Webcam model shoots her own v@gina
Keepin' it 💯…
Surprisingly, NOT Florida. But close. Former Follies dancer?
It has yet to be determined if this is a hate crime. Jk lol 😝
Surprisingly, NOT Florida. But close. Former Follies dancer?
It has yet to be determined if this is a hate crime. Jk lol 😝
I was thinking - it must be a trailer home - and sure enough - it was!
I hope her hole recovers.
I think whoever has the gun gets the bed
i do wonder if there is a double standard being applied here. article does not say the weapon was registered under the victim's name.
if one of us guys discharged an unregistered firearm and shot a piece of dick off the cops would be waiting outside after the hospital gives the ok to discharge the patient.
This is one of the reasons I've never owned a gun; a lot of accidents happen and an accident can happen to anyone not just someone stupid or careless although those I assume are the majority of accidents.