OT: Thank God they are finally putting a stop to this

avatar for Papi_Chulo
The hyper-enlightened folks in San Francisco have come to the conclusion that acronyms, yes acronyms, are a form of white-supremacy:

Acronyms are a sign of white supremacy, according to the San Francisco School Board, which has decided to stop using the acronym VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) for their Arts Department. Instead, it will be called SFUSD Arts Department (SFUSD is an acronym for San Francisco Unified School District).

As ABC 7 reported, schools in San Francisco haven’t even reopened yet due to the pandemic, but the School Board has been making “disputable” decisions, including the claim that “acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture.” The outlet reported that Sam Bass, the director of the arts department said, “We are prioritizing antiracist arts instruction in our work.”

Bass reportedly explained in a letter how acronyms relate to white supremacy.

“The use of so many acronyms within the educational field often tends to alienate those who may not speak English to understand the acronym,” he wrote.




last comment
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Maybe we should just ban the entire SFUSD since anything associated with an acronym must be eliminated given this development.

The people of TUSCL must unite and eliminate anything that has been associated with an acronym.

Wait ... TUSCL is an acronym. Oh god now what do we do???
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
“The use of so many acronyms within the educational field often tends to alienate those who may not speak English to understand the acronym,”

So basically they're doing this to help our dear cjkunt out?
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
I have no idea how to pronounce "BJ" as there are no vowels. I feel CONDOM (cheated, oppressed, neglected, disheartened, overlooked and marginalized). Can we make it a rule to fully spell out "Billy Joel"?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Just so we're on the same-page:

STFU is racist - "shut the fuck up" in inclusive

Learn it - Live it - or you shall be cancelled
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
Case in point I asked a girl for "BJ" and she said I called her a beetch. I asked her for "FS" and she said she wasn't making a fuss.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
This is a rather large movement. I see many cars driving around with the acronym for Americans Against Acronyms plastered in the rear window or on their bumper.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Breaking news out of San Francisco:

Latest research concludes that breathing is a form of White Privilege.

You damn Crackers need to stop sucking up all the oxygen and not leaving any for minorities - Cracker ass Crackers

avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I thought that San Francisco was too busy changing 44 school names to be bothered by acronyms!
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Our future....is royally fucked
avatar for PaulDrake
4 years ago
That's critical theory. That is literally what critical theorists want to do. Try to see every single thing in the world through the lens of oppressor and oppressed.
avatar for gobstopper007
4 years ago
Wtf. Talk about fubar
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
TheeOSU and goldmongerATL should be immediately band for their inherently racist names.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
That’s crazy shit - coming from the center of craziness.

I think they no longer can use the term manhole cover as it’s too gender specific!
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
OT threads should be deleted, and the posters shadow-band.

ITC and OTC stories are prohibited.

You cannot mention GPS. Not only is it racist, but it is misogynistic and devalues and dehumanizes the female anatomy. If she chooses to self-identify her vagina as a precious metal, that is her right.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Big SNAFU if you ask me.

When I worked government contracts we actually had a list of a couple thousand acronyms to refer to.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Apparently no one is safe. The famous "mitten meme" is now said to exemplify Bernie's white privilege.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
I don't know what's worse, the morons that dream this stuff up or the news outlets that report and fall in line with it.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
You have to be one mega fucked up person to be a progressive.
avatar for crosscheck
4 years ago
SF passed the point of no return ages ago. At this point, I think nothing along these lines would surprise me. Same for Portland and Seattle.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago

“The use of so many acronyms within the educational field often tends to alienate those who may not speak English to understand the acronym,” he wrote.
I've got an idea. Why doesn't our education system teach these people the English language so they are not alienated ?
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
avatar for skibum6o9
4 years ago
Thank God I'm a backwards regressive and live in my own limited, dark little world
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Admittimg you have a problem is the first step towards healing.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
What about BART? Are they going to change that due to racist acronym or just shut down their whole transportation zsystem?
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago
How about BLM?
Yup, they're definitely racist against anyone that might counter with All Lives Matter.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
SF-- sorry, San Francisco-- is its own universe.

