
Dancer Rating Scales in Reviews

I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
This got contentious on my latest Desire review. To me, this might be the stupidest thing to nitpick a reviewer on, because EVERYONE KNOWS it's subjective.

Mine operates like a normal distribution with an average of 5, standard deviation of between 1 and 1.5, and it's the same scale for all women of childbearing age.

<5 = Below average, something about her face/body is gross, whether it's a misshapen face or morbid obesity.
5 = Average for the population, not dancer average. If you found 100 girls between 20-40 on the street and ranked them by looks, she'd be right in the middle.
6 = Cute. Pleasing to look at. Sexually attractive. Top 25% of the group.
7 = Beautiful. Will catch your eye in the crowd. Top 10% of the group.
8 = Hot. Rarefied territory. You have to make an effort not to stare. Top 3%.
9 = An angel. Drops your jaw. One of the hottest women you'll see all year. If you're lucky, the hottest girl of that group.
10 = A goddess. Holy shit, you didn't think she was genetically possible. One of the hottest you'll ever see.

And of course, who likes what is subjective.

I tend towards: curvy over spinner, brick shithouse over GND, AA/Asian/Latina over white, sexy over cute, womanly over perky.

What's your scale?


  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so by necessity anyone's rating scale is going to be subjective, but using the normal distribution is the best way to approach this. It seems the tails of your distribution taper off more quickly than mine, though. I wouldn't say a below five is necessarily gross. Between 4 and 5, I would say she is just plain, maybe borderline unattractive, and not somebody I would give a second glance to if passing in the supermarket aisle. Below 4, I would say you are getting into affirmatively unattractive, and below 3 major issues. Similarly, a 7 to me is not necessarily "beautiful," but an attractive girl nevertheless. An 8 is definitely beautiful. But these are only nuances from my personal perspective and certainly not something to argue over.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Yeah, I read that review and you saw my response. I think this mostly navel gazing. In some instances, a guy will get annoyed because you don't think his CF or ATF is off-the-charts hot. I've had guys get grumbley with me because there's a dancer at Desire who is popular but I just don't get it.

    I just rate based on 1 to 10 in my view. There's no bell curve or statistical averaging algorithm, because it's a strip club review and not a thesis paper. I will sometimes note that what I think of as a '6' might get a higher rating from guys who love [X] attribute.

    And anyone who says that there's no such thing as "below 5" at a strip club never went to the Sportsman's Inn in Providence, RI.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    Yeah, ratings are all over the place and nothing to argue about. To me a 7 is cute and 8 is pretty. What's the difference? Cute is a girl I could see next door or in the street and think she's attractive but not be interested unless there was something else that grabs me. An 8 is pretty enough to catch my attention. I'll go out of my way to meet an 8, but a 7 I'm ok with meeting or not. A 6 has things about her I like but something's off (extra pounds, too skinny, butterface, etc) but some underdeveloped bodies have Natalie Portman's face so obviously the numbers can land anywhere once you get into smashable territory. To me a 5 and down is something I wouldn't want to bang.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    'anyone who says that there's no such thing as "below 5" at a strip club never went to...'

    Did someone actually say that? That's the problem with the casuals who only go to a club after scouring the TUSCL for a good word. To me anyone who's picked this up as a hobby needs to see a really terrible strip club with fuglies to fully appreciate the better ones. Plus you can try out whatever game you want because it doesn't matter if it misses at a crappy club. How many months did random posters wander onto TUSCL after Follies got snuffed out because they stayed fat and happy and didn't bother to learn how to hunt for themselves at a typical club?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I agree with you, and yes I've seen people post that. I've also seen people state that their ratings start at '5' (or something around there) rather than '1' because no '1' becomes a stripper. I'll agree that they're rare, but much like a '10' they're out there if you go to the wrong places.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    Tetra, I don't think most people grade that way, although the middle of the range (5) makes perfect sense to be average. The other natural way to think of it, along A-F grading scales where a C is a 7, is not right either. I'm not talking about how it should be, just my perception about how groups of guys use this. Oddly enough, I think for most people, a 6 is average (and most guys won't want to pay to fuck a 6, though many will), a 5 is unattractive and it goes down from there.

