
New to TJ and to HK

Monday, March 8, 2021 10:04 PM
Hey guys, I am new to here and it will be my first time to TJ. I am planning to go to Hong Kong 2 weeks. What should I know before I go? I have already book a room for one day and planning to get the VIP when I arrive. Any tips of going and advice I should know. Tips in getting the girl to your room?


  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    "... Tips in getting the girl to your room ..." HK is not a disco where a guy "hopes" to score - it's a f'ing business-transaction not a hook-up place - it's like ordering at a restaurant - you see something you like and you make an offer - seems the going-rate is $100 for 30-minutes
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    This is a pretty-good TJ TUSCL-article written about 3-years-ago - most of it still applies except some of the recent Covid changes which you can learn about from other recent TJ threads: [view link]
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Thank you Papi-Chulo. This really help. I appreciate it. Is there anything else I should know? I am traveling down there on my own too
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    You can pay for everything with US dollars. Bring lots of cash.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Thank you jackslah! How much on average do people spend while down at TJ?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    When in TJ it helps if you don't stand-out as much and if you dress-the-part: [view link]
  • bang69
    3 years ago
    The best advice I can give is this. 1. Don't do any thing stupid that will get you arested. 2. Watch your back 3. save some money for a cab ride to the border. HAVE FUN!!!!!
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Oh I am sorry if sound like a cop, I am not. I am literally new and learning the ropes
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    "Tips in getting the girl to your room?" Gee, that' a tough one. How do you pick up a girl in whorehouse?
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Yeah, doctorevil. That is a dumb question to ask. I guess should ask how to negotiate with one for a good deal
  • TJ Walker
    3 years ago
    Sex brothels with super hotties are legal in TJ zona so no need to worry about cops, but they do rob you by searching you. Call HK's rep to pick you up at US airport straight to HK for $70, skip the walking & taxi.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Thank you for the tip TJ
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    All the club should be open now, right?
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    Lots of announcements indicating that the clubs are open. However, I don't know what it is like crossing the border. Do you still need a medical excuse?
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    A few notes: These are brothels, and prostitution is legal in Mexico. No idea where desertscrub is coming from on this, unless he's really bored and just wants to troll. Remember to get your VIP card before you check in. They won't give you the room discount after the fact. Check-in at Cascadas is 3pm, but if you're there earlier you can leave your bag at the desk at the front door of the club where you get your VIP card for a couple of bucks. Take a backpack or a duffel because you will have a long flight of stairs to climb to the front desk at the hotel. Tipping the girls for a quick feel is a must. Tipping the mesero for drinks is a must. In both cases, a buck is standard. Any other requests for tips is discretionary. There's no point in carrying a wad of dollar bills from stateside with you -- you can easily get change at any of the bars inside. Ask a few BGs at random what their price is before you commit to going upstairs so you know what to expect. Last year the going rate was $80 for 30 min from most, but I hear that's gone up to $100. This is for a 6-8; a 9 or 10 will likely ask for more. If your Spanish isn't great, use Google Translate or one of the other apps on your phone. Most girls know how to use it. Negotiate what you're getting clearly before going upstairs if you want more than basic sex. Be friendly and courteous and you'll get the same treatment back. Check out the bouncers (and how many there are) and ask yourself what they'd be like in a scuffle before being an asshole in any way. :-)
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    That is a great tip mongo1964. I will keep that in mind. Thank you! This will make my trip even better
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    If we staying Cascadas can we bring them to your room or do we have to go to their room?
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    You can totally take them up to your room. The way it works is that if you don't have a room of your own, you can "rent" one for a half hour for about $20. You'll only be able to take HK girls up to Cascadas... if for example you go to Adelita's or Chicago Club (and you should give them a visit, they're literally a minute walk down the street) and find a girl, you can only use their hotel (which means paying $20 for one of their rooms in their hotel).
