Is Purity Culture the motivation behind movements like MGTOW...others?

avatar for Beat100
PS: You guys give insightful answers, but read carefully so I can explain. I don't identify with any of this ideologies I am only a researcher who is trying to figure society.

First, I am not a follower of the Protestant religion, much less know its tenants. However, I was reading on Purity culture and it seems to me that it shares many of the same ideas that MGTOW, Redpill and the other manosphee movements have.

Purity Culture: Women who post bikini pictures are sinful.
Purity Culture: You should not marriage, a women who does that.

MGTOW/Redpill: Modern women today are sinful, they have Onlyfans.
MGTOW/Redpill: Men cannot marry in this modern culture, we should go our own way..etc


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avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
I've known a lot of people in both circles, and though their delusions manifest in similar ways, they're very different.

MGTOW are often militant atheists, feeling as put down by religion as they are from women. Most of them talk like they've given up on meaning in life. Purity Culture just expects people to dress modestly, and not kiss or masturbate. Then when you get married, magically flip a switch and be able to satisfy one another completely.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
You know, for a "researcher" it's odd that you completely abandon most of the weird threads that you start here.

I know a bit about MGTOW, Redpill, and Manosphere stuff, but I don't care a lot about where it comes from and what motivates it. From what I can tell, it's all coming from a relatively small number of people who'd rather naval gaze about masculinity and sexuality rather than go outside and talk to people.

And that's what you should do. Go outside and talk to a human, and worry less about the conversations that keep a few fringe sub-Reddits chugging along.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
OP is just another CJ Kunt alias ignore it
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I mowed my lawn yesterday.
avatar for theeastcoast757
4 years ago
MGTOW are incels that have to go their own way because no women will ever be interested in them.
avatar for Dirtydancing22
4 years ago
From my limited knowledge MGTOW is rooted in the concept of hypergamy . Women have limitless dating options as long as they are young and beautiful. rather than take advantage of their high sexual market value in their 20s (for marriage ) , we sleep around and monetize on on our looks with men who are not good for us , then turn and expect a stable , wealthy , respectful man to marry us in our 30s. The irony is that these men typically avoid women who they’d pair well with . They pass on good “wholesome “ women with little to no sexual history because they’re so obsessed with these hot women so far out of their league .
avatar for Dirtydancing22
4 years ago
* definitely isn’t puritanical. They’d sleep around if they could , but their own self deprecating ideas keep them antisocial .
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^ is this kinda like most of the men that go to strip clubs go because they’d never otherwise be able to see even an ugly woman nude? I of course am not talking about anyone here because everyone here is cool.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ LOL I’ve said this before but shai buddy you’re one of the funniest guys here
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
"First, I am not a follower of the Protestant religion, much less know its tenants."

I'm a Protestant, and I know its tenets. My Church doesn't have any TENANTS.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ but I’ve heard your church has a damn fine lasagna served when they have their potluck suppers
avatar for Beat100
4 years ago
Ok, lol. I wrote this when I woke up.

You and some guys here have to admit America; especially the Puritans, have very judgmental ideas towards men and women. Hence, you have weirdos like MGTOW parroting similar ideas. These guys have been socialized in that environment with these clear expectation of chastity. How come in places where there's no religion, most people don't care. You can't say there's no correlation.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
I'll admit that you should go for a walk and talk to people.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^^^ maybe investing in a blowup doll instead of using the couch cushions may help too.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
"I mowed my lawn yesterday."

Hah! Me too! It was very hot and steamy/muggy BTW.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, is happy.

I seriously do not know anything at all about MGTOW, RedPill, or manosphere, this is the first I have heard of any of it. Based on what I have read in this discussion, I'm not sure I need to learn more.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago

Same here!
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
gammanu95 and TheeOSU ... you don't need to know about any of this stuff.

And, similar to others on this thread, this is why I most regard Beat's posts as low-grade trolling. Because it's painfully obvious that this is not a place populated by people who would know or care about this stuff, let alone have an informed opinion.

