
This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Per founder, “This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs”

So then, what are the secondary reasons this site exists?

1. Demonstrate how being a Trumplican makes you an asshole
2. Demonstrate how being a libtard makes an asshole
3. “Fucking Mexican whores on a less that $30 per day”
4. Showing the world how a 5 inch penis becomes a 9 inch penis on social media
5. Showing the world how making $47,500 becomes $350,000 on social media
6. Demonstrate how a stripper who posts on TUSCL can become a 7th grade schoolboy crush for successful, mature men
7. Learn computer programming for free at home!
8. Learn how the pandemic has bankrupted 70% of the restaurant industry but Olive Garden is up 200%
9. By marketing the book “The System” on Amazon for $19.95 helped Jeff Bezos become one of the richest men in America
10. Hopefully put a smile on people’s faces during this mess


  • Heellover
    3 years ago
    I like number 8 and number 10.

    Numbers 6 and 7 are really funny.

    Great post for all of them actually.
  • Electronman
    3 years ago
    Thanks Motorhead.

    #11. TUSCL has helped me refine my ignoring skills.

    In addition to learning to ignore any number of irrelevant, confusing and inflammatory posts, TUSCL has also helped me ignore and avoid house cleaning and onerous work tasks.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    12. To troll or be trolled.

    I'm here for #10.
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    13. Crazyjoe destroyed shitters at McDonald's
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I read reviews so I don't get ripped off.

    I read the discussion board for the lulz.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I resent my profound love for nicespice being referred to as a mere crush.
  • founder
    3 years ago
    Thanks motorhead. Good stuff
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I foresee the emergence of a parallel metaverse. It will consist of people whose entire online existence consists of trolling each other about how they're trolling.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Ha ha good stuff motorhead
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Lmao Motörhead.

    And I’m here for the system, nothing else
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    14. To change the outcome of future elections through enlightened and civil political discourse.
    15. To educate and motivate the next generation of Captain Savahoes.
    16. To meet our future ex-wives.
    17. Proving ground for the Danish TrollTrace installation.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    @scrub, Cacaplop lives to troll SC boards. No idea why. But this is what happens when he gets free reign, the board becomes non-functional.


    It's the dilemma from South Park's episode of Make Love Not Warcraft... How can you kill that which has no life?
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    #3 LOL!!!
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Go away, Cacaplop
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I'm not on the other site. Used to go there for intel but Cacaplop and his name identities there ruined it.

    Cacaplop refers to his fascination and likely sexual fetish for human feces. When he came here, he would write meandering stories that ended with him taking a shit, or in his words, "spraying a mound of caca all over."

    He has arguments with several other usernames there, mostly liberal facets of his personality, as well as referencing others from this board like CMI and ThatXGuy who aren't active there.

    He's right about one thing, troll me and I'll troll you back an order of magnitude harder.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    My schoolboy crush on Endlessblahbambinaspice is more like a 6th grade crush rather than a 7th grade crush. And it’s debatable whether I am either mature or successful. Aside from that, point 6 is well taken.

    And thanks for the thread, Motorhead. Good stuff.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ You need a new shtick, Cacaplop. Be at least a little entertaining and you might not get blocked several times a day.

    Better yet, go back to the other board where we don't swarm on your bitch ass.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Yawn, you're so repetitive, Cacaplop. You'll get deleted in a bit anyways.

    Get out to a strip club and see a titty or two.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "dont forget the guys like SIRSHITMYPANTS that comes here to pretend to be a dancer and get off by making yall fawn over him"

    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^^ Lol, corruption on a strip club message board, puts us up there with Hitler and Bin Laden on the leaderboard of world villains. If it were true.

    You don't contribute shit, so know your place Cacaplop.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Maybe we should back up a bit. Long before I registered and started posting, I was going to TUSCL regularly. I wanted to know where there were strip clubs, and how many there were.

    I did not read reviews. I did not read the forum. I just wanted the club listings. I knew that the main determinant of how good clubs are is how many there are in a metro. That is their competition. And the more there are, the more likely that LE just lets things happen.

    I had actually started looking at this in this way from a printed book supposedly for the vendors of bar equipment. They listed all the exotic dance clubs in the country, and the only variable they reported about them was, how many dancers per shift.

