They don't know what to do at this point. All they can do is to wait for President Donald J. Trump to unleash hell and fury on their sorry asses... and he will. Stay tuned.
or blame the trump voters, (their new target since trump is gone) i think they will do Impeachment 3.0 , they know Trump won by a landslide, so they had to cheat to steal the election, so they will use the impeachment tool again, because they cant beat him without cheating
7 GOP voted that Trump was guilty, Republican Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania all voted guilty.
It's almost always the same cabal. You kick Murkowski, Collins, Sasse, Romney, and Toomey out of the party and we could almost have a chance to be a conservative party again. McConnell and Graham would drag their feet and whine for a while, but as they showed under Trump they would eventually get with the program. Although McConnell's Chinese money ties would be hard to break.
No one is surprised that the Republicans would vote along party lines. They are consistent in their sheep mentality. Now with 2 impeachments to his credit, Trump can start dealing with all of the legal problems he's gonna have now that he's once again a civvie.
Trump was impeached twice. He was not convicted in the Senate. He was guilty both times. Even Republican Mitch McConnell said he was guilty. Mitch did not vote to convict because the insurrectionist is no longer president.
Democrat scumbags with bullshit cases failed again. These jerkoffs always project their crimes on to others. Biden shook down Ukraine, and all the Democrats actually incited violence and insurrection for months. Lying scumbags edited soundbites and faked twitter posts in their political theatrics. Our country woukd be great if all the Democrats committed suicide.
Soo what? The defense only succeeded on the basis on the technkcal lack of constitutional clarity on convicting a president once out of office. I wouldn't exactly call that vindication of guilt.
The guy was a disaster in a year when we really needed a leader. Instead he was a self serving destructive narcissist.
Well Jackslash it is purely semantics but the term impeachment means to remove from power/office and since that never happened Trump was never impeached. He was acquitted twice, which means his opponents lost twice.
Now is he a self gratifying fool? Yes. Guilty on all accounts.
^^ : to charge a public official formally with misconduct in office. impeach. transitive verb. im·peach | \ im-ˈpēch › impeach
Impeach | Definition of Impeach by Merriam-Webster
The equivalent would be to announce to the world that there would be a protest at Maralago on a certain date such as March 3 (Liberation Day) and invite everyone from groups such as Antifa and Blm and then do nothing if they got into Maralago.
It doesn't matter if he was convicted or not. The history books will show that he was impeached, twice. That's enough to piss off and bother Trump. Things like that eat at him and that's victory enough, lol.
^hey fagmuffin aka scrotumlover it does matter, because I don’t want my taxpayer dollars wasted on stupid shit. History will say he still got elected and was president for 4 years too. Now go make yourself useful and write a review and maybe make a real contribution to this site other than being a mouthpiece for msnbc. Or maybe go rub one out since Trump seems to give you a constant boner, he still in your head rent free lmao
The two impeachment votes in the democrat party controlled House clearly demonstrates that the democrat party is unfit to lead or even hold office. They care more about their egos and holding office than they do serving their constituents and improving the country. Their bloc voting shows that not a single one of them has an ounce of backbone nor a shred of moral decency.
Those RINOs that voted in favor of impeachment, that the harassment and malicious prosecution of a private citizen was constitutional, and/or for a guilty verdict spineless grabassing scum. Every decent American should take a personal interest in seeing them lose a primary challenge during their next cycle. Although none represent me, I will be writing a campaign check to any true Republican challenger in their district.
I disagree. If you want low taxes, a secure border, 2nd and 1st amendment rights (actually and and all of the original Bill of Rights), sensibile trade policies, etc., then you should consider donating to the candidate who will bring you those freedoms and protections.
Other than 25, there are not many liberal Dems or socialists on this thread AFAIK. I supported Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, Ford, the Bushes, Dole, McCain, Romney, and Trump in 2016 because Republican principles were better for the country and me. I would have been one of the 74 million dittoheads to vote Trump in 2020 just because the R by his name, but I could not support a person who is so full of hatred, had so many bad policies, and was so willing to bankrupt the USA. The solution is to not give money to the Republicans who conspired to condone the actions of a traitor who incited random dumb asses to show up to the Capitol to loot and plunder and cause violence so the piece of shit bad toupee would remain in power. The follow up action could be to hand him over to China or Iran since he broke international law. Chinese courts could prosecute him for slander against the Chinese people and the Communist party. Iranian courts could prosecute him for killing their general Soleimani and for breaking the 2015 nuclear agreement.
