Good topic, and even heavyweight economists don’t know whether inflation is coming. I do remember Rand and Ron Paul harping about hyperinflation in 2008 when Bernanke started quantitative easing. The criticism got so bad that Bernanke and Paulsen left the Republicans party. But it's been over a decade and we never did see much inflation.
Some of the same gold-standard nuts are now crypto nuts for obvious reasons.
With massive government spending proposed by Biden, even liberal economists like Larry Sumner give something like 1/3 chance of significant inflation.
I’m far too timid to invest in cryptos – but having a substantial percentage in real estate seems like a compromise. Personally I’m hoping for higher interest rates so that I can have a safe bond ladder, again,,that actually earns something.
^^^ UBI has been proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Andrew “Yank Your” Wang, and now he may run for Mayor of New York. $2k//month can make a person live comfortably in many parts of the country. I smell fraud potential. Stupid idea to basically help pay for reparations, but if it was universal it would make the cost of everything go so high that $2k/month will be the equivalent of less than $1k after implemented. It’s not that I’m totally against it, but it will still cost working class citizens the most because they buy the most goods and services.
Juice you know how I know you sold your Ripple too early? Cause you wouldn't be asking if crypto was a good option against inflation, you would know!
Seriously tho we are in a bull market with an asset shortage. The system is relying more and more in derivatives & bucket shops to keep the ball rolling but the truth is the underlying assets those derivatives are based on are getting more and more scarce.
All I could understand from Juices post is that he sold his X box to get money from a coin star machine? Depending on the age of the X box that could be a good investment.
A couple convenience stores near me jacked up their prices 10% this week. Now would be a good time for everyone to think about how to cut your expenses, if the covid lockdowns didn't force you to already.
Some of the same gold-standard nuts are now crypto nuts for obvious reasons.
With massive government spending proposed by Biden, even liberal economists like Larry Sumner give something like 1/3 chance of significant inflation.
I’m far too timid to invest in cryptos – but having a substantial percentage in real estate seems like a compromise. Personally I’m hoping for higher interest rates so that I can have a safe bond ladder, again,,that actually earns something.
Wtf? I enjoy stroking one off in the lingerie department a Target!
Sorry. What is this discussion about?
It was proposed by some democratic Senators for some low-income families. I don't think it went anywhere.
Seriously tho we are in a bull market with an asset shortage. The system is relying more and more in derivatives & bucket shops to keep the ball rolling but the truth is the underlying assets those derivatives are based on are getting more and more scarce.
Plus im not ever gonna sell my XRP
That shit will be bigger than Bitcoin
All I could understand from Juices post is that he sold his X box to get money from a coin star machine? Depending on the age of the X box that could be a good investment.
Besides, if the shit really hit the fan, fuck gold, you want guns and whiskey.