So I always thought online escorts were a way better deal than trying to get a stripper to fuck. However if y’all are getting prices of $200-$300 in clearly wrong. The girls I know just have high prices I guess,
In my area, $300 has been about the going rate. I'll often ask girls what they think I get quoted for sex and they usually range from $200-1000. When I tell them $300, I'd say half are surprised and the other half agrees that is fair.
They'll quote whatever price they think they can get away with or how much they really need at the time. Most of the time they underrate themselves. And they lie about how much they make.... a stripper doing well doesn't need to be turning tricks
Buddy of mine paid his dancer around $700 in total when she was asking for tips throughout the dance thinking he would get some. Turns out all he got was aggressive over the pants grinding and her letting him finger her a bit. Seeing some posts here where $200-$300 would've done it at other places is making my die haha.
But who says that life is fair?😜
Heinlein wrote, "Free tail is the most expensive kind."