Text messaging appears to be the choice for strippers to communicate with you but I have had a few that did actually call me. What is the longest conversation you have ever had with a stripper over the phone? I remember one call where she was driving from Columbia SC to Myrtle Beach and she kept ear fucking me for 20 minutes. Mostly about what an ass hole her BF was. I have an answering machine that my original ATF bought me so that she could leave me messages. The previously mentioned dancer left me a few messages that were too long for the machine.
Yes I still have a land line and I use it for most of my calls. Only a few people have my cell number. Only 1 stripper has it. Not even my doctors have it. I don't get spam. My answering machine takes care of that on my land line.
Only once, sort of. My ATF butt dialed me once. I’m on the phone saying Hello? Hello? and just hear the rustling of the open line. It’s always text for me.
BTW, pet peeve tangent. There are a lot of people who talk about multiple All Time Favorites where it’s clear they mean a CF. Morons. We need rules against the irresponsible use of acronyms goddamit!!
I mostly text, but there's been some with SO's who are known to read their texts, respond to them, or even initiate conversations with dudes. For those, calling often works better to be a little more confident about who is on the other end. There's probably a few others for whom calling was the norm for one reason or another.
Most of my conversations with strippers are fairly short. Text or voice doesn't matter, its often a variation on Cashman's example, just a quick chat to arrange a rendezvous in or out of the club. There's also been a few where the relationship extends a bit beyond pure stripper/customer. Phone calls tend to be much more common there but it tends to remain short and superficial. A happy birthday call or offering support before or after some event, that kind of shit.
There are a handful of occasions where I've had some quite lengthy calls though. The longest probably was an emotional favorite who caught me when my flight was canceled and the route home involved a 2.5hr Uber ride to another airport to get home to make a weekend family event on time. I literally was on the phone with her for 3+ hours. Honestly, the Uber driver looked like the chatty Cathy type and I much preferred talking to the stripper over the chatty Uber driver so I can't 100% blame her for the duration.
My calls with strippers are sporadic and generally limited to arranging OTC logistics. Most of the time I work things out via text. I have neither the time nor the desire to burn valuable free time casually chatting with strippers who will be here today, gone tomorrow.
Hours, she was super needy and lonely and fairly annoying but impossible to end a conversation with. Literally texted me and called me for any reason, I never even gave her much money, I think she was just so psychotic everyone left her alone but was hot and I took me a few weeks to learn
McNulty's rant made me re-read what shadowcat wrote. I just assumed he was talking about gridget, but he threw "original" in there and now it's a mystery. Was there another one before gridget, or did she actually lose the crown?
I agree with McNulty, btw. I'm on ATF #4, but that's because 1, 2, and 3 all got bumped. There's only one ATF. If I'd met the girls in a different order there might be 5 or 6, but it's like playing for the title in the 90's NBA with Jordan's teams. Clubs have been good to me the last couple of years.
"super needy and lonely and fairly annoying but impossible to end a conversation with"
You've had one of those, too? But she had a rockin body and pretty face so I tried to go with the flow. I'm not Mr. Important, but the time involved did become too much and she was sabotaging other things I preferred over her.
Id literally wake up every morning to texts I miss from her, it seemed like any idea that popped in her head she'd call or text. Other clubs business, holiday travel, music, how to improve her credit score, animals, she saw a tornado once and called me to ask what to do lol
I've only had two ATFs that called me regularly, conversations usually lasted 10-15 minutes but I've had at least one 30 minute conversation. I greatly enjoy that they prefer to text, since I do also.
I can't remember the last actual phone convo i had with anyone. Its all text or video chat. Girls usually want to video chat when what they have to say is too much to text.
I've had some phone calls that lasted too long. Not just strippers but hot women in general. At some point I think to myself, "How do I get this thing with tits to shut up?"
@Wallanon - Yes their was one before gridget. I am looking at an unopened bottle of Vino Viagro that she gave me around 2003 and here is an old TUSCL comment about her.
"February 6, 2012 This story has a happier ending. I will use real(stage)names as it happened so long ago that none of them are around anymore.
It happened at the Columbia Platinum Plus. My original ATF was Carter. She was by far the most popular dancer at the club and she was the ATF of a lot of guys.
I had just arrived at the club and Carter joined me immediately at a table. 10 minuteslater a bouncer taps her on the shoulder. She had to go talk to him. She came back and told me that a very important customer had requested her for a Champagne Room gig. She said that was just about impossible for her to get out of it. She asked if I understood and could wait for her? I said yes.
An hour later she came out of the room and came over to me. She said "the guys wants another hour". Then she tried to hand me $40 to get dances from some other girls while I waited. I refused the money and she went back to the CR.
About 15 minutes later a guy in a suit with a dancer came over to my table. I recognized the dancer as Kitten. He introduced himself as Rick the manager, and told me that Carter had bought me dances with Kitten and to just take her to the counch room and enjoy it. That it was already paid for. I did. I found out some time later that Rick and Kitten were secretely married.
Carter came out of the CR at the end of the 2nd hour and spent the rest of the night with me. The whale paid for it."
