
ROB Waitresses

avatar for sinclair
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Two summers ago, I bought a Budweiser at a strip club. It was something like $8. I give the waitress a $20 bill, and she says she will be back with the change. She never returns and I then see her serving other tables. I finally stop her by blocking her after almost ten minutes of trying to flag her down while she seemed to purposely avoid my table or look in my direction. I tell her I paid with a $20 and was expecting change. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this seemed intentional. I talked with another clubber on TUSCL and the exact same thing happened to him with the same waitress, only he never pursued the waitress to get his change back. Twelve bucks isn't a big deal, but I hate dishonest people and scammers.

Something similar happened many years back at another club. I gave a waitress a couple $20 and told her to get me singles. She then started serving tables around the room. After almost ten minutes I had to get up and walk to the other side of the club to confront her. She claimed she did not forget about me while red in the face, and I went with her to the bar to finally get the singles. From that point forward, I will almost always go directly to a manager or bartender myself to get singles and not use a waitress as a courier.

I think a reason some waitresses get in on the ROB action is most strip club customers are total cucks who would rather take the loss instead of standing up for themselves. I have heard many guys on TUSCL advise to just pay an overcounting stripper for the songs she added on to the count to avoid confrontation or getting kicked out. I would surmise a majority of the time dancers or waitresses defraud customers, they get away with it because pathetic losers don't stick up for themselves.

Have you ever dealt with a server or bartender that was a ROB in a strip club or elsewhere?


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avatar for rattdog
4 yrs ago

surprisingly it only happened once.

drink was a $6 soda. i gave her $10. she went to the bar to get the drink, comes back to me, and says, "here's your drink, i'll be right back with your change."

after that i watched her like a hawk. so whenever she would come by me she'd say, "i didn't forget you." after a while i said fuck it. if the cunt really needs the $4 that badly let her have it.

next visit she is my waitress again. i order same $6 solda. she returns and i give $6. she stands there. o look at her. i ask:

'what's going on?"

"you only gave me $6"

"yeah i know. that's how much the drink costs, rrrriiiiiight?"

"yeah it does. but how about a tip?

"tip? ok yeah wel... this is how this works. the last time i gave you a ten for this drink. you said you would get back to me with my change and never did. so here's the deal: your tip is the change you fucked me over and kept."

about a month later, same bitch comes to me. $6 to her for that drink.

"how about a tip?"

i turned away and just stared at the stage. after that she never came to me again.

avatar for Mate27
4 yrs ago

She must have misheard you ordering for a Sincweiser instead of a Budweiser, and mistook you as a baller purchasing that high end shit.

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

Yeah if they want to make a scene then we gotta make a scene. I’m too cheap to let shit slide. You know what I would do, I would take the coaster out from under the beer it seems to trigger them.

avatar for kingcripple
4 yrs ago

This happens to me from time to time. Most recently it's been the same bitch. I'd walk in and there'd be this waitress seemingly waiting just for me. Every dawn time. Someone I drink, sometimes I don't. On days I don't drink, I'll get a tea. It's like $4.50 and typically you pay for one and the others are on the house. Free refills. Well this waitress charged me each refill. A week before this happened, a dancer invited me to come hang out with her and her friend at the club. As luck would have it, that waitress came up to us. My friend and I ordered food, did one dance and and as we were starting, the food was ready. So at the insistence of my friend, we do the dance first then go eat. As we are eating, my friend gets called to the stage. When she gets done with her set, she tells me she's giving this couple two dances then we will continue eating. As I'm waiting, this terrible waitress comes and clears our table, saying my friend told her she was done. She hardly got a chance to touch her food. I got up to leave and as I did, my friend left her customers to ask me why I was leaving. I told her the situation with the waitress and she told me she never told the waitress she didn't want her food.

Fast forward to a week ago. Who was waiting for me? You guessed it, ROB waitress. Things were going alright but this girl ended up withholding about $7 in change and when another friend and I were getting a cabana, she told me I was $20 short after walking off with the money and coming back. After I counted the money with this other friend. She preceded to count the money in front of me to sell her con.

