
Why are we surprised by vax skepticism?

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
One of my favs is a big vax skeptic. She talks about the constant DARE devil's lettuce crap when she was in school, while watching many lives of people close to her ruined by alcoholism. Then we've got three wars in the past 60 years, thousands of ours dead, many many thousands more who will never be the same, oceans of innocent blood on our hands. But the gliberals wanna say vax skepticism cause deplorables. I got my jabs, but I understand the people who see no reason to trust our gubment.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    There is exactly one dancer I talk to about this stuff, and we don't see eye-to-eye but have good conversations.

    Aside from her, I don't talk about this stuff with dancers.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    The polio vaccine prevents polio.
    The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine prevents measles, mumps, and rubella.


    This "vaccine" doesn't prevent the infection. It doesn't prevent the symptoms / actually being sick. And it doesn't prevent the carrier from spreading. All it does is lessen the symptoms...and apparently "requires" a booster every six months?

    That's some "vaccine".

    Yeah, I got my two shots. But unless something drastically changes, I don't plan to get more. I mean when the hell does it end?
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    I see way too many losers who I know for a fact snort coke cut with god knows what, while simultaneously being skeptical of the vaccine as if that's where they draw the line on what substances can enter their body. Like they aren't already putting foreign substances in their body that can kill them. Same for alcoholics who are literally poisoning themselves. Drug users have no leg to stand on in this debate. (Not saying your fave is a drug user, but just pointing out the stupidity and hypocrisy of *some* anti vaxxers.)
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    "This "vaccine" doesn't prevent the infection. It doesn't prevent the symptoms / actually being sick."

    It actually indeed does, just not with 100% efficacy. I felt very safe after getting my vaxx. Going for my booster this week.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    These vaccines were tested and marketed at lightning speed. We went less than a year from "what's a coronavirus" to emergency authorized vaccines tested in tens of thousands.

    There will be new generations of vaccines and therapeutics that will be longer lasting, cover more variants, be easier to manufacture, etc.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Over population is real, so is Darwin’s theory of evolution, we’ll be fine , best case scenario, we get a smarter more fit new generation
    Read into this what you like.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Actually, Mr. ElDunder, the MMR vaccines is not 100% effective either:


    In fact, it is less effective against mumps than Pfizer or Moderna are against COVID.

    Just because you know how to put the scare quotes around words doesn’t mean you’re using those scare quotes appropriately. I’m sure you’ll change what you’re saying now that you know actual fact rather than your dumbass preconceptions.

    You’re welcome
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Mr. Tetradon, plenty of virologists knew what coronaviruses were long before COVID. Indeed, if you paid attention to SARS or MERS you might have known what a coronavirus was too.

    That’s why PhD virologists are what we call EXPERTS and why random weirdos on Facebook or titty club websites are not experts.

    Now that you know I’m sure you will change your arguments accordingly.

    You’re welcome.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ That was exactly my point, speaking from the perspective of the common man, not the specialist. (As someone with med school coursework in infectious diseases)
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Been smoking weed since 1969, but i draw the line at vaccines lol. Got my booster wednesday then golfed and strip clubbed.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    We are either being manipulated by the vaxxers who think everyone should be vaxed - or we are being manipulated by anti-vaxxers who think the vaccines don’t help (or don’t help enough).

    I don’t know the chemical composition of every substance I ingest, and that’s ok. I don’t know the composition of the covid vaccine either, but I know it’s important to reduce my possibility of contracting the covid virus, and it will drastically reduce my chances of death.

    I think our politicians - in their quest for control - took a pandemic and made it a political issue. That is a horrible thing. Politicians must not disparage scientific evidence if it doesn’t correspond with their desires. Now, we have folks even more divided as a result. The country should be united to fight the covid virus - with everyone getting a vaccine.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    Doctor Phil... I'm not sure what "scare quotes", but I was simply putting quotes around the word "vaccine" because it sure as hell does not seem like a vaccine.

    How often do you hear about outbreaks of measles or mumps among the vaccinated? Or someone you know getting those? Or someone you know talking about someone they know getting it?

    And yet, getting Covid after getting the shots isn't exactly a needle-in-a-haystack event.

