OT: Marxism as the religion of the left

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From an article forwarded to me by a fellow TUSCLer:

"... to Marxists, there is no such thing as a universal good or a universal evil. Those of us still in thrall to Judeo-Christian morality believe that good and evil are universal. In other words, whether an act is good or evil has nothing to do with who committed the act — rich or poor, male or female, religious or secular, member of one’s nation or of another nation. Stealing and murder are morally wrong, no matter who stole or who murdered ... That is not the case for Marx and the Left. In Marx’s words in “Capital” (“Das Kapital”): - “Right can never be higher than the economic structure of society and the cultural development thereby determined. We therefore reject every attempt to impose on us any moral dogma whatsoever as an eternal, ultimate and forever immutable moral law ..."

"... Fifty-three years later, Marx’s foremost disciple, Vladimir Lenin, architect of the Russian Revolution, proclaimed: - “We say that our morality is entirely subordinated to the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat. … We do not believe in an eternal morality. … We repudiate all morality derived from non-human (i.e., God) and non-class concepts” (Address to the Third Congress of the Russian Young Communist League, Oct. 2, 1920) ..."

"... As professor Wilfred Cantwell Smith, director of Harvard University’s Center for the Study of World Religions, wrote in 1957: “For Marxism there is no reason (literally no reason: our universe, the movement posits, is the kind of universe where there cannot conceivably be any reason) for not killing or torturing or exploiting a human person if his liquidation or torture or slave labor will advance the historical process.” ..."

"... This is how Marx’s ideological heirs, today’s leftists, view the world — with one important difference: Morality is not determined only by class, but by race, power and sex as well ... It is left-wing dogma that a black person cannot be a racist. Only whites can be racist. And, indeed, all whites are racist ..."

"... When a woman accuses a man of sexually harassing or raping her, the Left’s reaction is not, “Let us try to determine the truth as best we can.” It is, “Believe women.” One must automatically “believe women” because, on the Left, it is not only morality that doesn’t transcend race, power, class or sex; truth doesn’t either. That’s why leftists protest and riot whenever a confrontation between a police officer and a black person ends with the death of an unarmed black person. The police officer is automatically racist, and the death is automatically deemed murder. On the Left, the concept of objective truth is increasingly deemed a form of white supremacy ..."



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avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Sure. Let's follow Karl Marx. Russia has been such a wonderful place to live the past 50 years. Right ? ( where's that sarcasm button ? )
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I remember hearing Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray speaking on this. It's always one more body, one more murder to achieve a marxist utopia. People don't realize how many were slaughtered trying to realize this dream. Lets all get together and have these assholes shipped of Venezuela to hunt racoons for food.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
This should be an interesting thread. I was planning on starting a thread on the left's other religion - Global Warmism, but this directly addresses the open racism we see in this forum.

It deserves to run before I start to tear apart Global Warmism.
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
How the right wing convinces itself that liberals are evil. Good read, give it a click.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
Does the article mention killing babies?
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
^^^ You can find that in this link.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Richard_Head, just from seeing the title alone, it is clear that you are mistaken. If you don’t like killing babies, why do you support partial birth abortions?
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
Winex, I support a women's right to choose, as does the majority of Americans.

As for partial birth abortions, that's not a thing, that a made up term coined by anti-abortion fanatics like yourself to stigmatize all abortions.

avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Richard_Head, either your don't understand the meaning of the word "majority", or you have trouble understanding the way that numbers work.

Don't worry, I am here to help you in either case.

From https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictiona…

Definition of majority
1a: a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total

From your link to a Gallup poll, in the first chart, there are 3 groupings for respondents.

1) Legal under any circumstance
2) Illegal under any circumstance
3) Legal under certain circumstances

Further, questions later in the poll define what "certain circumstances" are. Specifically, they include:

1) The woman's life is in danger
2) The child would be born mentally disabled
3) The child would be born with a life threatening illness
4) The pregnancy was caused by rape or incest
5) The child would be born with Down's syndrome

All 5 items mentioned are extraordinary circumstances and are a minority of the some 1 million abortions performed annually in this country.

People who say they support a womans "right to choose" (an imaginary right - it is nowhere in the Constitution) fall in the category of people who support abortion under any circumstance - not just the 5 extraordinary circumstances mentioned above.

According to data in the poll that you linked to, 29% of people polled fall in this category as of May 2020.

29% is not a majority.

Even if you took the broader definition of support - a category which would include me because I do acknowledge that abortion in cases where the mothers life is in danger is acceptable, 50% support abortion (as of May 2020) under certain circumstances.

