J&J vaccine "paused" ... WTF?

avatar for misterorange
According to the attached NY Times report, SIX people out of more than 7,000,000 that received the J&J vaccine developed blood clots within a few weeks of the injection. ONE died, ONE is hospitalized in critical condition, and presumably the other four recovered as there is no mention of their condition in the article.

A bit of perspective:

Per the National Weather Service, using data compiled over 30 years, the average number of Americans struck each year by lightning is about 270, and 10% or 27 of those strikes result in fatalities.

Even adjusting for the difference between the overall US population of about 330,000,000 vs. the 7,000,000 people vaccinated, the likelihood of developing blood clots from the vaccine is still roughly equal to the odds you'll be struck by lightning.

330 / 7 = 47.1 47.1 x 6 = 283

Another interesting comparison:

"Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause for calls to Poison Control Centers (>100,000/year) and accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and an estimated 458 deaths due to acute liver failure each year." And yet, "Its benefits are said by the Food and Drug Administration to outweigh its risks." So the FDA says relieving occasional headaches, joint pain, bumps and bruises, "outweighs the risk" but a vaccine that very effectively guards against the most horrific health crisis in several generations isn't worth even half that amount of risk.

And people wonder why there is a serious mistrust of the FDA, CDC, WHO, Biden Administration, Dr. Fauci, or any other official or organization involved in the battle against Covid? It almost seems like their recommendations are either totally random or else guided by some other influence that might not be so obvious.



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Yeah its killing bitches in the age range on 30 to 40 from blood clots
The other thing I haven’t heard yet is: What is the frequency of blood clots forming in a similar population without a vaccine? Is it about the same? Or significantly lower? I don’t know.

Given the anti-vaxer movement, other production quality issues with J&J vaccine, and historical mistrust of government injections resulting from “experiments” on minority communities, I can’t blame the CDC for being extra cautious.
There were likely many more than six people reported who had blood clots for the government to pause the J&J vaccine.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
Yeah I'm guessing there might also be more behind this that hasn't been revealed yet.

Most likely it's white supremacy behind all this - isn't anything bad that happens now b/c of white supremacy?
Wow just realized this guy isn't the real SJG.
Sad man I actually liked the guy. I take back my nice comments to you in previous threads.

Antivaxers will point to this as a reason to not get the vaccine which will cause more mutations which means booster shots needed in the future which antivaxers will point to as evidence that vaccines don't work. Just a vicious cycle of stupidity.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
They didn't pay Fauci enough money.

Covid is a joke BTW. You are all being had. Biggest scam successfully pulled off in human history.
Similar condition was reported with the astra zeneca vaccine which uses the similar ‘old school’ vaccine tech. It has not been reported with the MRNA technology used in the BioNTech/Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. The brain blood clotting condition is rare, but when it occurs in the general population (5 per million per year) it occurs in people under 18. Here, it’s occurred in women, 18-48, and between 6-13 days after getting the vaccine. When trying to assess frequency or likelihood of potentially experiencing the side effect, pay attention to the timing. 5 per million per year is not the same as 6 per 7 million within two weeks of getting the vaccine.

Maybe it’s coincidence, but when there are safe MRNA alternative vaccines available, it seems prudent to study J&J to be sure it isn’t causing the condition, and if it is, to whom and how so that the risk can be mitigated. No worries about the astra zeneca vaccine which has not been approved for use in the US.

I am not a doctor and my post is just based on reading the news.
The solution is simple, guys. Step up and request the J&J for yourself, so women can get the other ones.

Also, I gotta think, if "they" hadn't taken this 'over abundance of caution' move, and kept it quiet, then this info leaked out, people would be screaming even more 😳

Hard to satisfy all with pandemic policy choices/decisions.
Hey, I did my part; I had the JnJ vaccine over a month ago; no side effects cept a sore arm while the Moderna and Pfizer peeps I know were miserable after the second shot, some for over a week.

I think some smokin hot 18-48 female should express her gratitude towards me for jumpin on that grenade for her.
^ I had the Pfizer vaccine both shots second was over a month ago I had no really bad reaction to either the first or second shot a little arm soreness gone in about two hours after the second dose, so. .....
Yeah. Pfizer for me too. A little more tired for two days after the second shot, but no issue going to work or doing normal activities.
Yeah, this comes out about 18hrs after I get it. Why me...uggh.

I felt like crap for about a day. Given how everyone with the other versions seems to get sick after shot 2, it somewhat confirms that I likely had the 'Rona early last year when I got sick after traveling through Seattle.
I got my first Pfizer shot in early April - got in on a Fr, the next day Sat I felt exhausted and spent the whole-day in bed - Su still felt tired and spent most of the day in bed and didn't leave the house till about 6pm - by Mo I was feeling more like myself but still a bit tired - by the end of the 1st-week was back to normal - did a minimal web-search and these side-effects affect a certain % of people supposedly b/c their immune-system has a stronger reaction - my 2nd-dose is in about 10-days and I assume I will likely have a stronger reaction - just in case, I had an antibody-test about a week b/f my first-shot and my antibody-test came back negative (no antibodies).

The vaccines were rushed gor political reasons
^ No, they weren't "rushed gor(sic) political reasons," they were tested in an expedited fashion because people were dropping dead from COVID. Biotech is bringing us out of this pandemic. On behalf of the rest of the industry, you're welcome.
^ Useless to have this discussion , morons usually die off after a black swan event, I look at this pandemic as the black swan event the world needed
Were entering the 4th surge while everything is reopening
^ They've been tested in tens of thousands of patients. Look up what an Emergency Use Authorization means before you come back to this conversation.
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