OTC girl regales me with stories of her ITC virtue

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
The other night a dancer regaled me with various stories illustrating her virtue ITC. These included discussions of bad acts committed by OTHER girls as well as the need to fend off a plethora of unwanted advances and requests ITC from guys who did not respect her boundaries. She clearly wanted me to understand that she's a good girl who doesn't give it up ITC.

Now we've all heard these tales countless times, right? What made this so amusing is that I've already taken her OTC a few times and she certainly had no boundaries then. In fact, she was telling me these stories while we were OTC - pre-gaming at another club no less before moving on to my hotel for yet another round of unrestrained action.

This is yet another of numerous experiences I've had with low volume OTC girls who certainly do not view themselves, nor wish to be viewed by others as, prostitutes. All one can do in these situations is make affirmative noises and statements, in this instance also mingled in with "genuine" expressions of disgust towards those dudes who just can't respect her boundaries ITC. She is fine with fucking and sucking me, a guy twice her age, like a champ and then taking money on the dresser as a thank you, but only if she believes that I believe that she is not a whore.

Oh the irony... 😉


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avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
We know what she believes, what do you believe?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
25, I believe that she believes that she is not a prostitute. 😉

As far as the full scope of her activities, I honestly have no idea. But given that she is available to me almost whenever I want her and that it took some time to coax her into an OTC arrangement in the first place, I am certain that she is not a high volume girl.

Finding girls like this is exactly why I pursue OTC almost exclusively in non-extras clubs. The downsides are that: (1) they are a lot more work to initially develop; and (2) I need to always have a few in the development pipeline as these types of girls often don't last too long before either I get bored or they leave the biz altogether in favor of a vanilla life.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Take it as a compliment. What she's saying is she has standards and that she feels safe with you.

Whether that's true is for you to believe or not.

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Rick my opinion is simple this is a gal with daddy issues you prolly are ticking that box in her mind, she is unquestionably a lost child and taking money from older men is how she self medicates like you said she will not be a long timer but I think she is more likely to crash and burn than to get a vanilla lifestyle
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
so if you had to pick one, which did you enjoy more: the chase of this OTC encounter or whatever she did to get you off?
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
A friend's old roommate said she wasn't a slut because she never banged multiple guys in a single day.

I say, if you have to create arbitrary definitions of why you're not a prostitute, then you are a prostitute.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
@25: For sure on the Daddy issue front. And my sometimes harsh northeastern accent just seems to further feed this in these Southern girls who deep down want to be treated like the bad little girls that they are.

But as far as crash and burn, I've seen every flavor of disentanglement over the years and you'd be surprised at how many of these girls ultimately just leave the business. This one strikes me as a girl who is short for the strip club world. I don't think that she has a stable of older men paying her right now given everything I've seen, which I posted above.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Rick not to give you a shot, just be realistic she’s getting paid by more guys than you think
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
@rat: They are intertwined. I enjoy the fun with her more precisely because she was so hard to catch in the first place.

@Tetradon: Why do we need a label? Why can't she simply be a girl who, after much coaxing, finally decided to accept money to go OTC in order to better provide for her children?

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
@25: I'm under no illusion that I'm the only one. But the chick is working 5-6 night per week and is ready to go OTC almost whenever I want, which tells me that her dance card is hardly packed.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
It tells me that the clubs may be busy, but the spenders aren't out in full force, and the pandemic is having a much larger effect than you think.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
Maybe what she is trying to say is that she isn’t comfortable giving it up to every Tom, Dick and Harry Dick who wants to fuck her, even though she may be comfortable much of the time. Or maybe it’s just her way of trying to rationalize life. Who knows.

I admit that I’ve often tried to interpret what I’m hearing from a gal when her comments are a bit puzzling. But over the years, I’ve found it easier to just not draw conclusions. I don’t mean that as a critique of the OP or even anything I hear from a gal. I’ve just found that I’m better off when I’ve used up less of my limited brain capacity trying to believe or disbelieve things when I’ll never have enough information to verify what I’m hearing and when the correct interpretation doesn’t matter.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
It’s a very easy formula^^^^. Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see, and use that as your guide throughout life.
avatar for ATACdawg
4 years ago
"It’s a very easy formula^^^^. Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see, and use that as your guide throughout life."

.....and 100% of what you feel....
avatar for PutaTester
4 years ago
You got laid. She got paid. Why complicate it?
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
"It’s a very easy formula^^^^. Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see, and use that as your guide throughout life."

.....and 100% of what you feel....

and the feeling is not coming from your dick or your heart but rather from your head and built in radar detector.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
—>”@25: I'm under no illusion that I'm the only one. But the chick is working 5-6 night per week and is ready to go OTC almost whenever I want, “

Work 5-6 days a week? At the *same* club? Jeez, no wonder she’s on her way to quitting the industry. That’s a set up for major burn out.
(Yes I know there exists dancers who are the exceptions, but they are exceptions for a reason)
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "You got laid. She got paid. Why complicate it?"

Because I steer clear of the high volume girls. If I think she is one of them I generally don't partake.

What I don't know about her could full volumes. But what I do know is that she works a lot of nights in a non-extras club, she is widely available for me and she cannot do much of this before she goes to the club due to daytime child care responsibilities. Now is she going OTC with anyone else? Potentially, but at least I have a firm basis to believe that I'm not hitting something that has 5+ other dicks stuck in her on the same day.

Funny enough, once I've gone through the work of developing a girl who is initially reluctant, sometimes she changes once I've taken her out a few times and she figures out how easy the money is. When they start becoming tougher to schedule with and/or I see them leaving around the same time as other customers, that is often a sign that they've dramatically expanded their pool of lucky participants. When that happens, I move on.
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
Isnt she just trying to justify her 'worth' a bit more? Nothing wrong with it. Seems like her sales pitch and/or she doesnt understand why guys take girls who do ITC OTC.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
4 years ago

Pics or it didn’t happen.

avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I just have a problem that the world prostitute has a such negative connotation. Capitalism pure and simple. Both parties trade things that the other wants and both leave happy/better off.
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
A hooker goes with anyone who pays her. Nothing to brag about being with one
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