That bitch was to fat to be acting like that too.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I’ve only had this happen twice that I can remember:

  1. about 4 years ago at Tootsies Miami – gave her a $20 for a $7 dollar-beer and never saw her again – IDK if she was at the end of her shift or Tootsies being so large that I just didn’t see her, but that was my first time getting burned on my change

  2. 2nd time was at The Body Club Miami – it’s a small-dive; no waitresses during the day (one, maybe two at night but not always) – this was a dayshift visit – most of the seating is around the 3-sided square bar – the cash-register is at the far-end of the bar opposite to where I usually sit – gave her a $20 for my $3 beer dayshift beer – she never even walked-by back to my side of the bar which is not uncommon at this small-dive since some of the custies walk up to the register side in the far-end of the bar to get their drink faster and thus the bartender can get stuck there for a while (and sometimes she just seems to forget to walk the rest of the bar to see if anyone wants something – there is also a stage in the middle of the bar so that blocks the view b/w the bartender and the custies at the far-end of the bar) – anyway like 15-minutes passed w/o the bartender even walking to my side of the bar let alone give me my $17 change for the beer – I had to get up and walk to the register on the other side of the bar to talk to her – she had no clue that she owed me change or that I even paid w/ a $20 – I don’t necessarily think in this case that she was trying to ROB me, it did seem she was a bit overwhelmed tending to the bar all by herself and w/o any waitresses (this club gets pretty-busy during happy-hour) – she asked me what I got to drink and what I gave her and she went ahead and gave me my correct change

I’m not a big drinker and usually just nurse one drink – given my 2 situations above I now make it a point of paying w/ the exact $ or at least with the smallest denomination possible (e.g. a $10-bill for a $6 beer; etc).

avatar for joker44
4 yrs ago

Not an excuse, just another possible explanation: Most customers haven't been tipping her; she expects the same from you.

Know that was true at several local clubs. DJ would suggest tipping 'your hardworking server' several times during the evening.

avatar for joker44
4 yrs ago

Been trying to recall waitress ripoffs. I'm certain it happened in non-local clubs; just can't remember any glaring example.

In two local clubs none that I can recall, dancers?...yes, definetly; servers? ...no.

Semi-regular at two locals...tipped regularly [not BIG tips but regularly]. Reaped benefits other fast, attentive service. Ran errands including searching for dancer in dressing room. Not pressing repeatedly the "Buy your dancer a drink?" Knew the dancer would be tipped for VIP and she would have a steady tip income throughout the evening.

avatar for wallanon
4 yrs ago

I had a waitress give herself a ten dollar tip the other day. It's possible she was working her way around to give me the change, but I was trying to get out the door before turning away any more dancers so I just shrugged it off.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

My experience is not related to buying drinks, but turning in singles at work. Pretty much the same theme though.

I was working at DD in Daytona Beach with a waitress/bartender I got along with fairly well every time we worked together over the span of half a year. One night I was counting all the excess 1s I had and gave them to her to turn into large bills. I tell her that I counted $80. Soon she comes back and says that it's only $70. Generally... I've never miscounted money in my life because I triple-check and stack them in piles of 20 bills, so what she said confused me but I let it slide figuring I must have rushed my count or whatever my sorry excuse was. She gives me $70 back and I go about my night.

One week later, another night where I have a lot of 1s. Same method of counting I've always had. Count three times, separate in stacks of 20 bills, turn them in. I tell the bartender how much it is ($145), she counts, then comes back and yet again tells me that my count is short... by 15. At this point, I'm like WTF cause there is no way I've miscounted twice. I worked with 2 other bartenders at this club and this was the only bartender that claimed I was miscounting. So she sees my frustration and she swears that she'll quad-count, and if it turns out she's wrong then she'll pay me back the other 15. So I went on about my business with only $130.

Fast forward to a month later (because I took a small break from the commute), I go back to work and find out that that bartender got fired. She was caught stealing money out of the cash register and from other dancers - pocketing some money when counting their singles. It all made sense then and there. This is the only ROB waitress/bartender I've worked with, but since that happened, I've always felt way better turning in my singles to the manager rather than someone behind the bar.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

My waitress was a ROB in the full word sense and not the acronym.

avatar for minnow
4 yrs ago

Back in 2006,at Sugars- Austin (now P10), I handed a waitress a $50 bill for my drink. A few minutes later, she brought me me drink, but with only change for a 20. When I asked her about change for the 50, she replied that I only handed her a 20. Well, that's partly on me for not verbalizing something about the $50 bill when I handed it to her ("you do have change for a 50, don't you"?). Still that rankled me. A few minutes later, I spot a host/manager guy, and tell him my story, pointing out the waitress and the distant cash register I saw her go to. He nodded saying he'd look into it. Shortly afterward, he returned and handed me $50 without comment. Of course I turned right around and spent that and then some on dancers. A reversal of bad mojo can be sweet, and it does sometimes pay to speak up.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

This is one of the reasons it pays to be a regular. Some friends and I had a $400 issue with a waitress. Management took our side and she was fired.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago


Haven't you heard of "fool me once ..." - for me anything more than $20 the count needs to be verified in real-time in front me of me - strip-clubs are def not the place to rely on the "honor system" especially when there's significant $$$ or lots of bills to count.