"It’s over time to move on, paying Trump no nevermind will be the best way to show how we feel, and will no doubt bother him the most."
Very true. Ignoring Trump and his magatard supporters is the best revenge of all. Let him/them wallow in their own hatred and ignorance, ignored and forgotten.
Hey Mikeyem first off since when am I a Democrat or a socialist and second how fuckn ancient are you that you voted for Eisenhower and Goldwater
SMH wtf
I am a conservative Republican. I reject collectivism and the welfare state, support a balanced budget, and strongly support morality in politicians. Like millions of other Americans, I would have voted for the Republican candidate in 2020 if the name was not Trump. My favorites would have been Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, Jeb Bush, or Kanye West. Trump is a Rino- supports corporate welfare and checks to Americans to support election chances, jacked up the national debt by trillions, and openly condoned the white nationalists and did malicious actions to allow our friends in the Capitol building to be bloodied, traumatized, and violated. Are you all too young to remember the Cold War? The Russians installed a manchurian candidate who allowed Follies to get shut down, attacked other Republicans from the Bush era, and allowed and encouraged one of the greatest attacks against this country. Fuck Trump and fuck the Republicans until they eject his ass from the party.
please write a article on your insights, but i think he is saying that the a soviet spy network had a operation to shut down Follies based out of the white house, very interesting
You are a very intelligent person scrub and I enjoy when you put the power washer psi 3050 up the asses of people who write reviews as a way to place club ads. I have to go to bed soon because my orderly is going home for the night, and he just set up my stoma bag, and I will hit the clubs tomorrow afternoon. I may not be as smart as The Amazing Kreskin, but is it possible that the Chinese noticed a cabal in recent years involving Zionists and Russians, such as Jeffery Epstein, that have interfered in the American political system and threatened to destroy the civil society and the good strip clubs such as Follies? When Trump AND Pence defeated crooked Hillary in 2016, we were happy. However, the last four years witnessed an attack on strip clubs and AMPs, using online tools such as Tuscl and Twitter. It would have been better if Hillary had become President in 2016! The Chinese were sick and tired of evil defeating good. Remember the Chinese believe in Confucianism and did not want the Russian Zionists to impose their value system over others. They also needed Jen- goodness to balance out badness. I invoke Mamisan to provide guidance.
all these senators (the swamp) been there 30 to 40 years now, all waiting to be the next president, so they really hated Trump because he jumped over them. they are jealous and hateful, so they stabbed him in the back
talk about shit for brains, china joe and crazy nancy are very upset that they lost trying to impeach a private citizen, and now they are working on a gun grap bill, this is crazy shit 4.0
All that is happening with the “leadership” in DC would be funny if not for the fact our economy is slowly swirling around the toilet while they amass generational wealth. Both sides are more interested in appeasing the batshit crazy factions of their bases than actually helping average, moderate middle class America.
But seeing Trump referred to as a Rino was hilarious
i agree. a the insane demonrats are tearing our country apart ,thats why they have the army and tanks on the streets of the capital to protect the crooks in the capital, the middle class americans are tired of their shit...
FFS over the last two years the republicans lost the house, White House and senate, and your conclusion is that middle class Americans are tired of the democrats?!
here is your DemonRats 2 year track record, #1-crazy nancy impeach trump, lost (of course at taxpayers expense, #2 Had a congreeman that fucked chinese spys manage the second impeachment of Trump, i repeat lost again, americans are tired of their shit
^ Let’s be real buddy the senate was fixed like a 1950s prize fight, difference was the senators don’t even have the sensibilities of a mafioso gangster they don’t care that everyone can see that it’s fixed, at least when the mob fixed a fight the guy taking a dive tried to fake it and make it appear to be legit.
The fact that you think you’re the majority explains a lot about why Private Citizen couldn’t accept he lost the election. The answer to both of you: counting.
