CDC update

On their website today, the CDC posted that if you're fully vaccinated, you can return to regular activities without a mask.
On their website today, the CDC posted that if you're fully vaccinated, you can return to regular activities without a mask.
last commenti think everybody should just wait until mr ricky dugan chimes in on this becaus he says that he reads the cdc web site and he also says he is a geneious. im sure that he believes that he has important insites on this issue
This is true for non-healthcare settings. I believe some states are going to continue to require masks on public transport, but I'm not sure about that.
It appears several states seems to be dropping their mask mandates over the next month. I wonder if most retail “chain” store will still “require” or “request” that you still wear a mask when entering their store. I know they won’t enforce it but will they request it.
I feel bad for retail employees, they have been fighting for a year about the masks, now cdc says it's okay if you're vaccinated and will have to deal with enforcing state mandates and store policies. I agree we shouldn't wear masks, but its going to be a headache given the differences between city vs state vs fed vs stores policy. Locally 2 blocks away no masks required, but some store require it, here masks are required and 5 miles south no masks.
Shailynn I imagine most major businesses will keep their mask policies in place for a while. They will want to cover their asses just in case their is a sudden increases in cases in an area.
But like you said once the state/city orders are rescinded they won't enforce them, not that they are really enforcing them much now.
The article - A big move by the CDC: The agency on Thursday eased indoor mask-wearing guidance for fully vaccinated people, allowing them to safely stop wearing masks inside in most places. The new guidance still calls for wearing masks in crowded indoor settings like buses, planes, hospitals, prisons, and homeless shelters, but will help clear the way for reopening workplaces, schools, and other venues—even removing the need for masks or social distancing for those who are fully vaccinated, per the AP. The CDC will also no longer recommend that fully vaccinated people wear masks outdoors in crowds. The announcement comes as the CDC and the Biden administration have faced pressure to ease restrictions on fully vaccinated people—people who are two weeks past their last required COVID-19 vaccine dose—in part to highlight the benefits of getting the shot.
“This is a day that I think will be marked as a true turning point in the pandemic in the United States," says Richard Besser, former acting director of the CDC, per the Washington Post. “The idea that people who are fully vaccinated can take off their masks, can go outside, can go inside, be around people, and not have to worry about COVID anymore, that’s absolutely huge." Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, announced the new guidance on Thursday afternoon at a White House briefing, saying the long-awaited change is thanks to millions of people getting vaccinated—and based on the latest science about how well those shots are working. Just two weeks ago, the CDC recommended that fully vaccinated people continue to wear masks indoors in all settings and outdoors in large crowds.
This is all bullshit. America is under attack.
I can't believe this fuckin idiot is President of the US. We're being invaded at our southern border. There's war in the Middle East. Half the small businesses in America are gone. Gas prices. Inflation. And this asshole gives a warm and fuzzy speech about masks.
Oh, and he says "I'm not supposed to answer questions." WTF? What kind of President states clearly that he's under control by someone else?
Congratulations Democrats. You got what you voted for.
He asked us to play at his inauguration and we declined. We already had a bar-mitzvah scheduled anyway.
Interesting that this new guidance came out shortly after the Senate hearings where the CDC lead seemed to struggle to explain on going mask requirements.
My impression is that this is a very specific national strategy to incentivize vaccination. Gee whiz I’m not sure I should get vaccinated, but wait, you mean if I get the shot I can ditch my mask? Sign me up. My opinion is if it works to increase total vaccination numbers, then go for it!
This is really the beginning of the end for masks. As a practical matter, most businesses are unlikely to make any attempt to verify who is and is not vaccinated when they come in.
Then there are children, most of whom don't qualify for a vaccine even if parents were inclined to give it to them. Does anyone actually believe that we are going to continue to force low risk children to wear them when adults are allowed to go mask free?
This was one last gasping attempt by the CDC to try to tie vaccines to mask removal. Nobody is really listening to the CDC much now anyway, especially once they started with the double mask requirement at the beginning of the new Administration and then have continued to move around the goal posts in response to political pressures. They've pretty much lost all credibility at this point.
This is not guidance, it is a demand from the President of the United Stares. One for which he has no power.
I never knew that y’all were epidemiology experts, silly me thinking that y’all were just simple chemical engineers.
^ The CDC left the actual epidemiology concerns behind a long time ago. For months now it has been moving its announcements around to suit whatever was convenient for the new administration.
The last people on earth I would listen to would be the WHO, the CDC is second to last. My office has been mask optional for 53 weeks, no issues.
^^ ski
So where does that doofus Fauci land on the hierarchy list?
by hierarchy list do you mean the list of people that have been complicit to destroying many millions of lives worldwide? then yeah that fuckface is easily in the top 5 of that list.
With this kind of hand/eye coordination, Fauci doesn't belong anywhere near a medical office. I wouldn't even let him vaccinate me. He might miss my arm and stab me in the face.
Fauci is a good doctor, but was put in a position where people were frightened and demanded answers, so he gave them. Medicine is more of an art from than a science and people always want definitive answers to questions without definitive answers. No one on earth can give a definitive answer to something new.
It happened even sooner than I thought. 9 hours ago I posted that this would be the beginning of the end for mask mandates. Well it looks like Walmart, Costco and Trader Joe's have already decided to ditch them.
Of course each company is ostensibly maintaining a policy that unvaccinated people should still wear masks, but of course they will not be verifying vaccination status (as I also predicted).
Bye bye masks. Hallelujah.
Fair enough. But I still think the guy is a political hack.
With masks and other COVID precautions going away, there's going to be a serious void in the lives of the low-stakes rebels who decided to not do really easy things and then shout about it from the rooftops in order to "stick it to the man"...
Fauci is the consummate political survivor. That’s his primary skill set after 40 years as a bureaucrat. He figures out who is in power, or is about to be, and parrots whatever they want him to say. Trump. Biden. He doesn’t care as long as he keeps his job.
Naturally Cuomo said "screw that, I'LL make the rules in my state". (paraphrasing)
Does anyone remember the one-and-only specific purpose of any of the restrictions?
Hint: We accomplished it many months ago. None of the ongoing restrictions have been for public health.
I identify as vaccinated.
If you don't accept and acknowledge my identity, without question, you're a bigot.
Who can define "vaccinated." Vaccination is a spectrum and only the individual can decide if he or she is fully vaccinated.
Vaccination identity is a choice. The Transvaxxite Community demands your acceptance of our self-identification, without discrimination.
“Transvaxxite”? That is some weak bullshit tea Anderson-ape.
Be proud like a rick. I mean really, we were never fully contained because you can’t contain rickness. It’s like tryin’ to contain a nuclear reactor undergoing meltdown.
What you need to do is let your covid flag fly free. Take a drive to the hospital as fast as you can fucking go, drivin’ with your head out the window screamin’ crazy ass shit. Maybe some celebratory gunfire.
Now it helps to have a Tesla because the autopilot is quite good and it is possible to reprogram said autopilot to do all sorts of swearing and random acceleration and breaking. I suspect you can’t afford a Tesla nor can you get one the way I did: by showing up at the dealer and saying “wildebeest!”
But you can make your own autopilot. Just hire two meth-head hairless ape hookers: one can work the pedals in whatever jalopy you drive and one to play with the steering wheel. Trust me - it’ll be fun!!!
And if a cop pulls you over just look ‘em in the face and say “hey wildebeest....ROAR!!!!”
Its a political move to push people into more mindless consumerism. Masks the vaccine its all designed to give us a false sense of safety so we keep feeding businesses with our money.