
Eastern European Strippers

Saturday, April 17, 2021 5:01 PM
Is it just me, or are Eastern European strippers the least affectionate, most mechanical, girls in the club? That has been my experience anyway. I was in a long term relationship in my non strip club life for over 2 years, and she was not like that at all. She loved showing affection. So when I hear that accent it makes me want to give them another shot in the clubs. But it has always gone pretty much gone the same way. They rush to get the job done, upsell constantly, never have any chemistry, or some combination of both. Conversely, Latina's are my favorite, followed by AA's, American white girls, Asian chicks, then Eastern Europeans. This is from an affection (maybe even GFE) standpoint not necessarily what I only find most physically attractive, at least at first glance anyway. Anyone else have similar experiences?


  • BumHip
    3 years ago
    desertscrub, I often don't see eye to eye with you, but on this you may really have a strong point. I hadn't thought of that.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    The EEU girls that work in the northeast clubs are not being trafficked. I have a lot of experience with them and can confirm that they choose to come here and do so with eyes wide open. The last time the FBI got this silly notion in its head and raided a bunch of NYC clubs about 10 years back, not only was nobody prosecuted for trafficking, but they actually ended up charging a bunch of Russian dancers for marriage fraud, lol. But they ARE emotionally tougher than their homegrown counterparts. They also don't have much patience for weak, silly or seemingly over-eager guys,
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ...conversely, when they find a guy who they think is worth the effort, they can become amazingly charming and alluring. Remember these girls come from a patriarchal place where their prospects are often controlled by men, so they learn to get in the heads of men who they think are worth the effort and quickly dismiss those who are not. Many of them are extremely well educated and know their value. A lot of these end up sidelining as not-so-cheap sugar babies.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    You really can't beat Brazilian strippers. Nothing else comes close.
  • bullzeye
    3 years ago
  • 8TM
    3 years ago
    I’ve had great times with a few Russian and Czech girls, a few others were really not so great as you said. I’ll still give them a chance if they’re hot. Years ago I ran into a stripper who pretended to be Russian as her gimmick to draw interest in the club. She was actually a regular American girl who did a student exchange program in Russia and learned to speak the language there.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    A lot of them have boyfriend pimps and drug habits. Theyll view any kindness on your part as a weakness and will scam you.
  • BumHip
    3 years ago
    misterorange, I can not disagree, about Brazilian woman. Simply Amazing.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I rarely agree with 2ICEE but Russian dancers (and more broadly, Russian women) are notorious to pounce at the first sign of weakness.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I've known one born in Russia but adopted when she was a child and grew up here and one Romanian that moved here with her parents. They were both great. One even came to my home a couple of times for afternoon delights. I've only met 2 or 3 that grew up over there and then moved here. They seemed to have GPS. I did meet one Czech at a club in Atlanta many years ago. She was wearing way too much glitter and I told her that was a "no no" and why. Her reply was that was not her problem. She didn't get any dances.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I love all nationalities when it comes to women, my favorites are tall and slim with long legs, that are fit , with fun flirty personalities I’ve met Russians that I liked and others that I couldn’t stand, same goes for Brazilians, and latinas and WOC and every other race and ethnicity under the sun, some were great others not so much. Best to take them as you find them, if she’s pretty and sweet she could surprise you in a great way.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Hardened whores come across like hardened whores no matter their nationality
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    They’re generally very tough and smart, and obviously, a lot of them are absolute knockouts. I had an ATF Ukrainian who was a sweetheart but also loved sex and pleasing men. A ballerina who actually left dancing for the medical research field. Others, I agree, we’re very mercenary. And I agree with the positive impression of Brazilians. I think they’re on average the best
  • CarlitosPeligro
    3 years ago
    Yes agree to all the above comments. As much as I hate to stereotype a whole nation I have never experienced an exception to the rule that EE girls are no fun.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ A girl who is second runner up for my lifetime ATF designation was a Russian girl. They are only "mercenary" until they think you can do something for them or are otherwise worth their efforts. After that a whole world opened up with the entire group of girls. But you've got to play it cool in dealing with them as they have zero respect for over-emotional and seemingly weak guys. @desert: I know that the girls aren't trafficked because I dealt with them in clubs all around the NY metro area. How many trafficked girls do you think are carrying the latest smart phones, sending money home to their families in Russia (they all do) and can make side dates as they please? LOL. Yes many do work through "agencies" that make deals with the NYC metro clubs to find hot girls to work in the clubs and earn a "ride fee" from each girl, but that's because the girls don't have papers. They do this eyes wide open and they can switch clubs or "agencies" as they please if they want to work at another club that allows illegal Russian girls. Also, once they get their greencards they switch to working directly with the clubs.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I find some Eastern European dancers to be complete knockouts. The ones I’ve spoken with are generally intelligent and can carry a conversation quite well. In terms of affection, they run the gamut - as some can be very sweet and others can be distant. They seem to sense weakness quickly - and if you appear week you are done. But, Brazilians are my favorites!