A couple of years ago I was walking at night (like 10 PM) back to my hotel from dinner. There was still quite a bit of foot traffic on the sidewalks. I was approaching one of those tiny corner parks that had about a dozen homeless guys bedding down in it. As I got closer I could hear one of them yell out "What's your problem?" He did it 2 or 3 times before I got to that corner. I glanced over at the homeless and the guy points at me and yells it again. A cop walked up to me and told me to stop harassing the homeless.

The next day there was a guy with no pants running in circles in the middle of an intersection blocking traffic. A cop was standing there. Someone asked him if he was going to do anything. The cop said he had a First Amendment right to express himself.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
"a guy with no pants running in circles in the middle of an intersection blocking traffic."

whenever a rare moment when something like that happens it's always some guy doing that shit. never is there ever a nice piece of ass doing that. then again it is 'frisco. better chances of winning a billion dollars from a $1 scratch off.
avatar for Sgtsnowman
4 years ago
I want to know if this means San Francisco will ban the use of LBGTQ since it's clearly racist....
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
Is that pronounced la-big-ta-cue?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Seems the San Francisco school-board is too-woke even for San Franciscans themselves:

‘Enough Is Enough’: San Francisco Sues Its Own School District Over Re-Opening Plan

San Francisco is suing its own public school district for failing to develop a sufficient plan to return kids to in-person learning, the city attorney announced on Wednesday.

The lawsuit, supported by the mayor, accuses San Francisco Unified School District of violating California law by failing to detail the steps needed to return students to in-person learning “whenever possible,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

“Private and parochial schools in San Francisco have figured it out,” said City Attorney Dennis Herrera in a statement Wednesday. “In-person instruction needs to be the Board of Education’s singular focus — not renaming schools that are empty, or changing admission policies when teachers aren’t in classrooms. It’s unfortunate we have to take them to court to get it figured out, but enough is enough.”

In recent weeks, while kids have remained out of the classroom, the school board voted to rename 44 schools, including schools named after Dianne Feinstein, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. The school board is also considering scrapping the admissions process at Lowell High School, a prestigious public high school, in favor of a lottery-based admissions process, according to NBC News. That vote is still pending.

The lawsuit seeks to force the district to develop a reopening plan through a preliminary injunction, said Herrera, who noted that San Francisco has offered to help in the past.

“Unfortunately, the leadership of the school district and the educators’ union can’t seem to get their act together,” said Herrera, reports SFGate. “The Board of Education and the school district have had more than 10 months to roll out a concrete plan to get these kids back in school. So far they have earned an F. Having a plan to make a plan doesn’t cut it.”

School Board President Gabriela López responded by saying the lawsuit will “most likely slow us down,” according to the Chronicle. Superintendent Vincent Matthews said the school district “absolutely” has a plan, and was simply “reassessing” different parts of it.

“This isn’t helpful when we’re all in this together,” said Matthews. “To turn on those of us trying to solve this is not helpful whatsoever.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed said in a statement that the lawsuit was not the preferred method to get the district to act, but “nothing matters more right now than getting our kids back to school.” Breed has been pushing for public schools to reopen for months, and back in October, called out the district for dedicating time to its renaming plans when kids were still out of the classroom. She has been largely powerless to force them open.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Interesting how all these blue-cities are now in a rush to open things up even while the pandemic rages-on - I support them opening-up, but "their timing" kinda says a lot.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ collusion anyone?
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I really want to hear what the LBTGQ+ folks think about this
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I don't know why schools didn't just write off the year in November when things started to spike. At this point we all kind of have June penciled in as "vaccine available things mostly normal?".
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
San Francisco is the progressive goal for the rest of this country. No wonder the future is bleak.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
Honestly, the use of the term white "supremacy" is itself extremely unfair and racist. The only ethno-demographic group ever accused of this so-called "surprmacy" are whites. Every other major demographic has numerous advocacy and cultural organizations for itself. Whites are the only one that are not allowed a single group for itself without it being called "supremacist" or "racist."
avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 years ago
I personally don't even want to join a white club or advocacy group, but if other people can for their groups I should have the same right without being called names or discriminated against. In my state I am a minority too but am denied the same rights as others.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
People who join advocacy groups are trying to fill a big empty hole in an otherwise useless and purposeless life. When someone told them to get a life, they thought it meant to join an advocacy group, when in fact that person was actually telling them to go fuck of and leave people alone. Those activists get off on annoying others m, and very few of them are interested in helping other than stroking their own ego.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
>“The use of so many acronyms within the educational field often tends to alienate those who may not speak English to understand the acronym,” he wrote."