    From your CDC link: "two doses of MMR vaccine are about 97% effective at preventing measles.....since then (vaccination intro in 1960s), widespread use of measles virus-containing vaccine has led to greater than 99% reduction in measles compared to the pre-vaccine era.". -- that sounds quite effective. For mumps, it looks like it's about 88% effective.

    For Covid-19, yes, the shots are effective at minimizing symptoms. No argument there from me. But with the different variants, the effectiveness drops. It's too early to give a de facto figure, but hell just among my group of friends, six went on a trip. Five were vaccinated. Three (two who'd gotten shots) came home with Covid. Ben Roethlosberger got his shots and still got sick. The author of the article in the link below had her shots and said when she got it after it was like her worst flu. A recent study mentioned in the article noted that the shots were far more effective vs the "original" version, but maybe only 65% vs Delta. If this shit is going to keep mutating, what does that mean? Lower and lower and lower effectiveness? So again I ask...where the hell does it end? Boosters every six months in perpetuity? Every three months? Every year? Every time there's a new variant? By the time they figure out what's effective against the "current" version, there is a new improved mutation out there.

    Yeah, the shots help...to an extent. But let's not kid ourselves and act like anyone has a fucking clue about how this will end.

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Don't need a clue as to how it will end, just like everyone else the smart folks get vaccinated, doesn't take genius to figure the odds are better than even, getting the shot than not, gamblers lose more than they win, especially when they are betting against the house. (think of science as the house)
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Science today can be a joke tomorrow: Do not forget that Eugenics was science and the foundation of our mental health system; and the nazi party. Phrenology was science; homosexuality being a mental illness was science; science brought us Red Dye #2, Darvon; Thalidomide; woo hoo the earth is flat. As far as the FDA? Here's a sample of drugs that science gave us, the FDA approved and how long they were used before science then told us "oops". FAD: Accutane, 27 years- miscarriages and suicides; Darvon and Darvocet, 55 years, 2110 deaths between 1981-1999 "oops"; Meridia, 13 years, heart attacks and strokes "oops"; Quaaludes, 23 years Seriously? Yes, "oops"; Raptiva, 6 years, Leukemia "oops"; Vioxx, Velnorm and 30 others, all created by science and FDA approved. The idea the vaccine is "safe" is simply fucking retarded ad no one knows and yeah i am a gambler and have had 3 shots. Fuck the science.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    There are 200 million vaccinated people in the US. Many more outside. But the anti-vaxxers are still waiting for more data.
  • Electronman
    3 years ago
    Some of us are demanding certainty in a probabilistic world.

    People die in auto crashes, even if they are wearing seat belts.
    People get lung cancer even if they have never smoked a cigarette.
    And, yes condoms are not fool proof protection from an unwanted pregnancy or STI.

    I don't blindly trust the government or anyone in authority; but I understand enough about probability to tilt the odds in my favor. I don't smoke, I wear a seat belt, I use condoms (sometimes) and I have my vaccine shots.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    @Jimmy Look at all the pants-wetting on the "news" channels about how Biden turned Afghanistan into a shitstorm by finally withdrawing. Spare me, he finally just left them to their own shitstorm. So when people are very skeptical of good news about the vaccines, I got some sympathy.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Sympathy and about a buck and a half, will get you a cup of coffee some where, not sure where, but some where 😆😆
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Some scientists are predicting this virus could turn into a common cold after it is done mutating and the general population immunizes itself against it. We shall see, but I know for a fact I’ve been exposed a few times this year with friends/family that tested positive. I got no symptoms, and keep in mind that is after catching COVID summer of ‘20 and vaccinated. Not sure where I sit in the political spectrum of vaccine mandates, but personally I have no fear in taking it. Not sure why others have issues with it other than being told they should take it bothers them. Seems to have a lot of common sense behind taking it, unless you have a valid exception.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Go away, Cacaplop.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I got vaccinated. But I know it will take decades for the truth to come out.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^Too stupid to even be bothered with why don't you get some pointers from Icee how to off yourself oops he wasn't very successful either fuck off twat I have you on ignore now
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson on Dr. Drew, RIGHT NOW! Talking about COVID HYSTERIA!