A few years ago my ATF sent me a text meant for her son by mistake. I was going to disregard it except she had specific instructions for him on where to go after school that afternoon and I didn't want the kid to be locked out somewhere. So I just replied "I think I got this by mistake."
Carter, that's right. You've been around TUSCL longer than I have, but for whatever reason that name ringing a bell (shadowcat's first ATF) is making me question how much longer I'm hanging around here lol. Hell, I had to think a while earlier today about what my own 2nd ATF's stage name was. She had her real name tattooed above her ass so I never really used it.
Phones calls lasting longer than a minute? Uuuhhhhhhhhh I got nothing. Now a days people tend to get pissed off when you call them. They will hang up and text why'd you call me. Fuck you future girl and god damn contraptions! FUCK YOU!
As far as ATF we don't really have a thing for past fav. CF is current fav. Former current fav sounds fucked up. Can we just do like PATF Past all time fav. or FATF Former All time fav or Past Fav. If I use PF people maybe thinking I'm talking about a Power Foward, which in watching the women's basketball most of them are not that hot, just sayin
I think it’s because most girls use a texting app. They don’t want you to have their real number. The ones I’ve become friendly with and want to talk, will give me their real phone numbers. Each and every one said they use the texting app so their phone isn’t blowing up. Generally those apps are sent to NOT allow notifications so the reason for poor “comms” is because they don’t look at the app.
"Each and every one said they use the texting app so their phone isn’t blowing up."
This is pretty common, but the at home situation is the overriding factor. Some dancers that would otherwise be more available have other reasons for keeping their contact minimal OTC. One dancer I know who is unusually open to outside contact is thinking over what to do when her former SO gets back from out of town. He's been on an all expenses paid stay in prison.
last commentIt generally consisted of variants on the below conversation.
You working tonight?
Yes baby.
Ok. What time do you start?
About 7.
Ok. See you at 7.
Thank you honey.
BTW, pet peeve tangent. There are a lot of people who talk about multiple All Time Favorites where it’s clear they mean a CF. Morons. We need rules against the irresponsible use of acronyms goddamit!!
Most of my conversations with strippers are fairly short. Text or voice doesn't matter, its often a variation on Cashman's example, just a quick chat to arrange a rendezvous in or out of the club. There's also been a few where the relationship extends a bit beyond pure stripper/customer. Phone calls tend to be much more common there but it tends to remain short and superficial. A happy birthday call or offering support before or after some event, that kind of shit.
There are a handful of occasions where I've had some quite lengthy calls though. The longest probably was an emotional favorite who caught me when my flight was canceled and the route home involved a 2.5hr Uber ride to another airport to get home to make a weekend family event on time. I literally was on the phone with her for 3+ hours. Honestly, the Uber driver looked like the chatty Cathy type and I much preferred talking to the stripper over the chatty Uber driver so I can't 100% blame her for the duration.
I agree with McNulty, btw. I'm on ATF #4, but that's because 1, 2, and 3 all got bumped. There's only one ATF. If I'd met the girls in a different order there might be 5 or 6, but it's like playing for the title in the 90's NBA with Jordan's teams. Clubs have been good to me the last couple of years.
You've had one of those, too? But she had a rockin body and pretty face so I tried to go with the flow. I'm not Mr. Important, but the time involved did become too much and she was sabotaging other things I preferred over her.
"February 6, 2012
This story has a happier ending. I will use real(stage)names as it happened so long ago that none of them are around anymore.
It happened at the Columbia Platinum Plus. My original ATF was Carter. She was by far the most popular dancer at the club and she was the ATF of a lot of guys.
I had just arrived at the club and Carter joined me immediately at a table. 10 minuteslater a bouncer taps her on the shoulder. She had to go talk to him. She came back and told me that a very important customer had requested her for a Champagne Room gig. She said that was just about impossible for her to get out of it. She asked if I understood and could wait for her? I said yes.
An hour later she came out of the room and came over to me. She said "the guys wants another hour". Then she tried to hand me $40 to get dances from some other girls while I waited. I refused the money and she went back to the CR.
About 15 minutes later a guy in a suit with a dancer came over to my table. I recognized the dancer as Kitten. He introduced himself as Rick the manager, and told me that Carter had bought me dances with Kitten and to just take her to the counch room and enjoy it. That it was already paid for. I did. I found out some time later that Rick and Kitten were secretely married.
Carter came out of the CR at the end of the 2nd hour and spent the rest of the night with me. The whale paid for it."
Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhh! 😜
If it's about multiple ATFs, my stripper universe is too huge to be bound by small-time thinking of just one ATF. One ATF is for mortals 🤣
As far as ATF we don't really have a thing for past fav. CF is current fav. Former current fav sounds fucked up. Can we just do like PATF Past all time fav. or FATF Former All time fav or Past Fav. If I use PF people maybe thinking I'm talking about a Power Foward, which in watching the women's basketball most of them are not that hot, just sayin
This is pretty common, but the at home situation is the overriding factor. Some dancers that would otherwise be more available have other reasons for keeping their contact minimal OTC. One dancer I know who is unusually open to outside contact is thinking over what to do when her former SO gets back from out of town. He's been on an all expenses paid stay in prison.