I could use your advice and guidance in a potential OTC situation. Background:
I've been digging around the local stripper/bikinibarista scene on Instragram and Onlyfans, and came across an (alleged) dancer at local indie joint Kittens. The particulars of her situation gave me a sense of the possibility of OTC, however it seems remote. It struck me that if anyone knew how to work with a prospect like this, one or two of you fine gentlemen would.
Following is the text of my DM session with Miss Sxx (name changed)...
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thursday 2:56pm DC: Hello, great pics! Do you dance anywhere in town? Thursday 7:06pm Sxx: I dance at kittens. Thursday 9:57pm DC: Great news! Do you have a typical schedule? Friday 11:56am Sxx: I have to get my license still so I have to find someone to pay for that before I can come back Yesterday 1:11 AM DC: Hmm. How much is it? Yesterday 12:31 PM Sxx: It’s around 250 I think? For a full year sanders license Yesterday 6:31 PM DC: Seems like we could get to that number with a few dances, no? Sxx: Sure baby DC: but where to do them? I guess kittens wouldn’t work, LOL Sxx: Well you’d have to cash app me so I can get into the club for us to dance haha Silly haha! DC: Alas, I work on a strict dance first, cash second basis. What to do? Sxx: Well you’d just have to trust me. I could send you some sex videos if you’d like that. Yesterday 7:36 PM Sxx: ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Questions to the PL-hive:
1. Can this situation be turned to OTC? 2. How to establish trust with someone you only "met" online? 3. What would you do here? (obviously NOT just send some dancer $250)
I guess that if she's not biting on my implications, she's not in the habit of meeting guys she met on Instagram, haha. Moreover, with no prior club-based relationship to leverage, and no reviews ala TNA Board etc. for me to check, this is a non starter and it's best to just wait until her IG says she's back at the club. Presuming that ever happens.
Since this seemed more complicated than getting a couple dances and then suggesting "why don't we come back to my hotel", I thought it might be an interesting case study.
It seems like you're itching to be a subject of a 2AM'er. There's no need to convince her, she should be trying to convince you. She already tried you, sucker-test, with the Cash-App.
You need to be very straight and direct. Tell her you do not send money to someone you have never met. But that you would be interested in meeting somewhere to "work something else out". . See how she reacts to that.
Dude, with all due respect: anyone dumb enough to fall for this, I am going to have to recall your PL merit badge and send you back down to the bush leagues.
She's playing you. If you don't believe that and want to make sure, you're going to have to give your balls a tug and come out with it. Are you willing to see me outside the club for $400?" If she says yes to that, be sure to specify what you're expecting: dances and sex at a local hotel, or whatever. I'm super doubtful, she's just using the typical tiktok-taught hustle to try to get you to pay her something for nothing
@Subra: LOL PL Merit Badge!!! Yeah, you're probably right. You got me thinking here, maybe we can get some PL merit badges made and sell them, proceeds to benefit founder or some deserving PL on a fixed income: https://www.americanpatch.com/… HAHAHAHA!!!
If you're looking for OTC, then stick to dancers that are already dancing. Get some dances and have some fun ITC, and if she's fun, not scammy, and seems not too nutty, then start asking about OTC.
I would never arrange an appointment with someone I've only met online. Even with sugaring, there's almost always platonic meet (or two) up front before any intimacy happens. If you want to go straight from online to sexy fun time, then look for escorts (or escort agencies) that are well reviewed and have a good track record.
This is going nowhere fast. Next message should ask if she wants to meet you at a hotel if you're going to continue trying. And I'm sure she'll have some other idea about how you can get nothing for something and make her happy.
Don't listen to these cynics DC. Like she said, you should trust her. This girl is obviously legit. You'd better move on that quick before someone else does. 💨
Forgive my lack of knowledge. Is this girl some sort of Jennifer Beals type from Flashdance? A sanders license? Does she do home improvements when she’s not making coffee or working the pole?
She’s playing you for money.
If you hit up a girl based on her Instagram photos - that’s fine. But if she doesn’t bite on your first or second try at paying her for private OTC dances - then it’s a no.
If you are planning a trip to a club soon - it might be interesting to stop by her club. If she’s there - then it wasn’t a license issue.
It could be shes creeped out by guys who try to impersonate The Price is Right hosts?
DC: Hmm. How much is it? Yesterday 12:31 PM Sxx: It’s around 250 I think? For a full year sanders license Yesterday 6:31 PM DC: Seems like we could get to that number with a few dances, no? Sxx: Sure baby DC: but where to do them? I guess kittens wouldn’t work, LOL
So, SHE brought up 250? (license fee is actually under $100 according to Seattle.gov...)
You were almost there. And you had to ask "where"??
Should have suggested time / date and that you'd book a room!!!