Even people who speak English don't know what most acronyms stand for. These nutcases could use an LDK or some OTC.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
not necessarily. some of the young guys that have the weird colored hair and wear skinny girlie outfits can't LDK or OTC OR ITC due to some mental voices that persuaded them that it was a real good idea to have their cocks lopped off.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Why can’t these super white areas put more focus on putting black people in their neighborhoods or something else where white peoples are forced to associate with black people constantly rather than worry whether acronyms are a micro aggression? At least if the goal is to actually care about oppressed minorities?

I had an off-day a few weeks ago and just for the heck of it, I drove around Denver one time, and found WAY more Black Lives Matter signs in the super white areas. There was one neighborhood that is going through gentrification and I mostly saw the Black Lives Matter signs at the houses that looked newer. (I suspect either remodeled or razed and rebuilt).

Granted, that could just be Denver. I wonder how that stuff likes in areas like St Louis and Detroit. Wish I could go exploring around there a little more before I completely conclude BLM is a thing for bored white people who don’t ever actually associate with colored folk at all. (Except for the occasional Asian if one works in tech)
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
avatar for Toolbag
4 years ago
Bout damn time
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
I worked for the Coast Guard in Baltimore at the Engineering Logistics Center (ELC) in Baltimore. It had a somewhat undeserved (and somewhat deserved) reputation as the place where good ideas went to die. ELC came to mean Early Lunch Crowd. In one of the USCG's moments of reorganisational clarity, they rechristened us the Surface Forces Logistics Center (SFLC). In a mere heartbeat, we became Syphilis, the Coast Guard's own venereal disease (VD, STD).🤒🥴🤮😁
avatar for CarlitosPeligro
4 years ago
Umm they have acronyms in other languages too. It’s not just English and not just whites. I learn a lot of new words unwinding acronyms when overseas. They are good for learning more if you’re curious to learn.
avatar for sideshow_bob
4 years ago
My nephew tells me about his experiences at Berkeley High. They used to have a great jazz program, but now they've decided to gender balance it 50/50 because it was too male dominated. Completely ignoring the ratio of how many women actually give a fuck about jazz as anything beyond a singer.

They're also forcing black students into the college prep tracks who specifically asked not to be on them, again to get ratios up. Then the teachers focus on them to increase "inclusion" when they didn't want to be there in the first place.

Shits fucked up. They're going full retard.

avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
>Why can’t these super white areas put more focus on putting black people in their neighborhoods or something else where white peoples are forced to associate with black people

In my experience it's black people that don't want to mix with white people. In high school in the mornings instead of going to the classrooms they would all congregate together at a certain location until the bell sounded starting class. In sports they were cliquish and only passed the ball among themselves. Despite desegregation they still go to black colleges. At work a black girl said that her boyfriends parents didn't like her because she talked white. Presently on forums I read black people write that they don't want to do things that white people do. Blacks complain about other races stealing from them if they try to involve themselves with things "created" by black people.

MLK Jr. may have the holiday but in the 60s there was also a strong movement for black separatism like only wanting black teachers in black high schools among other things.

avatar for chessmaster
4 years ago
"In my experience it's black people that don't want to mix with white people..."

I understand where you're coming from why you think that. Part of it is programming and conditioning by white liberals for the last 50+ years. Another part of it is personal experience("a random white guy called me the n word once." "A cop shot another black man the other day"). But also, from personal experience, white people dont like too many blacks around. It makes them nervous. Good example would be "karen" who called the police for a victimless crime because she saw a black guy and was immediately suspicious. Theres a lot of white people who dont know anything about black people other than what they see on TV, in media, etc because they never see black people.
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