    Perhaps some people conflate sexual desirability and physical beauty, I know I do sometimes. If I'm the slightest bit attracted to her and would fuck her, she's at least a 7; if I'd pay, she's a 7.5 or higher.

    chessmaster did a thread years ago where he proposed some standards for the various levels, and I think I remember it being more aligned with yours. His 8s were downright hot, when they go to the grocery store or the local bar they're almost always the hottest girl, and then it went up from there.
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    FWIW I probably need at least a 7 on my scale to pay for VIP. I tend to go for the bikini model type of body on a stripper. If you take the type of stripper I like and see her walking down the beach:

    <5 - you think she should cover up.
    5 - you see her but don't bother looking at her.
    6 - you glance at her and watch her thinking she looks pretty good.
    7 - you watch her the whole time and think she is hot
    8 - you elbow your buddy so he does not miss her and you talk about how you'd like to bang her. All the guys on the beach are watching her go by.
    9 - guy activity pauses as she walks by. guys are snapping pictures. guys are starting to get up and walk in the same direction as her to see where she is going so they can go in there too. the boldest guys will even hit on her.
    10 - If she stopped she would draw a crowd. She is already walking with one or more guy friends because she has learned not to walk the beach by herself. That's to prevent random strangers from trying to walk with her and hit on her. That still happens, but not as much.

    When I was younger I had the opportunity to escort a 10 to a bar as her mother did not want her out alone in a strange city. She was a model in town for a photo shoot. She wore a thin cocktail dress. In the right light you could see there was absolutely nothing underneath. If she leaned across the bar she was flashing the room. Men would send her drinks from across the room. They would hand her business cards with their cell number and hotel room written on the back. They would try to elbow me away from her to hit on her (she clung to me out of fear). One table of guys offered her $2000 to come sit at their table. Men she had met earlier in the day were constantly calling to give her updates on where they were partying. Walking down the sidewalk, guys would stop their car in the middle of the street to get out and hit on her.

    That's a 10.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ is this 10 still duct taped to a folding chair in your basement right now?
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    "8 - you elbow your buddy so he does not miss her and you talk about how you'd like to bang her. All the guys on the beach are watching her go by.
    9 - guy activity pauses as she walks by. guys are snapping pictures. guys are starting to get up and walk in the same direction as her to see where she is going so they can go in there too. the boldest guys will even hit on her.
    10 - If she stopped she would draw a crowd. She is already walking with one or more guy friends because she has learned not to walk the beach by herself. That's to prevent random strangers from trying to walk with her and hit on her. That still happens, but not as much."

    I love the notion of assessing hotness based on how people around her act -- basically crowdsourcing her hotness rating :) A few years ago I jokingly suggested something similar. Along the lines of:

    Who cares? Not considered in this assessment. Below a 7.5.

    She gets lots of head turns. Not just one here or there, lots. Guys clearly notice her. This translates from 7.5-8.4ish?. As you suggest, perhaps some elbow-bumping of buddies is occurring above an 8.

    If you watch her from from above, everywhere she goes there's a clear "wave" of turning heads, elbow bumping, crowds parting. I got this one from an ATF-turned-SB, I could always tell where she was in the crowd by the ripple of excitement that surrounded her as she walked through the crowd, and then behind the wave was the wake of guys recovering to their previous convos. I think this is 8.5-9+.

    My last rating is another ATF turned SB, where not only do you have that wave, but guys stop what they're doing, change their behavior completely. I've seen guys walking in a line, when one sees her, he puts his arms out to stop the others to look. Guys walking by say things to me and high five me (which I find hysterical). Women hit on her. I think this is the mid 9s and up -- at this point I'm a believer in the dushku limit where it's ridiculous to assign a number, it's just an incomprehsible level of hotness.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    It's tough, there are many schools of thought and its highly subjective. Some ascribe to a standard linear approach, where 0 and 10 are unobtainable and 5 is average. Others have more of a logarithmic approach, where a 5 is 10 times hotter than a 4.

    There's also the subjective and probably sub-conscious part. If you've spent the past two weeks on South Beach seeing half naked hot ass all day, you're going to be less impressed with the strippers at Tootsies in Miami Gardens. If you were at the Opa-locka Walmart just before you hit Tootsies I bet you'll feel a lot better about the lineup.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    @Goldmonger, I think you and I are saying the same things, in different descriptive terms.

    I've seen maybe four "tens" in my life. Two I met on Match.com and went on a couple dates with, one Caribbean black, one African black. I don't recall seeing guys stare, but to me, they were (physically) perfect. The others were just random women I saw--one Indian woman on the NYC subway, one AA on the street in SoHo.

    None were A-list celebrities, none were models, none were porn stars, and none were strippers.

    I've seen a few "nines" in strip clubs. As I recall, Brooke (AA) and Bella (I think Latin/Arabic) at Desire got an overall 9 from me. Too bad their VIPs were lame. On a good day, Maya (Asian) at Millennium Cabaret in New Hampshire is one. A couple Latinas at Pleasant Moments Bridgeport.

