Is that top 40 for real?
Are there really 2 of the best clubs in the World in Tucson AZ? I’ve been there, love the town, but really?
That makes me wonder about any on that list that have less than 10-15 reviewers.
That makes me wonder about any on that list that have less than 10-15 reviewers.
They're only based on the last 18 months of reviews. With the pandemic, many clubs haven't had their typical number of reviews. Perhaps because the area is/was limiting them, or because they were popular with business travel or whatever. There's also a minimum # of reviews to be eligible. But, the bigger issue is probably one of perspective. I think people rate clubs relative to other clubs they've been to. That tends to mean most clubs are compared to other local options. Often, that's a good thing since when you're choosing a club it's among those in the same area. However, taken from an international perspective it results in the "Overall" ratings being quite skewed.
As an example, I've never been to the Rhino in Iowa but I find it hard to believe its overall better than Vegas. I think its much more likely that the one in Iowa is just better than its neighbors by a larger margin than Vegas is. I've been to Treasure Club in Greensboro, and even though Diamond Dolls is not the best club nearby I can't imagine any way in which TC is overall better than DD. But again, the other clubs in Greensboro are much worse than TC. So, if your perspective of average clubs is coming from Greensboro you're gonna rate TC somewhat higher than average. But if you're perspective is formed in south Florida, DD isn't that much better than the average club so you'll likely rate it closer to average. Pre-COVID, popular clubs in tourist areas saw the effect multiplied. Tootsies was long rated Top 10 because lots of tourists came to Miami, and it was famous. And many reviewers came from an area where Tootsies would be hands down the greatest club ever, so they rated it highly. Now that it's mostly local reviewers, it's not even on the Top40 anymore. Tijuana clubs are mostly reviewed by americans, so they always score high because they're better than average american clubs. I'm sure if we limited it to local only reviews, some of them would fall out of the Top40
Of course, this is #1 a theory, and #2 even if true wouldn't completely explain the results, but I do think its a big factor.
It's complicated.
I definitely appreciate having this site available when ever I travel. Most of my hobby activity is on business trips, even in my local metro area.
I’ll take the list filtered by unique reviewers a little more seriously.