
Has anyone been back to a strip club lately?

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 7:32 PM
I saw one of my semi-stomping grounds seemingly open while I was working and assume at least SOME clubs are open in USA. Was considering finally dressing business casual for no other reason than to wear long sleeves so I can reduce skin to skin contact. How's the scene been for anyone who's back getting their meat flatten by their favorite twerker lol?


  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    I went back in the beginning of the month when the clubs went back to normal business hours and reopened VIP. It's pretty much normal, now. I'm actually doing very well.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Welcome back. Around here (Providence, RI), it's essentially back to normal (or whatever passes for "normal" in a strip club). Almost no masks being worn, no plexiglass, and both high-mileage dances (as well as extras, if you're into that) are widely available. I was very conservative regarding social distancing and mask wearing during the Covid crisis. Now that I've been vaccinated, I'm not really worried about it. If you're not vaccinated, then you might be in another boat, though.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    I'm not vaccinated and not sure if my young dumb self will. On the fence. Thank goodness I got most of my desires for extras out of me.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    Thanks for the welcome back. Figured it was time to see if it's ok to go back in the perfume wilderness
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I just wanted to avoid the come back rush. I know some of these clubs are gonna try some rip off shit to take advantage. $40 cover bullshit to make up for last year. I don’t feel like dealing with it yet. I might hit Gallagher’s 2000 one of these days though and see what’s going on.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Well, if I were not vaccinated, then I wouldn't go to a club. Treating business casual attire as if it's low-grade PAPR suit might make you feel better, but I'm not sure it offers that much additional protection if you're actually not wanting to catch Covid. But that's just my two cents. I'm sure you'll hear other opinions...
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Detroit clubs have been open for some time. Masks are no longer required. I'm fully vaccinated.
  • Teetop
    3 years ago
    Lately? I went to starlets at like 1240 but it was packed (last Wednesday). Didn’t even go inside, line was too long but I know it was empty inside. Then went to NYC gentleman’s club, it wasn’t as packed but I’m looking for black women (there were most Hispanic girls in there). These strip clubs seem to be ran by Hispanic people/European people up here, looking for something with cute black women. I may have to go to DC or back to Atlanta.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    I was as careful as anyone during Covid, but finally decided vaccination and low local case rates were good enough for me. Enjoyed a few lasses. I wouldn't if I wasn't vaccinated though. Only the un-vaccinated are dying or thinking they might be these days. Do whatever your young self thinks best, but long sleeves won't help, they only keep nipples off your forearms.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    For those that don't know; @Estafador is in his 20s (unless he's hit 30 already) - so the vax/no-vax question is not the same as for those on here in their 60s+. The clubs in South FL have been open since last fall 2020 - being middle-aged and not vaxed I avoided hitting the clubs till I got vaxed at the end of April. From reading reviews; one complaint that is coming up is mileage being down and girls not approaching (does not apply to every club but it's something I've been reading) - seems Covid has displaced vet-dancers and many clubs are operating w/ new inexperienced dancers - also prices have gone up in certain clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Unless the club enforces it; don't be surprised if you hit a club and no one in there is wearing a mask.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I strip clubbed in May and August 2020 in Nebraska; October and November 2021 and January, May 2021 in Florida. Essentially back to full time in Rhode Island since they reopened lap dances in Feb/Mar - now. Every visit, even May 2020 involved full contact no mask dances for me (2 dancers wore masks)and Providence is 100% back to normal. My precautions were pretty much wash my hands. Vaccinated since late April. I haven't even had a cold in more than 3 years, so getting sick isn't something that freaks me out. Prices have skyrocketed imo, but watching people who are nervous about contact, pay for contact, can be entertaining. Beer is still good....