(The part I'm wondering is best way to put off actually booking the room until you're sure they're showing up).
My advice is to buy a stylin’ suit, show up to the club, and ask if she’s willing to a gangbang with you, a lion, and a shark. Be clear that any funny business like a boyfriend showing up to extort you will be met with some wildebeest action.
If she’s DTF with a lion, a shark, and whatever you are you’re going to have a good time. Hell, I’d show up myself but I’m probably way to cool to be your bud. I’m a rick after all.
Based upon the above entertaining thread, I wrote her back this morning...
-------------------------------------------------- Saturday 6:31pm Sxx: Well you’d just have to trust me. I could send you some sex videos if you’d like that. Saturday 7:36pm
Yesterday 4:12 PM Sxx: Hello
8:46 AM DC: Hi! Upon reflection, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s better for me to wait until you’re back dancing and then come buy some dances from you in the club. I don’t want to waste your time, so I will leave it there. Thanks, dc. --------------------------------------------------
... just now, I checked to see what her response was. She blocked me! Or else deleted herself off of IG, but I assume it's the former.
So that's that. And I was about to try my Olive Garden pitch, all you can eat breadsticks and everything. Damn.
But seriously, thank you dudes for the sound and entertaining advice!
Honestly DC IMO you just waited too long and she fell into the arms of a more decisive man. Let that be a lesson to you. Next time you need to go hard in da paint!
You can go to her profile outside of the app (via a desktop web browser) to see if she's still there. Just don't be logged in to your IG account on that browser. But I'm sure you're right and she just blocked you.
To start out, stick to women you can talk to and do dances with in meatspace.
By blocking you I’m willing to bet she doesn’t even exist. I mean, the person in the photos exists but the person messaging you is not the person in the photos. Scams like this happen everyday and you aren’t the first PL to message “her” and I’m sure several PLs are dumb enough to send “her” money.
Just imagine if the person behind that account talks to 30 PLs a week and manages to get 3 of them to send $250 a week!!! Nice little side hustle (Juice is creating an Instagram account after reading my response).
For one, the OP was the one that contacted her, and “in an indirect way” was hinting at helping her out of her dilemma – strippers often have $$$-troubles and are often looking “for some help” – strippers, like most salespeople, are usually gonna try to take advantage of a situation that presents itself.
When it comes to clubbing and dealing w/ strippers, it’s kinda like buying a car; one needs to be direct – i.e. one needs to express what they are willing-to-pay and what they expect in-return – the more “one beats around the bush” the more likely one-side is not gonna get what they want.
There’s no-guarantee the OP was being “set up” or was gonna get ripped-off – I don’t mean this to say that wiring-$$$ to a complete stranger is a good-idea; of course not; but there was a chance you could have set something up OTC – dealing with strippers is often gonna be a wild-card; it’s the nature-of-the-beast; and if one is gonna wait to have all the i’s-dotted and t’s-crossed, one will often lose-out on certain opportunities b/c dealing w/ strippers is often not a straight-line.
Particularly dealing w/ OTC, there’s always gonna be an element of the unknown – I think too-many-on-here immediately jump to the worst conclusions and most of the board then runs w/ that as if it was the only logical-conclusion – as far as she knew she had a-sucker-on-the-line and most salespeople will try to take advantage of a sucker-opportunity; but this doesn’t mean the PL can’t still work the situation and get what he wants once he shows he’s not a sucker (analogous to a stripper in a club that quotes 2x the VIP-going-rate – there are always gonna be green-SCers that bite; but this doesn’t mean one can’t come to a reasonable-agreement and have a good VIP once she realizes she’s not dealing w/ a sucker).
By no means am I saying that she was not trying to take your $$$; and I’m def not saying to wire-her-the-$$$ (unless you’re ok w/ likely losing the $250; although some guys are willing to roll-that-dice b/c for them the possible pay-off is worth more than losing the $250); but wiring her the $$$ is the equivalent of “(paying upfront) X 100”- my point is that many strippers are quirky to-say-the-least and so will often be one’s interactions w/ them especially when dealing w/ them “cold turkey” per se where one does not have a regular/semi-regular ITC relationship w/ them – again dealing w/ strippers is often not a straight-line – like many other things, OTC is like riding-a-bike; it takes a while to get comfortable w/ it vs being afraid of everything that could go wrong.
@papi: yeah if I could do this over, I think I would have gone super direct for a moment and said “would you meet me otc for $400? I would expect dances and sex. We could meet for coffee in a public place first so you are comfortable.” My guess is that this probably wouldn’t have worked out, but would have been worth a try. Live and learn.
The “. . . and sex,” is not something I would ever put in writing. It’s not a good idea to put things in writing that you wouldn’t want marked as a court exhibit sometime in the future.