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    The girls always go to the customer's room whether the customer is renting the room for 30-minutes or he has his own room for the day/night - having your own room for the day/night is more cost-effective if one is planning to take multiple girls up - having your own room also means one is not as pressed for time b/c you are being kicked out of the room b/c your half-hour is up - the girls will usually only stay about 30-minutes anyway b/c they wanna get back on the floor to make more $$$ but not being kicked out of the room b/c your room-time is up means the girl can spend a little more time if she wishes. Cascadas will also charge you a deposit for the room - if you (or a dancer you take to your room) drinks stuff from the room's mini-bar, you won't get your deposit back - if you don't touch the mini-bar then you get your deposit-$$$ back - AFAIK the hotel costs (room; deposit) is all in cash but not 100% sure.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    I see. That makes sense. Definitely better having ur own room without worrying about time pressure. Thanks guys! I been hearing a lot about Adelita and Chicago too. Which is the better girls in ur guys opinion?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Hong Kong is the top-dog - probably the only reason to hit another club it's to take a break from the huge-crowds particularly on weekend eves - Adelitas has traditionally had bit older and bit bigger women; if one into this then Adelita is a good alternative b/c it can also be cheaper (used to be $60 to $80 for the girl for 30-minutes) - from what I can tell one is not missing something by not hitting other clubs; other clubs can serve as a change of pace if you've OD'ed on Hong Kong. w.r.t. your hotel stay - if the main-floor is open again; then you are better off renting a room near the top-floors so you can get some sleep at night and be further away from the music and noise of the club downstairs - during Covid it's the top-floor that has been noisiest since the main-floor downstairs had been closed.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Oh. So right now only the top floor is open? Also what is the best time to hit the clubs?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    The top-floor has been used as the main-room/area for dancers and custies to gather during Covid since the club was technically not supposed to be open during Covid (not that only the top-floor is open to get a room) - if the club goes back to its regular open status, then the top-floor will again be used as regular hotel rooms and the action where custies and dancer congregate will go back to the first-floor as it had always been. As to the best time to hit the club - pre-Covid HK was open 24-hours I think - weekend eves will have the most girls but also the most custies so it can be harder to get the girl (and price) you want - afternoons and weeknights are a good balance - one needs to hit it at different times and see what they prefer - for a first-visit it'd probably be best to hit it on an afternoon or weeknight so you can better get the lay-of-the-land.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Awesome! Thank you! This definitely will help me to maximum my experience for the first time there
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    Before COVID, Chicago Club was really starting to step up its game, and though it could be hit-or-miss, there were times when it seemed a better value than HK (which I love, BTW) in terms of girls and prices. Personally I've never had much luck at Adelita Bar, but other TUSCLers have. It's been a year since my last trip to TJ, so I don't know what any of the clubs are like right now. As mongo1964 said above, you should visit all three, as they are literally just steps away from one another. Have fun!
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Cool! I definitely will hit up all three. Thanks!
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    How should I approach the BG? Do I just ask them what is their price and if they want to go up stair, or there something else I need to do first?
  • Greanbeans
    3 years ago
    @TrillSD15 HK & all bars in the vicinity are brothels. So, that being said, their goal and yours (i think) is to go up to the room with them, fuck their brains out, don’t be shy cuz she’s not. HOW that happens is up to you. Meaning, do you go straight out and ask for price and go ‘arriba’ then cool. If you prefer to buy her a ficha or 3,5, appetizers, whatever, THEN go arriba, cool. Do you take 2? Cool! Wanna bang her with your friend, cool! It’s your world, your $$, spend it how u want. I’ve seen guys ‘make it rain’ in the club, hundreds dollars for the girl to dance and NO arriba. I guess he had fun. Seen guys, tip a buck, feel her up, then do the same to the girl right next to her and repeat to the next chick. Seen guys sit at the rail and tip. Also gone on stage, in the hot tub, fosm show etc. Seen guys sit at bar and refuse or accept the advances of the BG(bar girl). I prefer to chill a bit, settle in, have a couple drinks. CHOOSE my BG. Have a couple fichas, helps a bit to get an idea how BG will be arriba, frisky or dead fish. Just cuz i bought her a ficha is no guarantee im going upstairs. I’ve also looked at a 10 (in my book) told her ‘vamos arriba, ¿cuanto?” And i bang a 10. My suggestion would be to do some research. Read a little. This site has a ton of seasoned TJ vet, some are willing to help, some are not. But there are also articles and reviews. Might be worth paying for membership. That greanbeans guy has pretty good reviews.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Awesome! Thank you!
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    A HK girl sent me a message to say that Hong Kong and Bar Tropical are open. Awaiting my second Covid shot and then a trip south.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Nice taheocruz! Thank you for the info. Do you guys suggest I bring my own condom?
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    Yes, bring your own condom. Several, in fact. lol
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    What is the typical budget when heading to these club?
