
So how are things at your Home Club these days?

Omicron aside and with some mask mandates lingering, most of the country has been open for a while.

I started going back to the club regularly a couple months ago after occasional visits during the pandemic. It feels very "normal". Plenty of new girls with old familiar faces. The guys definitely came back first but balance is better now. Some of this may be the holidays which usually bring out more girls than guys. Also a lot of the "pandemic pounds" have been shed at this point.

I've heard the night shift is crazy as it was before pandemic.

How are the dancers in your hood? How's the mileage?


  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    I’ve made club visits about 10 times in the last six months so my two cents is limited compared to many here. But from what I’ve seen, it’s like there was no pandemic. It seems things have changed very little. I’d say mileage/OTC availability may be up slightly. And at first, there were some extra pandemic pounds. However at this point, I don’t notice a difference from December 2019.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Honestly, it's been pretty great.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    🙄 So many threads in (nationwide) dancer groups lately bitching about new dancers. I think the holidays tends to put people in a foul mood in many aspects of life and strip clubs can’t escape that.

    Denver being Denver, dancers wanna travel dance here and there has been an uptick in asking about the club scene here in the past week. Naturally, most of them are going to end up at my home club and in a foul mood when they aren’t making much money.

    Mask mandates are back in Denver, and how much my home club decides to enforce that (whether it’s required for stage, walking around the room, in dances, etc) keeps changing every shift and it’s a headache keeping up with it.

    Lately, I only bother to show up when somebody texts and says they are coming in. After the holidays, I’m planning on being out of town a lot. Because somehow I have the feeling that this mandate stuff is going to be extended past January 3rd, and I don’t feel like dealing with mask rules from staff members who aren’t temperature checking people and probably won’t be wearing masks themselves.

  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I'm liking it as well as pre-COVID. The mask mandate has a silver lining. Those faux, through the mask kisses because she doesn't actually have to touch your creepy old lips.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I do t really have a regular club rn per se but clubs around seem to be coming back. Still some funky rules but it beats last year
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Mostly back to normal with the added benefit of remodeled interior. Both the number of dancers and customers seems to fluctuation a little more than it did pre-covid. Of course prices have gone up a little but not as much as some parts of normal life.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Downhere in SoFlo I’d say the big clubs that were popular/strong pre-Covid, seemed to bounce-back in fairly-short-order and seemed to be pretty-much back to normal not that long after the lockdowns ended downhere sometime in late 2020 – the smaller dive clubs I feel have not been the same post lockdown (less dancers and lower mileage and seemingly mostly a new crop of inexperienced dancers).
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    I have three clubs all on the same street about a ten minute drive from where I live. Pre-Covid they each had several girls who had been working in the club for a while. Now it seems like when I go to them it is almost a completely different set of girls every time I go. I think they don't make enough money and quickly give up and leave. There's plenty of customers but they just sit there and hang out. The types of guys, such as myself, who are looking to buy lap dances and have regulars they see over and over again have declined in numbers and been replaced by low spending or non-spending customers.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    ^sometimes girls just don't like to be in the same club too much even if they are making money. I do agree though that in non touristy, non destination areas if ya dont seem to have regular or semi regular girls then this is usually a bad sign- either money is weird or management/staff are... sometimes both
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    It seems like an entirely new group of dancers at the clubs after a year of CoVid. What happened to all the familiar faces ? Maybe it’s just normal turnover that I wouldn’t have noticed if I’d been going to the clubs regularly.
  • BubbleYum
    3 years ago
    This new generation of baby strippers is rude and has diluted mindsets believing they'll make $1,000 every night based off of bullshit they see on TikTok. I feel like the industry is oversaturated with ignorant baby strippers who overcomplicate the job, too. I feel like they think it's easy money and don't realize that having a personality and actually talking to customers is part of the job. So many of them go online and bitch and complain because they have anxiety and don't know how to talk to or approach customers. This job is not that difficult. 🙄

    Foot traffic is not what it was before the pandemic began and the amount of dancers has increased regardless. Clubs don't care because they make money regardless of whether or not we do because we still have to pay them if we make the money or don't.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    More new girls; more fat girls; more scam artists; less nipple sucking; less customers; down atmosphere a lot of the time. It reflects the mmod of the nation as Dementia Joe leads us down the rat hole.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    I did have my first baby stripper ask for a tip after talking for 10 minutes and me turning down a VIP.

    She was hot but didn't touch me once in her sales pitch which is often a strong sign she's low mileage.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Nicespice, I would imagine Denver does have a crazy influx, as it really is the hot destination for young people looking for a change. I bet Denver has a lot of remote tech workers.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    The comment above by BubbleYum suggests a business model that is not sustainable in the long run. It rests on a common belief by many young women that strippers make a lot of money. That may be historically true and may still be true in touristy clubs but is it still true about the average club in the average city?