    However, there's a different between a stripper 9-10 (who is dressed and done up specifically to attract the wallets of horned up guys), a model 9-10 (who is dressed up and possibly photoshopped to look beautiful) and a civvie 9-10 on the street.

    Again, it's a matter of opinion. My 10s might have bene someone else's 7.5-8s, but it rarely deviates farther than that, unless you're a chubby chaser or something.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "Perhaps some people conflate sexual desirability and physical beauty, I know I do sometimes."

    That's one of the things that the hobby helped me fix in my thinking. How many beautiful women does a guy pay to get off his lap before that reality dinks in?

    "If I'm the slightest bit attracted to her and would fuck her, she's at least a 7; if I'd pay, she's a 7.5 or higher."

    Lol. That's what I use the word "hot" for. A butterface can be hot. Even a double bagger can be hot with the right angle (and a bag). And sadly, a 9 can turn into an ice cold mirage once the action starts...

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I rate them by professionalism looks personability
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    I've seen a 4 at a pretty decent strip club. Usually 5 is the bottom but 4s can happen.

    For me a legit 10 probably shouldn't be stripping, she could make as much or more modeling. A 10 should be able to get a million followers by posting bikini pics.

    9s "should" be high end and picky. Show me a legit 9 that gives you good mileage for the club and she would quickly become a favorite. 9s can make some cash on the side modeling but are missing something to do more than occasional low paying gigs.

    College campuses and the beach here in socal are full of 8s and packed with 7s. 7 is the baseline for most hot girl sororities. I love 7s but they are not unusual.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I’m aware I have a niche-taste in dancers that’s different from the avg SCer – thus when I rate a club I do it from the POV of what the avg SCer would think vs what I think – I think I have a pretty-good-idea more or less w.r.t what is “generally” considered attractive in society – I guess for me it comes down to what @Subra mentioned of sexual-desirability vs physical-beauty – what I find sexually-desirable does not necessarily fall within what is considered “beauty” by most of society – w.r.t. dancers for me it’s just pretty-much about the body and a particular type of body (voluptuous); I don’t care much about the face (a nice face for me is a plus vs a requirement) – but I understand I’m in the minority w.r.t. my personal-tastes and why I try to rate clubs based on what the avg guy would find attractive – i.e. I can decipher what an attractive dancer is; it’s just that there are other factors that turn me on – i.e. a spinner w/ a pretty-face does nothing for me but many a SCer seem to be into that type – thus a club w/ a lot of young spinners I’d give a pretty-high-rating to although it would not be a club that interests me.
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    To me anything below a 7 is not worth it. I don't got for a club for average, and I grade on a steep scale.

    1-4 Ugly and should not be dancing
    5-6 Bottom tier dancers, should have hung it up years ago.
    7 Above Average looking, decent body, but definitely far from perfect. Would get a dance from her, but only if there isn't hotter dancers available. If you saw her outside a club, would likely not turn her down, but in a club you would be looking for better.
    8 - Hot looking, with a very nice body, very little wrong with her looks wise. An 8 is the the reason you go to clubs. You aren't looking for an average or above average, you are looking for hot, and she is hot. If she asks if you want a dance, you quickly agree.
    9 - Extremely hot, almost perfect body. If she walks by, your head will turn and if she's on stage you will go up there and feed her dollars, and definitely will ask for a dance, and you will wait for quite a while for her to be available.
    10 - Perfection. You and every other person in the club wants to get dances from her. If she asks you for a dance, you would dump the hot 8, and possibly even the hot 9 and head back. Not only will spend your entire budget you will blow right past it. If she's busy you will likely wait for several hours to get a dance from her.
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    @Shailyn - She is now in her early 40's, three kids, a bit thicker. I have seen her recently. On my beach scale, she is probably still an 8 and looks in her mid 20's until you get up close. She married a guy worth about $20 million (and 18 years older than her - my age!) and he can pay for a lot of "upkeep" on that body.
  • RTP
    3 years ago
    I am not nearly as specific as most of you. I typically just put women/dancers in ranges.

    9 - 10 - Beautiful, very few flaws. Catches your attention immediately. Usually not my target group.
    6 - 8 - Attractive, sexy, still gives a boner pretty quickly, but has some flaws. This is typically what I am looking for.
    4 - 5 - Below average, body usually has many flaws. Not usually what works for me, but could depending on the situation.
    1 - 3 - Not attractive at all, many flaws in body/looks. Even in my drunkest days, probably not gonna happen.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    One thing not mentioned here is that dancers who convince me they are interested in me for more than $ move up the scale, if they convince me by rubbing or kissing my cock they can move up the scale quickly, at least for a few minutes.
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