Damn Papi, I was posting tongue-in-cheek, lol. Now I'm not saying that the girl wasn't real or that she didn't want to dance at Kittens, but I'm almost 100% sure that he was never going to see any ROI.
What confuses me though is why he was spinning his wheels in the first place in online forums in order to find dancers. The simpler approach would be to just get in the car and drive to the club, where he could chat with as many dancers as he wants.
@rick: I can answer that. A dancer/barista at a local barista stand gave me their IG handle, so I created a Drew Carey IG account and followed her. I noticed that the clubs in town advertise who is dancing on a given day, and sometimes their IG handle. I found a number of dancers this way, and followed them. When this dancer accepted the follow, the conversation in the original post began.
Before now, I have just gone to clubs hoping that a favorite or at least some interesting talent would be on offer. Sometimes this doesn't work out due to dancer schedules and random chance. Following clubs/dancers on IG gives me an idea of who is where when, which helps me pick between the 3 solid extras clubs in town. Having a stripper I met on IG suggest I give her money for xyz was new as well as suspicious, so I started the thread.
TBH, my approach for the past 30 years has been exactly what you describe as the simpler approach above. Now I'm dipping into stripper2.0 with IG, etc. and learning to not get catfished! But heading down to Playground to see my CF https://tuscl.net/review.php?i… on Mon/Tue/Thur evenings is still my go-to approach for happiness.
^ Drew, those additional details would have been very helpful upfront, especially the fact that you already met her in person. Your original post made it seem as if you met her online.
With that said, it was pretty clear even from your opening post that there was no easy path to OTC with that one. Trust me when I say that she wasn't confused by what you wanted. Being more direct wasn't going to change anything. She's a bikini barista handing out her IG handle to horny guys overpaying for coffee just to see a little skin. I'm sure you're neither the first nor the last guy to try to parlay that into something else. She's just fishing for suckers.
@scrub: I thought about fixing that for her, but wanted to keep it verbatim. I like to think she is talking about the license to sand down the front of my strip club pants with her vj? Lol
@drewcareypnw: I worked the Seattle barista scene a bit and it's so much harder than mongering at the club. There are some insanely hot baristas and there are many that do OTC for $$$$...and many that are catfishing ROBs. It was too much effort for me personally but I have access to Google sheet for local baristas that has reviews if you want.
last comment@lick: what is a 2AMer? I agree re convincing.
@muddy: haha, yeah that sounds about right.
She's playing you. If you don't believe that and want to make sure, you're going to have to give your balls a tug and come out with it. Are you willing to see me outside the club for $400?" If she says yes to that, be sure to specify what you're expecting: dances and sex at a local hotel, or whatever. I'm super doubtful, she's just using the typical tiktok-taught hustle to try to get you to pay her something for nothing
If you're looking for OTC, then stick to dancers that are already dancing. Get some dances and have some fun ITC, and if she's fun, not scammy, and seems not too nutty, then start asking about OTC.
I would never arrange an appointment with someone I've only met online. Even with sugaring, there's almost always platonic meet (or two) up front before any intimacy happens. If you want to go straight from online to sexy fun time, then look for escorts (or escort agencies) that are well reviewed and have a good track record.
This is going nowhere fast. Next message should ask if she wants to meet you at a hotel if you're going to continue trying. And I'm sure she'll have some other idea about how you can get nothing for something and make her happy.
@bkk: agreed on all points.
If Olive Garden sues founder we're all going to feel very guilty. Or is TUSCL a covert marketing campaign by Olive Garden?
She’s playing you for money.
If you hit up a girl based on her Instagram photos - that’s fine. But if she doesn’t bite on your first or second try at paying her for private OTC dances - then it’s a no.
If you are planning a trip to a club soon - it might be interesting to stop by her club. If she’s there - then it wasn’t a license issue.
It could be shes creeped out by guys who try to impersonate The Price is Right hosts?
DC: Hmm. How much is it?
Yesterday 12:31 PM
Sxx: It’s around 250 I think? For a full year sanders license
Yesterday 6:31 PM
DC: Seems like we could get to that number with a few dances, no?
Sxx: Sure baby
DC: but where to do them? I guess kittens wouldn’t work, LOL
So, SHE brought up 250? (license fee is actually under $100 according to Seattle.gov...)
You were almost there. And you had to ask "where"??
Should have suggested time / date and that you'd book a room!!!
(The part I'm wondering is best way to put off actually booking the room until you're sure they're showing up).
If she’s DTF with a lion, a shark, and whatever you are you’re going to have a good time. Hell, I’d show up myself but I’m probably way to cool to be your bud. I’m a rick after all.
Based upon the above entertaining thread, I wrote her back this morning...