@Eve's bartender story jogged my PL-memory with an additional ROB incident I had back in late 2018 @ Gold Diggers Houston - per my review of that club:

[NOTE: the bargirl is a ROB - me not being much of a stage-tipper I usually don't get singles and if I do it's maybe a $20 and I usually don't bother counting it as long as it feels about right in my hand - but since I was getting $40 in singles I figured it was easier for her to make a mistake, and she also did not bother to count it out in front of me - anyway I decided to double-check and sure-enough she had given me $35 - one or two dollars can be a mistake, but $5 seems on purpose - I told her about the 5 missing singles and she recounted them and then put them in a money-counter-machine that she has on the bar-top and sure-enough it was short by 5, giving more credence to her short-changing me on purpose b/c she has a counting-machine she can use to double-check which IMO she should be doing anyway since she has the counting-machine right next to her on the bar-top where both her and the custy can see the count - she acted "surprised" at the missing 5-singles and apologized and gave them to me - about an hour later I went back for more singles, this time it was $20 - this time she put the stack into the machine (probably b/c she knew I would check again) and "incredibly" the stack she put in was also short by 5 which she then added the missing-singles and gave me the full 20 - I got the sense she has stacks pre-sorted to be short by 5 or something b/c both times it was short by exactly 5 - word to the wise; check yo change]

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

^ She counted in front of me after she'd proclaim that I miscounted, but not right after I handed the singles to her. She'd walk somewhere near the register with her back turned so I didn't see anything (or question anything since we worked together for a while and we always enjoyed talking to each other, plus she'd help me score some custies on occasion), so that was probably when she snuck some money out of the stack so it would look like she was right when she finally did count it in front of me. This was about 4 years ago, so I wasn't quite a newbie dancer anymore but I definitely wasn't a veteran in the strip club business yet... Nor did I learn yet to stop being too nice.

avatar for sinclair
4 yrs ago

Papi, the club probably has been doing that forever and making a good cut off the PL's. Likely 98% of guys will not bother to count out the singles. For the 2% of guys that catch the club shorting them, they just play dumb and act like it was a mistake.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ in my case I got the sense this was just the bartender chick running her solo-hustle vs a club-sanctioned thing (which is usually the case)

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago


I was just busting your balls a bit - inexperienced dancers get taken similar to inexperienced custies - I mainly wanted to piggy-back on your comment/experience that one should be in control of the $$$ being counted whenever possible - in my case as a custy, when I get a significant amount of change I stay put and count it right there (e.g. if I go to the bar to get change I'll count it right there rather than going back to my seat and counting it there - and why I usually prefer to go to the bar to get change rather than give it to a waitress where she may just give me the change and bail b/f I have a chance to count it - having said this I usually don't break bills into singles that often in clubs and if I do is at most $20 and I'll likely just give it to the waitress to break it for me since it's more convenient) - in the case where I may be giving someone a significant amount of $$$, I make sure I do the counting as I hand it to them (although I understand that strip-club bizarro-world often doesn't operate like the real world).

w.r.t. @minnow's experience, I try to avoid paying w/ $50 (or $100) bills whenever possible - and if I do I make sure to mention it to the person that I'm paying w/ a $50 bill whether it's a strip-club or not - the person may not be paying attention and think it's a $20, or they may take the opportunity to say you paid w/ a $20 when they know you paid w/ a $50.

avatar for DeclineToState
4 yrs ago

That shit has happened to me twice.

First was at Bare Elegance LA. Gave the counter guy $50 bill to get singles for stage tipping. He gave me stack of singles and I counted them in front of him - $40. He then said "oh, my bad" and gave me $10 more and smirked it off. Ya right your bad, fuck you tool.