50% is also not a majority.

With that out of the way, looking at your other article, it seems that you have problems with the phrase "partial birth abortion" as opposed to dilation and extraction.

You are splitting hairs here.

Regardless of what you call the barbaric practice, you are killing a baby that could be born and live a happy and successful life. Waiting lists for people who want to adopt such babies are literally several years long, yet we as a society allow this legal murder.

avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
Talk about splitting hairs. 50% support legal abortion under any circumstances and 29% support legal abortion under under certain conditions, that comes out to 79% who support abortion in one form or another, that's a clear majority.

You didn't read that second link did you? From that link: ""'Partial-birth abortion' refers to a procedure known as dilation and extraction, or D&X, which involves attempting to remove the fetus intact through the cervix," explains Dr. Grossman. "The procedure is no longer legal unless medication is used to stop the fetal heartbeat first."

If you want to decrease abortions you should make contraception cheaper and more widely available. Outlawing abortion will only lead to illegal unregulated abortion clinics and coat hangers.

Lastly, I wish you cons were as concerned about these babies after they were born as you are before they are born.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
“Certain” and “any” are not synonyms.

Also, the word “majority” has a specific meaning.

I think that we are getting to the root of your problem. It’s illeiteracy. Though technically you cN pronounce words that you see on paper or screen, you have no idea what they mean.
avatar for ime
4 years ago
"If you want to decrease abortions you should make contraception cheaper and more widely available"

Come up with a better excuse than that which is lame one that you know is a lie.

144 condoms for $35 https://www.amazon.com/Condoms-Natural-D…
That is cheap. How about people take fucking responsibility for themselves. Fucking Leftist babies always want the government to do everything for them.
avatar for ime
4 years ago
Oh and I forgot they always want the government to do it for them with other people's money.
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
You are playing semantics, that is common with people who cannot back up their argument.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
The “kill the baby immediately before it is born and give the procedure a clinical name” is pretty disingenuous too.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Richard_Head, no, you are using the Marxist tactic of newspeak in an attempt to fool people.

Saying that people support abortion under any circumstance is very different from saying they support it under certain circumstances.

The first sentence implies an anything goes approach. (Note the root word “any”)

The second sentence implies limits. Those limits were further clarified in the poll as well as in my response to you.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
BTW, there is a category in that poll for people who support abortion under ANY circumstance. That category shows 29% support.

I suppose you think that I am splitting hairs when I tell you that 29% is not a majority.
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
More semantics, stop being such a tool.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
I would tell you to stop being an idiot, but we all know that you can’t.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
BTW, if you "think" that the words "certain" and "any" have identical meanings, why do you think the poll you linked to has separate categories that vary only by that single word?

When you say that a majority of Americans support abortion, are you adding the two categories together and "thinking" that 79% of Americans support abortion?
avatar for Clubber
4 years ago

A woman's right to chose? What about the father's rights? NO woman has ever gotten pregnant without a man involved!
So much for your stupid woman's right "thought"!
avatar for winex
4 years ago
@Clubber - what about the rights of the boy or girl that a woman wants to kill?
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
"thinking" that 79% of Americans support abortion"

i was also thinking the same. wouldn't that 29% already included in the 50% group? kinda like that 117% california voting turnout thing recently.
avatar for winex
4 years ago
If you were drawing a Venn diagram, then there would we overlap in the “any” and “certain” groups. People that are willing to kill babies without needing a reason certain support killing babies when there is a reason.

But there is no overlap in the categories in the poll.

That being said, it is not fair to label people who would support abortion only under certain circumstances as abortion supporters. These are people who realize that life is complex and sometimes circumstances require you to do something that you would rather not do.
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
Clubber, I would hope a woman would consult the father before having an abortion, but ultimately she’s the one carrying the baby, it should be her decision. What about in a case of rape or incest? Do you want those fathers to have a call in the decision too?
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Depends on the wording. Someone who supports abortion only in the case of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother, might be considered a supporter of legal abortion, though consider themselves pro-life.

I don't neatly fall into the pro-choice or pro-life bucket, which I guess makes me more pro-choice, but I don't see abortion illegalized in more than a few states anytime soon.
avatar for Richard_Head
4 years ago
@rattdog, look at the chart, it comes out to 100% (yes, I’m rounding up by 1%, no need to call that out too).
avatar for ime
4 years ago
" I would hope a woman would consult the father before having an abortion, but ultimately she’s the one carrying the baby, it should be her decision."

So I guess the father should have the option to financially support the baby or just be free to walk away, regardless of the mothers choice.
Dave Chappelle
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