OT: PLs (Pet Lovers) Of TUSCL.

Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
Tell me all about your loyal bitches, your pretty pussies, (if you have farm animals) your big cocks, or whether you or your pig is the bigger pig.
Tell me all about your loyal bitches, your pretty pussies, (if you have farm animals) your big cocks, or whether you or your pig is the bigger pig.
last commentDogs are the best animal fight me
During my 78 years I have had many of both. I have always preferred cats. My last one was named Shadow. He was house broken and used a pet door to go out and do his thing. He also used that door to bring me lots of presents. He went missing when he was 18 years old. I have not wanted to replace him because I don't wanted the responsibility and the concern of what happens when I pass on.
Now I am content with raising tropical fish. Mainly guppies.
I have a dog. He adopted me a little over 3 years ago. He is very food and critter motivated. He’s not really into playing with toys. People who meet him are amazed at how calm he is and how rare it is for him to bark. He also is quite the attention whore and loves meeting new people (including children) As for fellow doggie...eeh that’s hit or miss.
I prefer dogs. I don't know of any other species, including humans, that will give you undivided loyalty.
After having dogs my whole life and enjoying their loyalty and affection of them both to me and my children I now enjoy the affection of other persons pets and the lack of responsibility that comes with the territory I enjoy playing with your dogs, and allowing you to be home to feed and walk them
my family had MANY pets. fish. dogs. cats. gerbil. even a skunk. a donkey. and horse.
now that i’m divorced and all my children are grown up (with children and pets of their own) i have NONE.
I like dogs, but love cats. I have a way with pussy.
I have always had dogs. The occasional cat along the way, but a dog is a reliable friend. They are just happy to be with you no matter if you are rich or poor, sad or happy.
I've got two cats (no, they're not the cats in my avatar/banner) that I've had since they were kittens.
Oldest is a 5 year old tuxedo. Complete scaredy cat towards people but a gentle giant towards other cats. Mostly chill and reserved. Not very animated unless other cat agitates him to play. He just had dental surgery 4 days ago, so he's been much more affectionate than normal cause of pain meds.
Youngest is 4 years old and is often mistaken for a small bengal. He could pass as one because he's got the energy of a building full of lit fireworks. He absolutely loves people and is the attention whore of the pair. Will follow you everywhere if he likes you. Probably thinks he's the king of the household.
Grew up with cats. Currently have a dog and thinking of adding a feline. Both are great, reliable, and/or entertaining.
I’d be honored to play with your pussies Eve 😀😀
Not big on cats, I think I'm slightly allergic to cat hair. Always been a dog around except for the several years after leaving home and before future wife. She's a pet person, so I've endured, liked, begrudged, tolerated, and loved dogs, cats, ferrets, turtles, gerbles. And she feeds crows, so more are around than if she didn't.
TL;DR: GammaNu loves animals, and has had canines, felines, mustelids, amphibians, and fish. My family, until the day I moved out, had three dogs (no more than 2 at a time), two cats (one at a time), dozens of fish, and a bullfrog. In my first apartment I raised ferrets (3).
I have two dogs now, both rescues with bull terrier mixed. The first and eldest is female, the newer and younger is male. They've been a lot of work, a lot of money, and not every day is a good day; but, there is no comparable level of unconditional love and companionship than that of a loyal pet. Our third dog and first cat stand out as remarkable animals. The cat showed up at our back door as a kitten. We found the owners who told us to keep him. He grew up to be a giant orange tabby-not fat, but a lot of muscle on a BIG frame. The few times he did sneak out, he beat the crap out of every other tom he found. Our neighbor's tom had to get stitches "What? No, he's an indoor cat. He wasn't out last night." (Bullshit). He was like a dog. The doorbell rang, and he would come to the door to check it out and pick a lap to sit in with visitors. He was a truly great cat. After nearly 20 years, he just stopped eating and paased away quietly. The dog was a Yellow Lab. My dad's colleague was moving into a condo and could not take their purebred with them. We took him and upgraded him from 10 hours or more in a crate and gave him a 1 acre lot with trees, bushes, a garden, and tons of squirrels and rabbits to chase. In return, he taught himself to bring in the paper (even the Sunday Tribune!), greet the mailman and bring in the mail, and carry any tools or pruned branches we needed him to. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer around age 11, and was put down after it ruptured about a year later.
I like all animals (except snakes) but cats are my favorite. Dogs are more affectionate, but cats are fun to watch and require much less maintenance, I currently have one cat that I rescued from a casino parking lot about 5 years ago.
My main bitch is a black chihuahua. 8 pounds of spoiled
Grew up on a farm. We had two dogs that stayed outside all the time. Several cats, all stayed outside. Chickens, where we collected eggs each day. We had some pigs one year. They were a royal stinking mess. But many cattle. Registered Herefords. Several hundred of them. We would sell off the calves each year. Keep one for ourselves. A few horses so I grew up being able to ride a horse whenever I wanted to.
For you dog lovers. Do you know how to break him from humping your leg?
Pick him up and suck his dick.
I’ve got a dog. I’ve been a dog person my whole life. Other pets are more self sufficient - but the interaction with a dog is priceless.
I’m divorced - and my wife got the girls and I got the dog. It’s all good - as we are still close - and they still enjoy spending time with the family dog.
@shadowcat: No, thanks, he follows me around too much as it is. (Credit to Ron White)