Second was at a TL club in SF. I ordered a whiskey and a beer, had only $100s and gave her one she said I'll be right back with your change. In the meantime, my CF I was there to see approached and we got to talking and then proceeded to a room. After club closed at 2AM I was walking to my car parked blocks away and remembered the waitress didn't bring change and by then it was too late and never saw that waitress at club again.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

w.r.t. large-bills - my bank is Wells Fargo and I have many branches in my city - unbeknownst to me one particular branch would automatically give you a mix of $20 and $50s if you wanted more than a certain amount I think past $100 or maybe past $200; it wouldn't even ask you what denominations you wanted nor tell you, just spit out a mix of $20s and $50s - I didn't know this branch did this and thus one nightshift visit I stop by this particular branch b/c it was nearby to where I was driving - I get my $$$ and thought it was all $20s (the other branches would ask you if you wanted $50s or a mix but if it didn't ask it would give all $20s) - I was running late and didn't count the $$$ when I got it from the ATM plus it was nighttime and I didn't wanna be hanging there more than needed - I get to the club and after 20-minutes or so get my first dances ($25 per) - I go back to main-room and I'm reorganizing my $$$ and I see I have $$$ missing (not as many $20s as I thought I should have) - I count and recount and that is when I noticed I had some $50s in the stack and why I didn't have as many $20s as I thought I should have - what ended up happening is that part of the payment for the dances I paid with a $50 bill when I thought I was giving her a $20 - I don't recall now exactly how much I lost in this unforced-error but I did lose mula (don't recall how many dances I got nor how many $50s I used instead of $20s but I did use some by mistake).

This was about 3 or 4 years ago - I was pissed and sent an email to the bank to complain that the ATM should ask what denomination a customer wants vs just automatically spiting out a mix with large bills a customer may not want - I got a reply saying that branch had high volume and why they did it that way (give a mix of $20s and $50s automatically w/o giving the customer a choice) - in my mind I thought that was a BS reason especially since the branch has 4 different outside ATMs (3 walk-up; 1 drive-up) - but it was what it was - I think they no longer do this and do like the other branches where they ask you if you want $20s or $50s or a mix.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

^ I've never tested that theory at their ATMs. If I have to withdraw more than $100, I'm asking the teller inside or through the drive-thru service because I always feel anxious getting a lot of money while I'm standing out in the open, even if I'm the only person out there wanting to use the ATM.

Every time I've ask a teller for a large withdrawal, they'll ask me how I want it split up. Same thing when I've asked for foreign currency. I guess it's not that convenient if you just want to get in-and-out or don't want to talk to anyone, but it beats getting randomized big bills from the machine.

avatar for NAAAASTY
4 yrs ago

Two incidences. Years ago I gave a 20 for an 8 dollar drink for a buddy who then disappeared (the waitress not the buddy obviously) Was coming back from a stage tip when she came by our table and ordered another drink for him. Quick encounter, didn't catch her name and barely saw her face. I've always given people the benefit of the doubt but after 10 minutes, knew. Funny, I've never been scammed by a dancer. Annoyed, lame dances, told her dances more expensive but never directly scammed.

Second time, I don't think it was intentional and ended up being resolved. Another club with a few waitresses I knew and tipped well plenty before. I give waitress A a 20 for 5 dollar drinks. This one I know, this one I see, this one can juggle multiple tables and always gets my correct change. No problem... that is until she sits with another table, not a quickie socialization hello and get their drink but a pull up a chair sit down sitting. So I send waitress B to ask waitress A what's going on. Waitress B gets my change and A's tip plus some. Waitress A afterwards apologizes, tells me her story, and we joke about it. If I had nothing maybe A returns or she doesn't. Would like to believe she still does, but doesn't matter, situation resolved. No harm,no foul.


avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

"... If I have to withdraw more than $100, I'm asking the teller inside or through the drive-thru service because I always feel anxious getting a lot of money while I'm standing out in the open ..."

Understandable - I too often have my head on swivel when taking $$$ from the ATM - where I live is very densely populated and seems there is always a line/wait for the inside tellers or drive-through and it often seems the people that use the inside tellers have some kinda complex transaction going on that often takes longer than one would assume a transaction would take (at least that's the case down here in my Miami hood) - thus I avoid having to go thru a human teller unless it's something specific (e.g. getting smaller than $20 denominations, etc) - I don't have the virtue of patience even less so when the T&A is calling.

I also tend to often club on the spur of the moment; and if it's a nightshift visit then I don't have much choice but to use an outside ATM to get some funds as I don't keep $$$ in the house.

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