    I already was in the habit of asking door men, "How many dancers do you have here right now?" I had found that if you get that number, it tells you how good looking the women will be.

    Now later I did register for the forum and start posting.

    I was surprised by the level of personal attacks. And one of the most extreme and surprising to me in his language and intensity was Dougster. I even posted in reply to him that the problem was that his trolling encouraged others to do trolling, and it also discouraged other people from posting things which were more open.

    Eventually I posted a parody of Dougster, as he was trolling Dugan.

    Most of the internet is like stripper web. Moderators stop trolling and extreme posts. But they also restrict people's POV.

    And then in most forums, the moderators always follow the herd in their judgements.

    This forum is unusual, possibly unique, because Founder does not side with the herd. Rather, he lets people speak their views and he does not seem to respond to pressure from people who want to monopolize virtual turf.

    Remember VHF television, channels 2 through 14. There was even a song which said, "13 channels of shit on the TV."

    And so with so few channels there were lot of rules and high ownership costs.

    As I see it, the appeal of the Internet is that it does not need to work like that. I listened to Mitch Kapor on NPR explain that on the Internet there should not have to be anything like a "channel".

    And while there have been continual attempts to regulate it, for the most part it is still more open than broadcast television ever was.

    But it did get more conservative as it grew more popular, in the 90's. It started to follow the rules of civilization, "Making the Internet safe for women and children."

    I see that Founder has been running this for a long time now. I see him as embodying that earlier looser ethic, where you can express widely varying points of view, where it does not have to come to resemble broadcast television.

    And it is so. I like to keep women in high heels and makeup. One could never say that on a forum which adheres to the NPR sensibility. And one could never talk about AMP sessions at all. Some people would go ballistic.

    But in saying this I am not suggesting that it is really okay to just say anything at any time. To keep this from getting turned into another stripper web, or into a forum like Paul Drake's, people need to self moderate.

    I say this as a point of pride, I have never tried to run anyone off of any forum. There would be no reason to. I know there are people here with political views far different from my own, and I think different from what you could talk about in polite company. But that is just the way things are.

    Founder seems to adhere to the early Internet ethic which says that Ignore solves most all problems. If you don't want to see it, you don't have to. And I think the biggest value in Ignore is just if you don't want someone sending you PMs.

    I say this now specifically to SirLapDance and to Tetradon, you two are trying to severely restrict what people can post, how long people can have diverse threads open for, the quantity of posts people can make, and you even want to run people off, and SLD continues to try and attack the personal life.

    There is no reason for this! This forum has done well because it has not been like that. Founder deserves a huge amount of credit and respect because he has resisted such calls for enforcing group think. And he knows that people are posting things which vary greatly from his own views. I feel that he is still working on that earlier Internet ethic of freedom. I say that we should self moderate and support this, and we should not turn this into a battle over virtual turf.

    And I should her acknowledge PaulDrake, he wanted things to be different. So he did what the Internet allows you to do so easily, he started his own forum, run his way.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "SIRCUMINMYPANTS - i bet if we added up ALL YOUR ALIAS ACCOUNTS and all your shit on here - your number of ignores would FAR EXCEED my single account total.

    Keep being a troll, keep signing on with various accounts, keep putting on your cute little dress, keep taping your dick to your asshole, keep throwing on lipstick to pretend you are NICESPICE and a unicorn... IF ANYTHING CALLS OUT THE FANTASY WORLD AND FAKE WORLD YOU LIVE IN, IT IS THE CHOICE OF UNICORN OUTFIT (that should have been a red flag long ago with you)."

    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Internet trolls rank about one notch above pedophiles in the social pecking order.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    But if you wanted to keep things civil and actually discuss something, you would create content that others were interested in, instead of acting like this was your personal blog, by reactivating necro=threads all you are doing is the equivalent of click baiting and by constantly posting off topic bullshit, you are just running the old bait and switch. I suggest you might make a few friends, by posting on topic or starting your own thread and being clear about the topic, not forcing your shit down peoples throat, and being alternately a troll and a bully.
    If you do reply keep it on topic, and keep it about what the creator of this thread was asking about, or else don't expect a response from me.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ 25. People do not have to read it. And the people who like strip clubs are diverse and will likely be interested in things besides pro-sports, right wing politics, right wing news, and financial speculation. And most of the threads reference outside links. This hypertext approach is a big strength of the world wide web.