  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ shut up you’re a moron who couldn’t even figure out internet access for over a year too stupid to even be included in the conversation
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ Shut Up you moron, 70% of the COVID deaths in the UK now are to the fully vaccinated. And if you are over 40yo in the UK, you have a greater chance of getting COVID if you are fully vaccinated.

    The data for the US has never been released.

  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Lol you’re stupider than a bag of rocks that got wet dumb fuck you should shut up before I spank you like a naughty two year old
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ You sound like you need Mamasan to come visit you with some diaper rash cream.

    In the UK, 70% of the COVID deaths are the fully vaccinated.  And if you are over 40 years old, you have a greater chance of getting COVID if you are vaccinated.  The US data has never been released.  The FDA approved the vaccine in 108 days.  But they say releasing pfizer's qualifying data will take 55 years.

    Alex Berenson on Dr. Drew, today

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    - Covid (and related terms)
    - Autism
    - AMPs

    Three keywords which guarantee that SJG will hijack your thread with kooky nonsense.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson on Dr. Drew, TODAY!  People dying because they have untreated medical conditions, not because of COVID!

    UK data:

    In the UK, 70% of the COVID deaths are the fully vaccinated.  And if you are over 40 years old, you have a greater chance of getting COVID if you are vaccinated.  The US data has never been released.  The FDA approved the vaccine in 108 days.  But they say releasing pfizer's qualifying data will take 55 years.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Case in point.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Most people's "independent research" consists of Googling and reposting the first link that confirms their preconceptions.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The COVID response went totally off the rails when the purpose shifted from slowing it down and not overflowing the hospitals, to this idea that they are keeping people safe, isolating them from the virus, and the idea that they have not yet been exposed to COVID and that they can continue to avoid it.

  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    I got both doses and just got my third booster shot. I believe in the vaccine. But if government tells somebody they "must" get it or we'll screw your whole life up, I say FUCK THEM AND FUCK YOU.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    And I believe in driving close to posted speed limits but if the government tells somebody they “must” do it or we’ll screw your whole life up, I say FUCK THEM AND FUCK YOU.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    I mean really Mr. Sammy Hagerman just CAN’T DRIVE 55
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Who is the gubmint to tell the best lead singer of Van Halenstein what speed he can drive?
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    They also told Mr. San Jose that he couldn’t ride his Huffy bike to the public library and you can see that he’s doing precisely that because he’s a rebel and if the gubmint tells him not to be a rebel then FUCK THEM
  • mark94
    3 years ago
    Here’s the missing piece. People who have had CoVid are MUCH better protected than those who simply got the vaccine. So, why would the government require them to be vaccinated ?
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    ^Every study says otherwise.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    To answer your question:

    Q: Why are we surprised by vax skepticism?

    A: In my humble opinion many are surprised, because they are unaware that vaccine doubt or uncertainty and mistrust/skepticism is as old as vaccines themselves.

    And the business of Western medicine has historically been abusing the poor people of any color.

    Everyone should be aware of the diabolical Tuskegee syphilis study, when federal officials “experimented” on Blacks.

    “It’s never been about left vs right (or whites vs blacks or pro-vaccine vs anti-vaccine etc)

    More like 0.1% of regular ass humans (of any color) tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”

    ~ SanchoRG, Texas
    ~ Joined Aug, 2017 Last Seen Nov, 2021

    “This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as bad an Arab country”

    “I mean for fuck's sake, is there anything in this country that we can just fucking agree on? Such as, I don't know, not spreading a deadly virus to other people? Nope, apparently deadly viruses are a liberal hoax. Even a pandemic becomes a left-right issue.”

    ~ CC99
    ~ Possibly the youngest PL TUSCL has ever seen.
    ~ massive f-ing weeb who loves cute girls and ecchi.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    One of my stripper regulars was a vax skeptic. She finally caved in and got vaccinated because her father kept nagging at her about it. She said he was retired and didn't have much else to do with his life beside nagging at her about things.

