had to separate the 2 dancers. And break up the fight between them shortly after. Gang's have turf wars. So do strippers.
I definitely have my favorite girl and the long time dancers know I'm "hers". It was interesting the one time I went to the club when she was out of town and another dancer swooped in.
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