Strippers and politics.
Atlanta suburb
It's probably not a good idea to discuss politics with strippers or any one else that you do business with. That said if politics does come up in a conversation with a stripper, if she favors the party and candidates that you oppose, is it a deal breaker? Will you turn down a 10 offering FS for a great price?
Would you fuck a 4 just because she agrees with your politics?
Would you fuck a 4 just because she agrees with your politics?
If a dancer is really hot - and she talks a lot - it can lead to her revealing her political views. In many cases, those views are formed using stripper logic, and they confirm she’s a loon.
Regardless of a dancer’s political views - I would enjoy fucking her. I have learned to compartmentalize feelings - and sexual desire doesn’t interfere with politics. I have my priorities properly aligned - and pussy tops the list. Politics is down several notches from pussy.
Why would I want to do THAT?
Whatever, I've given Bernie lovers (civvies) screaming orgasms.
To answer your questions, no to all.
And no that doesn't mean manipulating my views and agreeing with hers.
Having a permanent relationship with a girl like a wife, that's a little different. I don't think I would marry a girl from the Left side.
I’m sure he does, and he hates them all, whatever they are.
Nobody's getting fucked because political talk makes my pussy dryer than the Sahara, which does not come in handy in a club environment.
I know 2 who support Trump but theyre always fucked up on mushrooms Molly coke or whatever they get their hands on.
1. Remember it’s hard to gauge where people stand because in some parts of this country if you don’t tow the lefty group think company line, you are then dragged out of your car and have the living daylights beat out of you.
2. It’s good judge of moral character and IQ. It would be EXTREMELY COWARDLY to throw our country under the bus like so many love to do. It’s just so pathetic to me. They just are either not educated, malicious in intent or just too dumb to ever figure it out. It’s tough to beat out my dick in the decision making process but all things being equal of course I’m gonna try to avoid a progressive race baiting shit bird.
Wow, considering Icey has posted previously about liking to feed dancers drugs...
( )
And he’s implying dancers who support Trump have bad drug problems, unlike Bernie supporters...
Icey, by his own logic, like trump supporter dancers. 😁
To first-order, agree with @Warrior that political orientation doesn't matter for something like one-night OTC and matters enormously for a spouse. A long-term SB is somewhere in between and it does matter, at least a little. For example, I'm not going to have anything to do with someone involved with QAnon and conspiracy theories.
Young people in their 20s rarely have well-defined political views. They're usually too busy in school or carving out a career to care, read, or understand the significance. That comes later in life. For sugaring, I've found that SB political views are half-formed (at best) and reflect the views of their parents. Good parenting makes for thoughtful kids.
If I was looking for a relationship with her then I would obviously care about what she thinks, but not in a business relationship. I don't care about the fact that my butcher has a Biden flag in his window because he has the best pieces of meat in town and that is the way I look at strippers.
Most people know politics is a hot-topic button with very differing viewpoints – like most, I don’t care about a dancer’s politics and w/ rare-exception her personal life/viewpoints are of no consideration w.r.t. our SC "business relationship" (it's her life and her opinions and she's entitled to them) – if she brings up politics I’ll just smile and not say anything as a way to let her know I’m not interested in engaging and that usually suffices (or I'll just let her know I don't like talking politics when I go to the club) – but if she insists on “sharing her political views” it is a boner-killer and I’ll probably move on and stop dealing w/ her.
I learned early-on in my PL-career that my conservative views don’t jive with many of the dancers and why I avoid getting into any potentially controversial/heavy convos w/ them politics or not – I also hit black-dives mostly and young black dancers and I will see things eye-to-eye even less – I recall a late-20s yellowbone I would get dances from almost ever time I hit her club and her once a couple of years ago wanting to talk about an incident of a blackman getting shot – needless to say we didn’t see eye-to-eye and it made for an uncomfortable short discussion – but we both recognized that was not the time or the place to discuss that and we both dropped it in short-order and did our thing as usual (I guess she thought b/c of my affinity for black-booty that I’d see things from her POV).
I just don't like far left fuckery like that which is Portland. I had zero issues with the liberals in downtown Minneapolis and they don't act like Portlanders at all ime. Fuck Portland.
This reminds me of some of the stupid shit folks do -…
“My way of protesting is more avant-guarde than yours! I’m so creative and relevant and stuff!”
Denver fuckery over politics:
“I’m going to riot downtown and put BLM signs all over town. But I would never actually want to mingle with gross brown and black skinned people and thank goodness they mostly hang out in yucky parts of town away from me!”
Idk Minneapolis well enough to make fun of them. 😝
“I most likely grew up in the suburbs of Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, or San Antonio” I hated the bland area where I came from, so I’m going to re-invent myself as a hip progressive intellectual in this place where I don’t have to go *too* far from home. I’ll be so obnoxious with it, that people will think I’m a Cali transplant! And I’ll go even further with the shtick than the actual Californians would. But meanwhile, instead of driving a Prius, still going to drive my oversized truck or SUV on all these parking space that is WAY to small to accommodate large vehicles.