News flash - a majority of congress voted to impeach and convict. Disgrace? The Private Citizen is one impeachment shy of having the majority of US impeachments.
The fact that you are seriously defending a guy who tried to violently overthrow our government but failed at it is horrible. He’s the worst overthrower ever. He’s really bad at coups. What a disgrace.
I don’t care what anyone says. Mikeym wins this thread. And I’m sure Mamisan will provide plenty of guidance and free post-Chinese New Years pastries that failed to sell and are only slightly stale
Agree with nicespice. After saying he voted for Eisenhower, and the comments that don't make sense regardless of your political views, he might be in the final stage of dementia. Probably should be hospitalized.
The Democrats have a piece of shit named Alcee Hastings in the House. Why is he there? He is a criminal. He was a former Federal Judge, impeached and removed from office and then sent to Congress by one fucked up community.
Thank you for your well wishes nice and orange. Since emigrating to the USA from Cuba in the 1950s, I was a life long Republican until last year: Trump Doctrine was to incite white racists such as Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who squeezed the life out of George Floyd, and then play golf. Rinse and repeat- incite white racists to come to the Capitol on January 6 and hunt down Pence, and then play golf. The best course of action would be to prosecute Trump like Peru did with Alberto Fujimoro two decades back.
More likely is to send Trump to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, with the charges of genocide (killing 500,000 Americans with Covid-19 due to negligence of not wearing masks and suggesting drinking bleach and injecting lysol), crimes against humanity (allowing police officers to hunt down black people), and the crime of aggression (calling for a January 6 protest against one of the other three branches of government and doing nothing to stop the riot against the USA). End of disunity in the world as Russians happy with higher oil prices, Chinese happy with year of the ox and eating rice cakes and fortune fruit, and American people enjoying fuhrer Trump tried as an international war criminal similar to Nazi officers. We will have an international Tuscl meet-up and smoke 420 and fuck whores in Holland's red light distrcit.
mikeyn, i know your just pulling our chain, your really a demonrat and attacking trump and his supporters in your own crazy way of writing. it is too bad you dont live in texas, and see in real life obama's green new deal in action
I agree with demonrats about putting Trump in prison, legalizing cannabis, and leaving strip clubs alone. Otherwise, Im a conservative Republican. I enjoyed when Cruz suggested that both sides call witnesses during the impeachment trial so that the Biden left wing agenda and green deal would be stalled. The Republicans should get back in power in 2024 if they take their collective noses out of Trump's ass and hand over the Trumps to The Hague. Ive always liked the Republican personalities such as Gingrich and Limbaugh, but some of the rank and file Republicans have been annoying as shit recently like America's mayor Jewliana, JCP fluffer bankrupter Ron Johnson, and puta de miedra Ron Goetz from Florida going to another state for a white nationalist rally.
Hey Mikey get covid you dirty fuck. Jewliani? Fuck you you progressive piece of shit. Fucking get your tongue out of muslim ass too while you're at it.
last commentBiden might nuke Mar-a-Lago, blow half of Florida off the map, and then blame it on Trump.
They don't know what to do at this point. All they can do is to wait for President Donald J. Trump to unleash hell and fury on their sorry asses... and he will. Stay tuned.
or blame the trump voters, (their new target since trump is gone) i think they will do Impeachment 3.0 , they know Trump won by a landslide, so they had to cheat to steal the election, so they will use the impeachment tool again, because they cant beat him without cheating
7 GOP voted that Trump was guilty, Republican Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania all voted guilty.
It's almost always the same cabal. You kick Murkowski, Collins, Sasse, Romney, and Toomey out of the party and we could almost have a chance to be a conservative party again. McConnell and Graham would drag their feet and whine for a while, but as they showed under Trump they would eventually get with the program. Although McConnell's Chinese money ties would be hard to break.
No one is surprised that the Republicans would vote along party lines. They are consistent in their sheep mentality. Now with 2 impeachments to his credit, Trump can start dealing with all of the legal problems he's gonna have now that he's once again a civvie.
Chinese Money has taken over for sure
Trump wasn’t impeached twice, he was brought to trial twice and that does S much to hurt his opponent than it hurts Trump.
