Street parking.

avatar for shadowcat
Do you ever use street parking when going to a strip club? Or any other business? Was there no parking lot available or where you just avoiding the club parking charge? Do you think street parking is safe?

I have to go way back to around 2003 to remember ever having parked on a street. It was down town Columbia SC and I was going to a restaurant with my ATF. The only parking was diagonal parking with meters. I didn't have any change on me for the meter but thankfully my ATF did.

I would not feel safe using street parking at most strip clubs. I hear that parking is really bad at Club Platinum in Atlanta. The lot is too small and the other choice is street parking. Another reason to pass on this club.



Not if there is a parking lot. As you say, most clubs have a parking lot. I can only remember a few times I parked on the street. Near the Block in Baltimore when I went to Hustler, but it’s been a decade. The Ritz in Baltimore has no lot and is on a main drag with metered spots and unmetered street parking nearby. Also, The House in DC a couple years ago. Not my preference and generally, but not perfectly, safe. I don’t make club decisions on whether they have a lot, but I’m mostly smart about it.
Really depends on the club and location, but I've parked on the street at a bunch of places. On the other hand, for a lot of clubs I've been to, street parking wasn't a possibility anyway either because it was on a rural road or highway.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I will park on the street in many places as long as the club is not in, what appears to be, a shady area. If parking is really an issue, I will just catch an Uber to a club.
The last time I attempted street parking was Orlando. They had a valet, but no parking lot. The valet and bouncer saw me park a block and a half away. They insisted that I pay the valet fee, regardless. Of course, I refused and left. The only other times were in the French Quarter in New Orleans, but was 10 years ago. I don't think I'd street park many places today.
The only club for which I've ever *had* to park in the street is PT's downtown. Their parking lot is small, and often full during their busy hours. It's also not the easiest in which to maneuver; the parking slots are slanted and the passageway is almost too narrow, and *is* too narrow for long cars.

And parking on the street in Louisville is free after 6 and on weekends.
I’ll usually park wherever since I’m usually in a rental. At home I always use their lot since it’s so easy.
Every club I've been to for the past 2 decades has either 1. had its own lot, or 2. was in the city so plenty of choices in garages and lots. Of course, in the city, I do have the choice of parking at the meter (I never do this), parking in an open lot (I never do this unless it's the only choice) or parking in a garage
I don't like driving to clubs or anywhere when I drink. Just use UBER
About a month ago a dancer I know from a closed club texted me and said she's dancing at another place I'd never been to before. Shitty area of Paterson NJ, no parking lot, and to make things worse my car was in the shop so I went on my Harley. Nearest available parking was a block away on a dark ghetto street. I almost left without going in but I didn't want to disappoint her. So I drove my bike up on the sidewalk and parked right in front of the entrance. They still had an outdoor area set up with a few patrons and girls sitting out there, so I wasn't too worried about it, and whenever the door opened I could see my bike from where I was sitting. In my car, I'll usually choose the parking lot, if available, although I've been to a couple places where a street spot close to the entrance seems safer than the parking lot. As you might have guessed, I don't really frequent the upscale places too much. Lol.
The Block in Baltimore; Ruby II in Brdigeport CT and Heartbreakers in West Allis WI just to name a few that I can remember offhand. I actually like street parking when I can do it because I often park mere steps from the club's door and it's easy to just take off when I want.
If there is a valet, I street park; if not, I lot park. No one gets close to my weed, especially a valet.
avatar for Member6532
4 years ago
Only about half the clubs in KC have parking lots, so street parking or illegal parking is the only option. If your ever in KC know Temptations does not own the lot behind them and you have a good chance of getting towed if you park there. No clubs have valets here so its really not a big deal either way tho
avatar for K
New Jersey
4 years ago
I frequently park on the street and have been for decades. I cannot recall a problem ever. Newark, patterson, nyc, philly, baltimore. look at the cars the locals are parking. if the street is empty or only cars not worth taking are parked, move on. Keep nothing in the car. No lose change visible and nothing like a coat that might be covering something valuable. thieves are not going to risk getting caught if thy don't see anything worth it. tip the homeless guy a buck or two and tell him you will tip him again when you come out.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I’m in NY it’s too dense for a lot of clubs to have their own lots most times so it’s always street parking or you could take a train (which is not the worst thing if your trying to drink) If your trying to drive you may have to really hunt for parking, parking blocks and blocks away to find some. And at the end of the day I don’t have anything that valuable in my car.

And recently just outside of Chicago in Stone park Illinois at Scores, I parked on the street to avoid the valet. I get out a little later and there’s a police officer parked facing my car and a ticket on my window. As I’m looking at the ticket a tow truck comes around the corner and a police officer drives over to meet him. I was that close to getting towed. Look like a government street hustle to me.
All of the clubs I regularly visit have free parking lots but I've never skipped a club visit just because I had to park on the street. In fact if I see a spot on the street near a club that charges a fee to park I will just park on the street. I spend enough in the club that I don't see the need to pay for parking if there is a place to park for free.
in Los Angeles I will park on the street if it’s within a couple of blocks (to avoid the valet). One time it backfired on me at bare elegance LAX. I parked on a neighborhood street not ever seeing a sign for street sweeping. What do you was that day. 50 fucking dollar ticket and I even contested it with photographs. still had to pay. since then I pay the valet five fucking bucks to self park.
when I go to Mexico I park in a free or cheap parking lot.
I will street park, as there are a number of clubs in northeast NJ that don’t have parking lots. It doesn’t concern me, as I don’t drive a car that I’m concerned about getting dinged. If my car gets stolen, that would suck.

I used to frequent the now closed Bloomfield club Heartbreakers. It was on Bloomfield Ave, and it didn’t have a lot. There was a sign warning that cars would be towed if parked in a nearby lot. For about a year, I parked on the street, not remembering there was a public lot across the street.

There was a club in Orange in a rough industrial area that used to have a guy out front who said he was security - lol! I would toss him a $5 each time I stopped in. My buddy had a sweet BMW convertible roadster that he parked out in front of that club once. I was impressed when we came out and it was untouched.

Paterson has a few clubs that have street parking, and so does Irvington. If you read K’s post, he gives appropriate advice. Don’t leave anything of value in your car - no coat, no spare change, no cassette tapes or 8 tracks, no Little bites muffins, as someone will break a window for it.
Follies as a matter of fact! I was travelling with Home Theater electronics in my vehicle and wasn't willing to be valeted!
All the COI clubs have parking lots without fees or valets.

Topless Club Satin has a small lot sometimes on Friday or Saturday I was forced to park across the street.

Bliss has a large parking lot.

Paradise and SROI are located in strip malls with plenty of parking even on busy nights.

Synn shared parking with a Yoshinoya and on Thursdays the parking lot was always full, everyone started packing in the business lot across the street, I did not get a ticket and did not hear about any to wings or tickets.
One of the clubs here has a tiny parking lot with valet and a target with a giant parking lot 1/4 a mile away. When I go there I park at Target
Most (if not all) of the clubs on the beachside of Daytona Beach have street parking with (to my knowledge) no valet option. I absolutely hated it during my very brief period working at Molly Browns because the spots right by the club would fill up quickly, and so I'd have to park at the Wells Fargo a block or two down if I arrived even 30 minutes past opening. I felt it was too much of a giveaway that I danced there when I walked that distance with roll-on luggage with me.
Street parking in those sketchy neighborhoods where the clubs are generally located is something I wouldn’t do with my car, I also won’t give the car to the valet, but I will self park in the valet lot and pay the fee
25IQ is afraid someone will steal his adult tricycle .
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