How good are breast implants these days?

not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
When I Started PLing back in the 90’s, implants were pretty obvious, often gravity defying and looked as hard as they felt. It often seemed as if the thing you were pawing in the LDA was an orange stuffed into a boob (or grapefruit or honeydew, etc) and while they looked pretty good, they never felt good to me. This started a lifelong predilection for natual breasts when PLing. Recently, I see less and less obvious after market mods, and on occasion, I find myself wondering “were those real or not?” even after a thorough examination in the LDA. So I’m wondering, is the state of the art such that you just can’t tell anymore? Or are dancers just getting less mods? Or is seattle just an au naturel island adrift in a saline and silicon sea?
"...describes a woman after copulation with Satan as 'very proud and satisfied'."…
Taste test that's just the ticket, set it up in the club, it could be just like Costco on a Saturday afternoon 😊😊😊😊😜
Down the I5 here in Eugene/Springfield I think is also mostly natural. In my few years playing this game, I've only felt / noticed / suspected a handful of enhanced boobies. I prefer the natural model. Though exceptional exceptions are acceptable.
An organized taste test would most likely be one guy after another sucking the same tits. Bleahhhh... And if they wash them off in between you'd get a soapy taste which could defeat the whole purpose.
Obviously, they weren't large implants, but she eventually showed me how to grip and pull so that I could feel one edge. She definitely got her money's worth from that surgeon.
If you can touch them, they're real.
You are welcome.
There was a time when plastic surgeons would require a counseling session with implant patients, to make sure they understood the pain and recovery time involved, and weren't seeing implants as a false solution to problems like low self-esteem. A lot of plastics surgeons have gone to the other extreme, acting like bad used car sales people. A couple dancers I knew went to Coral Gables Cosmetic Surgery in Florida, both were blindsided by how long and difficult the recovery was. Many dancers run out of savings during the recovery, and go back to work too early. Moving around too much too soon causes hard scar tissue to form around the implants, giving you space boobs that you didn't order.
Implants have def gotten better to where many look and feel more natural – I can’t say I know the science behind-it but it seems girls that have very-small to nothing-on-top tend to have harder-feeling ones as well as more-fake-looking; I assume it's b/c almost their entire breast consists of the implant vs a girl that already had something-on-top to begin with and just wanted to go a bit bigger and/or just wanted some firmness/shapeness (e.g. after giving-birth/breast-feeding; etc).
In the past when this has been discussed there has been reference to the “gummy-bear” implants as the ones feeling and looking more natural.
I don’t like breast-implants – although I prefer large-breasts; I will usually choose small-naturals over large-enhanced-ones even if the latter “looks and feels natural” - w.r.t. breast-implants I either pass, or get dances in spite of them (either can't find natural-ones I like (not uncommon in the SoFlo mixed-clubs) or there's something else about the dancer I like).
For me it’s often a let-down/turn-off to learn they are fake even if at first I couldn’t tell – but it’s rare I can’t tell eventually if not at first – sometimes they just “look too good to be true” or just “too-perfect” – I can usually tell when they are fake; in the few instances I suspect they are but not sure it usually turns out they are (fake).
Off the top-of-my-head I can recall 2-instances where I was fooled initially but the more I played w/ them the more my suspicions grew and eventually my PL-suspicions were confirmed:
1) a bit older BBW ebony – she was busty but not overly-so for her frame (Ds which matched her frame) – they felt full and soft but something felt off – I eventually asked her and she said she’d got gotten some small-ones (I assume she was already fairly-busty and got some small implants for shapeness/firmness)
2) a slim-Cubana – she was thin in a firm/athletic type of way – she had nice full shapely Cs which made her look busty but not out of the realm of a girl that just happened to be naturally busty – those tits were pretty-much perfect; but in the back of my PL-mind they were just too-perfect – they looked and kinda hung a bit like natural boobs, but they did not move and stayed in perfect place w/o a top on – they did not feel hard but felt kinda “spungy” for lack of a better word – the felt alright just different (I assume they were those “gummy bear” types?) – those were the probably the best I’ve seen and felt pretty-good yet did not feel like the real-thing in the end
For a while I'd read how many women were choosing to get torpedo tits on purpose. I guess maybe that fashion finally faded?
And America has been far behind for so long, if you go to Thailand or Korea and see somes them boobies!!! I've seen guys with more realistic fake tits than pam anderson!!!