    I have a history of having regulars. The fact that I am now having more trouble finding them because girls don't stay possibly is a bad sign. The reality of stripping may no longer match the perception and clubs are taking advantage of that by exploiting the girls who have inaccurate ideas that stripping is a way to riches. Eventually the perception will shift so it coincides more with reality. When that happens, instead of girls becoming strippers and quitting as soon as they find out they can't make a lot of money, the clubs will have trouble finding girls. They'll then have to accept lower quality girls who they would have rejected before or accept having fewer strippers in the club. Making money by charging girls to work in the club won't work if they all know it's a scam on the part of club owners and don't even apply for stripper jobs. Making money by charging customers entrance fees won't work if the customers have found out from previous experience there are few girls, and no attractive ones, there when they show up and therefore stop coming in. I think I'm starting to see that. The clubs already don't have enough high spending customers and having fewer and lower quality dancers on stage and circulating around the club will drive more of them away into more enjoyable and rewarding hobbies.

  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Yeah I do think most women don't understand strippers generally don't make Bank shaking their ass on stage or being charming and selling drinks, it's selling dances. If a girl is a 9/10 she can churn and burn low mileage dances and make good money. But I do think a lot of new girls bolt when they realize guys don't make it rain every time they go on stage. Also the "one night you make $300 and the next is $5 after stage fees and tip outs" isn't for everyone.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I agree and disagree with bubbleyum. On one hand yeah totally avoiding people doesn't work for most girls tho seems to often work for me... anyways a lot of dudes just dont seem to try and come out to spend. I'm sorry but if I happen to find myself at some club you can make good money...but you see every girl sitting like 30 min or longer before selling guys on dances or rooms and not tipped for the chat that is bullshit.

    Sure in this biz ya need more skillz than "wanna dance?"

    But same time it shouldn't be ENDLESS UNPAID CONVERSATION to MAYBE make a sale. FUCK THAT.

    I get that you can feel out customers and this and that but again the vibe is way off in some clubs. In some clubs it is best to not hustle unless you wanna be pissed off all the time. My 2 cents

    I agree on the part that it seems like there's more bitchass hos dancing n the customers are wack or just not there in many clubs.
  • EndlessSummer
    3 years ago
    It's pretty much back to normal at my club... there have been some pricing increases (just like everywhere), but they've also completed a gorgeous renovation and are working on an even more amazing (and ginormous) addition.
    It's an industry with a lot of turnaround, so I don't notice an unusual amount of that going on either.
    Really, it's almost like there was a little time warp and we skipped over the pandemic time into a shinier version of the club... with WAY better bathrooms! 😁
  • Cowboy12
    3 years ago
    It seems to be the same now as before covid-19. There are a lot of new girls at my home club, I only see a few of the dancers that I new before the pandemic.
    Dances are the same, bar staff the same, DJ plays the same awful songs he always played.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    IMO things in Atlanta have not returned to pre Covid levels. The closing of Follies has had a major impact. Dancers and customers are trying to find a good replacement. The number and quality of dancers is down. The good news is that prices have stayed the same for dances. Mostly $10 with a few black clubs still offering $5 dances. My mileage in VIP is back to pre Covid levels but at higher prices. 30 minutes for $50 to the house and $150 and up for the dancers.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I haven’t been clubbing since the new variant become an issue - and mask mandates restarted. My last trip in late October was like pre covid times.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Regarding mask mandates (none here yet) and the distant possibility of closures, I've been better about collecting dancer phone numbers.

    I think that a reinstated mask mandate is possible, but the closing of clubs and restaurants is far more unlikely.
  • RTP
    3 years ago
    Overall, not the same. The prices of drinks are slightly higher. The price of dances much higher. The mileage is lower. The length of songs is much more controlled and overall shorter.

    The positive is that there has been alot of turnover in dancers. I liked many of the former dancers, but the quality of dancers from both looks and fitness has definitely improved.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    "More new girls; more fat girls; more scam artists; less nipple sucking; less customers; down atmosphere a lot of the time."

    ^ do boomer guys ever stop trying to figure out how to make out with each other? Sucking on dancers nipples is gross!
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Most dancers go to the back after a VIP to rinse their mouth and wipe their body.
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Interesting that some of you are seeing inflation. I have to say that's clearly a perk of living near the border, it clearly keeps sex prices down.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It's slow and the stress girls feel leads to a lot of tension. Lots are focusing on side hustles for now.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Pretty much the same. Dancers still mostly pretty, mostly young, mostly thin, and fun to play with. They added a 15 minute option to the private rooms,( used to start at 30 minutes).

    Only downside is lack of $ dances, and dancers circulating as much, probably due to masking requirements indoors here still.
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