    Many old people, like this girl's father, are quite frightened by this disease. This fear is a rational response in their case but the same level of fear may not be rational in a young person. An eighty year old is a thousand times more likely to die of Covid than a twenty year old. The main exception for older people are those who have already had the disease and have natural immunity. A recent Israeli study showed people with natural immunity have one sixth the chance of getting Covid as a vaccinated person. A Washington University study showed people who had Covid had antibodies equivalent to a tetanus shot. The tetanus shot provides protection for ten years so it is possible Covid natural immunity could last for years. SARS is 80% similar to Covid. People who had SARS seventeen years ago still show antibodies. There is also cross immunity between SARS and Covid. People who had SARS years ago are less likely to catch Covid now.

    There are studies like a CDC study that show natural immunity doesn't work as well as vaccines but they rely on the inability of the layman to see the underlying methodological flaws in them. Also, many people tend to unthinkingly trust authority figures. Many of these government agencies suffer from what is in economics called "regulatory capture". This is the tendency of government regulatory agencies to be taken over by the industries they are supposed to regulate. In the case of Covid, vaccines are promoted for everyone because of the influence of Big Pharma. For example, Pfizer has 932 lobbyists in Washington. They also make large donations to politicians they think will win elections. This is not ideological. They gave Trump a million dollars in 2016 and Biden a million dollars in 2020. They are just buying political influence. The vaccines have been very profitable for Pfizer, adding several billion dollars to their profits this year.

    Without this vaccine company influence, we would probably be engaging in what epidemiologist Martin Kulldorf at Harvard calls "focused protection". People in high risk categories like being old or obese would be strongly encouraged to get the vaccine while people in low risk categories like young people and those with natural immunity could skip it if they want. Once vaccinated, the vaccine provides a good level of protection against death to the vaccinated person so vaccinated people are not at great risk from the unvaccinated.

  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    Welp this thread is too long for my point to matter. Guess I'll just kick back and watch the flame wars
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    On this thread I mean
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I 2 dancers who are very vocal antivaxxers. One is a junkie and a rob. The other has a pimp whose mom is a Trump supporter. Both do shit like yell lets go Brandon at customers. They also cry in the locker room that they aren't making money.....
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The ant-vaxxers among black americans are the same percentage is white anti-vaxxers. Only a stupid fucking racist piece of shit would fail to mention it. They all junkies and rob too asshole? Do they yell black lives matter and pretend that 93% of black deaths aren't caused by other black folk?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ And here we see the SCL troll's desperate struggle for relevancy on a site where he can't flood the discussion boards with nonsense to get his jollies.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Funny thing about skibum is he's Jewish and supports the slt right. Which is sntisemitic
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Stop typing with your face.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Science may be proven incorrect over time, I agree.

    But, when dealing with a worldwide pandemic, the current science is important to follow. This is one of those times when the 24/7 news cycle is both a blessing and a curse. We can be informed about many things almost immediately. But, in the rush to get the news out first, mistakes can be made. As the CDC learned about the virus, and held updates, it became a challenge for their advice to remain consistent.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Jonathan Swift said you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. Too many people take vaccination or not as a mark of status or enlightenment rather than simple science. I tried reasoning some hardcore religious neighbors into getting the vaccines rather than stockpiling ivermectin, and it went about as well as you might think.

    Problem is, some people do their cause no favors by being sanctimonious about it. You can tell Fauci relishes his power by some of the officious shit he says. "I am science" is something no follower of the scientific method would ever say.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    But NOBODY has answered the MOST IMPORTANT question. Why the fuck aren’t you rioting in support of Sammy Hagerman?


    Can’t you hear the guys cries for FREEDOM? The MAN is gonna write him up for 125 an post his picture wanted dead or alive. WHY AREN’T YOU FREEDOM LOVERS PROTESTING THAT SHIT?
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    Sammy Hagerman is way cooler than David Lee Rothstein. And the other guy they had singing. You know, Boring von Whatshisface.

    Anybody as cool as Sammy should be able to drive AS FAST AS HE WANTS!
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I have it on good authority that Sammy can’t drive 55
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Whatever, Cacaplop. Why are you still here?
  • how
    3 years ago
    It's reasonable to choose not to take the COVID shots, and trust your own immune system, if you've done the risks/rewards considerations well.
    It's also reasonable to choose to take the shots.
    It's also reasonable to be glad the shots exist for those who are particularly vulnerable to a bad outcome from COVID.
    Those things are not in conflict in any way.

