Dropping the OTC Bomb

avatar for Muddy
Me: “You see some people are inside guys, I happen to be an outside guy if you catch my drift.” “Some like dining in, but I’m more COVID style take out only, you could say I’m just, driving thru…if your picking up what I’m putting down”

Her: *Gets up and walks away immediately*

That’s just how I roll son


last comment
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I seem to get the most otc offers from long time regulars. They know I'm not an undercover cop because someone like that wouldn't come see them multiple times and then ask for something illegal just so they can arrest them. It also seems to take a little while for these girls to decide whether or not I'm safe. Safety is a bigger issue for many of these girls than some strip club customers are aware of.

I have found that if a girl is immediately interested in doing something outside the club and brings it up the first time I see them, then it's usually someone I'm not interested in. They are desperate because they are sexually unattractive and can't make money in the club or they have an expensive drug habit. I know from experience that serious drug addicts have a strong temptation to try and rob you if they can so it is best to stay away from them. I'm not a reckless person and safety is important to me too so I'm always cautious in situations where I've learned being cautious is a good idea.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I appreciate Muddy’s upfront approach. Laying it all out on the table is very direct. If it’s your first time chatting up a dancer, it can result in a quick no. But, you’ve also saved lots of time, and useless conversation about mind numbing topics like her nail color and favorite shampoo.

It’s a very NYC way of doing business - as you know immediately what’s up.

I will take a dancer for a few dances first. If she doesn’t open up, and offer an indication of being a bit naughty, then I won’t ask. If a dancer gives me a bit more, I will ask politely if she’s open to getting more comfortable OTC.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
I don't think there is any one best way. If a dancer is my type (blonde and busty), I will take her to VIP and afterwards ask if she will meet me OTC. Many say yes immediately. Many want to wait until they know me better. Some will never meet me OTC. Is their problem that they have good taste?
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
My experience with getting OTC from a strippers is that it takes a while for them to feel comfortable with doing that. The dancers feel comfortable inside the club. The bouncers are there. You aren't going to beat them up inside the club. SJG and his bondage crap are not going to get anywhere inside the club. It's very rare that I ever scored OTC with a girl that I just met. You have to put in some work INSIDE the club to make it happen.

That is probably why I have come to enjoy the Sugaring game. Everything is essentially OTC for a sugar date. I just have to put in the work online making the girl feel comfortable with me.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If you're rejected by a hooker or not approached by one its you
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
"I hear Benjamin Franklin is making several appearances at Hotel Notel on Friday. NAM SAYIN???"
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
The first time I ever asked a dancer if she would come to my hotel room was in Memphis 20 years ago. She said "No. I don't know you well enough". 20 years later when I am at home, I am too cheap to spring for a hotel room. They have to come to my house. As you would expect there has to be trust for this to happen. So most of the time I already know what the answer is going to be.

On the road it is pretty much hit or miss. Mostly miss. Because they don't know me.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Subraman knows how to make an offer!

I also agree with Warrior’s comment. It’s likely that SJG looked like a reasonable/decent guy at one time. But, normal looking dudes can be true creeps in disguise. So, many dancers take it slow.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
You guys got to read Dugan's magnum opus.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It's not about trust. A hooker will fuck anyone with money. They have protection snd pimps or others who know where they are. If she refuses you. It means she senses something I off about you.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@some idiot: "It's not about trust."

Of course it is. Just in the direction you didn't consider.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
I have an outy too
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
This was not so much dropping the bomb, as it was the trigger failing to release the bomb and having the live ordnance explode and destroy your jet in midair. Not a blaze of glory, but a flash of ignominy.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Maybe trust isn’t the proper description? I think the term might be that the dancer is comfortable.

She must be comfortable you aren’t a cop.

She must be comfortable you aren’t a creep or serial killer.

There is a difference between a strip club dancer who does OTC - and a true prostitute. The dancer is likely supplementing income with a few OTC clients. A prostitute likely won’t be stripping, as the dancing and customer chatting are basically a waste of her time.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
If I am kissing her, I am not a cop.