    People would post more diverse things if everyone just chilled out.

    And it is better to use old threads than to start new ones because that way someone who wants to jump in can read through some of the earlier posts to bring themselves up to speed.

    When people start too many new threads it busies up the listings so it is hard to find anything, hard to find anything one might want to jump in on.

    The old threads make it far better and far easier for people to jump in.

  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    #18 - I come here using this troll account so I can check out all the hot chicks that Longball posts on the photo page.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ LOL! You're not even VIP. I'm a top reviewer, and if you knew how reviews worked, you'd no there's no way to choose who reviews your review.

    You're the board's latest chew toy, before Founder blocks you again.
  • Longball300
    3 years ago
    Wait, well shit... Wrong account.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    So you want more rights than everyone else, you know what you are a bully as well as a troll, I'm done with you.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    25, I am not asking for anything except to keep this board open in terms of content and interms of membership, as it always has been.

    Why don't you start some threads about some things which can be continued and where people can look up more stuff and add to.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "I say this now specifically to SirLapDance and to Tetradon, you two are trying to severely restrict what people can post, how long people can have diverse threads open for, the quantity of posts people can make, and you even want to run people off, and SLD continues to try and attack the personal life."

    ^^^ @san_jose_creep I say this now to you. I have no control over what anyone posts, so I'm not trying to control anything. My suggestions were to founder to simply help remove a lot of the trolling and OT posts. And it would help to keep posts in accord with...

    This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs

    ...So please with your assumptions about me.

    As to yourself, I ask you again, since you've been a member here, what club have you suggested that another PL visit? What posts and threads have you made to the site's PRIMARY purpose? Why not write a few reviews?

    ^^^ To all of this, you don't contribute here. It's minimal at best. Instead you post as if TUSCL is your personal diary. You create numerous OT posts. Furthermore you don't even engage in a dialogue with other members. Oftentimes you reply to your own posts and ramble on and on. Again with nobody else participating. You do this 6 days a week. Year after year.

    And instead of trying to improve your own contributions here, you'd rather criticize others and make false accusations of them.

    Evaluate yourself! Improve that. Again ask yourself before anything you post - does it contribute towards...

    This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs


    Based on your post history, all 40,000 of them, you do not post much with this in mind.

    6 days a week.

    Year after year.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ LOL! Thanks for the laugh, Cacaplop.

    You'll get deleted again soon, leaving you to suck all the dick you want for free.

    Head over to the pink site and give tips.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    Well many feel that the OT posts are more help than harm. It is part of why this board continues to do so well. Of course though it is up to Founder. PaulDrake went another way, and so generally does Stripper Web.

    Trolling on the otherhand is not going to be impacted one way or the other by trying to impose rules about topical narrowness. Trolls will get around any rules or restrictions.

    SLD, my F2F life is private. This is how online works. The boundaries are the 4 corners of my posts. It is a basic fact of online, you do just have to accept people as they present themselves and not try to challenge this.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ And instead of trying to improve your own contributions here, you'd rather criticize others and make false accusations of them.

    Evaluate yourself! Improve that. Again ask yourself before anything you post - does it contribute towards...

    This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs


    Based on your post history, all 40,000 of them, you do not post much with this in mind.

    6 days a week.

    Year after year.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Sad to see someone like rickdugan, who seems potential capable of better, go flat-earther ridiculous. Looks like the ignore button is the only option.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    SLD, one of the general rules of the Internet is that you want traffic. It helps you with the search engines and it helps you bring in more people. This increases the advertising and resale value.

    Founder had done a splendid, a remarkable, job of getting high traffic and participation.

    He works very hard to make this work for us. I would not hassle him.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Evaluate yourself! Improve that. Again ask yourself before anything you post - does it contribute towards...

    This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs


    Based on your post history, all 40,000 of them, you do not post much with this in mind.

    6 days a week.

    Year after year.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    SLD, Well nothing anyone posts interferes with people finding strip clubs. There is a geographical listing and there are reviews. These are not being compromised.