Trump was impeached twice. He was not convicted in the Senate. He was guilty both times. Even Republican Mitch McConnell said he was guilty. Mitch did not vote to convict because the insurrectionist is no longer president.
that is the point, it showed what stupid motherfuckers wasting tax payer money demo are, they are 0-2
Democrat scumbags with bullshit cases failed again. These jerkoffs always project their crimes on to others. Biden shook down Ukraine, and all the Democrats actually incited violence and insurrection for months. Lying scumbags edited soundbites and faked twitter posts in their political theatrics. Our country woukd be great if all the Democrats committed suicide.
Soo what? The defense only succeeded on the basis on the technkcal lack of constitutional clarity on convicting a president once out of office. I wouldn't exactly call that vindication of guilt.
The guy was a disaster in a year when we really needed a leader. Instead he was a self serving destructive narcissist.
FYI - I am not a Democrat
Well Jackslash it is purely semantics but the term impeachment means to remove from power/office and since that never happened Trump was never impeached. He was acquitted twice, which means his opponents lost twice.
Now is he a self gratifying fool? Yes. Guilty on all accounts.
^^ : to charge a public official formally with misconduct in office. impeach. transitive verb. im·peach | \ im-ˈpēch › impeach Impeach | Definition of Impeach by Merriam-Webster
The equivalent would be to announce to the world that there would be a protest at Maralago on a certain date such as March 3 (Liberation Day) and invite everyone from groups such as Antifa and Blm and then do nothing if they got into Maralago.
It doesn't matter if he was convicted or not. The history books will show that he was impeached, twice. That's enough to piss off and bother Trump. Things like that eat at him and that's victory enough, lol.
^hey fagmuffin aka scrotumlover it does matter, because I don’t want my taxpayer dollars wasted on stupid shit. History will say he still got elected and was president for 4 years too. Now go make yourself useful and write a review and maybe make a real contribution to this site other than being a mouthpiece for msnbc. Or maybe go rub one out since Trump seems to give you a constant boner, he still in your head rent free lmao
“There is no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it.”
Mitch McConnell on the senate floor yesterday. Make America great again. Woohoo.
piss-tool-a = waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
It’s over time to move on, paying Trump no nevermind will be the best way to show how we feel, and will no doubt bother him the most.
The two impeachment votes in the democrat party controlled House clearly demonstrates that the democrat party is unfit to lead or even hold office. They care more about their egos and holding office than they do serving their constituents and improving the country. Their bloc voting shows that not a single one of them has an ounce of backbone nor a shred of moral decency.
Those RINOs that voted in favor of impeachment, that the harassment and malicious prosecution of a private citizen was constitutional, and/or for a guilty verdict spineless grabassing scum. Every decent American should take a personal interest in seeing them lose a primary challenge during their next cycle. Although none represent me, I will be writing a campaign check to any true Republican challenger in their district.
Desertscrub is the most correct person in this thread.
I disagree. If you want low taxes, a secure border, 2nd and 1st amendment rights (actually and and all of the original Bill of Rights), sensibile trade policies, etc., then you should consider donating to the candidate who will bring you those freedoms and protections.
impeach joe biden and his crime family, that would clean house
Other than 25, there are not many liberal Dems or socialists on this thread AFAIK. I supported Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, Ford, the Bushes, Dole, McCain, Romney, and Trump in 2016 because Republican principles were better for the country and me. I would have been one of the 74 million dittoheads to vote Trump in 2020 just because the R by his name, but I could not support a person who is so full of hatred, had so many bad policies, and was so willing to bankrupt the USA. The solution is to not give money to the Republicans who conspired to condone the actions of a traitor who incited random dumb asses to show up to the Capitol to loot and plunder and cause violence so the piece of shit bad toupee would remain in power. The follow up action could be to hand him over to China or Iran since he broke international law. Chinese courts could prosecute him for slander against the Chinese people and the Communist party. Iranian courts could prosecute him for killing their general Soleimani and for breaking the 2015 nuclear agreement.
^so you're a globalist.
mikeym your in la la land, i hope you a speedy recovery from your mental breakdown
^ I don't think mikeym even knows what he is.