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Yeah - bring your own condoms - the hotel gives you some if you want when you head upstairs w/ a girl but custies don't like those condoms as they are thick. w.r.t. "budget" - that is an individual decision - it's like asking how much to budget for a car - you can buy a $20K compact or $250K Ferrari - you can go just w/ $200 if you plan to just bang one girl (not counting hotel or VIP-card); but you're better-off having $500 if you wanna sample multiple girls - and if you spend multiple days there then take more - it's a better to take enough and leave w/ some left over than not have enough.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Awesome Thank you that is a great tip.
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    In regard to money, Papi_Chulo said, "it's better to take enough and leave w/ some left over than not have enough." Very, very good advice. The same advice applies to condoms. Carpe diem, young grasshopper.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Thank you!
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    I'm hoping that you'll update us on any price changes... this time last year, this was the price list: Arriba (30 min): $60-100 Beer or bottled water in the club: $4 Drink for the lady (a.k.a. ficha): $9 Decent breakfast: %5-10 Lunch: $10-15 Dinner: $15-20 I just lump it all together and bring about $150-200 per trip upstairs that I expect to make, plus a bit extra for incidentals. This doesn't include your room, room deposit or VIP card. If you run out or get low, DO NOT use any ATMs on the street. There is one at the back entrance of HK and one more in the main lobby of Cascadas, and both will give you pesos with a 3000 or 4000 peso limit (about $150-200) with a hefty service charge. There is another at the entrance to Chicago Club that will give you USD, again with a hefty service charge. I have used all three without any issues. If you're comfortable enough to wander to the main tourist drag (Av Revolucion), you will find regular banks with ATMs and regular service fees (but pesos again, not dollars, and the withdrawal limit will be 6000). All of them will have an additional fee for USD-MXN conversion.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Awesome, thank you! I will update any change in price.
  • Kudabra
    3 years ago
    How much is a beer in pesos? I’ve always used cash but may switch to pesos next trip.
  • 623
    3 years ago
    Pesos are cash, Mexican cash, much like dollars are cash. Twenty pesos is roughly equal to one US dollar.
  • booji boy
    3 years ago
    @Kudabra: 623 is spot on. Beer plus tip is 100, a tip to a BG is 20, etc. The daily exchange rate at the club is posted on signs all over the place. It used to be the case that you could end up paying a bit less overall if you stuck to pesos, but every BG these days has a cellphone with a calculator and they can do the math. I don't think it's worth the effort 'cause you're (maybe) going to save enough to get an extra lap dance or two. You can get a free currency converter app to help if you want to try it. The biggest issue for me is that the largest denomination bill is 500 pesos ($25) and you'll get mostly 200 peso bills and smaller out of an ATM, so you're guaranteed to have to deal with a pile of bills in your pocket or wherever you stash it. @desertscrub: Um... none of the info being shared here so far is secret or illegal, and TJ is in a country that is not called the US. What, exactly, would he bust us for? Dirty thoughts? :-)
  • Kudabra
    3 years ago
    Yeah I meant usd cash. So oops. I was there and guys were saying anywhere from 50-100 pesos a beer and I never got a straight answer. I block the scrub and San Jose guys. Annoying as fuck.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Yeah, those guys seem like a-holes.
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    Thank you L1oydSchoene for the tip! I will update any info I get
  • TrillSD15
    3 years ago
    By the way, what does Arriba stand for?
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
  • madmoneyg
    3 years ago
    Does anyone know the border situation? What’s it like going across and coming back? I’m excited to hear HK is open but I don’t wanna deal with the hassle of getting back to the US
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    With left hand make a circle. With the right make the universal sign for one. Insert your finger pointer into the circle, slide it back and forth, and say ‘Cuanto?’
  • Cristobal
    3 years ago
    Everyone mongers differently but a few things I learned and if I did return to mongering in TJ I would do: 1. Avoid the Bargirls (BGs) with a lot of surgery and that hang out in the middle of the club, most of the BGs I selected from there were usually an underwhelming but pricey experience. 2. Avoid BGs who not accept a ficha but push for arriba right away, again most of the experiences felt rushed and underwhelming. 3. Before asking a BG to join you for a ficha, ask her what she likes to drink, if she wants a shot (of whatever) it is usually a sign of a quick push to go arriba, the preference would be a beer (or the like) where you can relax and get comfortable with each other. 4. If you see a BG you like, do not wait to make your move, because another PL will and you may not see her again and then your review will include "there was a BG I wanted to take arriba but I did not listen to Cristobal..." Have fun and happy Mongering 2021.
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    Solid advice.
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