
Saw a gal in the gym that resembles a stripper that “had her way with me”.

Avatar for Nidan111
Nidan111Somewhere in MO.

I so wanted to walk up and have an encounter with her, but I contained myself. If she is the same chick, all I can say is ... hehe, it was a great time behind the beads!


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Avatar for latinalover69

My thoughts:

What does encounter mean? Did you mean you wanted to meet her? Get her insta?

You didn't bust a move on her at the gym so your chances were ZERO.

If you did bust a move, and she was the stripper, you are GOLDEN! Hot young strippers wouldn't get all shook up if you asked the right way. Just say, hey are you a dancer? Not stripper, dancer. If she says yeah, SCORE!

If she isn't a dancer or stripper, then just say you looked like someone I danced with. That'll intrigue her. Boom you're in!

Bro, you have to bust a move. Don't let opportunities pass you by.

Avatar for rl27

Considering I knew of 12 dancers over the years who were either fitness competitors or personal trainers, four of whom competed at the Arnold, the woman you saw at the gym might have been her.

Avatar for Cashman1234

If you do accidentally bump into her - I would be very hesitant about asking if she dances. Just have a short chat and leave it there. Once you’ve spoken with her, you should know if she’s the dancer.

Some dancers don’t want to be recognized outside of the club (as dancers).

If she mentions that you look familiar, that could be an opening.

Avatar for rick_the_cheesestick

Offer her some margaritas and cheesesticks back at Ricks after an invigorating work out

Avatar for Mate27

I thought fat fucks line you didn’t go to the gym ?

Avatar for rickthelion

Did you stroke the gym manager? That’s always a good move.

Avatar for Longball300

When I vacationed in Tampa Bay a lot years back I would hit the clubs up and down Rt.19 and Dale Mabry and then see half a dozen of the same ladies working out at Bally's on Ulmerton the next day. Both made for excellent viewing.

Avatar for misterorange

@Cashman. Well said. Many (I'd say most) strippers don't want to be recognized outside the club. Handling the situation wrong could not only screw up your chances, but could be perceived as just plain mean and/or creepy for not respecting her private life. Best thing would be to limit a first interaction to what it would be with any other random girl at the gym, and then follow her lead.

Avatar for rickthelion


Totally rong!

Say “don’t I know you from somewhere?” Then - before she can answer - just say “oh yeah, you were suckin’ my dick last night”

I guarantee that will work for ya. ROAR!!!

Avatar for rickthelion

Ask the dugan... he will confirm this stellar rickvice.

Avatar for Cashman1234

If you are a Rick - you play by Rick Rules.

Most of us have not reached the Rick level of intensity and clubbing greatness.

So, if you do say hi, I recommend having a quick and superficial chat. Basically, talk long enough to determine if she is the dancer who you were with at the club.

If she is the dancer, be aware of her facial expressions when you chat. If she realizes you are a customer, and she cuts it short, she may remember, and she may be concerned about being found out.

The chances this will work out are very low. Unless she’s a complete freak of a whore, I doubt there is a real upside to this.

Avatar for goldmongerATL

Ran into a baby stripper once at Chili's. She introduced me to her mother. Mom asked if I taught at her daughter's high school. (That explained the weekend only day shift schedule.) Quick thinking daughter said I was someone's uncle that Mom had never heard of.

The OP could try a low key "Do I know you from somewhere, or maybe I just see you here?" Allows a safe out if she sucks cock in VIP or if she is just a kindergarten teacher with great tits.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

This calls for the classic simulated blowjob hand sign. Establish eye contact with her and open your mouth. And as you pretend to stroke a cock in your mouth, poke your tongue into the cheek opposite your hand at the same cadence as your hand strokes. Based on her reaction it should tell you if she's the same person. And if not, she'll swoon from it being such a classy move.

I double dog dare you to try it. Make it a triple dog dare.

Avatar for TheeOSU


Sounds more like a formula to come off as a homo.

Avatar for misterorange


Or... you could wait till she's bending over stretching out the hamstrings, and just start dry-humping her.

Avatar for Cashman1234

^ The smart move is more subtle.

While she’s bent over - stretching her hamstrings - you walk past and accidentally drop several singles on the floor. Watch closely - at how deftly she picks up the singles - and you will have your answer.

If she quickly grabs them and attempts to stuff them in an imaginary garter -

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

^ Another tell is if she starts wobbling her thighs and making her ass clap like an involuntary reflex at the sight of all those ones.

I never thought I'd say this but Cashman you sir are a PL and a scholar!

Avatar for boomer79

If I see a dancer alone I will just say hi and we can catch up if she wants. If she pretends not to know me I don’t try to push it. If she’s with someone I might nod or wave but unless I’m sure she’s ok with it I don’t approach her.

Avatar for Cashman1234

SirLDAlot - well said! You know she’s a dancer when her ass starts clapping!

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