    Civil discussion about a broad range of topics, IMHO, helps draw people to the board and if the trolling and negative meta-narratives and attacks on people's f2f lives can be diminished, more people will post about a broader range of things.

    This is the nature of online. Everyone can have their own site. And often everyone can have their own corner on a given site. This is its appeal, it is not like the broadcast radio specturm.

    Why don't you make some extendible and long running threads yourself?

  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I’m here only waiting to be invited to Subraman and SJGs organization whenever it gets up and running, but I’m not fucking any goats if I do get invited!!!
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "SIRPOOPMYPANTS - the only old man, livng in a one-bedroom apartmente in portland that like to put on some lipstick and get off while you bastards think he is nicespice.

    see.. you are losing this battle, this war and you have no respect here any longer."

    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    SLD, I think you are proving my point. This site works and gets lots of traffic because people learn to just agree to disagree, and to keep it in bounds.

    This means respecting people's privacy. If you disrespect privacy and post lot of stuff about them, then you are trying to build siege scaffolds. Some people might believe it. They might believe that it is a reasonable inference from something they posted. It is impractical for them to go through someone's entire posting history to try and find it.

    And then even if they did say it, this does not mean that they want it to be rebroadcast. And I think an especial care needs to be used anytime you ever make any specific reference to any of the women.

    Usually it is just better if we talk to people instead of saying things about them. And this does not mean throwing stuff out to try and force them to confirm or deny. This no good at all.

    Now sure, sometimes people will do the same kind of stuff to you. Most of the time they are just defending themselves, turning it back on you. Better if it never gets that far.

    People post stuff like what kind of car they drive. I don't ever rebroadcast it. And one guy posted a whole bunch of financial info. I never even read it. But I did PM him and suggest that he was making himself a target for the worst sorts of advice givers.

    SLD, if you want a forum which uses the ethics of F2F, maybe the F2F Rotary Club, or the local Realtors Association. People like the Internet because it is not like those things.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Evaluate yourself! Improve that. Again ask yourself before anything you post - does it contribute towards...

    This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs


    Based on your post history, all 40,000 of them, you do not post much with this in mind.

    6 days a week.

    Year after year.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    SLD, what I post is always an invitation for other people to jump in.

    Why don't you jump in? And why don't you start some Threads or Articles which can be kept running for a long time with new information going in?

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    He rests on the 7th day? SJG = Spamming Jesus God ?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    @san_jose_creep you continue to assume that you add value to this site. That's what the problem is but you are too myopic
    and narcissistic to see it.

    Evaluate yourself! Improve that. Again ask yourself before anything you post - does it contribute towards...

    This site is here PRIMARILY to help guys find strip clubs


    Based on your post history, all 40,000 of them, you do not post much with this in mind.

    6 days a week.

    Year after year.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    "He rests on the 7th day? SJG = Spamming Jesus God ?"

    ^^^ the San Jose public library is closed on Sundays so he can't use the free internet there to use TUSCL like his personal diary.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    If only I could be posting on TUSCL 24/7 and around the clock, wouldn't that be heaven!

    :) :) :)

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ right. Then there would be no reason to go to a strip club in real life. 🤷
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ And that is most definitely untrue.

    What will replace strip clubs for me are these new private party venues. And then the organization which I am working to build.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    posting on TUSCL 24/7 and around the clock = most definitely no time to go to a strip club
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    So now you are starting to see the light, besides just sleeping, I do have other things I do.

  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    Yes @san_jose_creep the light is clearly shining on someone that spends a lot of time posting to TUSCL as if it is his personal diary and fantasy escape and doesn't actually go to strip clubs in real life. That is the light you shine on yourself from your own posts.

    6 days a week.

    Year after year.
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • SirLapdancealot
    3 years ago
    ^^^ So says unverified dumbassscrub, TUSCL's #1 most ignored, the only member with > 100 ignores. 🤭🤡
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago


    So is this Caclop believed to be the one posting as Vladimir Putin?

    I'm not seeing any more of his posts. But as it stands I don't think he is our Dougster


  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ He posts as a bunch of different things.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Well the more you can show me, the better informed of a position I can take.