And even if she is a cop, there is nothing illegal about kissing her.

I don't solicit women or otherwise treat them as prostitutes

avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
DMW - you have recommended mall dressing rooms a few times. I understand it is a safe location for both participants, but wouldn’t it be rushed and offer significant risk of being caught? (I know some exhibitionist types might like the danger.)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Danger of being caught is one of the big turn ons for clandestine sex. That's why it is done quickly and with only partial undress.


avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
Muddy unless you got the charm on this is not where to go day one. Not saying you are not OTC worthy but if this is your standard opening line with some rando dancer gonna say you need to polish up your act.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
3 years ago
...its like the PL equivalent of "wanna dance?"
avatar for azdd
3 years ago
Some things to remember Muddy. You are not special. Unless she’s a brand new dancer, she’s been asked for OTC many times before. It is first and foremost about the money, but it’s also about trust, safety, and discretion. I’ve had plenty of dancers indicate a tacit agreement to OTC, but never follow through when you try to nail down a date. At that point I conclude that they only indicated agreement as a tease to get me back in the club to see them and spend more on them. Even thought I deny it to myself, the reality is that this works. I have several favorites that I will likely never see OTC, but I keep going back, partially because they are totally hot and I enjoy them immensely ITC, but somewhere in the back of my mind is that quote from Dumb and Dumber…”so you’re saying there’s a chance….” CP refers to them as my unicorn strippers. They know it’s on the table, and I bring it up once in awhile, but if they are actually interested, even if it’s after knowing them for some time, they will bring it up. Only one time did I have an OTC discussion with a dancer on my first ITC meeting with her, and she immediately agreed. She was so unbelievably hot I couldn’t believe she was serious, but I followed up and had multiple mind-blowing OTC sessions with her until she dropped off the radar and I didn’t see her anymore. Every once in awhile, you manage to catch a unicorn!
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Here are some of my favorite lines:

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy/But here's my number, so call me, maybe"

“Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again/Don’t make me change my mind/I won’t live to see another day/I swear it’s true/Because a girl like you is impossible to find”

"I may not be in love. But let me tell you I'm in heat."

"Let's remove the space between me and you."

"Let's play a love game. I'll be Alejandro, you be Lady Gaga and I'll let you take a ride on my disco stick.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I guess I'm basic. I usually just ask if she's interested in coming home with me.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
There was this beautiful girl at an extras club that was always excited to see me. Excited because she liked me or excited because every time she saw me she received 400.00. Not sure…

Anyway she was a real freak in VIP so I always thought why not meet me for OTC which I imagined would be even more fun. She always refused and thought I was nuts for asking. Her thought process was anything you want to do OTC we can do ITC, (well I personally like to have sex on beds instead of folding chairs for one), and she’d have to make arrangements for a sitter etc etc etc for OTC and it was just too much of a hassle.

One day I finally got it. She simply made enough money while in the club that OTC to her would be like someone asking you to work on a Sunday. If you don’t need the extra money then why would you do it?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Shailynn is correct. Like a lot of people in vanilla jobs, they want to draw a hard line between their lives in and out of work. And I can't exactly blame them.

My approach to OTC is basic. No "lines". No frills. After a good VIP, I ask "I'd like to see you outside the club. Is that possible?" Often they say "Yes." Sometimes they say "No." For the ones that say "No," I don't push. But I'll occasionally remind them that the offer is on the table.
avatar for Nixur68
3 years ago
I always say I’d rather have sex on actual bed. That works.
avatar for WiseToo
3 years ago
I use reverse psychology. I casually tell a stripper I like that I'm surprised how many girls here in the club are offering me an OTC meeting. She may respond that she's not like those girls, but on occasion she may ask me to tell her more. She thinks since I've been preselected by other girls I'm probably O.K. and doesn't want to miss a good opportunity.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
tittle sounds like da Crazyjoe destroyin da shitterz at McDonalds
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