Saturday 6:31pm
Sxx: Well you’d just have to trust me. I could send you some sex videos if you’d like that.
Saturday 7:36pm
Yesterday 4:12 PM
Sxx: Hello
8:46 AM
DC: Hi! Upon reflection, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s better for me to wait until you’re back dancing and then come buy some dances from you in the club. I don’t want to waste your time, so I will leave it there. Thanks, dc.
... just now, I checked to see what her response was. She blocked me! Or else deleted herself off of IG, but I assume it's the former.
So that's that. And I was about to try my Olive Garden pitch, all you can eat breadsticks and everything. Damn.
But seriously, thank you dudes for the sound and entertaining advice!
To start out, stick to women you can talk to and do dances with in meatspace.
In my view, it’s a learning process - and this one didn’t cost you any money.
Just imagine if the person behind that account talks to 30 PLs a week and manages to get 3 of them to send $250 a week!!! Nice little side hustle (Juice is creating an Instagram account after reading my response).
Create a new account and try again.
Once she mentioned $250, suggest a place to meet!!!
For one, the OP was the one that contacted her, and “in an indirect way” was hinting at helping her out of her dilemma – strippers often have $$$-troubles and are often looking “for some help” – strippers, like most salespeople, are usually gonna try to take advantage of a situation that presents itself.
When it comes to clubbing and dealing w/ strippers, it’s kinda like buying a car; one needs to be direct – i.e. one needs to express what they are willing-to-pay and what they expect in-return – the more “one beats around the bush” the more likely one-side is not gonna get what they want.
There’s no-guarantee the OP was being “set up” or was gonna get ripped-off – I don’t mean this to say that wiring-$$$ to a complete stranger is a good-idea; of course not; but there was a chance you could have set something up OTC – dealing with strippers is often gonna be a wild-card; it’s the nature-of-the-beast; and if one is gonna wait to have all the i’s-dotted and t’s-crossed, one will often lose-out on certain opportunities b/c dealing w/ strippers is often not a straight-line.
Particularly dealing w/ OTC, there’s always gonna be an element of the unknown – I think too-many-on-here immediately jump to the worst conclusions and most of the board then runs w/ that as if it was the only logical-conclusion – as far as she knew she had a-sucker-on-the-line and most salespeople will try to take advantage of a sucker-opportunity; but this doesn’t mean the PL can’t still work the situation and get what he wants once he shows he’s not a sucker (analogous to a stripper in a club that quotes 2x the VIP-going-rate – there are always gonna be green-SCers that bite; but this doesn’t mean one can’t come to a reasonable-agreement and have a good VIP once she realizes she’s not dealing w/ a sucker).
By no means am I saying that she was not trying to take your $$$; and I’m def not saying to wire-her-the-$$$ (unless you’re ok w/ likely losing the $250; although some guys are willing to roll-that-dice b/c for them the possible pay-off is worth more than losing the $250); but wiring her the $$$ is the equivalent of “(paying upfront) X 100”- my point is that many strippers are quirky to-say-the-least and so will often be one’s interactions w/ them especially when dealing w/ them “cold turkey” per se where one does not have a regular/semi-regular ITC relationship w/ them – again dealing w/ strippers is often not a straight-line – like many other things, OTC is like riding-a-bike; it takes a while to get comfortable w/ it vs being afraid of everything that could go wrong.
The “. . . and sex,” is not something I would ever put in writing. It’s not a good idea to put things in writing that you wouldn’t want marked as a court exhibit sometime in the future.
What confuses me though is why he was spinning his wheels in the first place in online forums in order to find dancers. The simpler approach would be to just get in the car and drive to the club, where he could chat with as many dancers as he wants.
Before now, I have just gone to clubs hoping that a favorite or at least some interesting talent would be on offer. Sometimes this doesn't work out due to dancer schedules and random chance. Following clubs/dancers on IG gives me an idea of who is where when, which helps me pick between the 3 solid extras clubs in town. Having a stripper I met on IG suggest I give her money for xyz was new as well as suspicious, so I started the thread.
TBH, my approach for the past 30 years has been exactly what you describe as the simpler approach above. Now I'm dipping into stripper2.0 with IG, etc. and learning to not get catfished! But heading down to Playground to see my CF https://tuscl.net/review.php?i… on Mon/Tue/Thur evenings is still my go-to approach for happiness.
With that said, it was pretty clear even from your opening post that there was no easy path to OTC with that one. Trust me when I say that she wasn't confused by what you wanted. Being more direct wasn't going to change anything. She's a bikini barista handing out her IG handle to horny guys overpaying for coffee just to see a little skin. I'm sure you're neither the first nor the last guy to try to parlay that into something else. She's just fishing for suckers.
Sadly, now we’ll never know.