Scrotumlover - member since 2010. 2 reviews. Waste of TUSCL bandwidth. In running with CJ for most useless profile on here.
"It’s over time to move on, paying Trump no nevermind will be the best way to show how we feel, and will no doubt bother him the most."
Very true. Ignoring Trump and his magatard supporters is the best revenge of all. Let him/them wallow in their own hatred and ignorance, ignored and forgotten.
Hey Mikeyem first off since when am I a Democrat or a socialist and second how fuckn ancient are you that you voted for Eisenhower and Goldwater SMH wtf
There is clearly no shortage of nor difficulty in identifying all the fucking commies and useless democrat sheep on TUSCL. Just sayin'.
I am a conservative Republican. I reject collectivism and the welfare state, support a balanced budget, and strongly support morality in politicians. Like millions of other Americans, I would have voted for the Republican candidate in 2020 if the name was not Trump. My favorites would have been Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Pence, Jeb Bush, or Kanye West. Trump is a Rino- supports corporate welfare and checks to Americans to support election chances, jacked up the national debt by trillions, and openly condoned the white nationalists and did malicious actions to allow our friends in the Capitol building to be bloodied, traumatized, and violated. Are you all too young to remember the Cold War? The Russians installed a manchurian candidate who allowed Follies to get shut down, attacked other Republicans from the Bush era, and allowed and encouraged one of the greatest attacks against this country. Fuck Trump and fuck the Republicans until they eject his ass from the party.
—>“The Russians installed a manchurian candidate who allowed Follies to get shut down”
I am definitely too young to remember the Cold War. Pretty please write some tuscl articles explaining all of this.
please write a article on your insights, but i think he is saying that the a soviet spy network had a operation to shut down Follies based out of the white house, very interesting
You are a very intelligent person scrub and I enjoy when you put the power washer psi 3050 up the asses of people who write reviews as a way to place club ads. I have to go to bed soon because my orderly is going home for the night, and he just set up my stoma bag, and I will hit the clubs tomorrow afternoon. I may not be as smart as The Amazing Kreskin, but is it possible that the Chinese noticed a cabal in recent years involving Zionists and Russians, such as Jeffery Epstein, that have interfered in the American political system and threatened to destroy the civil society and the good strip clubs such as Follies? When Trump AND Pence defeated crooked Hillary in 2016, we were happy. However, the last four years witnessed an attack on strip clubs and AMPs, using online tools such as Tuscl and Twitter. It would have been better if Hillary had become President in 2016! The Chinese were sick and tired of evil defeating good. Remember the Chinese believe in Confucianism and did not want the Russian Zionists to impose their value system over others. They also needed Jen- goodness to balance out badness. I invoke Mamisan to provide guidance.
Someone needs a mental health day.
There will be no rest from the Dems until Mr. Trump is 6 feet under
Most of the senators aren't real anyway since the world was create din 1970 and therefore anyone over 50 is not real.
all these senators (the swamp) been there 30 to 40 years now, all waiting to be the next president, so they really hated Trump because he jumped over them. they are jealous and hateful, so they stabbed him in the back
You guys definitely need to primary out your somewhat moderate senators from moderate states.
Actually Alaska tried that already and Murkowski owned the write in.
talk about shit for brains, china joe and crazy nancy are very upset that they lost trying to impeach a private citizen, and now they are working on a gun grap bill, this is crazy shit 4.0
All that is happening with the “leadership” in DC would be funny if not for the fact our economy is slowly swirling around the toilet while they amass generational wealth. Both sides are more interested in appeasing the batshit crazy factions of their bases than actually helping average, moderate middle class America.
But seeing Trump referred to as a Rino was hilarious
i agree. a the insane demonrats are tearing our country apart ,thats why they have the army and tanks on the streets of the capital to protect the crooks in the capital, the middle class americans are tired of their shit...
FFS over the last two years the republicans lost the house, White House and senate, and your conclusion is that middle class Americans are tired of the democrats?!
Why is this thread still getting bumped? Yes, I realize I just did it but the post was already near the top.
