COVID worry
Anyone else get paranoid about COVID after clubbing?
I went to a regular bar with a drinking buddy in NJ Friday night. By 11pm one 10’X10’ corner of the bar was really packed with about 20 young men and women (21-25 yo) drinking, dancing and generally having a good time - no masks at all.
I drank more than I had in a while and my hangover and rough-up voice (from talking loud over the music) got me thinking I might have the early stages of COVID. By Sunday I felt fine. I didn’t get that paranoia after my visits to a couple strip clubs, probably cause I don’t drink much there and don’t have a hangover.
I went to a regular bar with a drinking buddy in NJ Friday night. By 11pm one 10’X10’ corner of the bar was really packed with about 20 young men and women (21-25 yo) drinking, dancing and generally having a good time - no masks at all.
I drank more than I had in a while and my hangover and rough-up voice (from talking loud over the music) got me thinking I might have the early stages of COVID. By Sunday I felt fine. I didn’t get that paranoia after my visits to a couple strip clubs, probably cause I don’t drink much there and don’t have a hangover.
I was thinking "wtf? are you sick?" I didn't say anything though.
Any PL going to the club just has to accept they will be exposed.
If you've thought through what you'd plan to do if you get sick, that should help.
Covid-19 is real and it might kill you. And pigs might fly someday too. The media is responsible for needlessly scaring the shit out of people. Be thankful you are in the States because in a lot of places you are in more danger from your neighbors if they even think you have Covid-19 than from the disease itself.
Seriously, if you’re worried take precautions equal to your level of concern. Remember that symptoms won’t normally show up until about 5 days after exposure. That knowledge alone should relieve you of some of the paranoia. Start keeping a daily journal of where you go and what you do every day. It doesn’t have to be detailed but it will help back track if necessary and give you something to do to make you think you are in control.
And this is important. Get yourself a digital thermometer and take your temp in the morning and in the evening. That will usually be your first indicator (a temp above 100).
If you do get it, DON’T PANIC! You are NOT going to die! And if I’m wrong, then you fucked up. You trusted me. lol
Stay healthy all…
I doubt that we'll go back to the kind of lockdown that we had in March. That's a strawman being used to support fringe science like the Barrington Declaration.
Going into a crowded indoor club where nobody is wearing masks is a good way to get infected. The OP's not past the incubation period and, while it's unlikely, he may be an asymptomatic carrier.
It's easy enough to go online, using your age general health condition, to get some idea of the risk you're taking of outright dying from Covid. Then you might want to consider that the long-term risk to your heart and lungs is not well understood. It's your skin -- so do a risk-vs-reward calculation. Ask you doctor.
After that, if your not single, consider the risk you might be taking of spreading the disease to your wife and family at home. Do you visit your grandparents or do they live you at home? Are you making a decision that affects other people in your life?
I'm married and wouldn't think of going into crowded club like that, but I might have a different attitude if I were single.
For me, its a manageable risk. Do the basic stuff like wash hands frequently & avoid face/eye/mouth contact, wear a mask when its feasible, etc. No need to stop living, but not going to just act like its not a thing either.
Consider this me typing that awkward pause...
The visual is just too much for me to get past.
No point in going to SCs or bars and be "freaking out" - IMO either go and enjoy yourself and accept the much higher risk, or don't go and be more at peace.
And not sucking on her boobs will not necessarily make it "more safe" - a dancer interacts w/ dozens of custies in a shift and probably hundreds in a week, so the chances are high that she'll get exposed from those hundreds of interactions and then pass it on to you by just talking at your table - but there's also a good chance she may have already had it and thus not be a carrier.
I would feel worse if I passed corona to elderly relatives after a strip club trip. I know it is the same result - if I got the virus at a Home Depot. But mongering seems like its best left on the sidelines for awhile.
Of course I'm sorry about your mother and sibling. But I'd like to point out that I'm the first one in this thread to say that you may be making decisions for other vulnerable people in your life. You, know, the post where you called me "a pompous, useless, asshole" out of nowhere. This illustrates the choice you make when you attend a super-spreader event like the one described by the OP.
Since you were ranting about government healthcare in another thread, it would be interesting to know if your mother and sibling are supported by Medicaire. Or maybe you're a billionaire paying their entire medical costs.
What a nutcase.
There's greater risk of being killed in a car wreck on the way to or from the club, and that's never stopped me from going.
They are my family so I go out of my way to protect them, as I would expect anyone else would do for theirs. I expect no one else on earth to change their behavior to save them, especially the vermin in Washington. They are lucky to have someone like me as a relative, rather than a cheap, pompous asshole, such as you, who expects everyone else to adjust to them.
I didn't say she didn't earn her Medicare coverage, now did I? It's a system that protects the elderly from financial ruin from catastrophic medical costs and dying in poverty. Do you think the elderly would be able to find private insurance, at an affordable cost, without government intervention? Medicare will protect your aging ass and that of your wife as you both drift into your dotage, which is coming pretty soon.
Absolute bullshit. The elderly would not be able to buy insurance at any cost. Under the pre-ACA system 50 million people could not buy insurance at any cost and thats for the under 65 crowd. You should thank your aging ass for Medicare.
There's always the thread about buttplugs if this isn't of interest.
You have the honor of having nearly the only thread deleted by Founder: when you started a thread stating that the death of Nina's relatives was a silver lining of the pandemic.
And I did see the thread recently where you complained that four of us were ruining your experience on the board. Another thread deleted by Founder.
And all the other threads where you race-baiting other members.
If you have me on ignore, then stop being obsessed with my posts.