Street parking.

Do you ever use street parking when going to a strip club? Or any other business? Was there no parking lot available or where you just avoiding the club parking charge? Do you think street parking is safe?
I have to go way back to around 2003 to remember ever having parked on a street. It was down town Columbia SC and I was going to a restaurant with my ATF. The only parking was diagonal parking with meters. I didn't have any change on me for the meter but thankfully my ATF did.
I would not feel safe using street parking at most strip clubs. I hear that parking is really bad at Club Platinum in Atlanta. The lot is too small and the other choice is street parking. Another reason to pass on this club.
I have to go way back to around 2003 to remember ever having parked on a street. It was down town Columbia SC and I was going to a restaurant with my ATF. The only parking was diagonal parking with meters. I didn't have any change on me for the meter but thankfully my ATF did.
I would not feel safe using street parking at most strip clubs. I hear that parking is really bad at Club Platinum in Atlanta. The lot is too small and the other choice is street parking. Another reason to pass on this club.
And parking on the street in Louisville is free after 6 and on weekends.
And recently just outside of Chicago in Stone park Illinois at Scores, I parked on the street to avoid the valet. I get out a little later and there’s a police officer parked facing my car and a ticket on my window. As I’m looking at the ticket a tow truck comes around the corner and a police officer drives over to meet him. I was that close to getting towed. Look like a government street hustle to me.
when I go to Mexico I park in a free or cheap parking lot.
I used to frequent the now closed Bloomfield club Heartbreakers. It was on Bloomfield Ave, and it didn’t have a lot. There was a sign warning that cars would be towed if parked in a nearby lot. For about a year, I parked on the street, not remembering there was a public lot across the street.
There was a club in Orange in a rough industrial area that used to have a guy out front who said he was security - lol! I would toss him a $5 each time I stopped in. My buddy had a sweet BMW convertible roadster that he parked out in front of that club once. I was impressed when we came out and it was untouched.
Paterson has a few clubs that have street parking, and so does Irvington. If you read K’s post, he gives appropriate advice. Don’t leave anything of value in your car - no coat, no spare change, no cassette tapes or 8 tracks, no Little bites muffins, as someone will break a window for it.
Topless Club Satin has a small lot sometimes on Friday or Saturday I was forced to park across the street.
Bliss has a large parking lot.
Paradise and SROI are located in strip malls with plenty of parking even on busy nights.
Synn shared parking with a Yoshinoya and on Thursdays the parking lot was always full, everyone started packing in the business lot across the street, I did not get a ticket and did not hear about any to wings or tickets.