
Natural versus not

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Thursday, September 9, 2021 5:03 AM
I really want to start dancing but my boobs are natural, big, and heavy. I’m concerned it would not be attractive to customers. Advice?


  • Newcookie
    3 years ago
    Never mind, got my answer from other discussions.
  • tempest666
    3 years ago
    I danced with huge-ish natural boobs for YEARS. (Saggy C's) Didn't stop or hurt my money, although my earnings skyrocketed when I got implants.
  • Chilli_Powdurr
    3 years ago
    Why are your boobs big? Do you drink milk?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    A lot of guys in here will tell you that they prefer natural boobs and hate implants. While that might be true in this PL terrarium, I never see women with implants struggling for business in the clubs. For the most part, guys will gravitate towards dancers with good-looking tits, fake or real. We don't ask for a certificate of provenance.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Show us your tits!
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    "natural, big, heavy" I see nothing wrong at all with that statement but yes to make sure we would have to see to evaluate. You know science and all that.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It doesn't matter you'll make money. Girls with implants usually do better though.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Guys love natural big heavy tits. Is this even a real question or trolling? I would also add for implants... any guy at the club or on cam that asks if they are real or not BEFORE spending is never going to spend. Good to ignore. In general any guy who wants to play 21 questions "before spending" is not a fucking spender. Spenders just spend. LOL
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    I'm fine with it when strippers pretend to like me and it seems real, so would be dumb not to be fine with implants that look plausibly natural.
  • Newcookie
    3 years ago
    Thank you, everyone! 😁
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    A wise man* once said, "if I can touch 'em, they're real to me." *Me
  • 623
    3 years ago
    Yeah but if they are hard as rocks, or if they are going in diff directions or they are not the same size count me out. My ability to ignore reality in clubs has limits.
  • Sgrayeff
    3 years ago
    Attitude is what matters. Embrace your look whatever it is. That’s what sells. Self-conscious won't sell. Your vibe will drive ours.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    If you get implants- research the shit out of the doctor you want to cut you open and sew you back up. But honestly you can have no tits, no hips, no ass and still make money. I always laugh at and make fun of those girls, not gonna lie. But really all that matters is that guys wanna spend on you. Fuck the other bitches in the club. Usually if they are being weird or catty it is because they aren't making money in the club or like anybody else have something going on irl to where they are in a bad mood.
  • ilbbaicnl
    3 years ago
    There's no one look that everyone is going to like. But I've heard what tempest the beast says from many dancers, when it comes to implants, men so no with their mouths and yes with their wallets. If you gotta pick one thing that matters the most to bank as a dancer, it's shrug off the noes. A rude no just means the customer is an asshole, freeloaders are the most likely to be assholes anyway. A dancer who gets 20 yeses a night and only 3 noes makes less than the one who gets 200 noes and 40 yeses. As a general rule, approach every customer. If they avoid key contact, generally better to approach again later. Unless you notice they haven't gotten any dances in an hour or so, then they could just be very shy. Dancers generally get more forward the later it gets, as customers are less likely to get torqued about it.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Investing in your looks will help you make more overall. Get you into better clubs.
  • Newcookie
    3 years ago
    Thank y’all! Definitely open to the tips as well-much appreciated!
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    Speak of coincidence, we have many natural, big, and heavy boobs here, they're UM fans! Lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Is is me or has the OP's name in this thread changed like 3-times?
  • Heellover
    3 years ago
    Papi. I was wondering the same thing about OP name.
  • Player11
    3 years ago
    I like them big boob gals in sexy monokini. Drives me crazy. Will tip them high on stage so can get them to my table buy them drink, dances. Then during dances I get so horny can’t stop.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    First of all; customer preferences are really all over the place – having said this you look like a “niche dancer” – if that is you in your avatar; you def have huge boobs; but also seem to be AA(?) and BBW-ish; and right-or-not that is not “the standard of beauty” in our country and dancers like you have a harder time getting hired at many clubs – many “mixed” clubs don’t hire many AA-dancers; and often the few they hire have a more “Caucasian” look (i.e. not thick/voluptuous). IMO your look would do better in heavily black or Latino clubs – IME a lot of whiteguys are into the skinny small-ass small-titties look; minorities (Latinos/blacks) tend to appreciate thickness and voluptuousness more. Like I mentioned, your look would be an asset in certain clubs or w/ certain customers; thus you should emphasize your strengths (i.e. them big-ole-titties) – the customers that like-you will be into you b/c of your boobs; thus they are an asset – the ones that don’t b/c they like small/skinny girls, not much you can do about it – i.e. IMO you should def emphasize your assets – huge natural boobs in clubs are rare to find these days and you'd do well w/ the custies into that and there are always some – so you should see your big natural boobs as an asset and emphasize them as a dancer (wear revealing outfits that show them off and tops that squish them together and produce major-cleavage; etc).
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Get yer butt to Miami and dance wherever Papi recommends 😁
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    It seems that it can often be a crapshoot as to whether a dancer gets hired at a particular club – some clubs will hire almost anyone; but the more popular clubs def seem more-picky and usually “have a type”. You should look at TUSCL reviews of clubs in your area (or areas(s)/cities of interest) and see which seem the most popular then pay them a visit as a customer to see what kinda girls work there (have your BF or guy-friend accompany you) – some clubs and some cities are better w.r.t. hiring different types of dancers – you can also see if you could work part-time as a waitress in some of the strip-clubs so you can learn how they operate – not uncommon for dancers to start of as waitresses b/c many know very little about strip-clubs.
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