Money makes the world go round
Detroit strip clubs
I've been inviting this dancer to my house once or more a week for several months. She's hot and she's given me the best sex I've ever had. But she started treating me like her personal ATM, asking me to buy her things in addition to my generous gifts. So I stopped texting her for about 10 days. Today she texted me.
Dancer: Hey baby. When can I see you
Me: I'm tied up
Dancer: K. Make time for me soon
I'm not sure if I'll text her next week or not.…
Dancer: Hey baby. When can I see you
Me: I'm tied up
Dancer: K. Make time for me soon
I'm not sure if I'll text her next week or not.…
Usually I'll respond with a smile and a shrug and say something like: "C'mon now, I think I'm being pretty generous with what I'm already giving you, don't you?" Which btw is true. If I like a girl enough to see her several times, then I liked her enough the first time to agree to whatever number (within reason) she threw out in our initial discussion.
Now if you hold the line and her performance suffers as a result, then that's something different. Every train ride eventually ends. But IMHO if things are still otherwise good you shouldn't deprive yourself or take it personally just because she does what comes naturally to virtually all of them.
For context:…
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
You wrote and I quote:
“She's hot and she's given me the best sex I've ever had.”
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen
Good times, Good times.
You have to remember that YOU teach people how to treat you, by what you allow them to get away with, what behavior you stop and what behavior you reinforce.
You might try saying kind of kidding:
what is she going to do for you to earn that money/gift?
Or saying not I don’t think you have earned that yet...
In any case give the message that you are giving her more than enough for her services/relationship.
When you text her back tell her; “Hi Baby I just made time for you to come in so we can play and you can earn the $$$(amount of money you agreed per visit), if you still interested.
If YOU still want to keep seeing her make sure YOU are comfortable/happy with her performance and the amount of money you are spending.
I can't speak for the other two, but I'm paying more by the event. IMO tightly clocked events are for people who pick up $100 junkies off of cityvibe, not for fun OTC outings with hot strippers.
Most strippers won’t be able to get thru it in 2 weeks so offer to pay her 50 cents in late fees
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
But if somebody is, oh idk, maybe 35 or under and texting somebody ‘k’ or ‘ok’ then they might as well be saying ‘go die in a fire’ and they are deliberately being either disrespectful or caustic. If the sex is good enough, then I guess the negativity is worth it. But just watch your back is all I’d say…
Shit, I am old. Millennials should publish a users guide.
@nicespice I get what you’re saying but I don’t know that she was blowing him off, she could have been or maybe she was doing something at the time and rather than ignore him she just fired off a quick message to try and keep a regular from feeling disrespected
nicespice will soon be a bazillionaire from the money she'll make domming Gen-Z boys by texting them "K", We'll be able to say we knew her back when she was still just one of us little people.
I can see being put-off by a selfi$h dancer one feels they’ve been fair and/or generou$ to, but at the end of the day it kinda comes w/ the territory.
It kinda sucks to have to talk too much business w/ dancers since than takes some of the enjoyment away – i.e. kinda sucks to in a way tell her not to be too-greedy but there are dancers that try to push the limit$ - if one sets limits/boundarie$ some dancers adjust once they see they can’t fleece you but still they wanna keep you as a custy and keep offering good-service; other dancers just have a one-track-mind which is to squeeze as much as they can out of every PL and if they are not getting all they can they will try to move-on to someone else they can squeeze.
When dealing w/ dancers one is often dealing w/ people different from us both in background and obviously age; so sometimes as custies we have to somewhat put our ego and logic aside and kinda “grade on a curve” when dealing w/ certain dancers.
And you can't be upset with a hooker/Sugarbaby when that's the dynamic of your relationship.
It's not bad of her to act like that or try to get more. You agreed to that dynamic between the 2 of you. It's only about money.