    The only horrible thing about the shots is the push to mandate them, even for people who have gained truly effective immunity via actual infection and recovery. The push to have such mandates proves that for some people, the shots are not about health, but about something else.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    What protects all of us are our immune systems. Even the vaccine depends on this.

    But there is much which is still unknown about this vaccine. Data from other industrialized countries suggest that it is making things worse.

    In this country the FDA is refusing to release the data for 55 years.

    Alex Berenson: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights & Lives – Ask Dr. Drew

    'Media-Driven Hysteria': DeSantis Slams Talk Of 'Lockdowns' Amid Omicron Variant Concerns

    First Republican who has said things I like since Dwight Eisenhower, really since Abraham Lincoln.


    Rihanna launches Lingerie line ‘Savage X Fenty’
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Anyone denying that pretty much everything in the "mainstrean" today is complete bullshit is at best a denialist. The fact the New World Order is resorting to using Saturday Night Live to attempt to belittle its opponents is all one needs to know.
  • Dave_Anderson
    3 years ago
    Regarding the rMNA pseudo-"vaccine." It obviously doesn't work (look at the actual data) and even if it did work you have no right to force a medical treatment on people who don't want it. End of story.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    Fenty? If that's cause her lap dances are better than Fentanyl, I can believe that.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I saw a interesting report, that showed evidence that, at least in part, the Omicron "crisis" is manufactured. The "healthcare" fat cats are made at South Africa for not buying more vaccine, cause so many people there don't want it. The available stats indicate Africa is relatively unaffected by COVID19, even though the continent has the lowest vaccination rates.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Except all the "fat cats" are admitting their vaccines will have reduced efficacy against Omicron.

    A lot of the lesser COVID impact in the developing world is because they have fewer old people.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Ya know Dave, its people like you and your insane beliefs that make it harder for real American to get rid of t he trash called progressives.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Information

    Now more than ever we need substantive debate about decisions that affect the health of hundreds of millions of people, including views counter to official positions.



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Ron Desantis (R) Florida Governor, "We will not let anyone lock them down ..."

    Alex Berenson suing Twitter in S.F. US District Court, case complaint:

    Santa Clara County, COVID Dashboard, this is NOTHING!
    the precautions and the vaccine are the things keeping this going!

    Israel going to a 4th shot, Alex Berenson on Clay and Buck

  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Dis vaccine shit da bed
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Don't call it a vaccine, call it what it is, "mRNA Immuno Disabler"

    Leana Wen has been a definite part of the problem since the pandemia started:

    After Doctors Were Fired Over Vaccine Mandates, Biden Tries to Save Face (Dec 21)

    Hopefully Biden will be walking the hysteria, the mandates, and the vaccine push back, hopefully.

    Streamed 32 minutes ago, lets listen:

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters the speech would not focus on "locking the country down," but that Biden would be "direct and clear with the American people about the benefits of being vaccinated." She said he would also discuss steps being taken to increase testing and to stress the risks posed to those unvaccinated.

    Total Number of Confirmed Omicron Deaths So Far: Zero? (Update: One Death, 'With' Omicron?) (Dec 13th)

    The simplest way to understand the insanity of boosting for Omicron

    We call them vaccines. But it is clear after a year of use that the mRNA shots do not produce a robust long-term B- or T-cell immune response.

    What they do is drive up antibodies to the spike protein (to unnaturally high levels, levels that all by themselves may cause problems, but put that aside). And those antibodies are extremely narrowly focused, not just on the spike protein but on a particular part of it.

    In other words, they basically turn your body into a factory for generating monoclonal antibodies for the original wild-type virus.

    But THOSE ANTIBODIES DON’T WORK ANYMORE AGAINST OMICRON. Its shape is too different. They can’t attach properly. Which is why the Lilly and Regeneron antibodies are being phased out.


    The White Stripes - From the Basement (Official Performance)
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