Boredom? Drunk rant posting?
here is your DemonRats 2 year track record, #1-crazy nancy impeach trump, lost (of course at taxpayers expense, #2 Had a congreeman that fucked chinese spys manage the second impeachment of Trump, i repeat lost again, americans are tired of their shit
The minority has spoken.
^ Let’s be real buddy the senate was fixed like a 1950s prize fight, difference was the senators don’t even have the sensibilities of a mafioso gangster they don’t care that everyone can see that it’s fixed, at least when the mob fixed a fight the guy taking a dive tried to fake it and make it appear to be legit.
the majority has spoken
The fact that you think you’re the majority explains a lot about why Private Citizen couldn’t accept he lost the election. The answer to both of you: counting.
losing 2 impeachments is historical disgrace record in our country history, and your defend them
News flash - a majority of congress voted to impeach and convict. Disgrace? The Private Citizen is one impeachment shy of having the majority of US impeachments.
The fact that you are seriously defending a guy who tried to violently overthrow our government but failed at it is horrible. He’s the worst overthrower ever. He’s really bad at coups. What a disgrace.
80 million other american think your a McNutcase
Last I checked it was 74 million, but that’s ok. Peace, out.
This impeachment vote says nothing other than 100 senators, Democrat or Republican, voted their agenda.
^Biggest idiot on the board awarded to Jimmy Mcnutface.
i hope he doesnt really think that way, and was just pulling my chain
I don’t care what anyone says. Mikeym wins this thread. And I’m sure Mamisan will provide plenty of guidance and free post-Chinese New Years pastries that failed to sell and are only slightly stale
^^ Agree with nicespice. After saying he voted for Eisenhower, and the comments that don't make sense regardless of your political views, he might be in the final stage of dementia. Probably should be hospitalized.
The Democrats have a piece of shit named Alcee Hastings in the House. Why is he there? He is a criminal. He was a former Federal Judge, impeached and removed from office and then sent to Congress by one fucked up community.
Thank you for your well wishes nice and orange. Since emigrating to the USA from Cuba in the 1950s, I was a life long Republican until last year: Trump Doctrine was to incite white racists such as Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who squeezed the life out of George Floyd, and then play golf. Rinse and repeat- incite white racists to come to the Capitol on January 6 and hunt down Pence, and then play golf. The best course of action would be to prosecute Trump like Peru did with Alberto Fujimoro two decades back.
More likely is to send Trump to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, with the charges of genocide (killing 500,000 Americans with Covid-19 due to negligence of not wearing masks and suggesting drinking bleach and injecting lysol), crimes against humanity (allowing police officers to hunt down black people), and the crime of aggression (calling for a January 6 protest against one of the other three branches of government and doing nothing to stop the riot against the USA). End of disunity in the world as Russians happy with higher oil prices, Chinese happy with year of the ox and eating rice cakes and fortune fruit, and American people enjoying fuhrer Trump tried as an international war criminal similar to Nazi officers. We will have an international Tuscl meet-up and smoke 420 and fuck whores in Holland's red light distrcit.
mikeyn, i know your just pulling our chain, your really a demonrat and attacking trump and his supporters in your own crazy way of writing. it is too bad you dont live in texas, and see in real life obama's green new deal in action
I agree with demonrats about putting Trump in prison, legalizing cannabis, and leaving strip clubs alone. Otherwise, Im a conservative Republican. I enjoyed when Cruz suggested that both sides call witnesses during the impeachment trial so that the Biden left wing agenda and green deal would be stalled. The Republicans should get back in power in 2024 if they take their collective noses out of Trump's ass and hand over the Trumps to The Hague. Ive always liked the Republican personalities such as Gingrich and Limbaugh, but some of the rank and file Republicans have been annoying as shit recently like America's mayor Jewliana, JCP fluffer bankrupter Ron Johnson, and puta de miedra Ron Goetz from Florida going to another state for a white nationalist rally.
i just was wondering how many millions did the two failed impeachments of trump cost the taxpayers, your and my tax dollar at work
Mikeym = RINO, democrat plant, shut-stirrer, & troll
Hey Mikey get covid you dirty fuck. Jewliani? Fuck you you progressive piece of shit. Fucking get your tongue out of muslim ass too while you're at it.