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    ^^^ You know, when it comes to being tedious, you're right up there with CJKent. No one cares that you're typing hard at them. I did remember that Estafador was younger, but he was also talking about wearing long sleeves as a precautionary measure. My opinion is that if, at this point, you're worried about Covid then you should either get vaccinated or keep wearing a mask (at least) and take other preventive measures as you see fit. And one of those preventive measures should include not going to a strip club, because strip clubs are a viral chef's salad even before the pandemic. But that's just my 2 cents. I'm not into debating the virus or the vaccines, or showing everyone my favorite links to my most pleasingly-skewed data. I'm just saying that if I was him, that's how I'd handle it.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    Seattle is pretty much back up and running. Some PLs are describing high prices and higher level of ROB tactics, but I haven't seen it firsthand.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Also, I really like Nina's boobs. Just throwing that out there.
  • shanny72
    3 years ago
    Florida closed for literally 2 weeks maybe. So I never really stopped.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Got vaccinated in March both shots of the Pfizer vaccine back in the clubs end of March get vaccinated and get out and enjoy your life
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I've been to a few clubs. Last one was cheetahs Hollywood in la. No lap dances. Dancers wearing pasties. No vip. Seating only if you buy a bottle. Very different from before.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    I'm back in nyc again. Long island is boring as fuck for anything outside beaches. And as far as mayors are concerned upcoming election isnt looking so hot right now. But I might have to finally just buck up and take the vaccine. As a late 20 year old, I'm sure my luck will run out sooner or later and I'm super lucky to not have the virus so far. And I'm trying to spend my windfall of earning "responsibly" 🤣😭
  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
    @2ICE no VIP no stewie like. Cant be weird in public that's just distasteful
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    Fl, Ga, and Tx were my stomping grounds during covid so I never had to stop for long. Just brought hand sanitizer and a little spray
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    Went back to BSC in AZ two months ago. First time in 10 years I had a girl balk at feeling her tits in VIP. She was an out of towner but maybe I'll try again in a couple months.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    I did last week and in my usual lazy self have not posted a review. I ❤ strip clubs
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    had an opportunity to go a few weeks ago but passed because prices were stupid high considering the club, plus there's been mixed reviews on dancer quality. I was able to arrange alternative options for entertainment for the night (which was a first since COVID) so it worked out well.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Things have pretty much returned to normal around here (Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and West Virginia). The only exception being more of a drastic swing between how busy a club is. One day it can be empty with only one, or occasionally no, stripper in the club and the next there can be 20-25 dancers and wall to wall PLs in the same small club. The mileage and extras are just as available as before but inflation is clearly setting in on prices. The period where clubs were reopened but following strict covid restrictions was terrible. At one point I gave up on one city (Columbus) for a while after going to a private room for a few dances and to my surprise the "lapdances" that were normally decent mileage at this club now required the dancer to be several feet away with a clear shower curtain between me and the dancer.
  • dr_lee
    3 years ago
    Things are kind of normal and not normal at the clubs I check out. Even with restrictions being lifted, everything just feels different. It's not even that some people still wear masks, just the whole vibe feels off. There's only 1 club that seems to have the same dancers, while the rest have a lot of newcomers. I think many dancers just moved to other cities or decided to change careers during the dark days of the pandemic. Also, not all clubs are going back to their normal days or hours. Some of them are only open a few days of the week and opening a lot later than normal. I already think the SC scene was changing dramatically BEFORE the pandemic, but now it feels like it's at an all-time low.
  • Estafador
    3 years ago
    ......@desertscrub are you serious bro? I have seen a few friends go to the hospital for emergencies due to covid. We're the same age group. But that was at the beginning of pandemic not now. Things are calming down now a bit. Even got people being comfortable taking off their mask in some enclosed spaces and not getting harrased for a whole 10 minutes. Still I would think strip clubs would be the last place open. But I guess OnlyFans can onlygo (haha see what I did there) so far. @dr_lee do they make you bring in your vaccine proof card too lol @muddy let me know when you go to G2K. One of the old clubs I went to long ago seemed tohave gotten an exterior face lift. But was also very small and only had hard ass stools. Curious to see how much that changed.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Estafador ... Every so often, desertscrub decides to type really hard at someone because he's the "angry online guy". There's no response, sincere or otherwise, which will change that.
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