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    I know of only one Russian woman here in Louisville, and one other who is Polish. I'm not sure "mercenary" is precisely correct for the ones I know of. Practical, and not willing to put up with bullshit, but as Rick points out, spend some money on them, or buy them food, or otherwise offer something they value, and the sky's the limit. These two at least don't want to be your girlfriend, but they're definitely affectionate without any whiff of GPS.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    Yes very practical. Mercenary may be too strong a word. Many are just being shrewd businesswomen in their profession
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Polish dancers are great. Eastern European and Russian dancers hold no interest for me. Brazilians are a no go. Everyone else is on the lsit.
  • rockie
    3 years ago
    I generally prefer homegrown to imported talent, but I’ve had some great interactions with Brazilian dancers in my strip club experiences.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    @SEEKnDESTROY I will play along and answer your questions: Q: “Is it just me, or are Eastern European strippers the least affectionate, most mechanical, girls in the club?” A: it’s just you. Q: “Anyone else have similar experiences?” A: “Everyone has their own different life experiences which make them who they are. No two people's life experiences are the same.” Your perspective is uniquely your own, you should be open to the possibility that your perception of the world can, and will, change as you learn more about the world. You should not discriminate girls based on their countries of origin, you should treat them as individuals.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    With Eastern European strippers, what I can't get past is the accent. They sound like they want to kill Moose and Squirrel.
  • joeblow44
    3 years ago
    ^ LOL jackslash. Or should I call you Boris Badenov.
  • BumHip
    3 years ago
    CJKent, it is/was not a game. I was asking others with the same hobby, what their thoughts were. I shared MY experiences, and learned from hearing others thoughts on theirs. Your arrogance, and assumptions say much more about you than, my honest interactions that I shared. Spare us/me your self righteous views.
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    I have experienced five, one even called herself Natashia, and I told her the Moose and Squirrel joke, and she not only got it, she laughed. Two were definitely mechanical and all business, but didn't mind since they knew what the heck they were doing. The other three were not, especially one Hungarian in Niagara Falls Canada who was extremely affectionate.
  • latinalover69
    3 years ago
    I avoid EE dancers like the plague. You rarely get a GFE from them and it's just hustle all the time. All American girls next door are my favorites whether they are white or Latina or mixed chix.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    IME not a ton of great times with them really.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    I think it just a cultural thing to be completely allergic to bullshit for the EE.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Part of the perception regarding EE dancers could be due to their use of English? They can be more abrupt - or their speech can seem that way.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    One dancer at Lust in Greenville SC asked me if I liked "Russian vimen". I told her, "They're ok, but I prefer it when they take their time with me....."😇
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    I completely forgot about the Czech fitness model who used to dance in Columbus over 15 years ago, well before the large influx of EE dancers started showing up. I am not sure if Czech counts, since it's west of Poland, but her accent was definitely EE, so if include her that makes 2 mechanical and 4 who were not.
  • BumHip
    3 years ago
    I think I need to clarify. I didn't mean to imply ALL EE woman were not as warm as others. Just possibly EE STRIPPERS, not EE woman in general. I was in a normal LTR with one on the real world for a couple years, and she was as affectionate an any American of any background that I have been with. Anyway, thanks for the input guys.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Here’s an Eastern European who is super talented. No idea about personality though 😁 [view link]
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