But this only amplifies my believe that Beat is a person who needs to go outside and talk to real people.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Its just men who can't get pussy finding it easier to blame society than working on themselves.

Its funny how they'll claim men choose to be successful and develop all these great habits. But somehow getting laid is society's fault and they can't do anything about it.
And op is dc. Its obvious.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
I like Beat's posts. They're occasionally repetitive, but usually thought-provoking.

If he's paid any attention to discussions, he isn't coming here looking for a representative sample of men. But it seems like enough guys--especially the younger ones like @ICEE and myself--and a few dancers have had encounters with these groups. One of my best friends has met most of the big pickup artist/manosphere guys.

I'd rather have more posts like this, and less political bitching, trolling, or braggy bullshit.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I agree about the posts being more interesting than politics. Whether we agree with them or not its a growing trend among men to varying degrees
avatar for Beat100
4 years ago

Where else could I ask these questions? I search online, but it seems most forums are highly politicized, and most of them are sex-negative."How did you overcome purity culture and decided to pay for sex..etc." Most people would say, "Paying for sex is exploitation" or "I would never pay for sex or even pay to get a lap dance..etc." These types of ideas come from both the left and the right(progressives and conservatives). I even went to porn forums, and most guys there say, "I would never pay a porn star to hook up; thats' for losers." Yet most seem pretty happy to pay for porn. There's a lot of stigma around sex work, at least in the Anglosphere.

This forum seems like one of the few places where you guys "overcame" Purity culture, and you go to strip clubs and sometimes are willing to get extras..etc. Hence you make for an exciting group to ask these types of questions.

I appreciate it, man. My main issue with these groups is that they are engaged in some "Double bind." They are willing to help you in one area but radicalize you in another place. For instance, imagine you are a college student; all you are interested in is getting laid; maybe you are not even religious. You discover a "manosphere writer" who promises to teach you how to get applied. He does this. However, at the same time, he writes a lot of posts which "degenerate" the culture has become. It seems that most PUA instructors and manosphere writers are like this. They are willing to help you but also expect you to have toxic beliefs about some and society.
avatar for Beat100
4 years ago
*How to get laid
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
To be serious, I don't know any Protestants who advocate Purity culture. Maybe Baptists.

That reminds me of an old joke:

Q. Why do Baptists think it's a sin to screw standing up?
A. Because it looks so much like dancing.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
@Beat, I wasn't raised in the Protestant purity culture (though I'm familiar enough with it through friends). But I was raised very Catholic, and they have their own purity culture.

Catholic "purity culture" teaches that even masturbation is a "grave sin," and the only acceptable sex is without contraception between husband and wife. Hence the giant Catholic (particularly Irish) families. It generates its own set of hangups, and fixates on the Virgin Mary's, well, virginity, as some ideal. Hell, Protestants at least allow married men, and occasionally women, to be church leaders. Only Catholicism restricts it to celibate (LOL) males. Growing up with that, I developed a lot of resentments towards Catholicism (most not related to sex). And with sex being forbidden fruit, I fell in love with strip clubs instantly. I still love the subversive elements, doubly so for buying extras, which is a different thrill from civvie dating and fucking.

Back to the original topic, most MGTOW are hostile towards religion, marriage, etc, which they regard as a restriction on male freedom. But rather, most have been burned by women and think all women just want to use and abuse men. As a result, they are resentful of just about everyone except each other. Therefore, they go on "blackpill" forums and jack each other off, or flex on Twitter about what ubermenschen they are (BTW they love Nietzsche). Either way, it's a miserable existence.

If you're doing a research project on this, you might be better served on some of those forums. MGTOW are a fairly recent phenomenon, and this forum skews older (at 41, I'm a baby next to the average TUSCLer). I'd also say forum-goers are less religious and more hedonistic than average.

Hope this helps.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Calvinists are out there. Someone i went to high school with is a calvinist preacher now and his Facebook is hilarious to lurk on.

And the manosphere is a fraud. Just a cottage industry banking off incels .
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