    We had someone in around 2019 who was posting far over the top stuff, but from the Left, mostly against Trump and against his supporters, and talking about Trump getting his cock sucked by Putin. This might have been your Caclop troll character.


  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Yes, we had Trucidos/VHKicks/Yabba-Jabba from the left, he also loved to talk about his stock portfolio.

    Cacaplop here isn't so much a conservative as an alt right fascist troll.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Well again, the more you can show me, the better I can appraise it.

    And then sometimes it will be impossible to tell.



  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    @SJG, you have to keep scrolling down to get to all the poop references. You can also find him impersonating CMI and ThatXGuy85.

    He's on another local board as Cacaplop, too. He might be Infected_Mushroom as well (probable reference to Trump's cock)

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ You are a fecal floater in the collective toilet, apt to be repeatedly flushed.

    Go away, Cacaplop.-
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    These Cacaplop socks are not our Dougster.

    Dougster is an operative of The Nazi Party and of Extraterrestrials. His job is to promote financialization and boom and bust cycles to bring about an apocalypse. Right now he is busy going from strip club to strip club, trying to find the Scarlet Woman, as she will be the bearer of the Ubermensch. He believes he will find her seated under the light at the bar, reading something like Bloombergs, or a Reason Magazine article on the Objectivism of Ayn Rand. That way he will know right off that she is every bit as evil as he is. Once he finds her he will call his boss Ray Kurzweil, and tell him, "I found her, she is right here in front of me, The Scarlet Woman, Babylon The Great, we don't need to wait any longer, the Singularity is upon us.

    When the Ubermensch is born humanity will divide into Masters and Slaves, but Masters will not be called Masters, they will be called Investors, and Slaves will not be called Slaves, they will be called Losers. Investors will be up in their high rises, while we Losers will down on our hands and knees scrubbing the sidewalks clean with our tooth brushes.

    And then every morning rail livestock cars will be cram packed with Losers to be transported to the bio-mass processing plants. This will not be like what Orwell wrote, where the problem becomes what to do with the bodies. DuPont and Farben polymer scientists have been working on this for decades. Losers will be converted into rubbers, plastics, combustion fuels, lubricants, and nutrition bars, with nothing left over.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The most important thing to understanding Dougster is to know that he and his Bayreuth Group were never anything like Claus von Stauffenberg.

    Our friend Mr. B. would like to show us something:

    Produced by Barbara Steele

    A Hollywood creation, but this is what most of the world believes.

    Churchill was always skeptical of the bunker suicide story. And Stalin never believed it for a minute.

    Hitler had been crippled by the von Stauffenberg bomb, losing the use of an arm and the hearing in one ear. It turned out that he was only highly recognizable because of his mustache. And so without that, Eva could be pushing him in wheelchair, and he was just another disabled veteran.

    I so begged my grandfather to let me go with them to the airport. But he refused. He said it was far to dangerous.

    And he was right. Our ME-262 jets were more manuverable than a p-51. And they could fly 100mph faster. But it was Roosevelt and his negro airmen. They would wait until our jets were low on fuel and then follow them back to their bases. Our pilots would get shot full of 50 caliber holes on landing rollout.

    We were no longer able to defend our airspace, my grandfather was right.

    But there is still in Berlin a manifest stating who wan onboard. And there is still a manifest in Barcelona confirming this, as well as a record of when the aircraft was scraped in the early 1950's for lack of spare parts.


    We were never like Claus von Stauffenberg. We remained loyal, we are still loyal.

    Heil Hitler!

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    @SJG, Dougster sounded like there was some creativity and knowledge behind his trolling.

    MonkeysWife just sounds like he skimmed a little Nietzsche and started throwing terms out of context.

    But he'll be deleted soon and you and I can go back to fighting in relative peace, LOL.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Dougster and his Bayreuth Group never rest. Here they are rehearsing for their Christmas Show:


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Dougster had the ability to make some smart, interesting posts. He also had the ability to stir shit shit endlessly. He did the latter more often than the former, unfortunately.

    He was also not a huge fan of SJG:
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    2 utopias, and 2 dystopias.

    One of the later is "exterminism".


    And then what is being done with COVID and the vaccine might not be that far from that.

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