" . . . I got stabbed here. Would consider going back."

Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
Among other funny club 'reviews' here: https://twitter.com/strip_reviews
I know we get some bad submissions sometimes, but I got a laugh from some of these.
last commentTypical Jags lol.
Got stabbed, might go back
Damn, blablabla must be Fucking HOT 🔥
"they wont allow people to smoke heroin in the dressing room but they don't want to allow people to smoke medical marijuana"
Haha, I feel like somebody borrowed it from elsewhere: https://ifunny.co/picture/i-got-stabbed-here-the-food-was-fresh-and-drinks-P0Nm37Ey3
Omg this KoD review 😂 https://mobile.twitter.com/strip_reviews/status/1299801816583020546
^ He'll try anything once.
Yelp and Google reviews of clubs can be highly entertaining as well.
This one sticks out when I did a bunch of research of FL clubs. Wackos from Yelp:
You want to spend no more than 9 dollars and feel the fresh c-section scar of a 38 year old Cuban immigrant dime piece? Look no further. Wackos is it. The best over the pants hj Jacksonville has to offer. The 1 am buffet left overs aren't half bad either. The real party starts in the parking lot when wackos closes. My man Chris won 5 hundo cash on an organized pit bull fight right outside. You know me I had to drop the top on these hoes. About 5 Dominican mamis hopped in the coupe and we took the party to Wawa afterwards. Would I go to wackos again? 100%
If you let a little thing like a stabbing keep you from a strip-club then you're not a real man
I like the one that says, "Best place in the lower 48." As if Alaska and Hawaii are the hottest SC states in the country.
Let’s think about the quality of the dancers at the club being reviewed. The girls must all be 10+ on the scale - to make a guy want to return after a stabbing!
A long time ago - when I was in my 20’s - I had gotten some stitches removed from my back. The bandage covering the wound leaked through my shirt - so I had a small blood stain - but I didn’t discover it until many hours later.
I had gone clubbing later that evening. I hit up two seedy clubs in the Newark area. I’m chatting with a dancer at the bar - and her dealer stops over to hand her a bag of coke.
When I got back home after the night I was thinking how does a guy in a blood stained shirt not raise any red flags in a club?
I think it is fully dependent on the club and location -
^ Maybe they just figured a girl started her period in the middle of a 'dance' you bought.
Good point Eve. It’s probably happened before in clubs.
Tropical Lei, Yelp:
After basically being pressured into a lap dance the drunk whino then started to do her dance which was swaying my overall opinion of the place due to the curves she had, but just when I was thinking "well this isn't so bad" she bends over to put her legs on the sides of my head and their I saw what no man in no sexual situation wants to see.... a smear of shit on her ass cheek with a dingleberry hugging the thong followed by the stench of level 3 ass. I got up almost throwing her face first into the ground saying I had to leave, it was an emergency. I was so disgusted I threw up in the parking lot and couldn't forget the smell. I'm going tommorow to get checked for pinkeye cause I feel an itch coming on. Please go elsewhere.
Useful 10
Funny 82
Cool 4
^ I picked the wrong-time to read that post, I just literally finished dinner less than 5-minutes ago
And I just left iHOP. I bet Pistola legit planned to share that right at dinner time.
^Thought didn’t cross my mind, but ‘Lulz’ that you think I would think like that.
Oops the jig is up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Level 3 Ass